67 research outputs found

    Dynamics of neuroticism in the healing process of individuals addicted to alcohol

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    Background Neuroticism conceptualised in the Five-Factor Personality Model indicates the level of adaptation. The objective of the study was to determine the dynamics of changes in neuroticism in association with the treatment of addiction to alcohol, and to compare these changes in the case of individuals maintaining a year-long abstinence and those who resumed the consumption of alcohol. Participants and procedure We conducted longitudinal studies. The first assessment was conducted on a group of 977 individuals. Neurotic traits were measured using the NEO-PI-R inventory at the initial stage of the treatment. During the second stage (after a year), the participants were tested again using the NEO-PI-R inventory. Abstinence was assessed on the basis of an interview, and we selected two subgroups: the ABS subgroup of patients succeeding in abstaining for a year (n = 116), and the nABS subgroup of non-abstainers (n = 73). In order to evaluate the dynamics of personality change in the scope of neurotic traits, the two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used; the analysis involved one factor of the repeated assessment and one inter-group factor. Results Only those results that pointed to significant effects of change (η2p > .06) are described. Unlike in the nABS group, high variability was noted for Neuroticism (N: p < .001, η 2 p = .18) in the ABS group. Furthermore, in the ABS group, in contrast to the nABS group, there was a great decrease in constituent levels: N3 – Depression (p < .001, η 2 p = .13), N6 – Vulnerability (p < .001, η 2 p = .13), N1 – Anxiety (p < .001, η 2 p = .11), and N4 – Self-consciousness (p < .001, η 2 p = .10). Conclusions It has been established that neuroticism decreases in the case of patients who maintain abstinence for a year, which improves their ability to adapt. This change can make patients experience negative emotional states less frequently, and cope better in stressful situations. The level of depression is lowered, and impulse control improves, but only in the case of patients who have abstained from alcohol for a year

    Self-regulation in the process of recovery from alcohol addiction according to Julius Kuhl's theory

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    Aims: The main aim of this study is to analyse the dynamics in self-regulation functions in connection with the treatment of people with alcohol addiction. Another goal is to compare two groups of people after a period of 1 year: those who maintained abstinence and those who relapsed. Method: The studies were designed as longitudinal studies (three assessments) with quasi-experimental procedure (without a control group). The first assessment was performed during a 2-week period of treatment, the second one was performed at the end of the basic stage of treatment and the third one after 1 year. The data were collected in 12 centres treating addictions with similar treatment programmes on a group of 977 patients with a diagnosis of alcohol addiction (males 76%, females 24%). Self-regulation functions were assessed with Inventory SSI-K, where they are defined based on Kuhl’s Personality Systems Interactions theory. A semistructured interview was performed twice: at the beginning of treatment, in order to diagnose alcohol addiction disorders, and after 1 year of treatment, to analyse the indicator of recovery, which was defined as maintaining abstinence. In the evaluation of the dynamics of self-regulation functions, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. Conclusions: Treatment and abstinence influence changes in self-regulation functions. The effects of these changes are mainly observed in people who maintained abstinence 1 year from starting their treatment, which indicates a stronger ability to act according to their own needs, facilitating the development of the ‘Self’

    Funkcjonowanie psychologiczne osób z syndromem Dorosłego Dziecka Alkoholika : badania własne

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    Cel: Analiza psychologicznego funkcjonowania osób dorosłych dorastających w rodzinie z problemem uzależnienia od alkoholu, które zgłosiły się do psychoterapii. Metoda: Badano grupę 111 osób (średnia wieku 27 lat), które zgłosiły się po pomoc do NZOZ Krakowskie Centrum Terapii Uzależnień i zakwalifikowane zostały do programu psychoterapii w związku z problemami uzależnienia jednego lub obojga rodziców. Dane uzyskano z historii choroby i testu MMPI-2, który wykonywano na początku terapii. Wyniki: Analizą skupień wyodrębniono trzy profile kliniczne, które nazwano: "niskoobjawowym", "depresyjno-lękowym" i "wysokoobjawowym". Wnioski: Osoby z syndromem DDA włączone w proces leczenia nie są grupą jednorodną pod względem obserwowanej psychopatologii i jej nasilenia.Background: The aim was to examine psychological functioning of adult children of alcoholics who were at the beginning of therapy. Method: 111 Adult Children of Alcoholics (average age 27) had been chosen to participate in the study and they were examined with MMPI-2 made at the beginning of therapy and in base of history of disease. Results: Cluster analysis distinguished three clinical profiles called: "low manifestation", "depression and anxiety", "high manifestation". Conclusions: The group of the respondents isn't homogeneous in terms of the intensity of psychopathology

    The evaluation of the degree of fulfilment of cancer patients' expectations toward their doctors

