1,216 research outputs found
Rancang Bangun Simulator Elektro-pneumatik Berbasis Relay Dengan Dua Aktuator
The purpose of this final project is to design, assemble, and test the electro-pneumatik simulator as an educational trainer. The designed simulator consists of 2 (two) actuators which can be simulated sequence of actuators. Size of component, component type, and size of a whole simulator was designed on the basis of financing and aesthetics.
Simulator consists of 2 (two) systems, namely pneumatik system and electronic system. Components on a pneumatik system were compressors, air service units (F.R.L), distributor, 5/2-solenoid valve, throttle valve and double acting cylinder as an actuator. The electronic system consists of 220V AC / 24V DC transformator, push button, timer, counter, relay, limit switch, and solenoid on pneumatik valve. Electro-pneumatik components were attached on a vertical melamine board.
Simulator testing is done by functional test of each component and Electro-pneumatik circuit test. Supporting instruments used for the functional test were the stopwatch and the dynamometer. The functional test of the compressor was performed to know the accumulator charging flow rate in the parameters of free air delivery (FAD) in order to indicates that the component functions according to its characteristics. The functional test of force generated by the cylinder was measured by a dynamometer. The functional test of each component shows that the component function fit to its characteristics. The rate of air filling to the accumulator was 70.05 Nm3/minute and the force that was generated by the cylinder at pressure 6 kg /cm 2 was 14.73 kg. Functional test of electronic components was done by giving a 24V DC current on each component and observed its active status (ON / OFF). Electro-pneumatik circuit test was done by performing an electro-pneumatik circuit to fit a determined sequence.
Keywords: Electronic System, Pneumatik System, Electro-pneumatik System
Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah merancang, merakit, dan uji coba simulator elektro-pneumatik sebagai alat peraga pendidikan. Simulator dirancang terdiri dari 2 (dua) aktuator yang dapat disimulasikan skuensinya. Ukuran komponen, jenis komponen, dan ukuran simulator secara keseluruhan dirancang berdasarkan batasan pembiayaan dan estetika.
Simulator terdiri dari 2 (dua) sistem yaitu sistem pnumatik dan sistem elektronik. Komponen – komponen pada sistem pneumatik adalah kompresor, Air service unit (F.R.L), Distributor, Katup 5/2 pengaktuasi solenoid, Katup throttle dan silinder kerja ganda sebagai aktuatornya. Sedangkan sistem elektronik terdiri dari trafo 220V AC/24V DC, Push button, Timer, Counter, Relay, Limit switch, dan Solenoid pada katup pneumatik. Komponen – komponen elektro-pneumatik di susun pada papan melamine secara vertikal.
Pengujian simulator dilakukan dengan cara uji fungsional setiap komponen dan uji rangkaian elektro-pneumatik. Instrumen pendukung yang digunakan untuk uji fungsional adalah stopwatch dan dinamometer. Uji fungsional gaya yang dihasilkan silinder menggunakan dinamometer. Uji fungsional kompresor dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju alir pengisian akumulator dalam parameter free air delivery (FAD) agar dapat menunjukkan bahwa komponen berfungsi sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. Uji fungsional setiap komponen menunjukkan bahwa komponen berfungsi sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. Laju pengisian udara dari kompresor adalah 70.05 Nm3/Menit dan gaya yang di timbulkan oleh silender pada tekanan 6 kg/cm2 adalah 14.73 kg. Uji fungsional komponen – komponen elektronik dilakukan dengan cara memberi arus 24V DC pada setiap komponen dan di amati status keaktifannya (ON/OFF). Uji rangkaian elektro-pneumatik dilakukan dengan cara membuat suatu rangkaian elektro-pneumatik untuk menghasilkan skuen yang di tentukan.
Kata kunci : Sistem elektronik, Sistem pneumatik, Sistem Elektro-pnuemati
Test my product using sine or random?
As you know, in the vibration world, there are quite a few test “types” to which you can expose your product. The major choices are Sine, Random, Classical Shock, Transient Shock, Field Recorded Time History, Sine-on-Random, Random-on-Random and Sine-and- Random-on-Random. Frequently, our customers will request advice on which of these types of test to run on their product, and in particular, how to choose between the two most common test types: sine or random. Their desire is to know which test, sine or random, is best to most quickly pinpoint flaws in their product. If they can only run one test, either sine or random, which should it be? Recently, I received an even more specific request from a customer. This customer (Don) presented both a sine test and a random test and wanted to know, given both a sine test and a random test, how he could determine which is the most severe? Let’s take a look at the two tests and decide how to answer to his question. Here is Don’s question: How would the following specifications compare with regard to amplitude/severity
Tingkat kinerja karyawan merupakan hasil proses yang kompleks, baik berasal dari diri pribadi karyawan (faktor internal) maupun upaya strategis dari perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan panen PT Indrawan Perkasa dan mengetahui dukungan perusahaan dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua karyawan panen PT Indrawan Perkasa sejumlah 120 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner, peneliti juga melakukan wawancara untuk memperoleh informasi dari responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengujian hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan model persamaan regresi berganda. Uji simultan (F), uji koefisien determinasi (R2), dan uji parsial (t) digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Motivasi Kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang dilihat dari nilai Sig. 0,831 yang lebih besar dari tingkat signifikasi 0,05. Gaji berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang dilihat dari nilai Sig 0,041 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05. Lingkungan Kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang dilihat dengan nilai signifikansi 0,073 yang tentunya lebih besar dari 0,05. Motivasi Kerja, Gaji dan Lingkungan Kerja secara simultan tidak berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari Sig. 0,072 lebih besar dari 0,05
Análise e Desenvolvimento Institucional do Sector de Ambiente em Cabo Verde
Tendo em conta a importância do ambiente qualificado como um elemento crítico no desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde, o pais vem implementando esforços no sentido da definição e implementação de uma política de ambiente compreensiva.
