20 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie bioodpadów owocowych na przykładzie wytłoków jabłkowych®

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    Apple processing generates a huge amount of bio-waste in the form of pomace, which instead of being managed, contribute to environmental pollution. Apple pomace is formed mainly at the stage of apple processing and food production. It is valuable material that can be reused in a agriculture industry according to the circular economy concept. Unprocessed or slightly processed fruit residues can be converted into animal feed or be used as biofertilizers. Apple pomace contains valuable substances and compounds that can be successfully used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Another form of using apple pomace is the extraction of biofuels. According to the idea of sustainable development rational management of bio-waste benefits economically, reduces environmental pollution and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.Przetwórstwo jabłek generuje ogromną ilość bioodpadów w postaci wytłoków, które zamiast być zagospodarowane, przyczyniają się do zanieczyszczenia środowiska. Wytłoki jabłkowe powstają głównie na etapie przetwarzania jabłek i produkcji żywności. Jest to cenny materiał, który może być ponownie wykorzystany w przemyśle rolniczym zgodnie z koncepcją gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. Nieprzetworzone lub lekko przetworzone pozostałości owoców mogą być przekształcane w paszę dla zwierząt lub stosowane jako bionawozy. Wytłoki jabłkowe zawierają cenne substancje i związki, które z powodzeniem mogą być stosowane w produktach spożywczych, kosmetycznych i farmaceutycznych. Inną formą wykorzystania wytłoków jabłkowych jest produkcja biopaliw. Zgodnie z ideą zrównoważonego rozwoju, racjonalne gospodarowanie bioodpadami przynosi korzyści ekonomiczne, zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie środowiska i przyczynia się do redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych

    Assessment of production possibilities of fermented beet root juice with the addition of potentially probiotic Lactobacillus strains®

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    W ostatnich czasach obserwowany jest wzrost zainteresowa-nia konsumentów żywnością funkcjonalną. Badacze z całego świata pracują nad otrzymaniem różnorodnych produktów probiotycznych, w tym pochodzenia roślinnego. Poszukuje się nowych mikroorganizmów potencjalnie probiotycznych, naj-częściej izolowanych z żywności spontanicznie fermentowa-nej. Celem pracy była ocena możliwości zastosowania bakte-rii probiotycznych i potencjalnie probiotycznych do produkcji fermentowanego soku z buraka ćwikłowego, akceptowanego sensorycznie i zawierającego odpowiednią liczbę żywych ko-mórek bakterii. Wyselekcjonowano szczep Lactobacillus rha-mnosus K4, który charakteryzował się wysoką liczbą komórek po procesie fermentacji. Uzyskano produkt o zadowalającej jakości sensorycznej podczas przechowywania. Sok przecho-wywany w 4oC odznaczał się większą stabilnością cech smaku i jakości ogólnej od soku przechowywanego w 15oC. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują na możliwość zastosowa-nia potencjalnie probiotycznego szczepu Lactobacillus rham-nosus K4 do produkcji soku z buraka ćwikłowego posia-dającego korzystne cechy sensoryczne i o odpowiedniej liczbie komórek, pozwalającej na uznanie produktu za probiotyczny.Recently, there has been an increase in consumer interest in functional food. Researchers from all around the world are working to obtain a variety of probiotic products, including plant origin. New potentially probiotic microorganisms are introduced, most often isolated from spontaneously fermented foods. The aim of the study was to produce a beetroot juice with addition of potentially probiotic Lactobacillus strains. The assessment of number of potentially probiotic bacteria cells and sensory properties were performed after fermen-tation and during 21 days of storage test. Following the re-sults obtained after fermentation Lactobacillus rhamnosus K4 strain was selected for the storage test. The sensory quality of tested beetroot juice was satisfactory during storage. The juice stored at temperature 4oC have higher overall quality then at 15oC. Studies have shown the possibility of producing beetroot juice with satisfactory sensory quality and sufficient cells numbers of potentially probiotic Lactobacillus rhamno-sus K4 to allow the product to be considered probiotic

