118 research outputs found

    a single blinded randomized pilot study of botulinum toxin type a combined with non pharmacological treatment for spastic foot

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of treatment after botulinum toxin type A combined with treatments for the spastic foot. DESIGN: Single-blind, randomized trial, with 3-month follow-up. SUBJECTS: Twenty-three chronic hemiplegic adult patients with spastic equinus foot. METHODS: Following botulinum toxin type A injection at the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, patients were assigned randomly to 3 groups, and treated with taping, electrical stimulation or stretching. They were evaluated before treatment (t0), and at 10 (t1), 20 (t2) and 90 (t3) days after treatment. Outcome measures were: Modified Ashworth Scale; passive range of motion at the ankle; measurement of muscle action potential at the gastrocnemius medialis; and measurement of maximum ankle dorsiflexion angle in stance using gait analysis. RESULTS: The group treated with electrical stimulation performed better at t1 on the Modified Ashworth Scale. The taping and electrical stimulation groups performed better in all outcome measures at t3. The taping group performed better mainly for maximum ankle dorsiflexion angle in stance. The stretching group showed a less durable result, with some worsening at the t3 evaluation compared with the assessment performed before treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study indicates that combining botulinum toxin type A administration for the ankle plantar flexors with taping and electrical stimulation might be beneficial

    Abobotulinumtoxina and rehabilitation vs rehabilitation alone in post-stroke spasticity: A cost-utility analysis

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    Objective: To investigate costs and quality-adjusted life years of rehabilitation combined with abobotulinumtoxinA (aboBoNT-A) (rehab/aboBoNT-A) vs rehabilitation alone (rehab) in post-stroke spasticity in Italy. Design: Based on both Italian National Health Service and societal perspectives, a 2-year cost-utility analysis model was performed. Subject/patients: The cost-utility analysis model considered hypothetical patients. Methods: The cost-utility analysis model was populated with data concerning demographics, disease severity, healthcare and non-healthcare resource consumption. Data were collected via a questionnaire administered to 3 highly experienced Italian physiatrists (864 out of 930 post-stroke spasticity patients on rehab/aboBoNT-A in total). Costs are expressed in Euro (\u20ac) based on the year 2018. Results: The cost to society (rounded to the nearest whole \u20ac) was \u20ac22,959 (rehab/aboBoNT-A) vs \u20ac11,866 (rehab). Italian National Health Servicefunded cost was \u20ac7,593 (rehab/aboBoNT-A) vs \u20ac1,793 (rehab). Over a period of 2 years rehab/aboBoNT-A outperforms rehab in terms of qualityadjusted life years gained (1.620 vs 1.150). The incremental cost-utility ratio was \u20ac12,341 (Italian National Health Service viewpoint) and \u20ac23,601 (societal viewpoint). Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the baseline results. Conclusion: Despite some limitations, the higher number of quality-adjusted life years gained vs rehab and the high probability of reaching a cost-utility ratio lower than the Italian informal acceptability range (\u20ac25,000-40,000) make rehab/aboBoNT-A a cost-effective healthcare programme for treating patients with post-stroke spasticity in Italy

    Influence of physician empathy on the outcome of botulinum toxin treatment for upper limb spasticity in patients with chronic stroke: A cohort study.

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    To examine the relationship between patient-rated physician empathy and outcome of botulinum toxin treatment for post-stroke upper limb spasticity.Cohort study.Twenty chronic stroke patients with upper limb spasticity.All patients received incobotulinumtoxinA injection in at least one muscle for each of the following patterns: flexed elbow, flexed wrist and clenched fist. Each treatment was performed by 1 of 5 physiatrists with equivalent clinical experience. Patient-rated physician empathy was quantified with the Consultation and Relational Empathy Measure immediately after botulinum toxin treatment. Patients were evaluated before and at 4 weeks after botulinum toxin treatment by means of the following outcome measures: Modified Ashworth Scale; Wolf Motor Function Test; Disability Assessment Scale; Goal Attainment Scaling.Ordinal regression analysis showed a significant influence of patient-rated physician empathy (independent variable) on the outcome (dependent variables) of botulinum toxin treatment at 4 weeks after injection, as measured by Goal Attainment Scaling (p<0.001).These findings support the hypothesis that patient-rated physician empathy may influence the outcome of botulinum toxin treatment in chronic stroke patients with upper limb spasticity as measured by Goal Attainment Scaling

