7 research outputs found

    Application of deep eutectic solvents for FCC gasoline purification

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    Obradom sirove nafte moguće je dobiti različite proizvode visoke vrijednosti. Jedan od takvih proizvoda je i motorni benzin dobiven mijeÅ”anjem viÅ”e vrsta frakcija, najvećim dijelom FCC benzinom. FCC benzin je frakcija koja znatno doprinosi količini sumpornih spojeva u motornom gorivu koji utječu na smanjenje kvalitete. Osim sumpornih spojeva, motorno gorivo sadrži puno aromata te duÅ”ikovih spojeva, pa su ispuÅ”ni plinovi nastali izgaranjem goriva bogati Å”tetnim SOx i NOx spojevima, ugljikovim monoksidom te krutim česticama. Da bi se spriječila emisija Å”tetnih tvari i zaÅ”titio okoliÅ” te zdravlje ljudi, potrebno je gorivo pročistiti, odnosno provesti procese desulfurizacije, denitrifikacije i dearomatizacije. Kako su se niskotemperaturna eutektička otapala pokazala kao dobra zamjena Å”tetnih organskih otapala, u radu je ispitana mogućnost pročiŔćavanja modelnog FCC benzina primjenom niskotemperaturnog eutektičkog otapala pripravljenog iz tetra-n-butilamonij-bromida i mravlje kiseline (TBAB/MK) u postupku Å”aržne kapljevinske ekstrakcije. Proces ekstrakcije je optimiran kako bi se količine Å”tetnih tvari, tiofena, piridina i toluena, svele na minimum Definirano je optimalno vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije, solvent odnos te broj okretaja mijeÅ”ala. Također, ispitana je djelotvornost ekstrakcije ključnih komponenti u viÅ”estupnjevitoj ekstrakciji te Å”aržnoj ekstrakciji primjenom regeneriranog otapala TBAB/MK. Rezultati su pokazali kako je optimalno vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije t=20 min, pogodan solvent odnos S=1,0, dok promjena broja okretaja mijeÅ”ala nije značajno utjecala na djelotvornost ekstrakcije. Zadovoljavajuća djelotvornost ekstrakcije ostvarena je primjenom regeneriranog otapala pa bi se optimalni rezultati mogli očekivati u viÅ”estupnjevitoj ekstrakciji s regeneriranim otapalom.By refining crude oil it is possible to obtain various high value products. One such product is gasoline obtained by mixing several types of fractions, mostly FCC gasoline. FCC gasoline is a fraction that significantly contributes to the amount of sulfur compounds in motor fuel causing the reduction of its quality. In addition to sulfur compounds, motor fuel contains a lot of aromatics and nitrogen compounds, which enrich the exhaust gases with harmful SOx and NOx compounds, carbon monoxide and solid particles. In order to prevent the emission of harmful substances and to protect the environment as well as human health, it is necessary to purify the fuel, ie to carry out the processes of desulfurization, denitrification and dearomatization. As deep eutectic solvents have proven to be a good substitute for harmful organic solvents, the possibility of purifying model FCC gasoline using deep eutectic solvent prepared from tetra-n-butylammonium bromide and formic acid in a batch liquid-liquid extraction process has been investigated. The extraction process has been optimized to minimize the amounts of harmful substances, thiophene, pyridine and toluene. The optimal extraction time, solvent ratio and stirring speed have been defined. Moreover, the extraction efficiency of key components has been examined in a multi-stage extraction and in a batch extraction with regenerated solvent TBAB/MK. The results have shown that the optimal extraction time is t=20 min and suitable solvent ratio S=1,0, while the change in stirring speed did not significantly affect the extraction efficiency. Satisfactory extraction efficiency has been accomplished by the use of regenerated solvent, so optimal results could be expected in a multi-stage extraction with regenerated solvent

