190 research outputs found

    Calcification response of a key phytoplankton family to millennial-scale environmental change

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    Coccolithophores are single-celled photosynthesizing marine algae, responsible for half of the calcification in the surface ocean, and exert a strong influence on the distribution of carbon among global reservoirs, and thus Earth’s climate. Calcification in the surface ocean decreases the buffering capacity of seawater for CO2, whilst photosynthetic carbon fixation has the opposite effect. Experiments in culture have suggested that coccolithophore calcification decreases under high CO2 concentrations ([CO2(aq)]) constituting a negative feedback. However, the extent to which these results are representative of natural populations, and of the response over more than a few hundred generations is unclear. Here we describe and apply a novel rationale for size-normalizing the mass of the calcite plates produced by the most abundant family of coccolithophores, the Noëlaerhabdaceae. On average, ancient populations subjected to coupled gradual increases in [CO2(aq)] and temperature over a few million generations in a natural environment become relatively more highly calcified, implying a positive climatic feedback. We hypothesize that this is the result of selection manifest in natural populations over millennial timescales, so has necessarily eluded laboratory experiments

    Issues in Research on the Young Chronically III Child

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    A major goal of research on chronic illness in children is to determine how the illness interacts with developmental processes. The child must be studied within the context of the family, the school, and the health care system. Problems in research include the use of appropriate control groups and matching on control variables. The generic, or cross-categorical, approach has led to the identification of factors affecting children regardless of particular illness. Adjustment to school depends on coordination of the family and health professionals with personnel within the school.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68724/2/10.1177_027112148600500406.pd

    Calcification response of a key phytoplankton family to millennial-scale environmental change

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    Coccolithophores are single-celled photosynthesizing marine algae, responsible for half of the calcification in the surface ocean, and exert a strong influence on the distribution of carbon among global reservoirs, and thus Earth’s climate. Calcification in the surface ocean decreases the buffering capacity of seawater for CO2, whilst photosynthetic carbon fixation has the opposite effect. Experiments in culture have suggested that coccolithophore calcification decreases under high CO2 concentrations ([CO2(aq)]) constituting a negative feedback. However, the extent to which these results are representative of natural populations, and of the response over more than a few hundred generations is unclear. Here we describe and apply a novel rationale for size-normalizing the mass of the calcite plates produced by the most abundant family of coccolithophores, the Noëlaerhabdaceae. On average, ancient populations subjected to coupled gradual increases in [CO2(aq)] and temperature over a few million generations in a natural environment become relatively more highly calcified, implying a positive climatic feedback. We hypothesize that this is the result of selection manifest in natural populations over millennial timescales, so has necessarily eluded laboratory experiments.HLOM was funded by PhD studentship NE/I019522/1 in association with UKOARP. REMR acknowledges NERC grant NE/H017119/1 and ERC grant SP2-GA-2008-200915. LB is grateful for financial support from EU Seventh Framework program Past4Future and from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under project ANR-12-B06-0007 (CALHIS). PF was funded by Marie-Curie Reintegration grant (PERG-GA-2010-272134 - MILLEVARIABILI), funded by the EU PNRA 2013/AZ2.06 and GEOSMART, funded by the Italian National Antarctic Research Programme

    Polynomial super-gl(n) algebras

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    We introduce a class of finite dimensional nonlinear superalgebras L=L0ˉ+L1ˉL = L_{\bar{0}} + L_{\bar{1}} providing gradings of L0ˉ=gl(n)sl(n)+gl(1)L_{\bar{0}} = gl(n) \simeq sl(n) + gl(1). Odd generators close by anticommutation on polynomials (of degree >1>1) in the gl(n)gl(n) generators. Specifically, we investigate `type I' super-gl(n)gl(n) algebras, having odd generators transforming in a single irreducible representation of gl(n)gl(n) together with its contragredient. Admissible structure constants are discussed in terms of available gl(n)gl(n) couplings, and various special cases and candidate superalgebras are identified and exemplified via concrete oscillator constructions. For the case of the nn-dimensional defining representation, with odd generators Qa,QˉbQ_{a}, \bar{Q}{}^{b}, and even generators Eab{E^{a}}_{b}, a,b=1,...,na,b = 1,...,n, a three parameter family of quadratic super-gl(n)gl(n) algebras (deformations of sl(n/1)sl(n/1)) is defined. In general, additional covariant Serre-type conditions are imposed, in order that the Jacobi identities be fulfilled. For these quadratic super-gl(n)gl(n) algebras, the construction of Kac modules, and conditions for atypicality, are briefly considered. Applications in quantum field theory, including Hamiltonian lattice QCD and space-time supersymmetry, are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, including minor corrections to equation (3) and reference [60

