42 research outputs found

    Long-Term Treands in the Relative Abundance and Size Structure of Sport Fishes in the Flathead River, Montana, Following Changes in Kerr Dam Operations

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    We studied long-term trends in relative abundance and size structure of four sport fish taxa in the Flathead River, Montana, following changes in operations at Kerr Dam. In 1997 Kerr Dam was changed from a power-peaking and load-following facility to a base-load facility. New base-load operations were designed to reduce fluctuations by establishing within- and between-day ramping-rate restrictions, i.e., maximum hourly and daily rates of change. We monitored spring and autumn trends in the relative abundance of two size classes (substock and stock) of northern pike (Esox lucius), Oncorhynchus spp., brown trout (Salmo trutta), and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from 1998-2008 using nighttime electrofishing. We documented significant (P < 0.05) increasing trends in the autumn catches/unit effort (fish/hr) of both substock and stock sizes of all taxa, except stock northern pike. Trends in spring relative abundances were similar to those in autumn, except that increases in smallmouth bass catch rates were not significant (P > 0.05). We also examined long-term patterns in the size composition of fishes following changes in dam operations. All four taxa had either an initial strong downward shift in annual median total length or a decrease in the minimum sizes of fish captured, or both, a pattern consistent with enhanced survival of smaller fishes and highly suggestive of benefits from changes in dam operations. Our results imply that modifications in the operation of Kerr Dam led to significant increases in relative abundance of four sport fish taxa in the Flathead River

    Life history, population viability, and the potential for local adaptation in isolated trout populations

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation have caused population decline across taxa through impacts on life history diversity, dispersal patterns, and gene flow. Yet, intentional isolation of native fish populations is a frequently used management strategy to protect against negative interactions with invasive fish species. We evaluated the population viability and genetic diversity of 12 isolated populations of Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi located on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana, USA. Length-structured integral projection models (IPMs) were used to project population growth rate (lambda) and its sensitivity to underlying vital rates and parameters. We examined relationships between lambda, genetic diversity, and habitat size and quality. Lambda ranged from 0.68 to 1.1 with 10 of 12 populations projected to be in decline. A sensitivity analysis of lambda with respect to projection matrix elements indicated that lambda was generally sensitive to changes in early life history stages (survival/growth), but patterns differed among populations. Another sensitivity analysis with respect to underlying model parameters showed highly consistent pattern across populations, with lambda being most sensitive to the slope of probability of maturity (estimated from published literature), generally followed by adult survival, and the slope of somatic growth rate (directly measured from each population). Lambda was not correlated with genetic diversity. For populations residing in small isolated streams (≤5 km of occupied habitat), lambda significantly increased with base flow discharge (r2=0.50, p<0.02). Our results highlight the potential importance of local adaptation for persistence of small, isolated populations. Specifically we saw evidence for higher probability of maturity at smaller sizes in the smallest, coldest isolated systems, increasing probability of persistence for these populations. Climate change threatens to further fragment populations of aquatic organisms and reduce summertime base flows in much of western North America. Insights from studies such as ours will inform management strategies for long-term persistence of species facing these challenges

    Ultrasound imaging identifies life history variation in resident Cutthroat Trout.

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    Human activities that fragment fish habitat have isolated inland salmonid populations. This isolation is associated with loss of migratory life histories and declines in population density and abundance. Isolated populations exhibiting only resident life histories may be more likely to persist if individuals can increase lifetime reproductive success by maturing at smaller sizes or earlier ages. Therefore, accurate estimates of age and size at maturity across resident salmonid populations would improve estimates of population viability. Commonly used methods for assessing maturity such as dissection, endoscopy and hormone analysis are invasive and may disturb vulnerable populations. Ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive method that has been used to measure reproductive status across fish taxa. However, little research has assessed the accuracy of ultrasound for determining maturation status of small-bodied fish, or reproductive potential early in a species' reproductive cycle. To address these knowledge gaps, we tested whether ultrasound imaging could be used to identify maturing female Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi). Our methods were accurate at identifying maturing females reared in a hatchery setting up to eight months prior to spawning, with error rates ≤ 4.0%; accuracy was greater for larger fish. We also imaged fish in a field setting to examine variation in the size of maturing females among six wild, resident populations of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in western Montana. The median size of maturing females varied significantly across populations. We observed oocyte development in females as small as 109 mm, which is smaller than previously documented for this species. Methods tested in this study will allow researchers and managers to collect information on reproductive status of small-bodied salmonids without disrupting fish during the breeding season. This information can help elucidate life history traits that promote persistence of isolated salmonid populations