    Applications of Biosensors for Meat Quality Evaluations

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    The aim of this study was to apply biosensors in the assessment of meat quality. The research was carried out on 20 samples of the Longissimus muscle obtained from pork of Polish Landrace and Polish Large White hybrids of fattening pigs. In the samples, 48 h after slaughter pH values, color parameters in the CIE system (L* a* b*), the volume of natural drip loss and intramuscular fat content were measured. The commercially available biosensor Accutrend Plus was used to measure glucose, triglycerides and lactic acid in meat juice. Significant (p ≤ 0.05) relationships between glucose, triglycerides, lactic acid levels and pork quality characteristics, i.e., pH (r = −0.62; r = −0.78; r = −0.68 respectively), natural drip loss and (r = 0.57; r = 0.58; r = 0.49), color parameters as L*, a* and b* (r = from 0.47 to 0.79) were demonstrated. The study showed a negative correlation between the intramuscular fat content and acidification of muscle tissue (r = −0.49), and a positive one with the brightness of color (r = 0.46). The results of the canonical analysis show that the measurement of all three metabolites in muscle juice allows the evaluation of the technological quality of meat with an accuracy of 86.54% (Rc = 0.93, p < 0.01)

    Ocena wpływu dodatku prebiotyków na jakość probiotycznych deserów kokosowych®

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    The aim of this study presented in the article was to develop a synbiotic coconut dessert with the satisfactory sensory quality without sugar, with the addition of probiotic bacteria and prebiotics. A selected strain of probiotic bacteria and the following prebiotics were added to the coconut desserts: inulin, maltodextrin, guar gum, β-glucan. Coconut drink was fermented at 37oC for 24 hours and stored at 4oC for 7 days. The dessert with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v had the best sensory quality and was selected for the study with using prebiotics. In the dessert with the addition of prebiotics, the survivability of the Lactobacillus plantarum 299v strain was high (>8 log CFU/mL) both after fermentation and during storage. The overall quality of the coconut dessert with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v and prebiotics was high after fermentation and during storage. At the end of the storage period, the highest overall quality has a coconut dessert with inulin and control sample. Coconut desserts have the required minimum number of cells of the Lactobacillus plantarum 299v strain and they can be considered as probiotic products.Celem pracy przedstawionej w artykule było opracowanie synbiotycznego deseru kokosowego bez dodatku cukru o zadowalającej jakości sensorycznej, z dodatkiem bakterii probiotycznych i prebiotyków. Do deseru kokosowego dodano wyselekcjonowany szczep bakterii probiotycznych oraz następujące związki prebiotyczne: inulinę, maltodekstrynę, gume guar, β-glukan. Napój kokosowy fermentowany był w temperaturze 37oC przez 24 godziny i przechowywany w 4oC przez 7 dni. Jako kulturę startową zastosowano szczepy bakterii probiotycznych i potencjalnie probiotycznych. Deser ze szczepem Lactobacillus plantarum 299v miał najlepszą jakość sensoryczną i został wybrany do badania z zastosowaniem prebiotyków. W deserze z dodatkiem prebiotyków przeżywalność szczepu Lactobacillus plantarum 299v była wysoka (>8 log jtk/mL) zarówno po fermentacji, jak i podczas przechowywania. Ogólna jakość deseru kokosowego z Lactobacillus plantarum 299v i prebiotykami była wysoka po fermentacji i podczas przechowywania. Pod koniec okresu przechowywania najwyższą ogólną jakość miał deser kokosowy z inuliną i próba kontrolna. Desery kokosowe zawierały wymaganą minimalną liczbę komórek Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, tym samym mogą być uznane za produkty probiotyczne

    Ocena przydatności szczepu Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK 900 do produkcji probiotycznego soku z buraka ćwikłowego®

