325 research outputs found

    Process intensification for the production of cyclic macrolactones: identification of safe operating conditions in tubular reactors

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    In this work, the possibility to shift from a batch to a continuous production of 16-hexadecanolide, one of the main components of the white musk essence, was theoretically studied. The selected synthesis was an upgraded version of that proposed by Story in 1968, who obtained macrocyclic compounds from the decomposition of ketone peroxides (in this case the involved peroxide was tricyclohexylidene triperoxide). But such reaction presents some huge criticalities: 1) high exothermicity and, 2) production of carbon dioxide, which are known to both modify the kinetics of the desired reaction and lead to a pressure increase inside the reactor whether the gases are not vented. For such reasons, to implement any safe continuous production of this chemical compound, two main points must be addressed: 1) determination of the system runaway boundaries and 2) identification of the optimal operating conditions to make sustainable the production of 16-hexadecanolide (that is, the theoretical design of a tubular reactor capable of continuously discharging the produced incoercible gases). For what concerns the first point, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the safe operating range of the most important operating variables (that is, coolant temperature and reactant inlet temperature) possibly taking into account the effect of radial dispersion; for the second point, as carbon dioxide is produced over the decomposition and needs to be continuously vented to avoid reactor pressurization, a Teflon tube, highly permeable with respect to carbon dioxide, was proposed and its theoretical performances was investigated trying to maximize 16-hexadecanolide productivity also maintaining safe operating conditions. Results showed the theoretical possibility of developing a continuous production process capable of being also commercially sustainable

    Compositional changes by SIMS and XPS analyses on fresh and aged Roman-like glass

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    This study reports important analytical evidence of an unusual non-uniform element distribution in the superficial layers of glass matrices (from few nm up to 1 µm). The unforeseen observation was made on silica-soda-lime glass mock-ups before and after their artificial ageing, using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) surface analysis techniques. The analyses showed a marked non-homogeneous element distribution at the glass surface. The results indicated a very low concentration of Na at the surface up to a depth of around 500 nm below the surface, where its concentration increases reaching a plateau. In addition, the profile distribution of H in the first 200 nm of the pristine glass surface indicated a diffusion of hydrogen from the surrounding environment to the glass network. Additional modifications during the glass ageing process related to external factors (such as temperature and humidity) were also identified in relation to sodium atoms, with atoms on the glass surface showing a different chemical state from those in the bulk. This study confirms that glass composition as well as glass alteration are non-homogeneous locally supporting the importance of studying glass surface as region of interaction with surrounding environment

    Detection of antibodies to human herpesvirus 8 in Italian children: evidence for horizontal transmission

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    Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), also known as Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV), has been shown to be the causative agent for Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and to be more prevalent in populations or risk groups at increased risk for KS. HHV-8 infection is rare in children from the US and the UK, but has been reported in African children. In this study we examine HHV-8 infection in children from Italy, a country with an elevated prevalence of HHV-8 in adults and high socio-economic conditions. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Multiparametric flow cytometry for MRD monitoring in hematologic malignancies: Clinical applications and new challenges

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    In hematologic cancers, Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) monitoring, using either molecular (PCR) or immunophenotypic (MFC) diagnostics, allows the identification of rare cancer cells, readily detectable either in the bone marrow or in the peripheral blood at very low levels, far below the limit of classic microscopy. In this paper, we outlined the state-of-the-art of MFC-based MRD detection in different hematologic settings, highlighting main recommendations and new challenges for using such a method in patients with acute leukemias or chronic hematologic neoplasms. The combination of new molecular technologies with advanced flow cytometry is progressively allowing clinicians to design a personalized therapeutic path, proportionate to the biological aggressiveness of the disease, in particular by using novel immunotherapies, in view of a modern decision-making process, based on precision medicine. Along with the evolution of immunophenotypic and molecular diagnostics, the assessment of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) has progressively become a keystone in the clinical management of hematologic malignancies, enabling valuable post-therapy risk stratifications and guiding risk-adapted therapeutic approaches. However, specific prognostic values of MRD in different hematological settings, as well as its appropriate clinical uses (basically, when to measure it and how to deal with different MRD levels), still need further investigations, aiming to improve standardization and harmonization of MRD monitoring protocols and MRD-driven therapeutic strategies. Currently, MRD measurement in hematological neoplasms with bone marrow involvement is based on advanced highly sensitive methods, able to detect either specific genetic abnormalities (by PCRbased techniques and next-generation sequencing) or tumor-associated immunophenotypic profiles (by multiparametric flow cytometry, MFC). In this review, we focus on the growing clinical role for MFC-MRD diagnostics in hematological malignancies-from acute myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemias (AML, B-ALL and T-ALL), to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and multiple myeloma (MM)-providing a comparative overview on technical aspects, clinical implications, advantages and pitfalls of MFC-MRD monitoring in different clinical settings

