148 research outputs found

    The role of soy in development of breast, ovarian, endometrial and prostate gland cancer

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    Introduction and purposeSoy as a rich source of isoflavones has become a focus of interest because of its positive health benefits on numerous diseases, particularly hormone-related cancers. The aim of this study was to present the current state of knowledge on the role of soy in the development of breast, ovarian, endometrial, and prostate gland cancer.A brief description of the state of knowledgeSoy components reduce inflammation, stress oxidative and inhibit proliferation of breast, ovarian, endometrial, and prostate cancer cells. Isoflavones such as genistein, daidzein, S-equol via activation of estrogen receptors, inhibit aromatase synthesis and may decrease the risk of estrogen-dependent cancers. Moreover, soy food products have the potential toregulate molecular pathways of AR and reduce testosterone levels. It leads to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Furthermore, increased consumption of soy protein and isoflavones decreased the risk of mortality from cancers.ConclusionsSoy foods and their isoflavones are associated with reduced carcinogenesis. A higher amount of soy intake can have positive benefits for prevention of cancers including breast, prostate gland, endometrial and ovarian cancer

    Funktionelle Charakterisierung einer neuartigen Mutation des Calcium-Sensing-Rezeptors bei Patienten mit Autosomal-Dominanter HypocalcÀmie

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    Der Autosomal dominanten HypocalcĂ€mie (ADH) liegen aktivierende Mutationen im Calcium-sensing Rezeptor-Gen (CaSR) zugrunde. Die Erkrankung charakterisiert sich in den meisten FĂ€llen als asymptomatische, milde HypocalcĂ€mie mit nicht adĂ€quatem niedrigen Parathormon (PTH) Spiegel im Blut. Die in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Ergeb-nisse prĂ€sentieren die biochemischen und funktionellen Charakteristika der neuartigen aktivierenden Mutation des CaSR P136L bei einer Familie mit primĂ€ren Hypoparathyreoidismus. Bei der Index-Patientin wurde mit 10 Jahren nach der Anamnese mit Muskelschmerzen und krĂ€mpfen der „idiopathische Hypoparathyreoidismus“ diagnostiziert. Es wurde in den darauf folgenden genetischen Untersuchungen bei der Patientin und neun anderen die neuartige Mutation des CaSR identifiziert. Es wurde vermutet, dass die neue Mutation potenziell den Funktionsgewinn im CaSR verursacht. Die biochemischen Untersuchungen der Familie zeigten eine signifikante HypocalcĂ€mie (mean ± SD: 1,91 ± 0,1 mmol/l) sowie anamnestisch Hinweise auf moderate MuskelkrĂ€mfe mit rezidivierenden Symptomen von Nephrolithiasis. Die Ergebnisse der DNA-Sequenzierung der Index-Patientin zeigten eine neuartige heterozygote Punktmutation, durch die in Kodon 136 in Exon 3 (CCC) das mittlere Cytosin durch Thymin ersetzt wurde (CTC), was eine AminosĂ€uresubstitution von Prolin zu Leucin (P136L) in der extrazellulĂ€ren DomĂ€ne zur Folge hat. Diese Mutation wurde außer bei der Index-Patientin auch bei acht hypocalcĂ€mischen Familienmitgliedern gefunden, wĂ€hrend keiner der asymptomatischen Patienten diese Mutation aufwies. Somit konnte bestĂ€tigt werden, dass die HypocalcĂ€mie mit der P136L-Mutation vererbt wurde. Zur funktionellen Charakterisierung des mutierten CaSR wurde die ortsspezifische Mutation zur Generierung des P136L-CaSR Rezeptors verwendet. Um die Eigenschaften des Gens in vitro zu untersuchen wurde die transiente Transfektion zum Einschleusen des Gens in die HEK293 Zellen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die extrazellulĂ€re Stimulation der transient transfizierten mit Wildtyp- oder mit P136L-CASR HEK293 Zellen zeigte eine deutlich erhöhte Mobilisierung des intrazellulĂ€ren Calciums sowie eine gesteigerte AktivitĂ€t von MAPK fĂŒr den Mutanten gegenĂŒber den Wildtyp-Rezeptor. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit einer Familie mit der HypocalcĂ€mie als Hauptzeichen einer ADH, der als Ursache eine neuartige Mutation im CaSR zugrunde liegt. Die funktionelle Aktivierung des CaSR durch die vorliegende Mutation wurde durch die erhöhte SensitivitĂ€t des Rezeptors auf VerĂ€nderungen des extrazellulĂ€ren Calciumspiegels und die folgende gesteigerte Freisetzung von intrazellulĂ€rem Calcium und die erhöhte Aktivierung der MAPK-Signalwege in transfizierten HEK293-Zellen demonstriert. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse liefern neue Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die neuartige aktivierende Mutation des CaSR, bestĂ€tigen die Rolle der neuen Mutation in der Pathogenese der ADH bei untersuchten Familie und ergĂ€nzen das Wissen ĂŒber die intrazellulĂ€re Signalkaskade dieses Rezeptors

