320 research outputs found

    Reflexions entorn de la col.laboració interuniversitària europea en el programa TEMPUS

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    Restructuring Higher Education institutions in Europe: The case of virtual learning environments

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    Research has been carried out into the educational and training innovations resulting from the current implementation of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in institutions of higher education in order to understand how these innovations interrelate with teaching and learning; the implications at the institutional level; and the cross-cultural diversity within virtual learning environments, with an emphasis on those that combine face-to-face and virtual learning. In an attempt at innovating public educational institutions through the restructuring and promotion of educational co-operation at the European level, a study was made of nine institutions that provide tertiary education and postgraduate training in six European countries.Research has been carried out into the educational and training innovations resulting from the current implementation of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in institutions of higher education in order to understand how these innovations interrelate with teaching and learning; the implications at the institutional level; and the cross-cultural diversity within virtual learning environments, with an emphasis on those that combine face-to-face and virtual learning. In an attempt at innovating public educational institutions through the restructuring and promotion of educational co-operation at the European level, a study was made of nine institutions that provide tertiary education and postgraduate training in six European countries

    Restructuring Higher Education institutions in Europe: The case of virtual learning environments

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    Research has been carried out into the educational and training innovations resulting from the current implementation of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in institutions of higher education in order to understand how these innovations interrelate with teaching and learning; the implications at the institutional level; and the cross-cultural diversity within virtual learning environments, with an emphasis on those that combine face-to-face and virtual learning. In an attempt at innovating public educational institutions through the restructuring and promotion of educational co-operation at the European level, a study was made of nine institutions that provide tertiary education and postgraduate training in six European countries

    Restructuring Higher Education institutions in Europe: The case of virtual learning environments

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    Research has been carried out into the educational and training innovations resulting from the current implementation of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in institutions of higher education in order to understand how these innovations interrelate with teaching and learning; the implications at the institutional level; and the cross-cultural diversity within virtual learning environments, with an emphasis on those that combine face-to-face and virtual learning. In an attempt at innovating public educational institutions through the restructuring and promotion of educational co-operation at the European level, a study was made of nine institutions that provide tertiary education and postgraduate training in six European countries.Research has been carried out into the educational and training innovations resulting from the current implementation of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in institutions of higher education in order to understand how these innovations interrelate with teaching and learning; the implications at the institutional level; and the cross-cultural diversity within virtual learning environments, with an emphasis on those that combine face-to-face and virtual learning. In an attempt at innovating public educational institutions through the restructuring and promotion of educational co-operation at the European level, a study was made of nine institutions that provide tertiary education and postgraduate training in six European countries

    Mapping creative pedagogies in open wiki learning environments

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    As applied to education, creativity has become an increasingly common, yet often unattainable learning objective. Educators need innovative approaches and tools to effectively apply creative teaching practices. The present study aims to investigate how wiki methodologies can foster creative pedagogies. Wikis constitute a good candidate for stimulating creative teaching approaches. Indeed, they provide flexible and open environments which foster collaboration and students' active participation. However, a gap remains in the literature regarding the relationship between wikis and creative pedagogies. In addition, the use of wikis by teachers and students as collaborative editing tools in today's classroom has been scarcely studied. In this multiple case study, seven school teachers from different educational centres designed four scenarios mediated by wikis and applied them with 143 students. Using in-depth interviews and expert evaluations, we explored how creativity emerges while teaching and learning with wikis. Based on results, we propose a map of creative pedagogies that appeared as the most prominent in the context of wiki-based learning, together with their characteristic components. Namely, the emerging creative pedagogies are synergistic collaboration, learner-centred, knowledge connection and open-ended ethos. This mapping can be applied to different educational contexts, although it may vary according to the specificities of the methodology and technology used. The study raises discussion on the pedagogical possibilities offered by the participative digital culture that defines wiki approaches