    BTK Inhibitors Impair Platelet-Mediated Antifungal Activity

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    In recent years, the introduction of new drugs targeting Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) has allowed dramatic improvement in the prognosis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and other B-cell neoplasms. Although these small molecules were initially considered less immunosuppressive than chemoimmunotherapy, an increasing number of reports have described the occurrence of unexpected opportunistic fungal infections, in particular invasive aspergillosis (IA). BTK represents a crucial molecule in several signaling pathways depending on different immune receptors. Based on a variety of specific off-target effects on innate immunity, namely on neutrophils, monocytes, pulmonary macrophages, and nurse-like cells, ibrutinib has been proposed as a new host factor for the definition of probable invasive pulmonary mold disease. The role of platelets in the control of fungal growth, through granule-dependent mechanisms, was described in vitro almost two decades ago and is, so far, neglected by experts in the field of clinical management of IA. In the present study, we confirm the antifungal role of platelets, and we show, for the first time, that the exposure to BTK inhibitors impairs several immune functions of platelets in response to Aspergillus fumigatus, i.e., the ability to adhere to conidia, activation (as indicated by reduced expression of P-selectin), and direct killing activity. In conclusion, our experimental data suggest that antiplatelet effects of BTK inhibitors may contribute to an increased risk for IA in CLL patients

    SMAD4 target genes are part of a transcriptional network that integrates the response to BMP and SHH signaling during early limb bud patterning

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    SMAD4 regulates gene expression in response to BMP and TGFβ signal transduction, and is required for diverse morphogenetic processes, but its target genes have remained largely elusive. Here, we identify the SMAD4 target genes in mouse limb buds using an epitope-tagged Smad4 allele for ChIP-seq analysis in combination with transcription profiling. This analysis shows that SMAD4 predominantly mediates BMP signal transduction during early limb bud development. Unexpectedly, the expression of cholesterol biosynthesis enzymes is precociously downregulated and intracellular cholesterol levels are reduced in Smad4-deficient limb bud mesenchymal progenitors. Most importantly, our analysis reveals a predominant function of SMAD4 in upregulating target genes in the anterior limb bud mesenchyme. Analysis of differentially expressed genes shared between Smad4- and Shh-deficient limb buds corroborates this function of SMAD4 and also reveals the repressive effect of SMAD4 on posterior genes that are upregulated in response to SHH signaling. This analysis uncovers opposing trans-regulatory inputs from SHH- and SMAD4-mediated BMP signal transduction on anterior and posterior gene expression during the digit patterning and outgrowth in early limb buds

    Genome-wide mapping of Myc binding and gene regulation in serum-stimulated fibroblasts

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    The transition from quiescence to proliferation is a key regulatory step that can be induced by serum stimulation in cultured fibroblasts. The transcription factor Myc is directly induced by serum mitogens and drives a secondary gene expression program that remains largely unknown. Using mRNA profiling, we identify close to 300 Myc-dependent serum response (MDSR) genes, which are induced by serum in a Myc-dependent manner in mouse fibroblasts. Mapping of genomic Myc-binding sites by ChIP-seq technology revealed that most MDSR genes were directly targeted by Myc, but represented a minor fraction (5.5%) of all Myc-bound promoters (which were 22.4% of all promoters). Other target loci were either induced by serum in a Myc-independent manner, were not significantly regulated or were negatively regulated. MDSR gene products were involved in a variety of processes, including nucleotide biosynthesis, ribosome biogenesis, DNA replication and RNA control. Of the 29 MDSR genes targeted by RNA interference, three showed a requirement for cell-cycle entry upon serum stimulation and 11 for long-term proliferation and/or survival. Hence, proper coordination of key regulatory and biosynthetic pathways following mitogenic stimulation relies upon the concerted regulation of multiple Myc-dependent genes