    Application of deep eutectic solvents for FCC gasoline purification

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    Obradom sirove nafte moguće je dobiti različite proizvode visoke vrijednosti. Jedan od takvih proizvoda je i motorni benzin dobiven mijeÅ”anjem viÅ”e vrsta frakcija, najvećim dijelom FCC benzinom. FCC benzin je frakcija koja znatno doprinosi količini sumpornih spojeva u motornom gorivu koji utječu na smanjenje kvalitete. Osim sumpornih spojeva, motorno gorivo sadrži puno aromata te duÅ”ikovih spojeva, pa su ispuÅ”ni plinovi nastali izgaranjem goriva bogati Å”tetnim SOx i NOx spojevima, ugljikovim monoksidom te krutim česticama. Da bi se spriječila emisija Å”tetnih tvari i zaÅ”titio okoliÅ” te zdravlje ljudi, potrebno je gorivo pročistiti, odnosno provesti procese desulfurizacije, denitrifikacije i dearomatizacije. Kako su se niskotemperaturna eutektička otapala pokazala kao dobra zamjena Å”tetnih organskih otapala, u radu je ispitana mogućnost pročiŔćavanja modelnog FCC benzina primjenom niskotemperaturnog eutektičkog otapala pripravljenog iz tetra-n-butilamonij-bromida i mravlje kiseline (TBAB/MK) u postupku Å”aržne kapljevinske ekstrakcije. Proces ekstrakcije je optimiran kako bi se količine Å”tetnih tvari, tiofena, piridina i toluena, svele na minimum Definirano je optimalno vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije, solvent odnos te broj okretaja mijeÅ”ala. Također, ispitana je djelotvornost ekstrakcije ključnih komponenti u viÅ”estupnjevitoj ekstrakciji te Å”aržnoj ekstrakciji primjenom regeneriranog otapala TBAB/MK. Rezultati su pokazali kako je optimalno vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije t=20 min, pogodan solvent odnos S=1,0, dok promjena broja okretaja mijeÅ”ala nije značajno utjecala na djelotvornost ekstrakcije. Zadovoljavajuća djelotvornost ekstrakcije ostvarena je primjenom regeneriranog otapala pa bi se optimalni rezultati mogli očekivati u viÅ”estupnjevitoj ekstrakciji s regeneriranim otapalom.By refining crude oil it is possible to obtain various high value products. One such product is gasoline obtained by mixing several types of fractions, mostly FCC gasoline. FCC gasoline is a fraction that significantly contributes to the amount of sulfur compounds in motor fuel causing the reduction of its quality. In addition to sulfur compounds, motor fuel contains a lot of aromatics and nitrogen compounds, which enrich the exhaust gases with harmful SOx and NOx compounds, carbon monoxide and solid particles. In order to prevent the emission of harmful substances and to protect the environment as well as human health, it is necessary to purify the fuel, ie to carry out the processes of desulfurization, denitrification and dearomatization. As deep eutectic solvents have proven to be a good substitute for harmful organic solvents, the possibility of purifying model FCC gasoline using deep eutectic solvent prepared from tetra-n-butylammonium bromide and formic acid in a batch liquid-liquid extraction process has been investigated. The extraction process has been optimized to minimize the amounts of harmful substances, thiophene, pyridine and toluene. The optimal extraction time, solvent ratio and stirring speed have been defined. Moreover, the extraction efficiency of key components has been examined in a multi-stage extraction and in a batch extraction with regenerated solvent TBAB/MK. The results have shown that the optimal extraction time is t=20 min and suitable solvent ratio S=1,0, while the change in stirring speed did not significantly affect the extraction efficiency. Satisfactory extraction efficiency has been accomplished by the use of regenerated solvent, so optimal results could be expected in a multi-stage extraction with regenerated solvent