    Novel, technical advance: a new grapevine transpiration prototype for grape berries and whole bunch based on relative humidity sensors

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    Grape berry transpiration is considered an important process during maturation, but scientific evidence is scarce. In the literature, there is only one report showing reduced maturation when bunch transpiration is artificially slowed down. Traditionally, grape berry transpiration has been measured by weighing grape berries on scale for a given time, correctly assuming that the weight reduction is due to water lost. Commercially available instruments adequate to measure gas exchange in small fruits are not suitable for whole grape berry bunch. Here, we present an open differential chamber system that can be used with isolated grape berries or alternatively with a whole grape berry bunch for measuring grape berry/bunch transpiration based on the use of relative humidity sensors from Vaisala. When used with isolated grape berries, open differential chamber system validation was made by using Tempranillo grape berries collected at different phenological stages. For the whole bunch transpiration prototype, two different validations were made. Firstly, measurements were made inserting inside the chamber an increasing number of Eppendorf tubes filled with water. Secondly, transpiration was measured in whole Tempranillo bunches sampled at different phenological stages. An important output of this work is that the fact of detaching the bunch from the plant did not change the bunch gas exchange rates at least for several hours

    Curriculum in early childhood education: critical questions about content, coherence, and control

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    A continuing struggle over curriculum in early childhood education is evident in contemporary research and debate at national and international levels. This reflects the dominant influence of developmental psychology in international discourses, and in policy frameworks that determine approaches to curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. Focusing on early childhood education, we argue that this struggle generates critical questions about three significant themes within curriculum theory: content, coherence, and control. We outline two positions from which these themes can be understood: Developmental and Educational Psychology and contemporary policy frameworks. We argue that within and between these positions, curriculum content, coherence, and control are viewed in different and sometimes oppositional ways. Following this analysis, we propose that a focus on ‘working theories’ as a third position offers possibilities for addressing some of these continuing struggles, by exploring different implications for how content, coherence, and control might be understood. We conclude that asking critical questions of curriculum in early childhood education is a necessary endeavour to develop alternative theoretical frameworks for understanding the ways in which curriculum can be considered alongside pedagogy, assessment, play, and learning

    Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Early Childhood: The Implications of Color-Consciousness and Colorblindness for Prejudice Development

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    This chapter outlines how early childhood teachers can bring children into conversations surrounding race and racism by drawing on literature on how parents of color discuss these topics. Although educators’ practices surrounding race and racism remain largely unexplored, decades of developmental psychological research indicate that parents of color engage in ethnic-racial socialization practices that are beneficial for children (Hughes et al., 2006). The established dimensions of parental ethnic-racial socialization include (1) cultural socialization, or teaching children about their ethnic heritage and instilling ethnic pride; (2) preparation for bias, or teaching children about racism and preparing them to face discrimination; (3) promotion of mistrust, or warning children about the need to distance themselves from other racial groups; and (4) egalitarianism, or emphasizing the similarities between and equality of all races (Hughes et al. 2006). One consideration to take into account from a developmental perspective is that children’s level of cognitive development impacts how they interpret messages about race. This chapter draws a link between parental ethnic-racial socialization and extends this body of work to school settings, with a focus on teachers. The ideologies of colorblindness and color-consciousness are discussed throughout

    HPLC determination of methylphenidate and its metabolite, ritalinic acid, by high-performance liquid chromatography with peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection.

