352 research outputs found

    CO2 lidar system for atmospheric studies

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    A lidar facility using a TEA CO2 laser source is being developed at the ENEA Laboratories for Atmospheric Studies. The different subsystems and the proposed experimental activities are described

    A wearable sensor to monitor localized sweat rate as support tool for monitoring athletes' performances

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    Objectives We developed a wearable sensor for the real time measurement of sweat rate in localized areas of the human body. This sensor represents the first step in the development of a wearable sensor network capable to estimate the global sweat rate via an ad hoc algorithm. Such device would be used to monitor athletes' hydration status during training and improve their performances. Equipment and Methods For this study, we tested our sensor on thirteen football players during a cycling test on a cycle ergometer. The sweat rate sensor was compared to a medical device that, although measuring a different physiological process, provides discrete data based on the same working principle, i.e. the diffusion of the water vapour emitted from the skin. Results Our sensor has a working range up to 400 g/m2·h. The statistical analysis and the Bland-Altman plot proved that our sensor is comparable to the medical device used as gold standard. At low sweat rate, the bias is 3.4 g/m2·h with a standard deviation of 7.6 g/m2·h. At maximum sweat rates, the bias is 2.3 g/m2·h with a standard deviation 6.9 g/m2·h. The p values for the Bland-Altman plots at low and maximum sweat rate (0.1331 and 0.2477 obtained by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, respectively) allow the hypothesis that there is a significant difference between our sweat rate sensor and the medical device to be rejected. Conclusion We presented a prototype of a wearable sweat rate sensor for localized measurements. The trials on thirteen athletes proved that the performance of our sensor is comparable to that of a commercial medical device. This sweat rate sensor can provide valuable information on athletes' hydration status

    The effect of manufacturing mismatch on energy production for large-scale photovoltaic plants

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    In the literature, the effect of the mismatch due to manufacturing tolerances on PV plant productivity has been investigated under the hypothesis of plant operation in Standard Test Conditions (STC). In this paper, mismatch impacts are evaluated in more realistic terms taking into account various possible operating conditions. Results are illustrated through the study case of a 1 MWp solar park for which module datasheets as well as flash test data are available. The plant production is evaluated assuming operating conditions that comply with the European efficiency standards. It is shown how the effect of a given mismatch on the annual productivity estimation can significantly change depending on the operating conditions

    Investigation into Multi-Layer Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings with Unconventional Slot-Pole Combinations

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    Fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCWs) are an attractive option for the design of synchronous permanent-magnet machines. It is commonly assumed in the existing literature that a symmetrical three-phase FSCW is feasible only on a condition that the number of slots Z is an integer multiple of three times the maximum common divisor between Z and the number of pole pairs p. Slot-pole combinations satisfying this rule can be defined conventionally, the others unconventionally. In contrast to the common belief, this paper shows that, using a multi-layer arrangement, it is possible to synthetize a symmetrical FSCW having unconventional slot-pole combinations. A general design methodology for this purpose is presented and validated by finite element analysis. The pros and contras of FSCWs with unconventional slot-pole combinations are examined. Finally, the application of an unconventional FSCW to a shipboard surface permanent-magnet machine prototype is presented to illustrate the possible practical convenience of this kind of winding and tests on the prototype are reported for experimental validation

    A time-varying SIRD model for dynamic vaccination strategies against COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how the optimal allocation of the limited doses of vaccine available represents one of the main useful measures to mitigate the transmission of the infection and reduce the mortality associated with it, especially at an early stage of the pandemic. The use of a compartmental model allows us to understand which population groups to vaccinate and to what extent to act depending on the type of health or social objective to be achieved

