2 research outputs found

    Samsun ili ve çevresindeki atopik dermatitisli köpeklerde serum spesifik IgE tespiti ile alerjen tayini

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    Bu çalışma ile Samsun ili ve çevresindeki Atopik Dermatitis (AD)’li köpeklerde ilk kez serum spesifik immunoglobin E (IgE) ile alerjen profillerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Değişik ırk, cinsiyet ve yaşlardaki 21 adet köpeğe Favrot Kriterleri ile AD teşhisi konulmuştur. Köpeklere ait serum örnekleri serolojik olarak 20 farklı alerjene spesifik IgE yönünden incelenmiştir. AD’li köpeklerde 20 farklı alerjenin görülme oranlarına cinsiyet, yaş ve beslenme şekillerinin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Samsun ili ve çevresindeki AD’li köpeklerdeki farklı alerjen profilleri arasında en yüksek %95 oranında ev tozu akarı Dermatophagoides farinae seropozitifliği saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte köpeklerde farklı oranlarda diğer alerjenlere yönelik seropozitiflik saptanmıştır. Dişi köpeklerde erkek köpeklere oranla sadece Ctenocephalides spp. seropozitifliğinin yüksek olduğu istatistiksel olarak tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Bununla birlikte AD’li köpeklerde yaş ve beslenme şekillerinin alerjen görülme sıklığına etkisinin olmadığı tespit edilmiştir (p>0,05). Samsun ili ve çevresindeki AD’li köpeklerde ev tozu ile depo akarlarının serum spesifik IgE değerlerinin çok yüksek oranlarda pozitiflik verdiği saptanmıştır.It is aimed to detect allergen determination via serum specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) for the first time in dogs diagnosed as Atopic Dermatitis (AD) from Samsun and vicinity within this present study. Twenty one dogs with different age, breed and gender diagnosed with AD based up on the Favrot’s criteria. Serum samples of the dogs were analyzed by detection of serum specific IgE for determination of 20 different allergens. The effects of gender, age and the feeding routes for those 20 different allergens separately were analyzed. Based up on the grading of the allergens detected in 21 dogs with AD from Samsun and vicinity; results reflects that Dermatophagoides farinae was stated as first degree within a very high seropositivity rate (95%). Moreover, in varying degree of seropositivitiy rates of other allergens were also detected. Females showed statistically (p<0.05) higher positivity rate to the 20th allergen, Ctenocephalides spp. more than males. Furthermore, we did not found any significant effects of age and feeding routes on the allergens in the dogs with AD (p>0.05). Dogs with AD from Samsun and vicinity had very high serum specific IgE levels against to the house dust and storage mites. Keywords: Allergen, Atopic dermatitis, Dog, Samsun, Specific Ig

    Investigating intermediate hosts of Echinococcus multilocularis throughout Turkey: Focus on voles

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    Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by Echinococcus multilocularis, is one of the most important zoonotic diseases. The parasite has a heterogeneous life cycle; more than 40 small mammal species have been determined to be potential intermediate hosts worldwide. Turkey is one of the highest endemic countries for AE, but only limited information is available concerning the transmission biology of E. multilocularis. The study aimed to provide data on potential intermediate host species (focus on genus Microtus) across Turkey involved in E. multilocularis transmission to foxes, which is a risk for public health. Trapping sites have been specially selected considering field voles' habitats and ecological requirements. In total, 843 rodents were collected from 141 locations. The metacestodes and lesions of AE were identified as macroscopy and microscopy and confirmed by PCR and DNA sequencing. Seventeen (2.0%) small mammals from 13 (9.2%) locations were found infected with E. multilocularis. Infected individuals were identified as Microtus irani, Microtus mystacinus, Microtus hartingi, Microtus guentheri, Cricetulus migratorius and Mus macedonicus. M. hartingi and M. macedonicus are documented for the first time as intermediate hosts of E. multilocularis. In conclusion, 15 of 17 infected small mammals were found in the Microtus genus. Therefore, the genus Microtus, which inhabits fields near villages and is potential prey for foxes, could be considered an important intermediate host for E. multilocularis across Turkey