3,746 research outputs found

    Resolving the Composite Fe K-alpha Emission Line in the Galactic Black Hole Cygnus X-1 with Chandra

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    We observed the Galactic black hole Cygnus X-1 with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer for 30 kiloseconds on 4 January, 2001. The source was in an intermediate state, with a flux that was approximately twice that commonly observed in its persistent low/hard state. Our best-fit model for the X-ray spectrum includes narrow Gaussian emission line (E = 6.415 +/- 0.007 keV, FWHM = 80 (+28, -19) eV, W = 16 (+3, -2) eV) and broad line (E = 5.82 (+0.06, -0.07) keV, FWHM = 1.9 (+0.5, -0.3) keV, W = 140 (+70, -40) eV) components, and a smeared edge at 7.3 +/- 0.2 keV (tau ~ 1.0). The broad line profile is not as strongly skewed as those observed in some Seyfert galaxies. We interpret these features in terms of an accretion disk with irradiation of the inner disk producing a broad Fe K-alpha emission line and edge, and irradiation of the outer disk producing a narrow Fe K-alpha emission line. The broad line is likely shaped predominantly by Doppler shifts and gravitational effects, and to a lesser degree by Compton scattering due to reflection. We discuss the underlying continuum X-ray spectrum and these line features in the context of diagnosing the accretion flow geometry in Cygnus X-1 and other Galactic black holes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Carbon isotope discrimination in leaves of the common paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia, as a tool for quantifying past tropical and subtropical rainfall

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    Quantitative reconstructions of terrestrial climate are highly sought after but rare, particularly in Australia. Carbon isotope discrimination in plant leaves (Δleaf) is an established indicator of past hydroclimate because the fractionation of carbon isotopes during photosynthesis is strongly influenced by water stress. Leaves of the evergreen tree Melaleuca quinquenervia have been recovered from the sediments of some perched lakes on North Stradbroke and Fraser Islands, south-east Queensland, eastern Australia. Here, we examine the potential for using M. quinquenervia ∆leaf as a tracer of past rainfall by analysing carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of modern leaves. We firstly assess Δleaf variation at the leaf and stand scale and find no systematic pattern within leaves or between leaves due to their position on the tree. We then examine the relationships between climate and Δleaf for an 11 year timeseries of leaves collected in a litter tray. M. quinquenervia retains its leaves for 1-4 years; thus cumulative average climate data are used. There is a significant relationship between annual mean ∆leaf and mean annual rainfall of the hydrological year for 1-4 years (i.e. 365-1460 days) prior to leaf fall (r2=0.64, p=0.003, n=11). This relationship is marginally improved by accounting for the effect of pCO2 on discrimination (r2=0.67, p=0.002, n=11). The correlation between rainfall and Δleaf, and the natural distribution of Melaleuca quinquenervia around wetlands of eastern Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia offers significant potential to infer past rainfall on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales

    Nitric oxide precursors and congenital heart surgery: A randomized controlled trial of oral citrulline

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    ObjectiveThe study sought to determine whether citrulline supplementation, a precursor to nitric oxide synthesis, is safe and efficacious in increasing plasma citrulline concentrations and decreasing the risk of postoperative pulmonary hypertension.Study DesignForty children, undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass and at risk for pulmonary hypertension, were randomized to receive 5 perioperative doses (1.9 g/m2 per dose) of either oral citrulline or placebo. Plasma citrulline and arginine concentrations were measured at 5 time points. Measurements of systemic blood pressure and presence of pulmonary hypertension were collected.ResultsMedian citrulline concentrations were significantly higher in the citrulline group versus the placebo group immediately postoperatively (36 μmol/L vs 26 μmol/L, P = .012) and at 12 hours postoperatively (37 μmol/L vs 20 μmol/L, P = .015). Mean plasma arginine concentrations were significantly higher in the citrulline group versus the placebo group by 12 hours postoperatively (36 μmol/L vs 23 μmol/L, P = .037). Mean systemic blood pressure did not differ between groups (P = .53). Postoperative pulmonary hypertension developed in 9 patients, 6 of 20 (30%) in the placebo group and 3 of 20 (15%) in the citrulline group (P = .451), all of whom had plasma citrulline concentrations less than age-specific norms. Postoperative pulmonary hypertension did not develop in patients who demonstrated plasma citrulline concentrations in excess of 37 μmol/L (P = .036).ConclusionsOral citrulline supplementation safely increased plasma citrulline and arginine concentrations compared with placebo after cardiopulmonary bypass. Postoperative pulmonary hypertension did not occur in children with naturally elevated citrulline levels or elevations through supplementation. Oral citrulline supplementation may be effective in reducing postoperative pulmonary hypertension

