90 research outputs found

    Network analysis of phenological units to detect important species in plant-pollinator communities: can it inform conservation strategies?

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    Conservation of species is often focused either only on those that are endangered, or on maximising the number recorded on species lists. However, species share space and time with others, thus interacting and building frameworks of relationships that can be unravelled by community-level network analysis. It is these relationships that ultimately drive ecosystem function via the transfer of energy and nutrients. However interactions are rarely considered in conservation planning. Network analysis can be used to detect key species ("hubs") that play an important role in cohesiveness of networks. We applied this approach to plant-pollinator communities on two montane Northern Apennine grasslands, paying special attention to the modules and the identity of hubs. We performed season-wide sampling and then focused the network analyses on time units consistent with plant phenology. After testing for significance of modules, only some modules were found to be significantly segregated from others. Thus, networks were organized around a structured core of modules with a set of companion species that were not organized into compartments. Using a network approach we obtained a list of important plant and pollinator species, including three Network Hubs of utmost importance, and other hubs of particular biogeographical interest. By having a lot of links and high partner diversity, hubs should convey stability to networks. Due to their role in the networks, taking into account such key species when considering the management of sites could help to preserve the greatest number of interactions and thus support many other species

    Morphological and Chemical Traits of Cladonia Respond to Multiple Environmental Factors in Acidic Dry Grasslands

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    Terricolous lichen communities in lowlands occur especially in open dry habitats. Such communities are often dominated by species of the genus Cladonia, which are very variable in morphology, reproduction strategies, and secondary metabolites. In this work, we investigated traits-environment relationships considering vegetation dynamics, substrate pH, disturbance, and climate. A total of 122 plots were surveyed in 41 acidic dry grasslands in the western Po Plain (Northern Italy). Relationships between Cladonia traits and environmental variables were investigated by means of a model-based Fourth Corner Analysis. Thallus morphology and metabolites responded to vegetation dynamics, substrate pH, disturbance, and climate, whereas reproduction strategies responded only to vegetation dynamics. Traits\u2019 correlations with vegetation dynamics elucidate their colonization patterns in open dry habitats or suggest biotic interactions with bryo-phytes and vascular plants. In addition, correlations between metabolites and environmental factors support interpretations of their ecological roles. Our results also stress the importance of studying traits\u2019 relationships with climatic factors as an alert towards lichen reactions to climate change

    Myriocin modulates the altered lipid metabolism and storage in cystic fibrosis.

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary disease mostly related to ΔF508 CFTR mutation causing a proteinopathy that is characterized by multiple organ dysfunction, primarily lungs chronic inflammation, and infection. Defective autophagy and accumulation of the inflammatory lipid ceramide have been proposed as therapeutic targets. Accumulation of lipids and cholesterol was reported in the airways of CF patients, together with altered triglycerides and cholesterol levels in plasma, thus suggesting a disease-related dyslipidemia. Myriocin, an inhibitor of sphingolipids synthesis, significantly reduces inflammation and activates TFEB-induced response to stress, enhancing fatty acids oxidation and promoting autophagy. Myriocin ameliorates the response against microbial infection in CF models and patients' monocytes. Here we show that CF broncho-epithelial cells exhibit an altered distribution of intracellular lipids. We demonstrated that lipid accumulation is supported by an enhanced synthesis of fatty acids containing molecules and that Myriocin is able to reduce such accumulation. Moreover, Myriocin modulated the transcriptional profile of CF cells in order to restore autophagy, activate an anti-oxidative response, stimulate lipid metabolism and reduce lipid peroxidation. Moreover, lipid storage may be altered in CF cells, since we observed a reduced expression of lipid droplets related proteins named perilipin 3 and 5 and seipin. To note, Myriocin up-regulates the expression of genes that are involved in lipid droplets biosynthesis and maturation. We suggest that targeting sphingolipids de novo synthesis may counteract lipids accumulation by modulating CF altered transcriptional profile, thus restoring autophagy and lipid metabolism homeostasis

    Habitats Directive in northern Italy: a series of proposals for habitat definition improvement

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    Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) is the cornerstone of nature conservation in Europe and is at the core of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. There is room, however, for its improvement, at least for northern Italy, where ambiguities in the definition of habitat types of Annex I of the Habitats Directive are not novel and interpretation difficulties have been highlighted. Sharpening the characterization of habitat types represents an opportunity for lowering classification uncertainties and improving conservation success. With the aim to refine the definitions of habitat types and associated typical species of the Habitats Directive, a group of vegetation scientists of the Italian Society of Vegetation Science based in northern Italy made the exercise of finding viable proposals for those habitat types having a problematic interpretation in the Alpine biogeographical region of Italy. Such proposals arise from group discussions among scientists, and professionals, thus offering a shared view. We prepared 9 habitat proposals important for this geographic area. They include new habitat types at the European level, new subtypes within pre-existing habitat types, including some adjustments of the recently proposed subtypes with respect to northern Italy, and recognition of priority criteria for a pre-existing habitat type. With a vision of tailored conservation, our proposals represent a starting point in view of a future update of Annex I. Furthermore, the list of typical species could be useful for preparing expert systems for automatic classification. Irrespective of legally binding solutions in place, we caution these proposals represent relevant baseline conservation indications that local and regional administrations of the Alpine Arch should consider


