54 research outputs found

    Signatures of very massive stars: supercollapsars and their cosmological rate

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    We compute the rate of supercollapsars by using cosmological, N-body, hydro, chemistry simulations of structure formation, following detailed stellar evolution according to proper yields (for He, C, N, O, Si, S, Fe, Mg, Ca, Ne, etc.) and lifetimes for stars having different masses and metallicities, and for different stellar populations (population III and population II-I). We find that supercollapsars are usually associated to dense, collapsing gas with little metal pollution and with abundances dominated by oxygen. The resulting supercollapsar rate is about 10−2 yr−1sr−110^{-2}\,\rm yr^{-1} sr^{-1} at redshift z=0z=0, and their contribution to the total rate is <0.1 < 0.1 per cent, which explains why they have never been detected so far. Expected rates at redshift z≃6z\simeq 6 are of the order of ∼10−3 yr−1sr−1\sim 10^{-3}\,\rm yr^{-1} sr^{-1} and decrease further at higher zz. Because of the strong metal enrichment by massive, short-lived stars, only ∼1\sim 1 supercollapsar generation is possible in the same star forming region. Given their sensitivity to the high-mass end of the primordial stellar mass function, they are suitable candidates to probe pristine population III star formation and stellar evolution at low metallicities.Comment: 6 pages; accepted, MNRAS. "Apri la mente a quel ch'io ti paleso" (Par. V, 40

    Why does Einasto profile index n∼6n\sim 6 occur so frequently?

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    We consider the behavior of spherically symmetric Einasto halos composed of gravitating particles in the Fokker-Planck approximation. This approach allows us to consider the undesirable influence of close encounters in the N-body simulations more adequately than the generally accepted criteria. The Einasto profile with index n≈6n \approx 6 is a stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation in the halo center. There are some reasons to believe that the solution is an attractor. Then the Fokker-Planck diffusion tends to transform a density profile to the equilibrium one with the Einasto index n≈6n \approx 6. We suggest this effect as a possible reason why the Einasto index n≈6n \approx 6 occurs so frequently in the interpretation of N-body simulation results. The results obtained cast doubt on generally accepted criteria of N-body simulation convergence.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to JCA

    Recycling of Neutron Stars in Common Envelopes and Hypernova Explosions

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    In this paper we propose a new plausible mechanism of supernova explosions specific to close binary systems. The starting point is the common envelope phase in the evolution of a binary consisting of a red super giant and a neutron star. As the neutron star spirals towards the center of its companion it spins up via disk accretion. Depending on the specific angular momentum of gas captured by the neutron star via the Bondi-Hoyle mechanism, it may reach millisecond periods either when it is still inside the common envelope or after it has merged with the companion core. The high accretion rate may result in strong differential rotation of the neutron star and generation of the magnetar-strength magnetic field. The magnetar wind can blow away the common envelope if its magnetic field is as strong as 1015 10^{15}\,G, and can destroy the entire companion if it is as strong as 1016 10^{16}\,G. The total explosion energy can be comparable to the rotational energy of a millisecond pulsar and reach 1052 10^{52}\,erg. However, only a small amount of 56^{56}Ni is expected to be produced this way. The result is an unusual type-II supernova with very high luminosity during the plateau phase, followed by a sharp drop in brightness and a steep light-curve tail. The remnant is either a solitary magnetar or a close binary involving a Wolf-Rayet star and a magnetar. When this Wolf-Rayet star explodes this will be a third supernovae explosion in the same binary.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Formation of large-scale magnetic structures associated with the Fermi bubbles