    Stability of nanosuspension prepared from deep eutectic solvents

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    Razvoj novih tehnologija i materijala doveo je do mogućnosti uspjeÅ”nog rasprÅ”ivanja nanočestica u otapalima koja tako čine nanosuspenzije kao odličan medij za prijenos topline ili tvari sa znatno boljim svojstvima od čistih otapala. Sposobnost nanosuspenzija da poboljÅ”aju transportna svojstva u procesima prijenosa topline i tvari mogla bi doprinijeti energetskoj učinkovitosti različitih industrijskih procesa. Primarni uvjet za ostvarenje spomenutih poboljÅ”anja je priprema stabilnih nanofluida. U ovom radu ispitana je mogućnost primjene niskotemperaturnih eutektičkih otapala (eng. Deep eutectic solvent, DES) koja u posljednje vrijeme zamjenjuju klasična otapala, kao bazni fluidi u pripremi stabilnih nanosuspenzija. Stabilnost nanofluida podrazumijeva sposobnost suspenzije da ostane homogena duže vremensko razdoblje odnosno, da ne dođe do aglomeracije i sedimentacije nanočestica. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti stabilnost nanosuspenzija pripremljenih rasprÅ”ivanjem nanočestica Al2O3 u tri različita eutektička otapala. Stabilnost je određena vizualnom metodom, sedimentacijom primjenom centrifuge, metodom mikroskopiranja te mjerenjem raspodjele veličina nanočestica. Kao bitno svojstvo nanosuspenzija, izmjerena je i njihova toplinska vodljivost. Iako se rezultati za sva ispitivanja nisu slagala sa očekivanim ishodom, oni su pokazali kako je odabir eutektičkog otapala za pripremu nanosuspenzija ključan, te je metodama za određivanje stabilnosti eutektičko otapalo Ma-Fru-Gly-30 određeno kao najpogodnije otapalo za dobivanje stabilnih nanosuspenzija.The development of new technologies and materials have enabled the possibility of a successful dispersion of nanoparticles in solvents thus forming nanosuspensions as an excellent media for heat or matter transfer with better properties than pure solvents. The ability of nanosuspensions to improve the transport properties in processes of heat and matter transfer could contribute to the energy efficiency of industrial processes. The primary requirement for accomplishing this kind of improvements is the preparation of stabile nanofluids. In this study, the possibility of applying deep eutectic solvents ā€“ DES, which are lately very often used as a replacement to conventional solvents, as base fluids for preparing stabile nanosuspensions was being tested. The stability of nanofluids is consisted of the ability of the suspension to stay homogeneous for a long period of time apropos, that there is no agglomeration and sedimentation of nanoparticles. The aim of this study was to research the stability of nanosuspensions prepared by dispersing Al2O3 nanoparticles in three different eutectic solvents. The stability has been evaluated using the visual method, sedimentation method applied in the centrifuge, microscope and by measuring the size distribution of the nanoparticles. As an important property of nanosuspensions, the heat transfer has also been measured. Even though the results did not match the expected outcome, they have shown that the selection of the suitable eutectic solvent is crucial in preparing nanosuspensions and that considering the results of stability determination methods, Ma-Fru-Gly-30 is the most suitable eutectic solvent for getting the most stabile nanosuspensions

    Application of deep eutectic solvents for FCC gasoline purification

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    Obradom sirove nafte moguće je dobiti različite proizvode visoke vrijednosti. Jedan od takvih proizvoda je i motorni benzin dobiven mijeÅ”anjem viÅ”e vrsta frakcija, najvećim dijelom FCC benzinom. FCC benzin je frakcija koja znatno doprinosi količini sumpornih spojeva u motornom gorivu koji utječu na smanjenje kvalitete. Osim sumpornih spojeva, motorno gorivo sadrži puno aromata te duÅ”ikovih spojeva, pa su ispuÅ”ni plinovi nastali izgaranjem goriva bogati Å”tetnim SOx i NOx spojevima, ugljikovim monoksidom te krutim česticama. Da bi se spriječila emisija Å”tetnih tvari i zaÅ”titio okoliÅ” te zdravlje ljudi, potrebno je gorivo pročistiti, odnosno provesti procese desulfurizacije, denitrifikacije i dearomatizacije. Kako su se niskotemperaturna eutektička otapala pokazala kao dobra zamjena Å”tetnih organskih otapala, u radu je ispitana mogućnost pročiŔćavanja modelnog FCC benzina primjenom niskotemperaturnog eutektičkog otapala pripravljenog iz tetra-n-butilamonij-bromida i mravlje kiseline (TBAB/MK) u postupku Å”aržne kapljevinske ekstrakcije. Proces ekstrakcije je optimiran kako bi se količine Å”tetnih tvari, tiofena, piridina i toluena, svele na minimum Definirano je optimalno vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije, solvent odnos te broj okretaja mijeÅ”ala. Također, ispitana je djelotvornost ekstrakcije ključnih komponenti u viÅ”estupnjevitoj ekstrakciji te Å”aržnoj ekstrakciji primjenom regeneriranog otapala TBAB/MK. Rezultati su pokazali kako je optimalno vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije t=20 min, pogodan solvent odnos S=1,0, dok promjena broja okretaja mijeÅ”ala nije značajno utjecala na djelotvornost ekstrakcije. Zadovoljavajuća djelotvornost ekstrakcije ostvarena je primjenom regeneriranog otapala pa bi se optimalni rezultati mogli očekivati u viÅ”estupnjevitoj ekstrakciji s regeneriranim otapalom.By refining crude oil it is possible to obtain various high value products. One such product is gasoline obtained by mixing several types of fractions, mostly FCC gasoline. FCC gasoline is a fraction that significantly contributes to the amount of sulfur compounds in motor fuel causing the reduction of its quality. In addition to sulfur compounds, motor fuel contains a lot of aromatics and nitrogen compounds, which enrich the exhaust gases with harmful SOx and NOx compounds, carbon monoxide and solid particles. In order to prevent the emission of harmful substances and to protect the environment as well as human health, it is necessary to purify the fuel, ie to carry out the processes of desulfurization, denitrification and dearomatization. As deep eutectic solvents have proven to be a good substitute for harmful organic solvents, the possibility of purifying model FCC gasoline using deep eutectic solvent prepared from tetra-n-butylammonium bromide and formic acid in a batch liquid-liquid extraction process has been investigated. The extraction process has been optimized to minimize the amounts of harmful substances, thiophene, pyridine and toluene. The optimal extraction time, solvent ratio and stirring speed have been defined. Moreover, the extraction efficiency of key components has been examined in a multi-stage extraction and in a batch extraction with regenerated solvent TBAB/MK. The results have shown that the optimal extraction time is t=20 min and suitable solvent ratio S=1,0, while the change in stirring speed did not significantly affect the extraction efficiency. Satisfactory extraction efficiency has been accomplished by the use of regenerated solvent, so optimal results could be expected in a multi-stage extraction with regenerated solvent