    High Energy Properties of X-ray Sources observed with BeppoSAX

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    We report on highlight results on celestial sources observed in the high energy band (>20 keV) with BeppoSAX. In particular we review the spectral properties of sources that belong to different classes of objects, i.e. stellar coronae (Algol), supernova remnants (Cas A), low mass X-ray binaries (Cygnus X-2 and the X-ray burster GS1826-238), black hole candidates (Cygnus X-1) and Active Galactic Nuclei (Mkn 3). We detect, for the first time, the broad-band spectrum of a stellar corona up to 100 keV; for Cas A we report upper limits to the ^44Ti line intensities that are lower than those available to date; for Cyg X-2 we report the evidence of a high energy component; we report a clear detection of a broad Fe K line feature from Cygnus X-1 in soft state and during its transition to hard state; Mkn 3 is one of several Seyfert 2 galaxies detected with BeppoSAX at high energies, for which Compton scattering process is important.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on 'The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and Rossi-XTE' eds. L. Scarsi, F. Fiore and P. Giomm

    Terrorism in Australia: factors associated with perceived threat and incident-critical behaviours

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To help improve incident preparedness this study assessed socio-demographic and socio-economic predictors of perceived risk of terrorism within Australia and willingness to comply with public safety directives during such incidents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The terrorism perception question module was incorporated into the New South Wales Population Health Survey and was completed by a representative sample of 2,081 respondents in early 2007. Responses were weighted against the New South Wales population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Multivariate analyses indicated that those with no formal educational qualifications were significantly more likely (OR = 2.10, 95%CI:1.32–3.35, p < 0.001) to think that a terrorist attack is very or extremely likely to occur in Australia and also more likely (OR = 3.62, 95%CI:2.25–5.83, p < 0.001) to be very or extremely concerned that they or a family member would be directly affected, compared to those with a university-level qualification. Speaking a language other than English at home predicted high concern (very/extremely) that self or family would be directly affected (OR = 3.02, 95%CI:2.02–4.53, p < 0.001) and was the strongest predictor of having made associated changes in living (OR = 3.27, 95%CI:2.17–4.93, p < 0.001). Being female predicted willingness to evacuate from public facilities. Speaking a language other than English at home predicted low willingness to evacuate.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Low education level is a risk factor for high terrorism risk perception and concerns regarding potential impacts. The pattern of concern and response among those of migrant background may reflect secondary social impacts associated with heightened community threat, rather than the direct threat of terrorism itself. These findings highlight the need for terrorism risk communication and related strategies to address the specific concerns of these sub-groups as a critical underpinning of population-level preparedness.</p

    Pharmacokinetics and safety of intravenously administered citrulline in children undergoing congenital heart surgery: Potential therapy for postoperative pulmonary hypertension