    A markerless platform for automahc assessment of gait

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    INNOVAZIONI NELL'ANALISI DEL MOVIMENTO: PROGRESSI NELLA PRATICA CLINICA, NELLA RIABILITAZIONE E NELLO SPORT Il congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), giunto quest’anno alla sua ventiquattresima edizione, approda per la prima volta a Stresa, sulle sponde del Lago Maggiore. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, è l’occasione per tutti i professionisti che operano nell’ambito dell’analisi del movimento di incontrarsi, presentare i risultati delle proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle più recenti innovazioni riguardanti le procedure e le tecnologie per l’analisi del movimento nella pratica clinica. Nell’edizione congressuale di quest’anno, l’obiettivo è quello di proseguire a creare il confronto e il dialogo tra i ricercatori, così che possano arricchirsi vicendevolmente nello scambio della loro attività. Inoltre, grazie agli ospiti internazionali, si vuole continuare a conferire ulteriore respiro ed impatto internazionale ad una società in crescita, in cui spicca anche a buona adesione di giovani ricercatori. Ad affiancare le tematiche cardine della società, quali la ricerca di base e applicata in ambito clinico, nel congresso SIAMOC 2024 vi è spazio per le nuove strumentazioni, per l’utilizzo sempre maggiore dell’intelligenza artificiale come aiuto nell’analisi del movimento e, nell’anno olimpionico, per un risalto particolare all’ambito sportivo, dove si mirano a risultati sempre più elevati grazie alla comprensione di come migliorare il proprio stesso gesto sportivo. SIAMOC continua quindi il suo viaggio nei meandri dell’analisi del movimento, a servizio dei differenti ambiti e con le sempre sfidanti nuove prospettive future

    Functional status and oral health in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons. The current practice of caring for patients affected by ALS involves a multidisciplinary team without any indication about oral health care. OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate the functional status and oral health in patients with ALS to define a specific multidisciplinary management. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, we included patients affected by ALS, evaluating their functional status, using the Revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R) and their oral health status through specific parameters, including Brief Oral Health Status Examination (BOHSE), Winkel Tongue Coating Index (WTCI), and Oral Food Debris Index (OFDI). RESULTS: All 37 patients (mean age: 61.19±11.56 years) showed a poor oral status, independent from the functional status and strictly correlated to the severity of sialorrhea (p=0.01). OFDI index was negatively correlated with the ALSFRS-R upper limb (p=0.03). Patients with bulbar onset had significantly lower ability to perform adequate tongue movements in terms of protrusion (p=0.006) and lateralization (p&lt;0.001). Significant negative correlations between survival rate and BOHSE (p=0.03) was found. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our findings showed that a poor oral health status might be correlated to a worse functional status and survival time. Thus, an adequate oral health care and rehabilitation should be considered as crucial in the multidisciplinary management of patients with ALS

    Differentiation among bio- and augmented- feedback in technologically assisted rehabilitation

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    Introduction: In rehabilitation practice, the term ‘feedback’ is often improperly used, with augmented feedback and biofeedback frequently confused, especially when referring to the human-machine interaction during technologically assisted training. The absence of a clear differentiation between these categories represents an unmet need for rehabilitation, emphasized by the advent of new technologies making extensive use of video feedback, exergame, and virtual reality. Area covered: In this review we tried to present scientific knowledge about feedback, biofeedback, augmented feedback and neurofeedback, and related differences in rehabilitation settings, for a more proper use of this terminology. Despite the continuous expansion of the field, few researches clarify the differences among these terms. This scoping review was conducted through the searching of current literature up to May 2020, using following databases: PUBMED, EMBASE and Web of Science. After literature search a classification system, distinguishing feedback, augmented feedback, and biofeedback, was applied. Expert opinion: There is a need for clear definitions of feedback, biofeedback, augmented feedback, and neurofeedback in rehabilitation, especially in the technologically assisted one based on human-machine interaction. In fact, the fast development of new technologies requires to be based on solid concepts and on a common terminology shared among bioengineers and clinicians

    Mid-term Psychiatric Outcomes of Patients Recovered From COVID-19 From an Italian Cohort of Hospitalized Patients