    Genus Claviger Preyssler, 1790 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) in the Low Beskid Mts. (Poland) – new sites and host affiliation

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    In the area of Poland there occur two species of the genus: Claviger longicornis P.W.J. MĂŒller, 1818 and Claviger testaceus Preyssler, 1790. Both species are rare in Poland. Beetles of the genus Claviger are specialized myrmecophiles and are dependent on their host ants throughout the whole life cycle. During the field research, which were conducted in the Low Beskid Mts. (South - Eastern Poland), new sites of both species were found. C. longicornis was recorded in a colony of Lasius sabularum (Bondroit, 1918) and this is the first record of this ant as host. In addition, population of this species in ant colony was extremely large and correlated in time with the presence of sexual generation of ants. Transfer of beetles into artificial nest of L. niger and an attempt of rearing in laboratory conditions was unsuccessfu and finished after 36 days. C. testaceus was recorded in a colony of Lasius flavus (Fabricius, 1781), which is the most common host of this species

    Numerical Modelling of Loads on the Structural Elements of an Innovative Mechanism Enabling Wheelchairs to Negotiate Stairs

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    This article presents a numerical study of the loads on the structural components of an innovative system designed to enable a typical wheelchair to negotiate stairs. Such a system is a structure of several levers moved in an appropriate sequence. An important aspect of the design described was that it should not be a completely new wheelchair structure, but merely a set of mechanisms which, when fitted under the seat, would enable the user to negotiate stairs and other obstacles arising from the difference in height. The numerical analysis of the wheelchair movement was performed using the MSC Adams software. On its basis, drives or actuators that could be used in the actual mechanism were also selected. The wheelchair structure and the device under analysis were designed using Autodesk Inventor

    Manica rubida (Latreille, 1802) i Camponotus fallax (Nylander, 1856) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) - gatunki nowe dla Beskidu Wschodniego

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    "Manica rubida (Latreille, 1802) jest jedynym przedstawicielem rodzaju Manica (Jurine,1807) w Europie. Gatunek oligotopowy występujący w gĂłrach (500-2000 m n.p.m.) Centralnej i PoƂudniowej Europy, Azji Mniejszej, Krymu i Kaukazu.Camponotus fallax (Nylander, 1856) to gatunek szeroko rozprzestrzeniony w Europie, Afryce PóƂnocnej, Kaukazie, Azji Mniejszej, PóƂnocno-zachodnim Kazachstanie. Wykazywany nawet w Zachodniej częƛci Syberii. W Polsce spotykany rzadko, na caƂym obszarze Polski póƂnocnej i centralnej (pomijając pobrzeĆŒe BaƂtyku)"

    CO2 sorption and regeneration properties of fly ash zeolites synthesized with the use of differentiated methods

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    Production of fly ash zeolites may be an attractive method for the utilization of solid wastes from the energy sector. Different methods of synthesis often yield a variety of zeolite types, thereby affecting the properties of the resulting materials. The attention paid to carbon dioxide emission reduction technologies fully justifies the study of the sorption behaviours of fly ash zeolites synthesized by different methods. This work investigates the sorption properties of fly ash zeolites synthesized with different methods using CO2. Sorption capacity and adsorption isotherms were determined following the volumetric method and textural parameters were resolved according to the Dubinin-Astakhov (DA) method. The CO2 sorption capacity was in the range 0.24–4.16¿mmol/g. The relationships between structure and sorption behaviour were studied for each synthesis method. Some strong similarities between commercial zeolites and fly ash zeolites were found. The mechanism for sorption was proved to be physisorption which is fully reversible under selected conditions. The observed trends were used to identify the best sorbent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Mercury contamination of bottom sediments in water reservoirs of southern Poland