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    ObjectivePulmonary hypertension may complicate surgical correction of congenital heart defects, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. We have previously shown that plasma levels of the nitric oxide precursors citrulline and arginine drop precipitously after congenital cardiac surgery and that oral citrulline supplementation may be protective against the development of pulmonary hypertension. In this study, we assessed the safety and pharmacokinetic profile of intravenous citrulline as a potential therapy for postoperative pulmonary hypertension.MethodsThe initial phase of this investigation was a dose-escalation study of intravenously administered citrulline in infants and children undergoing one of five congenital cardiac surgical procedures (phase 1). The primary safety outcome was a 20% drop in mean arterial blood pressure from the baseline pressure recorded after admission to the intensive care unit. Based on our previous work, the target circulating plasma citrulline trough was 80 to 100 μmol/L. Each patient was given two separate doses of citrulline: the first in the operating room immediately after initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass and the second 4 hours later in the pediatric intensive care unit. Stepwise dose escalations included 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, and 150 mg/kg. After model-dependent pharmacokinetic analysis, we enrolled an additional 9 patients (phase 2) in an optimized dosing protocol that replaced the postoperative dose with a continuous infusion of citrulline at 9 mg/(kg·h) for 48 hours postoperatively.ResultsThe initial stepwise escalation protocol (phase 1) revealed that an intravenous citrulline dose of 150 mg/kg given after initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass yielded a trough level of in the target range of approximately 80 to 100 μmol/L 4 hours later. The postoperative dose revealed that the clearance of intravenously administered citrulline was 0.6 L/(h·kg), with a volume of distribution of 0.9 L/kg and estimated half-life of 60 minutes. Because of the short half-life, we altered the protocol to replace the postoperative dose with a continuous infusion of 9 mg/(kg·h). An additional 9 patients were studied with this continuous infusion protocol (phase 2). Mean plasma citrulline levels were maintained at approximately 125 μmol/L, with a calculated clearance of 0.52 L/(h·kg). None of the 17 patients studied had a 20% drop in mean arterial blood pressure from baseline.ConclusionsIn this first report of the use of intravenous citrulline in humans, we found citrulline to be both safe and well tolerated in infants and young children undergoing congenital cardiac surgery. Because of the rapid clearance, the optimal dosing regimen was identified as an initial bolus of 150 mg/kg given at the initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass, followed 4 hours later by a postoperative infusion of 9 mg/(kg·h) continued up to 48 hours. Using this regimen, plasma arginine, citrulline, and nitric oxide metabolite levels were well maintained. Intravenous citrulline needs to be studied further as a potential therapy for postoperative pulmonary hypertension

    The First High Resolution X-ray Spectrum of Cyg X-1: Soft X-Ray Ionization and Absorption

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    We observed the black hole candidate Cyg X-1 for 15 ks with the High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer aboard the CHANDRA X-ray Observatory. The source was observed during a period of intense flaring activity, so it was about a factor of 2.5 brighter than usual, with a 0.5-10 keV (1-24 A) luminosity of 1.6x10^37 erg/s (at a distance of 2.5 kpc). The spectrum of the source shows prominent absorption edges, some of which have complicated substructure. We use the most recent results from laboratory measurements and and calculations to model the observed substructure of the edges. From the model, we derive a total absorption column of 6.21+/-0.22 10^21 cm^-2. Furthermore, the results indicate that there are ~ 10 - 25% abundance variations relative to solar values for neon, oxygen and iron. The X-ray continuuum is described well by a two-component model that is often adopted for black hole candidates: a soft multicolor disk component (with kT = 203 eV) and a hard power law component (with a photon index of ~2). Comparing the fit results to those of the hard and soft states, we conclude that the source was in a transitional state. Finally, the spectrum also shows the presence of faint emission lines which could be attributed to highly ionized species.Comment: accepted by the Astrophysical Main Journal, 9 pages, 9 figure

    A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Short-Timescale Variability in NGC5548

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    Results of a ground-based optical monitoring campaign on NGC5548 in June 1998 are presented. The broad-band fluxes (U,B,V), and the spectrophotometric optical continuum flux F_lambda(5100 A) monotonically decreased in flux while the broad-band R and I fluxes and the integrated emission-line fluxes of Halpha and Hbeta remained constant to within 5%. On June 22, a short continuum flare was detected in the broad band fluxes. It had an amplitude of about ~18% and it lasted only ~90 min. The broad band fluxes and the optical continuum F_lambda(5100 A) appear to vary simultaneously with the EUV variations. No reliable delay was detected for the broad optical emission lines in response to the EUVE variations. Narrow Hbeta emission features predicted as a signature of an accretion disk were not detected during this campaign. However, there is marginal evidence for a faint feature at lambda = 4962 A with FWHM=~6 A redshifted by Delta v = 1100 km/s with respect to Hbeta_narrow.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publishing in A&
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