    Strategies for Digital Creative Pedagogies in Today’s Education

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    Creativity and digital technologies are considered to be central for success and development in the current society, becoming crucial educational objectives worldwide. Nevertheless, education often fails to keep pace with creative and digital economies; this is mainly because teachers are not prepared for adopting pedagogical strategies that foster creativity or for fully exploiting the educational potential of digital technologies. Based on the seminal theories of creativity, we propose an innovative framework for applying creative teaching practices mediated by digital technologies: in the light of constructivist and constructionist approaches, we suggest a series of digital tools which are particularly suitable to the emergence of creativity, i.e. manipulative technologies, educational robotics and game design and coding. Furthermore, we shape the concept of digital creative pedagogies (DCP) and establish a set of characteristic components of teaching practices which contribute to the development of students’ creativity. Drawing on a substantial body of research, the chapter intends to embed educational creativity in the digital culture

    Promoviendo la creatividad matemática a través del diseño colaborativo de c-unidades

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    Este trabajo se centra en las primeras fases de investigación desarrolladas en el marco del proyecto europeo MC2 (Mathematical Creativity Squared) que se propone indagar cómo promover la creatividad matemática a través del diseño innovador de unidades didácticas (c-unidades). Este diseño, en manos de las denominadas comunidades de interés (CdI), llevará a confluir diferentes formas de interpretar qué es la creatividad en nuestra sociedad, en las matemáticas y cómo es posible promover la creatividad y el pensamiento matemático creativo en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas. En este trabajo nos centraremos en explorar las distintas interpretaciones y preconcepciones de nuestra CdI sobre la creatividad en matemáticas y sobre los primeros criterios a tomar en cuenta para el diseño matemático y didáctico de estas c-unidades

    ¿Cómo promover la creatividad matemática? El papel de las comunidades de interés y del diseño de c-unidades

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    Este trabajo se centra en las primeras fases de investigación en el marco del proyecto europeo MC2 (Mathematical Creativity Squared) que se propone el objetivo central de indagar en cómo promover la creatividad a través del diseño creativo de unidades didácticas (c-unidades). Este diseño, en manos de las denominadas comunidades de interés (CdI), llevará a confluir diferentes formas de entender qué es la creatividad matemática y cómo esta puede ser promovida. Nos centraremos aquí en presentar y analizar las ideas previas que nuestra CdI tiene acerca de la creatividad matemática y de cómo promoverla. Introduciremos entonces las dos primeras c-unidades producidas destacando la coherencia entre las intenciones de diseño de la CdI y los productos resultantes, es decir, las propias c- unidades

    El derecho audiovisual en España; Pasado, presente y futuro

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    El presente TFG, pretende ofrecer una visión del derecho audiovisual en España. Partiendo desde las primeras películas proyectadas en el país y las normas generales que se les aplicaban, hasta la Ley 55/2007 del Cine de hoy día. Poniendo especial atención a: la intervención estatal en el ámbito audiovisual durante su historia, la incidencia en el marco jurídico y económico del RD Ley 6/2015 y el RD 1084/2015 que modifican la Ley 55/2007, y a las nuevas formas de consumo del sector audiovisual (principalmente YouTube y una mención especial al sector de los videojuegos)

    Els projectes Europeus Engaging Science, Xplore Health, RRI Tools i Scientix. Finestres a la formació i la participació en comunitats docents per al treball amb Controvèrsies i Recerca i Innovació Responsables

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    L’ensenyament de les ciències als centres educatius ha de promoure la formació de ciutadans capaços de prendre decisions en contexts participats per la ciència, però també amb habilitats de discussió a partir d’evidències, presa de decisions i valoració de riscs. Amb l’objectiu d’empoderar els ciutadans perquè la recerca s’alineï amb els valors socials, la Comissió Europea impulsa diversos projectes europeus destinats a oferir al professorat eines per a treballar les controvèrsies sòcio-científiques i la Recerca i Innovació Responsables, en diverses temàtiques (recerca biomèdica, nano-tecnologies, sostenibilitat, energia...). Es presenten diversos projectes europeus en aquesta línia juntament amb els recursos didàctics i les possibilitats de participació i formació.Science Education in Schools has to promote the education of citizens able to take decisions on science-participated contexts. Discussing on evidences, taking decisions and risks evaluation are necessary skills to this end. With the goal to empower citizens and aligning research with the values of society, the European Commission foster several educational projects on Socio-Scientific Issues and Responsible Research and Innovation on several topics (nano-technologies, biomedical research, sustainability, energy,…). We present in this article several European Projects together with its didactic resources and participation and training opportunities