    Experimental study of picosecond laser plasma formation in thin foils

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    A high performance, fully controlled picosecond laser system has been designed and built with the aid of a numerical code capable of simulating the temporal behavior of the laser system, including each active and passive component. The laser performance was characterized with an optical streak camera, equivalent plane monitor, and calorimeter measurements. The laser pulse was focused on 150-nm thick foils to investigate plasma formation and the related transmittivity of the laser light. The experimental data are in very good agreement with the predictions of a simple, 2D analytical model that takes into account the actual shot-to-shot features of the laser pulse. The temporal profile of the pulse and the intensity distribution in the focal spot were found to play a key role in determining the transmission properties of the laser-irradiated foil. This work may be relevant to a wide class of laser exploded foil plasma experiments

    Representaciones y papel de la comunidad residente en la gobernanza turística de Mar del Plata

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    La estructura productiva de la ciudad de Mar del Plata se ha generado sobre la base del turismo de sol y playa, expandiéndose a través del tiempo, el modelo de prestaciones turísticas masivas,más importante de Argentina. Sin embargo, a partir de la década de los '90 el mismo comienza a manifestar signos de madurez y, si bien desde este momento la ciudad logra desarrollar un turismo fuera de temporada a través de iniciativas de diversificación, se observa que estas acciones no se encuentran incluidas en una política turística estratégica orientada a la reconversión. Dado el importante papel que tiene el turismo en la ciudad, el mismo se presenta como alternativa estratégica para la concreción de un proceso de desarrollo territorial sustentable, a través del compromiso ciudadano, del poder público y del sector productivo. Considerando la idea de que el involucramiento de la comunidad residente en el proceso de desarrollo turístico debe ir más allá de su concientización para ser un buen anfitrión, el objetivo de la ponencia es presentar los principales resultados de un proyecto de investigación orientado a la observación del vínculo comunidad residente-turismo local a partir de la indagación de las representaciones de este grupo específico de actores en torno al turismo y la gobernanza turística. Las representaciones son entendidas como el conjunto de informaciones, opiniones y actitudes referidas a determinados objetos de la realidad turística, que guían los comportamientos y prácticas por parte de los actores,influyendo en la toma de decisiones y la construcción de políticas en torno al turismo; en tanto que la gobernanza es concebida como un sistema de gobierno que implica interacciones entre el gobierno y la sociedad civil, tomándose el concepto de gobernanza turística para referirse al papel de estos sectores dentro del campo turístico. En cuanto al aspecto metodológico, se aplica un enfoque mixto, empleándose como instrumentos de recolección de datos, encuestas y entrevistas aplicadas durante el año 2014 a una muestra intencional y otra representativa de residentes de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, lo que permite la triangulación de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos en pos de un abordaje integrado del objeto de estudio. Los principales resultados indican que, hasta el momento, la comunidad residente de Mar del Plata posee una visión parcializada del fenómeno turístico y sus impactos. En este contexto, el sector público y el privado son percibidos como los actores centrales de la gobernanza turística local. A esta circunstancia se le suma la evidencia de un bajo nivel de involucramiento de los residentes en los aspectos que hacen al turismo y los procesos de toma de decisiones orientados al desarrollo turístico de la ciudad.The productive structure of the city of Mar del Plata has been generated on the basis of sun and beach tourism, expanding over time, the most important model of massive tourism in Argentina. However, from the 90s it began to show signs of maturity and, although the city was able to develop some off-season tourism through diversification initiatives, it is observed that these efforts are not included in an integral strategic policy oriented to re- define the model. Given the important role of tourism in Mar del Plata, it can be considered as a strategic alternative for the realization of a process of sustainable territorial development through civic engagement, public power and production. Considering the idea that the resident community involvement in the tourism development process must go beyond the being just a good host, the aim of the paper is to present the main results of a research project aimed at observing the link between the community and the local tourism. In order to do this, the representations of this specific group of actors around tourism and tourism governance are considered. The representations are understood as the set of information, opinions and attitudes concerning certain objects of the reality that guide the behaviors and practices of the actors influencing decision making and building policies on tourism. Governance is conceived as a system of government that involves interactions between government and civil society. Finally, the concept of tourism governance is referred to the role of these sectors in the field of tourism. As for the methodological aspects, a mixed approach, using as instruments for data collection, surveys and interviews was applied during 2014 to a representative sample of residents of the city of Mar del Plata, allowing a triangulation between qualitative and quantitative strategies towards an integrated approach of the study object. The main results indicate that, so far, the resident community of Mar del Plata has a partial view of tourism and its impacts. In this context, the public and private sectors are perceived as central players in the local tourism governance. Such circumstances evidence a low level of involvement of residents in the aspects related to tourism and in the decision-making processes concerning tourism development of the city.Fil: Barbini, Bernarda. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Castellucci, Daniela I. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Corbo, Yanina A. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cruz, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Roldán, María de los Angeles. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cacciutto, Mariangel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Medios de comunicación y gobernanza turística en Mar del Plata