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    Abstract Temferon is a macrophage-based treatment relying on ex-vivo transduction of autologous HSPCs to express immune-payloads within the TME. Temferon targets the immune-modulatory molecule IFN-a, to a subset of tumor infiltrating macrophages known as Tie-2 expressing macrophages (TEMs) due to the Tie2 promoter and a post-transcriptional regulation layer represented by miRNA-126 target sequences. As of 31st May 2021, 15-patients received Temferon (D+0) with follow-up of 3 – 693 days. After conditioning neutrophil and platelet engraftment occurred at D+13 and D+13.5, respectively. Temferon-derived differentiated cells, as determined be the number of vector copy per genome, were found within 14 days post treatment and persisted albeit at lower levels up to 18-months. Very low concentrations of IFN-a in the plasma (8.7 pg/ml-D+30) and in the CSF (1.6 pg/ml-D+30) were detected, suggesting tight regulation of transgene expression. Five-deaths occurred at D+322, +340, +402, +478 and +646 due to PD, and one at D+60 due to complications following the conditioning regimen. Eight-patients had progressive disease (range: D-11 to +239) as expected for this tumor type. SAEs include GGT elevation (possibly related to Temferon) and infections, venous thromboembolism, brain abscess, hemiparesis, seizures, anemia and general physical condition deterioration, compatible with ASCT, concomitant medications and PD. Four-patients underwent 2ndsurgery. Recurrent tumors had gene-marked cells and increased expression of ISGs compared to first surgery, indicative of local IFNa release by TEMs. In one patient, a stable lesion had a higher proportion of T cells and TEMs within the myeloid infiltrate and an increased ISGs than in the progressing lesion, detected in the same patient. Tumor-associated clones expanded in the periphery. TME characterization by scRNA and TCR-sequencing is ongoing. To date, Temferon is well tolerated, with no DLTs identified. The results provide initial evidence of Temferon potential to activate the immune system of GBM patients, as predicted by preclinical studies

    The still under-investigated role of cognitive deficits in PML diagnosis

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    Background: Despite cognitive deficits frequently represent the first clinical manifestations of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) in Natalizumab-treated MS patients, the importance of cognitive deficits in PML diagnosis is still under-investigated. The aim of the current study is to investigate the cognitive deficits at PML diagnosis in a group of Italian patients with PML. Methods: Thirty-four PML patients were included in the study. The demographic and clinical data, the lesion load and localization, and the longitudinal clinical course was compared between patients with (n = 13) and without (n = 15) cognitive deficit upon PML suspicion (the remaining six patients were asymptomatic). Clinical presentation of cognitive symptoms was described in detail. Result: After symptoms detection, the time to diagnosis resulted to be shorter for patients presenting with cognitive than for patients with non cognitive onset (p = 0.03). Within patients with cognitive onset, six patients were presenting with language and/or reading difficulties (46.15%); five patients with memory difficulties (38.4%); three patients with apraxia (23.1%); two patients with disorientation (15.3%); two patients with neglect (15.3%); one patients with object agnosia (7.7%), one patient with perseveration (7.7%) and one patient with dementia (7.7%). Frontal lesions were less frequent (p = 0.03), whereas temporal lesions were slightly more frequent (p = 0.06) in patients with cognitive deficits. The longitudinal PML course seemed to be more severe in cognitive than in non cognitive patients (F = 2.73, p = 0.03), but differences disappeared (F = 1.24, p = 0.29) when balancing for the incidence of immune reconstitution syndrome and for other treatments for PML (steroids, plasma exchange (PLEX) and other therapies (Mefloquine, Mirtazapine, Maraviroc). Conclusion: Cognitive deficits at PML onset manifest with symptoms which are absolutely rare in MS. Their appearance in MS patients should strongly suggest PML. Clinicians should be sensitive to the importance of formal neuropsychological evaluation, with particular focus on executive function, which are not easily detected without a formal assessment

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 12

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records, confirmations or exclusions for the bryophyte genera Acaulon, Campylopus, Entosthodon, Homomallium, Pseudohygrohypnum, and Thuidium, the fungal genera Entoloma, Cortinarius, Mycenella, Oxyporus, and Psathyrella and the lichen genera Anaptychia, Athallia, Baeomyces, Bagliettoa, Calicium, Nephroma, Pectenia, Phaeophyscia, Polyblastia, Protoparmeliopsis, Pyrenula, Ramalina, and Sanguineodiscus
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