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    An HPLC-peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence (PO-CL) method for simultaneous determination of methylphenidate (MPH) and ritalinic acid (RA) was developed. The method was used to monitor MPH and RA after administration of MPH to rats. Deproteinized plasma spiked with 1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazine (IS) was dried and labeled with 4-(N,N-dimethylaminosulfonyl)-7-fluoro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (DBD-F). The labeled sample was cleaned with two kinds of solid-phase extraction cartridge, and the DBD-labels were separated on an ODS column with gradient elution using a mixture of CH(3)CN and imidazole-HNO(3) buffer. Separation of MPH and RA can be achieved within 33 min. The LODs of MPH and RA at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 were 2.2 and 0.4 ng mL(-1), respectively. Moreover, monitoring of MPH and RA after MPH administration (10 mg kg(-1)) to rat could be performed. The concentration of RA 480 min after administration was eight times higher than that of MPH. The proposed HPLC-PO-CL method was useful for determination of MPH and RA in rat plasma and was successfully used to monitor these substances after MPH administration

    Structures Related to the Emplacement of Shallow-Level Intrusions

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    A systematic view of the vast nomenclature used to describe the structures of shallow-level intrusions is presented here. Structures are organised in four main groups, according to logical breaks in the timing of magma emplacement, independent of the scales of features: (1) Intrusion-related structures, formed as the magma is making space and then develops into its intrusion shape; (2) Magmatic flow-related structures, developed as magma moves with suspended crystals that are free to rotate; (3) Solid-state, flow-related structures that formed in portions of the intrusions affected by continuing flow of nearby magma, therefore considered to have a syn-magmatic, non-tectonic origin; (4) Thermal and fragmental structures, related to creation of space and impact on host materials. This scheme appears as a rational organisation, helpful in describing and interpreting the large variety of structures observed in shallow-level intrusions

    Relative contributions of crust and mantle to generation of Campanian high-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoids in a subduction setting, with special reference to the Harsit Pluton, Eastern Turkey

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    We present elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for the magmatic suite (similar to 79 Ma) of the Harsit pluton, from the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey), with the aim of determining its magma source and geodynamic evolution. The pluton comprises granite, granodiorite, tonalite and minor diorite (SiO(2) = 59.43-76.95 wt%), with only minor gabbroic diorite mafic microgranular enclaves in composition (SiO(2) = 54.95-56.32 wt%), and exhibits low Mg# (<46). All samples show a high-K calc-alkaline differentiation trend and I-type features. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are fractionated [(La/Yb)(n) = 2.40-12.44] and display weak Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.30-0.76). The rocks are characterized by enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE. The Harsit host rocks have weak concave-upward REE patterns, suggesting that amphibole and garnet played a significant role in their generation during magma segregation. The host rocks and their enclaves are isotopically indistinguishable. Sr-Nd isotopic data for all of the samples display I(Sr) = 0.70676-0.70708, epsilon(Nd)(79 Ma) = -4.4 to -3.3, with T(DM) = 1.09-1.36 Ga. The lead isotopic ratios are ((206)Pb/(204)pb) = 18.79-18.87, ((207)Pb/(204)Pb) = 15.59-15.61 and ((208)Pb/(204)Pb) = 38.71-38.83. These geochemical data rule out pure crustal-derived magma genesis in a post-collision extensional stage and suggest mixed-origin magma generation in a subduction setting. The melting that generated these high-K granitoidic rocks may have resulted from the upper Cretaceous subduction of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan oceanic slab beneath the Eurasian block in the region. The back-arc extensional events would have caused melting of the enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle and formed mafic magma. The underplating of the lower crust by mafic magmas would have played a significant role in the generation of high-K magma. Thus, a thermal anomaly induced by underplated basic magma into a hot crust would have caused partial melting in the lower part of the crust. In this scenario, the lithospheric mantle-derived basaltic melt first mixed with granitic magma of crustal origin at depth. Then, the melts, which subsequently underwent a fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation processes, could ascend to shallower crustal levels to generate a variety of rock types ranging from diorite to granite. Sr-Nd isotope modeling shows that the generation of these magmas involved similar to 65-75% of the lower crustal-derived melt and similar to 25-35% of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Further, geochemical data and the Ar-Ar plateau age on hornblende, combined with regional studies, imply that the Harsit pluton formed in a subduction setting and that the back-arc extensional period started by least similar to 79 Ma in the Eastern Pontides.Geochemistry & GeophysicsMineralogySCI(E)33ARTICLE4467-48716