    Stability of nanosuspension prepared from deep eutectic solvents

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    Razvoj novih tehnologija i materijala doveo je do mogućnosti uspjeÅ”nog rasprÅ”ivanja nanočestica u otapalima koja tako čine nanosuspenzije kao odličan medij za prijenos topline ili tvari sa znatno boljim svojstvima od čistih otapala. Sposobnost nanosuspenzija da poboljÅ”aju transportna svojstva u procesima prijenosa topline i tvari mogla bi doprinijeti energetskoj učinkovitosti različitih industrijskih procesa. Primarni uvjet za ostvarenje spomenutih poboljÅ”anja je priprema stabilnih nanofluida. U ovom radu ispitana je mogućnost primjene niskotemperaturnih eutektičkih otapala (eng. Deep eutectic solvent, DES) koja u posljednje vrijeme zamjenjuju klasična otapala, kao bazni fluidi u pripremi stabilnih nanosuspenzija. Stabilnost nanofluida podrazumijeva sposobnost suspenzije da ostane homogena duže vremensko razdoblje odnosno, da ne dođe do aglomeracije i sedimentacije nanočestica. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti stabilnost nanosuspenzija pripremljenih rasprÅ”ivanjem nanočestica Al2O3 u tri različita eutektička otapala. Stabilnost je određena vizualnom metodom, sedimentacijom primjenom centrifuge, metodom mikroskopiranja te mjerenjem raspodjele veličina nanočestica. Kao bitno svojstvo nanosuspenzija, izmjerena je i njihova toplinska vodljivost. Iako se rezultati za sva ispitivanja nisu slagala sa očekivanim ishodom, oni su pokazali kako je odabir eutektičkog otapala za pripremu nanosuspenzija ključan, te je metodama za određivanje stabilnosti eutektičko otapalo Ma-Fru-Gly-30 određeno kao najpogodnije otapalo za dobivanje stabilnih nanosuspenzija.The development of new technologies and materials have enabled the possibility of a successful dispersion of nanoparticles in solvents thus forming nanosuspensions as an excellent media for heat or matter transfer with better properties than pure solvents. The ability of nanosuspensions to improve the transport properties in processes of heat and matter transfer could contribute to the energy efficiency of industrial processes. The primary requirement for accomplishing this kind of improvements is the preparation of stabile nanofluids. In this study, the possibility of applying deep eutectic solvents ā€“ DES, which are lately very often used as a replacement to conventional solvents, as base fluids for preparing stabile nanosuspensions was being tested. The stability of nanofluids is consisted of the ability of the suspension to stay homogeneous for a long period of time apropos, that there is no agglomeration and sedimentation of nanoparticles. The aim of this study was to research the stability of nanosuspensions prepared by dispersing Al2O3 nanoparticles in three different eutectic solvents. The stability has been evaluated using the visual method, sedimentation method applied in the centrifuge, microscope and by measuring the size distribution of the nanoparticles. As an important property of nanosuspensions, the heat transfer has also been measured. Even though the results did not match the expected outcome, they have shown that the selection of the suitable eutectic solvent is crucial in preparing nanosuspensions and that considering the results of stability determination methods, Ma-Fru-Gly-30 is the most suitable eutectic solvent for getting the most stabile nanosuspensions

    Ružička days : International conference 17th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th Ružička days: ā€žToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€œ that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the Ružička days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book

    Ružička days : International conference 18th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: chemical analysis and synthesis, chemical and biochemical engineering, food technology and biotechnology, medical chemistry and pharmacy, environmental protection and meeting of young chemists