Encontra-se na fase de finalização do Plano de Acção Nacional para o Ambiente 2004 – 2014 (PANA II). O PANA II caracteriza-se pela elaboração participativa de planos de acção municipais e intersectoriais numa perspectiva integrada.
Trata-se pois de uma acção que deve dar um impulso novo ao sector do ambiente por introduzir uma abordagem inter-sectorial e descentralizada ao nível dos municípios.
O PANA II, na sua totalidade, será um documento orientador de um processo contínuo caracterizado por uma dinâmica própria. Será o instrumento que, nos próximos 10 anos, servirá de base de trabalho permitindo que os diversos sectores directa ou indirectamente relacionados com as questões ambientais se desenvolvam de forma harmoniosa, garantindo um ambiente sadio.
Nesta âmbito é necessário analisar os requisitos institucionais para uma implementação sucedida da estratégia e das políticas ambientais no contexto de Cabo Verde.
Em conformidade com os métodos aplicados para a elaboração do PANA II, procurou-se a participação dos vários parceiros visando assegurar o envolvimento deles no processo de realização de um diagnóstico qualitativo do sector do ambiente e a compreensão e a apropriação das propostas.
O presente estudo sobre a análise e o desenvolvimento institucional do sector do ambiente foi elaborado no período de 28 de julho a 22 de Setembro pelo consultor internacional Ben van Baren e o consultor nacional Edgard Pinto.
Os Termos de Referência indicam como elementos que devem ser identificados e analisados no âmbito da consultoria:
A clarificação do quadro institucional necessário e desejável para o processo de implementação do PANA II;
A definição clara e sistematizada das funções, regras de procedimento e responsabilidades de cada estrutura orgânica envolvida na implementação do PANA II;
A capacidade - em termos dos meios humanos, técnicos e logísticos - das estruturas orgânicas existentes (p.e. da Direcção Geral do Ambiente) para assumir essas responsabilidades;
A afectação adequada dos meios financeiros, técnicos e humanos nas várias estruturas.
A abordagem utilizada foi então a análise de documentos, a realização de entrevistas e a colheita de informações através da realização de um inquérito.
Os consultores animaram três sessões de trabalho e um atelier para aprofundar o entendimento das questões e a avaliação das alternativas para o enquadramento institucional do sector do ambiente.
As sessões de trabalho foram realizadas com a equipa de Coordenação de PANA II, o Núcleo Municipal, criado no quadro da elaboração dos Planos Ambientais Municipais pela Associação Nacional dos Municípios de Cabo Verde, e com o Comité de Pilotagem, composto por os directores de estruturas directamente envolvidas nas questões de ambiente.
O atelier com um grupo alargado, incluindo os parceiros como representantes da administração central, do poder local, do sector privado e da sociedade civil.
O modelo do inquérito realizado, a lista dos encontros e entrevistas efectuados, os termos de referência bem como a lista dos documentos consultados encontram-se nos Anexos 1, 2, 3 e 4.