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    The Fermi bubbles are part of a complex region of the Milky Way. This region presents broadband extended non-thermal radiation, apparently coming from a physical structure rooted in the Galactic Centre and with a partly-ordered magnetic field threading it. We explore the possibility of an explosive origin for the Fermi bubble region to explain its morphology, in particular that of the large-scale magnetic fields, and provide context for the broadband non-thermal radiation. We perform 3D magnetohydrodynamical simulations of an explosion from a few million years ago that pushed and sheared a surrounding magnetic loop, anchored in the molecular torus around the Galactic Centre. Our results can explain the formation of the large-scale magnetic structure in the Fermi bubble region. Consecutive explosive events may match better the morphology of the region. Faster velocities at the top of the shocks than at their sides may explain the hardening with distance from the Galactic Plane found in the GeV emission. In the framework of our scenario, we estimate the lifetime of the Fermi bubbles as 2×1062\times10^6 yr, with a total energy injected in the explosion(s) >1055> 10^{55} ergs. The broadband non-thermal radiation from the region may be explained by leptonic emission, more extended in radio and X-rays, and confined to the Fermi bubbles in gamma rays.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for A&

    The impact of red giant/AGB winds on AGN jet propagation

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    Dense stellar winds may mass-load the jets of active galactic nuclei, although it is unclear what are the time and spatial scales in which the mixing takes place. We study the first steps of the interaction between jets and stellar winds, and also the scales at which the stellar wind may mix with the jet and mass-load it. We present a detailed two-dimensional simulation, including thermal cooling, of a bubble formed by the wind of a star. We also study the first interaction of the wind bubble with the jet using a three-dimensional simulation in which the star enters the jet. Stability analysis is carried out for the shocked wind structure, to evaluate the distances over which the jet-dragged wind, which forms a tail, can propagate without mixing with the jet flow. The two-dimensional simulations point at quick wind bubble expansion and fragmentation after about one bubble shock crossing time. Three-dimensional simulations and stability analysis point at local mixing in the case of strong perturbations and relatively small density ratios between the jet and the jet dragged-wind, and to a possibly more stable shocked wind structure at the phase of maximum tail mass flux. Analytical estimates also indicate that very early stages of the star jet-penetration time may be also relevant for mass loading. The combination of these and previous results from the literature suggest highly unstable interaction structures and efficient wind-jet flow mixing on the scale of the jet interaction height, possibly producing strong inhomogeneities within the jet. In addition, the initial wind bubble shocked by the jet leads to a transient, large interaction surface. The interaction structure can be a source of significant non-thermal emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    3D RMHD simulations of the Gamma-ray binaries

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    We performed fully 3D relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulation of "stellar wind"-"pulsar wind" interaction in massive binary system, taking into account various possible pulsar geometries ("Frisbees", "Cartwheels" and "Bullets" - a reference to the direction of the pulsar's spin, plane of the orbit and the direction of motion), and various wind trust ratios. The resulting intrinsic morphologies, and different lines of sight, lead to significantly different orbital-phase dependent flow shapes. For the case of companion-dominated wind in the "Bullets-Cartwheel" configuration, the tails length - region of unshocked pulsar wind - can change by an order of magnitude over quarter of the orbit.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Gamma-ray flares from red giant/jet interactions in AGN

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    Non-blazar AGN have been recently established as a class of gamma-ray sources. M87, a nearby representative of this class, show fast TeV variability on timescales of a few days. We suggest a scenario of flare gamma-ray emission in non-blazar AGN based on a red giant interacting with the jet at the base. We solve the hydrodynamical equations that describe the evolution of the envelope of a red giant blown by the impact of the jet. If the red giant is at least slightly tidally disrupted by the supermassive black hole, enough stellar material will be blown by the jet, expanding quickly until a significant part of the jet is shocked. This process can render suitable conditions for energy dissipation and proton acceleration, which could explain the detected day-scale TeV flares from M87 via proton-proton collisions. Since the produced radiation would be unbeamed, such an events should be mostly detected from non-blazar AGN. They may be frequent phenomena, detectable in the GeV-TeV range even up to distances of ∼1\sim 1 Gpc for the most powerful jets. The counterparts at lower energies are expected to be not too bright.} {M87, and nearby non-blazar AGN in general, can be fast variable sources of gamma-rays through red giant/jet interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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