389 research outputs found

    Cloning by positive maps in von Neumann algebras

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    We investigate cloning in the general operator algebra framework in arbitrary dimension assuming only positivity instead of strong positivity of the cloning operation, generalizing thus results obtained so far under that stronger assumption. The weaker positivity assumption turns out quite natural when considering cloning in the general C∗-algebra framework

    The chain rule implies Tsirelson's bound: an approach from generalized mutual information

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    In order to analyze an information theoretical derivation of Tsirelson's bound based on information causality, we introduce a generalized mutual information (GMI), defined as the optimal coding rate of a channel with classical inputs and general probabilistic outputs. In the case where the outputs are quantum, the GMI coincides with the quantum mutual information. In general, the GMI does not necessarily satisfy the chain rule. We prove that Tsirelson's bound can be derived by imposing the chain rule on the GMI. We formulate a principle, which we call the no-supersignalling condition, which states that the assistance of nonlocal correlations does not increase the capability of classical communication. We prove that this condition is equivalent to the no-signalling condition. As a result, we show that Tsirelson's bound is implied by the nonpositivity of the quantitative difference between information causality and no-supersignalling.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, Added Section 2 and Appendix B, result unchanged, Added reference

    Anonymous quantum communication

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    We present the first protocol for the anonymous transmission of a quantum state that is information-theoretically secure against an active adversary, without any assumption on the number of corrupt participants. The anonymity of the sender and receiver is perfectly preserved, and the privacy of the quantum state is protected except with exponentially small probability. Even though a single corrupt participant can cause the protocol to abort, the quantum state can only be destroyed with exponentially small probability: if the protocol succeeds, the state is transferred to the receiver and otherwise it remains in the hands of the sender (provided the receiver is honest).Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Proceedings of ASIACRYPT, 200

    On defining the Hamiltonian beyond quantum theory

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    Energy is a crucial concept within classical and quantum physics. An essential tool to quantify energy is the Hamiltonian. Here, we consider how to define a Hamiltonian in general probabilistic theories, a framework in which quantum theory is a special case. We list desiderata which the definition should meet. For 3-dimensional systems, we provide a fully-defined recipe which satisfies these desiderata. We discuss the higher dimensional case where some freedom of choice is left remaining. We apply the definition to example toy theories, and discuss how the quantum notion of time evolution as a phase between energy eigenstates generalises to other theories.Comment: Authors' accepted manuscript for inclusion in the Foundations of Physics topical collection on Foundational Aspects of Quantum Informatio

    Witnessing causal nonseparability

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    Our common understanding of the physical world deeply relies on the notion that events are ordered with respect to some time parameter, with past events serving as causes for future ones. Nonetheless, it was recently found that it is possible to formulate quantum mechanics without any reference to a global time or causal structure. The resulting framework includes new kinds of quantum resources that allow performing tasks - in particular, the violation of causal inequalities - which are impossible for events ordered according to a global causal order. However, no physical implementation of such resources is known. Here we show that a recently demonstrated resource for quantum computation - the quantum switch - is a genuine example of "indefinite causal order". We do this by introducing a new tool - the causal witness - which can detect the causal nonseparability of any quantum resource that is incompatible with a definite causal order. We show however that the quantum switch does not violate any causal nequality.Comment: 15 + 12 pages, 5 figures. Published versio

    Quartic quantum theory: an extension of the standard quantum mechanics

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    We propose an extended quantum theory, in which the number K of parameters necessary to characterize a quantum state behaves as fourth power of the number N of distinguishable states. As the simplex of classical N-point probability distributions can be embedded inside a higher dimensional convex body of mixed quantum states, one can further increase the dimensionality constructing the set of extended quantum states. The embedding proposed corresponds to an assumption that the physical system described in N dimensional Hilbert space is coupled with an auxiliary subsystem of the same dimensionality. The extended theory works for simple quantum systems and is shown to be a non-trivial generalisation of the standard quantum theory for which K=N^2. Imposing certain restrictions on initial conditions and dynamics allowed in the quartic theory one obtains quadratic theory as a special case. By imposing even stronger constraints one arrives at the classical theory, for which K=N.Comment: 30 pages in latex with 6 figures included; ver.2: several improvements, new references adde

    Joint system quantum descriptions arising from local quantumness

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    Bipartite correlations generated by non-signalling physical systems that admit a finite-dimensional local quantum description cannot exceed the quantum limits, i.e., they can always be interpreted as distant measurements of a bipartite quantum state. Here we consider the effect of dropping the assumption of finite dimensionality. Remarkably, we find that the same result holds provided that we relax the tensor structure of space-like separated measurements to mere commutativity. We argue why an extension of this result to tensor representations seems unlikely

    Geometric measure of entanglement and applications to bipartite and multipartite quantum states

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    The degree to which a pure quantum state is entangled can be characterized by the distance or angle to the nearest unentangled state. This geometric measure of entanglement, already present in a number of settings (see Shimony 1995 and Barnum and Linden 2001), is explored for bipartite and multipartite pure and mixed states. The measure is determined analytically for arbitrary two-qubit mixed states and for generalized Werner and isotropic states, and is also applied to certain multipartite mixed states. In particular, a detailed analysis is given for arbitrary mixtures of three-qubit GHZ, W and inverted-W states. Along the way, we point out connections of the geometric measure of entanglement with entanglement witnesses and with the Hartree approximation method.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, this is a combination of three previous manuscripts (quant-ph/0212030, quant-ph/0303079, and quant-ph/0303158) made more extensive and coherent. To appear in PR

    Probability amplitude in quantum like games

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    Examples of games between two partners with mixed strategies, calculated by the use of the probability amplitude are given. The first game is described by the quantum formalism of spin one half system for which two noncommuting observables are measured. The second game corresponds to the spin one case. Quantum logical orthocomplemented nondistributive lattices for these two games are presented. Interference terms for the probability amplitudes are analyzed by using so called contextual approach to probability (in the von Mises frequency approach). We underline that our games are not based on using of some microscopic systems. The whole scenario is macroscopic.Comment: Quantum-like model

    On the lattice structure of probability spaces in quantum mechanics

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    Let C be the set of all possible quantum states. We study the convex subsets of C with attention focused on the lattice theoretical structure of these convex subsets and, as a result, find a framework capable of unifying several aspects of quantum mechanics, including entanglement and Jaynes' Max-Ent principle. We also encounter links with entanglement witnesses, which leads to a new separability criteria expressed in lattice language. We also provide an extension of a separability criteria based on convex polytopes to the infinite dimensional case and show that it reveals interesting facets concerning the geometrical structure of the convex subsets. It is seen that the above mentioned framework is also capable of generalization to any statistical theory via the so-called convex operational models' approach. In particular, we show how to extend the geometrical structure underlying entanglement to any statistical model, an extension which may be useful for studying correlations in different generalizations of quantum mechanics.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.416