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    Background: Although the usual primary clinical manifestation of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is respiratory, several non-respiratory symptoms have been described, including neuropsychiatric ones. The aim of this study was to investigate the mid-term mental health outcomes in patients recovered from COVID-19, 3\u20134 months after discharge from the University Hospital Maggiore della Carit\ue0, Novara, Italy. Furthermore, we investigated the possible association of the mid-term mental health consequences of the COVID-19 infection with patients' clinical current status, persistent physical impairment and severity of acute phase of the disease. Methods: Prospective study involving 238 individuals recovered from COVID-19. In the context of a multi-disciplinary approach, patients' assessment included both a clinical interview performed by an experienced psychiatrist, trained in the use of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview to assess the presence of anxiety and depressive symptoms and self-administered questionnaires: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), Impact of Event Scale (IES). Results: At the psychiatric assessment 32.9 and 29.5% of participants showed anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. Changes in appetite and sleep patterns emerged for 15.6 and 31.2% of patients. According to the self-administered questionnaires, 7.1% of participants had moderate-severe anxiety levels (BAI), while 10.5% had mild to severe depression (BDI-II). Twenty-six (11%) participants were referred to further psychiatric consultation. Psychiatric symptoms showed no correlation with acute COVID-19 severity; in our sample patients with depressive symptoms at the clinical interview, as well as those with mild to severe levels of depression according to BDI-II scores, had lower forced expiratory volume in the 1st second (FEV1) values than those without and greater odds for persistent, poor tolerance for physical efforts. Conclusions: As could be expected, an approach including both a psychiatric interview and the use of self-administered questionnaires is likely to capture the psychiatric outcome of patients recovered from COVID-19 better than questionnaires alone. Anxiety and depressive symptoms at follow-up had no correlation with the severity of COVID acute manifestations, but rather with ongoing and persistent physical symptoms. Further studies and longer follow-up duration will allow a better understanding of the complex relationship between residual physical symptoms, quality of life and psychological health

    The Italian real-life post-stroke spasticity survey: Unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A

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    The present national survey seeking to identify unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A focused on the use of OnabotulinumoxinA, since this is the brand with the widest range of licensed indications in Italy. Physicians from twenty-four Italian neurorehabilitation units compiled a questionnaire about \u201creal-life\u201d post-stroke spasticity management. OnabotulinumtoxinA was reported to be used in the following average doses: upper limb 316.7 \ub1 79.1 units; lower limb 327.8 \ub1 152.3; upper and lower limb 543.7 \ub1 123.7 units. Of the physicians surveyed, 37.5% felt that increasing the frequency of OnabotulinumtoxinA injection would improve its efficacy; 70.8% use electrical stimulation/electromyography guidance (one fourth of injections with no instrumental guidance). Instrumental evaluation was used by 41.7% of the physicians. The participants expressed the view that early identification of post-stroke spasticity would be facilitated by the availability of a post-stroke checklist, and that this should be used by physiotherapists (91.7%), physiatrists (58.3%), family doctors (50%), stroke unit physicians (25%), patients and caregivers (79.2%). According to our findings, the management of poststroke spasticity has several unmet needs that, were they addressed, might improve these patients\u2019 clinical outcomes and quality of life. These needs concern patient follow-up, where a clearly defined pathway is lacking; furthermore, there is a need to use maximum doses per treatment and to ensure early intervention on post-stroke spasticity

    Ageing, functioning patterns and their environmental determinants in the spinal cord injury (SCI) population:A comparative analysis across eleven European countries implementing the International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey

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    Background As the European population with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is expected to become older, a better understanding of ageing with SCI using functioning, the health indicator used to model healthy ageing trajectories, is needed. We aimed to describe patterns of functioning in SCI by chronological age, age at injury and time since injury across eleven European countries using a common functioning metric, and to identify country-specific environmental determinants of functioning. Methods Data from 6’635 participants of the International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey was used. The hierarchical version of Generalized Partial Credit Model, casted in a Bayesian framework, was used to create a common functioning metric and overall scores. For each country, linear regression was used to investigate associations between functioning, chronological age, age at SCI or time since injury for persons with para- and tetraplegia. Multiple linear regression and the proportional marginal variance decomposition technique were used to identify environmental determinants. Results In countries with representative samples older chronological age was consistently associated with a decline in functioning for paraplegia but not for tetraplegia. Age at injury and functioning level were associated, but patterns differed across countries. An association between time since injury and functioning was not observed in most countries, neither for paraplegia nor for tetraplegia. Problems with the accessibility of homes of friends and relatives, access to public places and long-distance transportation were consistently key determinants of functioning. Conclusions Functioning is a key health indicator and the fundament of ageing research. Enhancing methods traditionally used to develop metrics with Bayesian approach, we were able to create a common metric of functioning with cardinal properties and to estimate overall scores comparable across countries. Focusing on functioning, our study complements epidemiological evidence on SCI-specific mortality and morbidity in Europe and identify initial targets for evidence-informed policy-making.</p
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