Os consultores deixam expresso o seu agradecimento pela colaboração e as informações prestadas por essas diversas entidades, muito particularmente o Director do GEP, Eng.º. Jorge Fernando Leal Andrade e os membros da equipa de coordenação, Dr. Isildo Gomes, Dr.ª Maria Helena Santa Rita Vieira, Engª Oumar Barry, Engª. Margarida Varela e Engª Petra Penninkhoff, bem como a Sra. Paula Bettencourt, pelo apoio logístico
Contact Induced Spin Relaxation in Graphene Spin Valves with Al2O3 and MgO Tunnel Barriers
We investigate spin relaxation in graphene by systematically comparing the
roles of spin absorption, other contact-induced effects (e.g. fringe fields,
etc.), and bulk spin relaxation for graphene spin valves with MgO barriers,
Al2O3 barriers, and transparent contacts. We obtain effective spin lifetimes by
fitting the Hanle spin precession data with two models that include or exclude
the effect of spin absorption. Results indicate that additional contact-induced
spin relaxation other than spin absorption dominates the contact effect. For
tunneling contacts, we find reasonable agreement between the two models with
median discrepancy of ~20% for MgO and ~10% for Al2O3.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure
Henry V. Howe and his collection of foraminifera at Louisiana State University
Henry V. Howe, the founder of the current academic program in geology at Louisiana State University (LSU), and a renowned ostracod specialist, was also a distinguished foraminiferal paleontologist. His best work in that field, involving the discovery of many new species, was on the taxonomy of Eocene Foraminifera of Louisiana. The present H.V. Howe Type Collection of Microfossils began with Howe’s gift of slides to LSU. This collection, enriched by contributions from later workers, now includes over 580 slides of foraminiferal primary type specimens, with holotypes and syntypes of 361 species and 15 taxa labeled as “varieties.” Information regarding these specimens, including current nomenclature of the species, geologic age, stratigraphic level, and geographic location, is given in this report
Pemahaman Auditor dalam Audit Konstruksi Jalan: Analisis Hukum Normatif
This research discusses the auditor's responsibility in understanding the examination criteria and assessment standards, especially in construction audits, as well as the importance of complying with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) regarding road construction audits. The normative legal research reveals that the PUPR Ministry has issued Circular Letter Number: 02/SE/Db/2018 on the 2018 Bina Marga General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, which was later revised with Circular Letter Number: 16.1/SE/Db/2019 in October 2020. Government contractors must comply with the rules issued by the government as a condition for the validity of the agreement, even though it is not in the form of legislation. In construction inspection by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the main concern is on quantity testing of thickness, length, and width. Good communication with suppliers, supervisory consultants, and the government is very important in the measurement and payment methods of construction work to avoid overpayments that can harm the state or region due to volume deficiencies in physical inspection. The results of this study provide a foundation for auditors and the government to understand the importance of complying with applicable guidelines and rules in road construction audits.This research discusses the auditor's responsibility in understanding the examination criteria and assessment standards, especially in construction audits, as well as the importance of complying with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) regarding road construction audits. The normative legal research reveals that the PUPR Ministry has issued Circular Letter Number: 02/SE/Db/2018 on the 2018 Bina Marga General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, which was later revised with Circular Letter Number: 16.1/SE/Db/2019 in October 2020. Government contractors must comply with the rules issued by the government as a condition for the validity of the agreement, even though it is not in the form of legislation. In construction inspection by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the main concern is on quantity testing of thickness, length, and width. Good communication with suppliers, supervisory consultants, and the government is very important in the measurement and payment methods of construction work to avoid overpayments that can harm the state or region due to volume deficiencies in physical inspection. The results of this study provide a foundation for auditors and the government to understand the importance of complying with applicable guidelines and rules in road construction audits
Educación musical como potenciadora de las habilidades lingüísticas en los niños y niñas del primer año de educación básica de la escuela fiscal mixta Ítalo Centanaro Gando del cantón Milagro.
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en la escuela Fiscal Mixta “Ítalo Centanaro Gando” del cantón Milagro provincia del Guayas con los estudiantes de primer año de educación básica en los cuales se ha encontrado múltiples problemas en cuanto al desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas ya que con cierta frecuencia se encuentran estudiantes que muestran un desorden en los procesos lingüísticos básicos que intervienen en la comprensión o en el uso del lenguaje hablado, escrito y que puede manifestarse en una falta de habilidad para escuchar, leer, hablar, deletrear, escribir, pensar o realizar cálculos matemáticos sencillos. Dentro del marco teórico se tocan temas importantes relacionados con la lingüística y la música los cuales son la base de la investigación, la fundamentación filosófica se basa en el materialismo dialectico, mientras que la pedagógica se fundamenta en el constructivismo basadas en los estadios de aprendizaje de Piaget en el marco legal se toma en cuenta la Constitución de la República del Ecuador, la Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural, el código de la niñez y adolescencia, en el marco metodológico esta es una investigación aplicada, descriptiva y de campo, por medio de la cual se va a realizar un estudio en la población del primer año de educación básica de la Escuela Fiscal Mixta “Ítalo Centanaro Gando” con un total de 65 personas a las cuales se les aplicó la encuesta y la ficha de observación. Es necesario tener en cuenta que la falta de destrezas lingüísticas en los estudiantes es realmente preocupante, puesto que no han tenido un proceso integral que los estimule al desempeño de destrezas lingüísticas por lo cual es necesario implementar estrategias lúdicas relacionas a la música para potenciar el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas en el aula en los niños y niñas del primer año de educación básica
Collaborative problem-solving with listservs in a long-distance engineering classroom
This paper discusses a collaborative classroom effort between Arizona State University and Temple University in which two groups of engineering and technology students used listservs and other communications technology to work long-distance to solve an engineering problem. The paper is focused on the students’ use of listservs, including audience- and writing-related issues that we observed, and how one team’s better collaboration on the listserv may have helped it produce a better final product. While the underlying causes as to why one team performed better are unclear, we did observe that the more successful team employed certain rhetorical and collaborative strategies in its use of the technology, strategies that we feel contributed to this success
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