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    Se propone el desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación a través del cual observar el vínculo medios de comunicación local - turismo local, a partir de la indagación del contenido de la información relacionada con el turismo presente en medios de prensa gráfica local, a fin de determinar el papel específico que los mismos juegan en los procesos de gobernanza turística local, como así también, realizar una evaluación integral de la gobernanza turística en Mar del Plata.Fil: Cacciutto, Mariangel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Roldán, Nadia G. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Castellucci, Daniela I. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Corbo, Yanina A. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cruz, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Barbini, Bernarda. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Laser remote sensing calibration of ocean color satellite data

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    world ocean: in fact, those processes dramatically affect the climatic equilibrium of our planet. For this reason, many advanced active and passive remote sensors have been used to study phytoplankton dynamics, since such phenomena are thought to be responsible for the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, one of the most important greenhouse gases. In this paper, one laser system and three satellite radiometers routinely used for the study of the phytoplankton dynamics will be briefly reviewed. Satellite sensors have been preferred to airborne sensors because, to our knowledge, ocean color airborne radiometers have not been operated in Antarctica, at least not throughout the whole lapse of time examined in this study. Particular focus was on the laser system (ELF) and on a specific satellite radiometer (SeaWiFS). ELF is based on the laser-induced fluorescence of phytoplankton pigments and was conceived for the Italian expeditions to Antarctica. The goal of SeaWiFS is to provide the Earth science community with quantitative data on the global ocean bio-optical properties. Such satellite radiometer has been calibrated with in situ data mainly acquired in non polar regions. This is why a comparison between ELF and SeaWiFS measurements of chlorophyll-a surface concentrations in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer 1997-1998 was believed to be significant. Our results indicate that SeaWiFS overestimates high concentrations and underestimates low concentrations. In order to correct this behavior, the chlorophyll- a bio-optical algorithm of SeaWiFS has been recalibrated according to the measurements of ELF, thus providing a new estimation of the primary production in the Southern Ocean

    Comunidad residente y gobernanza turística en Mar del Plata

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    La estructura productiva de Mar del Plata se ha concebido históricamente sobre la modalidad turística de sol y playa. Sin embargo, a partir de la década de los '90, dicho modelo ha comenzado a manifestar signos de madurez. Para que el turismo constituya una auténtica alternativa estratégica que permita un proceso de desarrollo territorial sustentable, se requiere no sólo el involucramiento del poder público y del sector productivo, sino también el compromiso ciudadano. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los principales resultados de un proyecto de investigación orientado a la observación del vínculo comunidad residente-turismo local, a partir de la indagación de las representaciones de este grupo específico de actores en torno al turismo y la gobernanza turística.The production structure of Mar del Plata has been conceived historically on sun and beach tourism. However, from the early '90s, this model has begun to show signs of maturity. In order for tourism to constitute a genuine strategic alternative that allows a process of sustainable territorial development, it is necessary the involvement of government and the productive sector, but also the engagement of the citizenship. The aim of this paper is to present the main results of a research project aimed at observing the linkage between the local community and tourism, considering the representations of this specific group of actors around tourism and tourism governance.Fil: Barbini, Bernarda. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Castellucci, Daniela I. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Corbo, Yanina A. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cruz, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Roldán, Nadia G. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Cacciutto, Mariangel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina