8,833 research outputs found

    Vapour reactive distillation process for hydrogen production by hi decomposition from hi-i2-h2o solutions

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    In this contribution, a sequential and hierarchical approach for the feasibility analysis and the preliminary design of reactive distillation columns is extended to systems involving vapour phase chemical reaction and is successfully applied to the HI vapour phase decomposition to produce H2. The complex phase and physico chemical behaviour of the quaternary HI-H2-I2-H2O system is represented by the Neumann’s thermodynamic model and instantaneous vapour phase chemical equilibrium is assumed. Then, from minimal information concerning the physicochemical properties of the system, three successive steps lead to the design of the unit and the specification of its operating conditions: the feasibility analysis, the synthesis and the design step. First, the analysis of reactive condensation curve map method (rCCM), assuming infinite internal liquid and vapour flow rate and infinite reflux ratio, is used to assess the feasibility of the process. It determines the column structure and estimates the attainable compositions. These results are used as inputs data for the synthesis step. Based on the boundary value design method (BVD), considering finite internal liquid and vapour flow rate and finite reflux ratio while neglecting all thermal effects and assuming a constant heat of vaporisation, the synthesis step provides more precise information about the process configuration (minimum reflux ratio, number of theoretical stages, localisation and number of reactive plates, position of the feed plate). Finally, the BVD method results are used to initialise rigorous simulations, based on an equilibrium stage model with energy balance, to estimate the reflux ratio taking into account thermal effect on the process. The resulting design configuration consists in a single feed and entirely reactive distillation column. The column operates under a pressure of 22 bars. The feed of the reactive distillation column, coming from the Bunsen reaction section [xHI=0.10; xI2=0.39 xH2O=0.51], is at its boiling temperature. The residue consists in pure iodine. Water and produced hydrogen are recovered at the distillate. The column operates at a reflux ratio of 5 and is composed of 11 theoretical plates including the reboiler and the partial condenser with the feed at the stage 10 (counted downwards). The obtained HI dissociation yield is 99.6%

    Concentrações plasmaticas de testosterona e suas relações com características reprodutivas em touros das raças Canchim e Nelore.

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    Níveis plasmaticos de testosterona foram determinados em 7 touros da raça canchim e 8 touros da raça nelore, aos 27 e 39 meses de idade.Resumo

    Comportamento sexual de touros das raças Canchim e Nelore.

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    O comportamento sexual foi avaliado em sete touros da raça Canchim e oito Nelores aos 27 e 29 meses de idade, através dos testes de libido, capacidade de serviço e tempo de reação

    Aspectos físicos do sêmen de touros das raças Canchim e Nelore.

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    Avaliação e comparação das características físicas do ejaculador de touros das raças Canchim e Nelore, criados em regime de pastos.Resumo

    Comportamento sexual de touros das raças Canchim e Nelore.

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    Foram utilizados 7 touros Canchim e 8 touros Nelore, criados em regime de pasto e avaliados aos 2 e 3 anos de idade, nos períodos de Janeiro a Marco de 1986 e 1987, com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de touros Canchim e Nelore nos testes de comportamento sexual

    Experimental analysis of lateral impact on planar brittle material: spatial properties of the cracks

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    The breakup of glass and alumina plates due to planar impacts on one of their lateral sides is studied. Particular attention is given to investigating the spatial location of the cracks within the plates. Analysis based on a phenomenological model suggests that bifurcations along the cracks' paths are more likely to take place closer to the impact region than far away from it, i. e., the bifurcation probability seems to lower as the perpendicular distance from the impacted lateral in- creases. It is also found that many observables are not sensitive to the plate material used in this work, as long as the fragment multiplicities corresponding to the fragmentation of the plates are similar. This gives support to the universal properties of the fragmentation process reported in for- mer experiments. However, even under the just mentioned circumstances, some spatial observables are capable of distinguishing the material of which the plates are made and, therefore, it suggests that this universality should be carefully investigated

    Desenvolvimento de bezerros Guzeras e cruzados Canchim X Guzerá na região de Governador Valadares, MG.

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    Estudaram-se os pesos ao nascimento, a desmama, aos 12, aos 18 meses de idade , de bezerros filhos de vacas Guzeras e touros da raça Canchim.Resumo

    Acyclic orientations with path constraints

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    Many well-known combinatorial optimization problems can be stated over the set of acyclic orientations of an undirected graph. For example, acyclic orientations with certain diameter constraints are closely related to the optimal solutions of the vertex coloring and frequency assignment problems. In this paper we introduce a linear programming formulation of acyclic orientations with path constraints, and discuss its use in the solution of the vertex coloring problem and some versions of the frequency assignment problem. A study of the polytope associated with the formulation is presented, including proofs of which constraints of the formulation are facet-defining and the introduction of new classes of valid inequalities

    Selection via simulated individual BLUP based on family genotypic effects in sugarcane.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor uma nova estratégia de seleção nos estádios iniciais do desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar, utilizando-se a metodologia BLUP individual simulado (BLUPIS) que promove a distribuição dinâmica dos indivíduos selecionados em cada família de irmãos-completos, usando BLUP como base para os efeitos genotípicos da família e para os efeitos de parcela. O método proposto se aplica a famílias de irmãos-completos simples ou obtidas de cruzamentos dialélicos desbalanceados ou balanceados, famílias de meios-irmãos e famílias de autofecundação. Por meio do BLUPIS, indica-se o número de indivíduos a ser selecionado por família, o número total de clones a ser avançado e o número de famílias a contribuir com indivíduos selecionados. A validação do método propiciou uma correlação de 0,96 entre o BLUPIS e o BLUP verdadeiro. Além disso, o BLUPIS permite identificar em qual repetição encontram-se os melhores indivíduos de cada família
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