4 research outputs found

    Analogy of physicochemical attributes of two grape seeds cultivars

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    In this study, a range of physicochemical properties (dimensions, kernel volume, mass unit, bulk and true densities, porosity, terminal velocity, static friction coefficient against different surfaces, oil content and fatty acids composition) of the Bojnordi and Fakhri cultivars of grape seeds were studied. Fatty acid composition for both cultivars of grape seeds consisted of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid. The values for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid for the Bojnordi cultivar were 9.56, 4.37, 22.87, 62.85 and 0.33% and for the Fakhri cultivar were 9.22, 4.33, 19.75, 66.40 and 0.28%, respectively. All physical properties of the grape seed cultivars were significantly affacted by the moisture content in the studied range (11.5 to 23.9 w.b.%). For both cultivars (Bojnordi and Fakhri), the relationships between physical properties and moisture content were linear.En este estudio fueron estudiadas una serie de propiedades físico-químicas (dimensiones, el volumen del núcleo, unidad de masa, volumen y densidad real, porosidad, la velocidad terminal, coeficiente de fricción estática con materiales diferentes, contenido de aceite y composición de ácidos grasos) en los cultivares de semillas de uva Bojnordi y Fakhri. Composición de ácidos grasos de los dos cultivares de semillas de uva consistió de ácido palmítico, esteárico, oleico, linoleico y linolénico. Los valores de ácido palmítico, esteárico, oleico, linoleico y linolénico, para el cultivar Bojnordi fueron 9.56, 4.37, 22.87, 62.85 y 0.33% y para el cultivar Fakhri fueron 9.22, 4.33, 19.75, 66.40 y 0.28%, respectivamente. Todas las propiedades físicas de los cultivares de semilla de uva se afectado significativamente por el contenido de humedad en el rango estudiado (11,5 a 23,9 w.b.%). Para los dos cultivares (Bojnordi y Fakhri), las relaciones entre las propiedades físicas y contenido de humedad fueron lineales

    Genetic variation among and within tritipyrum (Thinopyrum bessarabicum x Triticum durum) lines using PCR-based molecular markers

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    Primary hexaploid tritipyrum lines are amphiploids between Triticum durum and Thinopyrum bessarabicum, which can set seed in at least 250 mM NaCl. Genetic variation within and among 14 lines of primary tritipyrum were investigated by using 2 random and 6 semi random primers that produced clear and reproducible DNA amplicons. Average values for Nei's gene diversity (h) and Shannon indices (I) were 0.115 and 0.178, respectively. These results indicated low variation within primary tritipyrum lines, probably related to unbiased chromosome and partial aneuploidy. Total genetic diversity (Ht) and gene diversity within lines (Hs) were 0.2114 and 0.1156, respectively. The coefficient of genetic differentiation (Gst) was equal to 0.4534. AMOVA showed highly significant (P<0.001) genetic differences among lines. From the total genetic diversity, 51.54% is attributable to 14 tritipyrum lines and 48.16% to differences within lines. Fixation index (FST) was 0.4815. Genetic distance, calculated on the basis of allele frequencies among lines, ranged from 0.064 to 0.226 with an average of 0.1156. Grouping of populations based on UPGMA and Nei's gene diversity are indications of genetic similarity between some populations. Pop6 and populations located in group III had the highest genetic distance. These results could be used in breeding and cross programs to breed a new tritipyrum plant.Las líneas primarias hexaploides de tritipyrum son anfiploides entre Triticum durum y Thinopyrum bessarabicum, cuyas semillas pueden ser plantadas en, al menos, 250 mM de NaCl. Se investigó la variación genética dentro y entre las 14 líneas de tritipyrum primaria, por medio de 2 oligos aleatorios y 6 semi-aleatorios que producen amplicones de ADN claro y reproducible. Los valores medios de la diversidad génica de Nei (h) y los índices de Shannon (I) fueron 0,115 y 0,178, respectivamente. Estos resultados indican poca variación dentro de las líneas tritipyrum primaria, lo que probablemente esté relacionado con el cromosoma imparcial y aneuploidía parcial. La diversidad genética total (HT) y la diversidad genética dentro de las líneas (SA) fueron 0,2114 y 0,1156, respectivamente. El coeficiente de diferenciación genética (GST) fue 0,4534. El AMOVA mostró diferencias genéticas altamente significativa (P < 0,001) entre las líneas. De la diversidad genética total, 51,54%, es atribuible a las 14 líneas tritipyrum y 48,16% a las diferencias dentro de las líneas. El índice de fijación (FST) fue 0,4815. La distancia genética calculada en base a las frecuencias alélicas entre las líneas, flctuó entre 0,064 y 0,226, con una media de 0,1156. La agrupación de las poblaciones sobre la base de UPGMA y la diversidad genética de Nei, indican una similitud genética entre algunas poblaciones. La mayor distancia genética se produjo entre el grupo POP6 con las poblaciones ubicadas en el grupo III. De acuerdo con la alta distancia genética de esta línea con las líneas ubicadas en el grupo III, se podría utilizar estos resultados en programas de mejoramiento y cruzamiento, con el fin de mejoramiento de la nueva planta tritipyrum

    Polymorphism of some native Sistan grapes assessed by long and short primers for RAPD markers

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    Grapevines have Bronze ages archive in Sistan area of Iran. In order to study the genetic variation and taxonomic relationships between 6 cultivars of the Sistan grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) at molecular level, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used. The data were subjected to statistical analyses and genetic resemblance was calculated using Dice similarity index. The grapevines related to the different geographic areas of Sistan were assessed by 50 short (10 mer) and long (15-21 mer) primers. Out of 50 primers which were tested, 21 primers gave reproducible results. Selected primers created 497 bands. Resulting profiles showed that the produced bands varied in size from 300 to 3500 base pairs. The numbers of reliable polymorphic fragments for short and long primers were 86 and 334 bands, respectively. In multiplication reaction the items in the size area of 564 to 1904 base pair resulted for short primers and 564 to 4277 base pair for long primers. From the bands calculated a matrix that was analyzed by the unweighted pair group method on arithmetic averages to draw a dendrogram. The population was classified in 4 main groups in which Red Yaghooti and White Yaghooti had the maximum and Red Yaghooti and Laal had the minimum similarity coefficients. In our study, by comparing the results gained from technique long and short primers in RAPD, the potential value of long primers for the production of polymorphism in grapes was identified. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information