    Neoantigen-specific T-cell immune responses: The paradigm of NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia

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    The C-terminal aminoacidic sequence from NPM1-mutated protein, absent in normal human tissues, may serve as a leukemia-specific antigen and can be considered an ideal target for NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) immunotherapy. Different in silico instruments and in vitro/ex vivo immunological platforms have identified the most immunogenic epitopes from NPM1-mutated protein. Spontaneous development of endogenous NPM1-mutated-specific cytotoxic T cells has been observed in patients, potentially contributing to remission maintenance and prolonged survival. Genetically engineered T cells, namely CAR-T or TCR-transduced T cells, directed against NPM1-mutated peptides bound to HLA could prospectively represent a promising therapeutic approach. Although either adoptive or vaccine-based immunotherapies are unlikely to be highly effective in patients with full-blown leukemia, these strategies, potentially in combination with immune-checkpoint inhibitors, could be promising in maintaining remission or preemptively eradicat-ing persistent measurable residual disease, mainly in patients ineligible for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). Alternatively, neoantigen-specific donor lymphocyte infusion derived from healthy donors and targeting NPM1-mutated protein to selectively elicit graft-versus-leukemia effect may represent an attractive option in subjects experiencing post-HSCT relapse. Future studies are warranted to further investigate dynamics of NPM1-mutated-specific immunity and explore whether novel individualized immunotherapies may have potential clinical utility in NPM1-mutated AML patients

    Radiation resistant LGAD design

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    In this paper, we report on the radiation resistance of 50-micron thick LGAD detectors manufactured at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler employing several different doping combinations of the gain layer. LGAD detectors with gain layer doping of Boron, Boron low-diffusion, Gallium, Carbonated Boron and Carbonated Gallium have been designed and successfully produced. These sensors have been exposed to neutron fluences up to ϕn31016  n/cm2\phi_n \sim 3 \cdot 10^{16}\; n/cm^2 and to proton fluences up to ϕp91015  p/cm2\phi_p \sim 9\cdot10^{15}\; p/cm^2 to test their radiation resistance. The experimental results show that Gallium-doped LGADs are more heavily affected by initial acceptor removal than Boron-doped LGAD, while the presence of Carbon reduces initial acceptor removal both for Gallium and Boron doping. Boron low-diffusion shows a higher radiation resistance than that of standard Boron implant, indicating a dependence of the initial acceptor removal mechanism upon the implant width. This study also demonstrates that proton irradiation is at least twice more effective in producing initial acceptor removal, making proton irradiation far more damaging than neutron irradiation.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figure

    The Role of T Cell Immunity in Monoclonal Gammopathy and Multiple Myeloma: From Immunopathogenesis to Novel Therapeutic Approaches

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    Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a malignant growth of clonal plasma cells, typically arising from asymptomatic precursor conditions, namely monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering MM (SMM). Profound immunological dysfunctions and cyto-kine deregulation are known to characterize the evolution of the disease, allowing immune escape and proliferation of neoplastic plasma cells. In the past decades, several studies have shown that the immune system can recognize MGUS and MM clonal cells, suggesting that anti-myeloma T cell immunity could be harnessed for therapeutic purposes. In line with this notion, chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) therapy is emerging as a novel treatment in MM, especially in the re-lapsed/refractory disease setting. In this review, we focus on the pivotal contribution of T cell im-pairment in the immunopathogenesis of plasma cell dyscrasias and, in particular, in the disease progression from MGUS to SMM and MM, highlighting the potentials of T cell-based immunother-apeutic approaches in these settings