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    Lactic acid bacteria play an important role in the development of new functional products. The addition of probiotic bacteria strain can give the product features of functional food. The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of using the probiotic Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK 900 strain for the production of functional red beet juice (Beta vulgaris) with a satisfactory sensory quality and determination of the health safety of the proposed product in terms of the content of biogenic amines. In our research it was found that the number of Lb. rhamnosus LOCK 900 bacteria strain until the 12th day of storage at 4oC was at a high level, above 8 log cfu/ ml and was suitable for probiotic products, in accordance with FAO/WHO recommendations. The overall quality of fermented beet juice supplemented with LOCK 900 strain stored at 4 °C was high until the end of storage period. It is possible to use the Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK 900 strain to obtain fermented beetroot juice with the number of cells in accordance with the FAO/WHO recommendations for probiotic products.Bakterie kwasu mlekowego odgrywają ważną rolę w rozwoju nowych produktów funkcjonalnych. Dodanie szczepu bakterii probiotycznych pozwala na zaliczenie produktu do żywności funkcjonalnej. Celem badania była ocena możliwości wykorzystania szczepu probiotycznego Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK 900 do produkcji fermentowanego soku z buraka ćwikłowego (Beta vulgaris), charakteryzującego się dobrą jakością sensoryczną i bezpieczeństwem zdrowotnym pod względem zawartości amin biogennych. Stwierdzono, że liczba bakterii szczepu Lb. rhamnosus LOCK 900 do 12 dnia przechowywania w 4oC była powyżej 8 log jtk/ml i była zgodna z wymaganiami FAO/WHO dla produktów probiotycznych. Jakość ogólna fermentowanego soku z buraków z dodatkiem szczepu LOCK 900 przechowywanego w temperaturze 4 °C była wysoka do końca okresu przechowywania.. Istnieje możliwość zastosowania szczepu Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK 900 do otrzymania fermentowanego soku z buraka ćwikłowego o liczbie komórek zgodnej z zaleceniami FAO/WHO dla produktów probiotycznych

    Effects of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK900 on Development of Volatile Compounds and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages

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    Traditional dry fermented meat products are highly appreciated by consumers. A probiotic starter culture increases their attractiveness through sensory qualities and a potential health-promoting effect. The ability to scale the laboratory solution to industrial conditions is an additional scientific and practical value of a new way of using probiotics in the meat industry. The aim was to evaluate the influence of the probiotic starter culture Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LOCK900 on the development of volatile organic compounds and the sensory quality of dry fermented pork sausages during fermentation and refrigeration storage. The microbiological and sensory characteristic (QDA method) and volatile compound (gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry: GC–MS) were evaluated. The number of LOCK900 cells during 12 weeks of storage remained above 6 log CFU g−1, making this product a functional food. The addition of probiotic LOCK900 increased the levels of acidic volatile compounds, aldehydes, and esters, which, combined with the additives and spices used, had a positive effect on the sensory properties of ripening sausages. The sausages with LOCK900 were characterised by positive sensory features, and their overall quality remained high during storage and did not differ from that of the control sausages

    Zastosowanie szczepu Lactobacillus casei O12 do produkcji probiotycznego soku pomidorowego z dodatkiem soku z owoców rokitnik

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    The aim of the work presented in the article was to evaluate the application of Lactobacillus casei O12 strain for the production of probiotic tomato juice with 3% addition of sea buckthorn. Fermentation was carried out with potentially probiotic Lactobacillus casei O12 strain isolated from fermented cucumbers. Fermentation carried out at 37ºC for 18 hours. The viable cell count of Lb. casei O12 at the end of the storage at 4oC and 15oC was 9.3 and 9.4 log CFU/mL respectively, and was similar to probiotic foods. It was found. that fermented tomato juice with 3% addition of sea buckthorn juice stored at 4oC for 16 days and 8 days at 15oC have a satisfying sensory quality.Celem pracy przedstawionej w artykule była ocena zastosowania szczepu Lactobacillus casei O12 do produkcji probiotycznego soku pomidorowego z dodatkiem 3% soku z owoców rokitnika. Fermentację przeprowadzono w temperaturze 37oC przez 18 godzin z zastosowaniem potencjalnie probiotycznego szczepu Lactobacillus casei O12 wyizolowanego z kiszonych ogórków. Liczba żywych komórek Lb. casei O12 pod koniec okresu przechowywania w 4oC i 15oC wynosiła odpowiednio: 9.3 and 9.4 log jtk/mL i była odpowiednia, jak dla żywności probiotycznej. Stwierdzono, że sok pomidorowy z dodatkiem 3% soku z owoców rokitnika przechowywany w temperaturze 4oC przez 16 dni i 8 dni w temperaturze 15oC ma zadowalającą jakość sensoryczną

