21 research outputs found

    The effect of awareness groups on human relations skills of second grade children

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    Thesis (M.A.)--University of Kansas, Speech and Drama, 1974

    ÉlĂ©ments d’évolution et de permanence de l’anglais dans le contexte plurilingue israĂ©lien

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    The article deals with the challenges that the use or non-use of English brings about for those living in the multilingual state of Israel and discusses the de-facto status and role of the English language as a constituent of the multilingual’s repertoire. Drawing on Gibson’s theory of affordances, it is enlightening to understand how moving to Israel from other, also multilingual countries, and in particular from the countries of the former Soviet Union, activates the social, linguistic and personal affordances as well as their practical realization. The attitudes of multilinguals towards English as compared to their attitudes towards other languages they speak go beyond like-dislike assessment, but implicitly contain the speaker’s objectives and intentions, the plans as stimulated and modified in connection with one’s mastery of languages and especially English. The actions having reference to languages, taken as the direct or indirect result of current sociolinguistic challenges are the most informative indication of the involvement of English in the life of this particular Middle East country. Various social, political and country-specific factors, some of which firmly establish English in the Israeli arena, while others provoke continual changes, contribute to the current complex picture of multilingualism with English in Israel

    Analysis of a Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing With Incomplete Film

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    ÉlĂ©ments d’évolution et de permanence de l’anglais dans le contexte plurilingue israĂ©lien

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    Cet article traite des dĂ©fis auxquels se trouvent confrontĂ©s les rĂ©sidents dans l’état plurilingue d’IsraĂ«l quant au recours ou non Ă  l’anglais ainsi que du statut de facto de cette langue en tant qu’élĂ©ment constitutif du rĂ©pertoire des individus multilingues. Prenant comme base la thĂ©orie des affordances de Gibson, il est rĂ©vĂ©lateur de comprendre comment le fait d’immigrer en IsraĂ«l depuis un autre pays, Ă©galement multilingue, notamment des pays issus de l’ancienne Union SoviĂ©tique, met en Ă©veil les affordances sociales, linguistiques et personnelles ainsi que leur mise en pratique. Les attitudes des individus multilingues envers l’anglais, lorsqu’on les compare Ă  leur attitude envers d’autres langues qu’ils parlent vont bien au-delĂ  de la simple reconnaissance de fait qu’ils aiment ou non cette langue mais contiennent implicitement les objectifs et intentions du locuteur, leurs projets en tant qu’ils sont stimulĂ©s et modifiĂ©s dans leur rapport avec l’aisance Ă  s’exprimer dans des langues Ă©trangĂšres, particuliĂšrement en anglais. Les actions ayant une rĂ©fĂ©rence linguistique, prise en tant que rĂ©sultat direct ou indirect des dĂ©fis sociolinguistique actuels sont l’indication la plus Ă©clairante de l’implication de l’anglais dans la vie de ce pays particulier du Moyen-Orient. Plusieurs facteurs sociaux, politiques et inhĂ©rents au pays lui-mĂȘme, dont certains contribuent Ă  l’importance de l’anglais dans le contexte israĂ©lien tandis que d’autres suscitent des Ă©volutions permanentes, contribuent Ă  l’image actuelle du multilinguisme par rapport Ă  l’anglais en IsraĂ«l.The article deals with the challenges that the use or non-use of English brings about for those living in the multilingual state of Israel and discusses the de-facto status and role of the English language as a constituent of the multilingual’s repertoire. Drawing on Gibson’s theory of affordances, it is enlightening to understand how moving to Israel from other, also multilingual countries, and in particular from the countries of the former Soviet Union, activates the social, linguistic and personal affordances as well as their practical realization. The attitudes of multilinguals towards English as compared to their attitudes towards other languages they speak go beyond like-dislike assessment, but implicitly contain the speaker’s objectives and intentions, the plans as stimulated and modified in connection with one’s mastery of languages and especially English. The actions having reference to languages, taken as the direct or indirect result of current sociolinguistic challenges are the most informative indication of the involvement of English in the life of this particular Middle East country. Various social, political and country-specific factors, some of which firmly establish English in the Israeli arena, while others provoke continual changes, contribute to the current complex picture of multilingualism with English in Israel

    Human infantile glaucoma

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