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    The aim of this study was to assess the mercury concentration in bottom sediments, collected from eight reservoirs located in south-eastern Poland. A  DMA-80 Mercury Analyser was used for the analysis of the concentration of mercury in bottom sediments. Concentration of mercury in sediments was between 0.01–0.18 mg∙kg−1. The research results show that 13 samples are above the Polish Hg background level. Only 9 samples are below the background level. Generally, the sediments belonged to class I and II (unpolluted and moderately polluted sediments). The concentration of mercury in bottom sediments follows the order: Rybnik (highest) > Bagna Rzeszowskie > RzeszĂłw > OĆŒanna > BrzĂłza Stadnicka > BrzĂłza KrĂłlewska > GƂuchĂłw > NaroĆŒniki (lowest). The low mercury content in sediments is related to absent or limited anthropogenic sources of this metal. Elevated concentrations of Hg in bottom sediments of the reservoirs in Rybnik and Bagna Rzeszowskie are related to their proximity to large agglomerations and industrial plants. Organic matter was likely to be the most important factors controlling the concentration and distribution of mercury in the studied sediments

    The role of the gut microbiota in pathogenesis and treatment of depression

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    Introduction and purpose Depression is the most common mental disorder, but the exact mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of depression remain unknown. Abundant research evidence suggests that changes in the gut microbiota play a key role in the pathophysiology of depression through the brain-gut-microbiota axis. The aim of this study was to present the current state of knowledge on the role of gut microbiota in pathogenesis and treatment of depression and discuss its potential as a therapeutic target for depression A brief description of the state of knowledge The digestive tract and the processes which are set in it as well as the inhabitting microorganisms have a significant impact on our mental health and mood. The scientific research repeatidly confirm a strict relationship between the digestive and nervous systems. A microbiome-based approach is becoming increasingly prevalent in the understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially depression. Antidepressants which are today the first-line therapy in the treatment of this disease are based inter alia on the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory mechanism of action. Conclusion  Immune cells which are settled in the intestines affect not only our physical health but also the mental one. Due to the relationship between depression and the gut microbiota, we have many treatment options that involve direct modification of the composition of the microbiome which include prebiotics, probiotics (psychobiotics) and faecal microbiome transplantation

    Fractional microneedle radiofrequency - mechanism of action and assessment of safety, effectiveness in the treatment, and possible side effects based on a review of scientific literature

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    Introduction and purpose:  For all skin types, micro-needle radiofrequency (FMR) can be a safe and effective aesthetic medicine procedure for the treatment of various dermatological and aesthetic conditions. The aim of the study is to present the mechanism of action and assess safety, treatment efficacy, and possible side effects on the basis of a review of the scientific literature.  Description of the state of knowledge:  FMR uses micro-needles to penetrate the skin to a depth of up to 4.5 mm and deliver radiofrequency current in a fractional manner, producing the controlled fractions of micro-injuries in the dermis, inducing neocollagenesis, neoelastinogenesis, and angiogenesis. FMR has a wide range of positive effects such as skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, facial and body scar remodeling, and hair growth through transdermal collagen induction.  Summary:  Increasingly, patients are looking for minimally invasive methods of skin tightening and fat remodeling. In response, Aesthetic Medicine has proposed a combination of two techniques, micro-needling and radiofrequency. As more and more studies are showing the effectiveness and efficiency of this procedure, also emphasizing its safety, minimal risk of serious side effects, and ease of use, micro-needle radiofrequency is being proposed as an attractive answer to people's desires for a less invasive method of skin rejuvenation. However, further research in this area is needed to optimize the parameters of the treatment to achieve the best results

    Art therapy as a primary and adjunct therapy in interventions for people living with serious illnesses - a review of the literature

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    Introduction and purpose Art-therapy is a therapeutic method which uses art as a tool to achieve benefits in physical and mental health. This kind of psychotherapy uses artistic media as a basic form of communication. As an additional form of treatment, combined with medication, it helps not only to explore a patient’s difficulties and problems but also to overcome them. Art-therapy is playing an increasing role in the context of health in individuals struggling with different diseases, especially with the mental ones. This is a growing field of research and the aim of this brief review is to provide an update on the positive effects of art-therapy and to list health problems in which it would be significant to use this kind of therapy. Materials and methods A search was conducted using PubMed and GoogleScholar data bases. Articles were searched in English using the following key words: “art therapy”, “psychodrama”, “dance movement therapy”, “music therapy”, “creative art therapy”. Description of the state of knowledge Art-therapy has a wide range of benefits in chronically ill patients. Most common are the awareness of the emotions and behaviors and helping to deal with them, helping to deal with the process of treatment. The literature also draws attention to other results such as increasing self- esteem and improving the quality of life. Summary Art-therapy is associated with health benefits in people struggling with different health problems. Art-therapy has great potential to participate in future basic and adjunctive therapy but further research is needed in this area