    Probiotics and Postbiotics as the Functional Food Components Affecting the Immune Response

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    The food market is one of the most innovative segments of the world economy. Recently, among consumers there is a forming trend of a healthier lifestyle and interest in functional foods. Products with positive health properties are a good source of nutrients for consumers’ nutritional needs and reduce the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, or obesity. They also seem to boost the immune system. One of the types of functional food is “probiotic products”, which contain viable microorganisms with beneficial health properties. However, due to some technical difficulties in their development and marketing, a new alternative has started to be sought. Many scientific studies also point to the possibility of positive effects on human health, the so-called “postbiotics”, the characteristic metabolites of the microbiome. Both immunobiotics and post-immunobiotics are the food components that affect the immune response in two ways: as inhibition (suppressing allergies and inflammation) or as an enhancement (providing host defenses against infection). This work’s aim was to conduct a literature review of the possibilities of using probiotics and postbiotics as the functional food components affecting the immune response, with an emphasis on the most recently published works

    The Impact of Physicochemical Conditions on Lactic Acid Bacteria Survival in Food Products

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), due to their many advantageous features, have been utilized in food manufacturing for centuries. Spontaneous fermentation, in which LAB play a fundamental role, is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. LAB survival and viability in various food products are of great importance. During technological processes, external physicochemical stressors appear often in combinations. To ensure the survival of LAB, adjustment of optimal physicochemical conditions should be considered. LAB strains should be carefully selected for particular food matrices and the technological processes involved. The LAB’s robustness to different environmental stressors includes different defense mechanisms against stress, including the phenomenon of adaptation, and cross-protection. Recently established positive health effects and influence on human wellbeing have caused LAB to be some of the most desirable microorganisms in the food industry. A good understanding of LAB defense and adaptation mechanisms can lead to both optimization of food production and storage conditions, as well as to obtaining LAB strains with increased tolerance to stressors. Hopefully, as a result, the final food product with naturally present or added LAB can achieve outstanding quality and safety with health benefits that meet consumer expectations

    Applications of Biosensors for Meat Quality Evaluations

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    The aim of this study was to apply biosensors in the assessment of meat quality. The research was carried out on 20 samples of the Longissimus muscle obtained from pork of Polish Landrace and Polish Large White hybrids of fattening pigs. In the samples, 48 h after slaughter pH values, color parameters in the CIE system (L* a* b*), the volume of natural drip loss and intramuscular fat content were measured. The commercially available biosensor Accutrend Plus was used to measure glucose, triglycerides and lactic acid in meat juice. Significant (p ≤ 0.05) relationships between glucose, triglycerides, lactic acid levels and pork quality characteristics, i.e., pH (r = −0.62; r = −0.78; r = −0.68 respectively), natural drip loss and (r = 0.57; r = 0.58; r = 0.49), color parameters as L*, a* and b* (r = from 0.47 to 0.79) were demonstrated. The study showed a negative correlation between the intramuscular fat content and acidification of muscle tissue (r = −0.49), and a positive one with the brightness of color (r = 0.46). The results of the canonical analysis show that the measurement of all three metabolites in muscle juice allows the evaluation of the technological quality of meat with an accuracy of 86.54% (Rc = 0.93, p < 0.01)