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    Wstęp: Chorzy leczeni onkologicznie są grupą wymagającą komplementarnej, wielospecjalistycznej opieki medycznej oraz zapewnienia wsparcia. Poznanie oczekiwań pacjentów względem personelu medycznego stanowi jeden z elementów holistycznej opieki. Głównym celem badania była analiza oczekiwań pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową wobec lekarzy. Oczekiwania oceniono na dwóch płaszczyznach - oczekiwań obecnie realizowanych oraz oczekiwań idealnych. Materiały i metody: Do badania zakwalifikowano 107 pacjentów leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej. Chemioterapię otrzymywało 53 chorych, natomiast 54 leczono radioterapią. Badanie miało charakter przekrojowy. Narzędziem badawczym był ustrukturyzowany kwestionariusz zawierający informacje o danych socjodemograficznych, informację o chorobach nowotworowych w najbliższej rodzinie oraz test oczekiwań opracowany przez Goldzweiga i wsp. Wyniki: W ocenie pacjentów oczekiwaniami obecnie realizowanymi przez lekarzy w najwyższym stopniu były czynności ekspresyjne - możliwości zaufania lekarzowi (45% chorych) oraz możliwości swobodnej rozmowy (44%). Do oczekiwań idealnych, deklarowanych w najwyższym stopniu, należała możliwość zaufania lekarzowi (67%) oraz objaśniania planów leczenia (63%). Ponadto w ocenie oczekiwań idealnych, metodą analizy skupień, wyodrębniono dwie grupy. Pierwszą grupę stanowili chorzy deklarujący wyższy poziom oczekiwań (n = 47), natomiast drugą grupę pacjenci z niższymi oczekiwaniami w stosunku do lekarzy (n = 53). Wyższy poziom oczekiwań istotnie częściej deklarowały kobiety, które stanowiły 62,5% badanych w pierwszej grupie (p = 0,003). Obserwowano istotną, monotoniczną zależność pomiędzy poziomem wykształcenia a większymi oczekiwaniami (p = 0,02). Wnioski: Pacjenci leczeni onkologicznie oczekują od lekarzy relacji zapewniającej im wsparcie emocjonalne oraz pełne informowanie na temat choroby i prowadzonego leczenia. Największe oczekiwania deklarują kobiety oraz osoby obu płci z wyższym wykształceniem.Introduction: Oncologically treated patients are a group that requires complementary, multi-disciplinary medical treatment and support. One of the elements of holistic treatment is medical personnel getting to know the patients' expectations. The main goal of this study was to analyse the expectations that patients with cancer have of their doctors. Two layers of these expectations were assessed - expectations currently being realised, and ideal expectations. Materials and methods: 107 patients with cancer were qualified to this research. 53 of them received chemotherapy, and 54 radiotherapy. This study was cross-sectional. The research tool was a structured questionnaire which included information on sociodemographic data, about cancer within the closest relatives, and an expectation test prepared by Golzweig et al. Results: In patients’ opinion, currently realised expectations were mostly expressive activities: the possibility to trust a doctor (45% of patients) and the possibility to talk freely (44%). The most frequently declared ideal expectations were the possibility to trust a doctor (67%) and to have the treatment plan explained (63%). Ideal expectations were studied with cluster analysis. Two groups were selected. The first of them comprised patients with a higher expectation level (n = 47), and the second were patients with a lower expectation level of their doctors (n = 53). Higher expectations were essentially more often declared by women, who were 62.5% of respondents in the first group (p = 0.003). An important, monotonic relation was observed between level of education and higher expectations (p = 0.02). Conclusions: Patients treated oncologically expect emotional support and full information about their illness and treatment from their doctors. A higher level of expectations was declared by women, and both sexes with higher education

    Jak uchronić dziecko przed biernym i czynnym paleniem tytoniu?

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    Poradnik antynikotynowy. Stanowi źródło, przykładowych scenariuszy zajęć, które mogą być wykorzystane w ramach prowadzonych spotkań poświęconych problemom związanym z paleniem tytoniu

    Marital relations of patients with myocardial infarction from the spouses' perspective

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    A myocardial infarction can result in disrupting the entire family system and requires reorganization and adaptation in order to ensure proper functioning of a marriage. Aims: The study aimed to compare functioning of the marital dyad before and after myocardial infarction from the perspective of the patient’s spouse. Gender differences are taken into account in the assessment of the relationship dyad. Materials and method: Respondents (60 spouses: 17 men, 43 women) assessed the functioning of the marital dyad using the Family Assessment Questionnaire (modified by Cierpka). The first group of respondents (N=30) was tested in the period immediately after a heart attack, and the spouses ssessed functioning in the period before the heart attack. The second group (N=30) was tested over 1 year after a heart attack. Results: The results in both groups show a satisfactory level of marital relationship. Spouses in the second group assessed the overall marital functioning and functioning in four dimensions as worse compared with respondents in the first group. Gender differences were also reported. Conclusion: From the spouses’ perspective the functioning of the marital dyad after a myocardial infarction was worse than before the illness. One of the reasons could be the near death experience of the patient and a necessity to adapt the family life to the new situation. Family context is very important for recovery after a myocardial infarction and it seems sensible to include the patient’s spouse in psychotherapeutic work. Marital relations were more negatively assessed by women