37 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Deposition History of Trace Metals and Metalloids for the Last 200 Years Recorded by Three Peat Cores in Great Hinggan Mountain, Northeast China

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    A large number of studies on trace metals and metalloids (TMs) accumulations in peatlands have been reported in Europe and North America. Comparatively little information is available on peat chronological records of atmospheric TMs flux in China. Therefore, the objective of our study was to determine the concentrations and accumulation rates (ARs) of TMs in Motianling peatland from Great Hinggan Mountain, northeast China, and to assess these in relation to establish a historical profile of atmospheric metal emissions from anthropogenic sources. To meet these aims we analyzed 14 TMs (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, Sb, Tl, and Zn) and Pb isotopes (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) using ICP-AES and ICP-MS, respectively, in three peat sections dated by 210Pb and 137Cs techniques (approximately spanning the last 200 years). There is a general agreement in the elemental concentration profiles which suggests that all investigated elements were conserved in the Motianling bog. Three principal components were discriminated by principal componentanalysis (PCA) based on Eigen-values >1 and explaining 85% of the total variance of element concentrations: the first component representing Ba, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sr and Tl reflected the lithogenic source; the second component covering As, Cu and Sb, and Cd is associated with an anthropogenic source from ore mining and processing; the third component (Pb isotope, Pb and Zn) is affected by anthropogenic Pb pollution from industrial manufacturing and fossil-fuel combustion. The pre-industrial background of typical pollution elements was estimated as the average concentrations of TMs in peat samples prior to 1830 AD and with a 207Pb/206Pb ratio close to 1.9. ARs and enrichment factors (EFs) of TMs suggested enhanced metal concentrations near the surface of the peatland (in peat layers dated from the 1980s) linked to an increasing trend since the 2000s. This pollution pattern is also fingerprinted by the Pb isotopic composition, even after the ban of leaded gasoline use in China. Emissions from coal and leaded gasoline combustions in northern China are regarded as one of the major sources of anthropogenic Pb input in this region; meanwhile, the long-distance transportation of Pb-bearing aerosols from Mongolia should be also taken into consideration. The reconstructed history of TMs’ pollution over the past ca. 200 years is in agreement with the industrial development in China and clearly illustrates the influence of human activities on local rural environments. This study shows the utility of taking multi-cores to show the heterogeneity in peat accumulation and applying PCA, EF and Pb isotope methods in multi-proxies analyses for establishing a high resolution geochemical metal record from peatland

    Geographical drivers of geochemical and mineralogical evolution of Motianling peatland (Northeast China) exposed to different sources of rare earth elements and Pb, Nd, and Sr isotopes

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    Geochemical shifts triggered by surface runoff and atmospheric fallout in a Chinese peatland were investigated by using Pb, Sr, and Nd, REE and by SEMmineralogical analysis.Motianling peatland (Northeast China) is located at 1670ma.s.l., near the China–Mongolia border. Based on division of profile into two phases of different trophy, the totalΣREE value determined for the minerotrophic part of the profile (from 62 to 46 cm) varied from 67 to 31 mg·kg−1 and mineralogical analysis revealed the occurrence ofweathered volcanic rocks, supported by a high εNd value (−3.26). After the transition from minerotrophic to more ombrotrophic conditions, the peatland became independent of the local bedrock weathering, which was manifested by a much lower concentration of REE (7–20 mg·kg−1) and lower εNd values (−7.37; −8.11). Moreover, PAAS-normalized pattern of REE distribution in the bottom part revealed the highest Eu/Eu* value (1.24), as well as a slight enrichment in Eu. The anthropogenic effect was visible from 1964, during which period the spheroidal aluminosilicate particles (SAP), produced by coal-fired power-plant activity, appeared for the first time, followed by an abrupt decrease in 206Pb/207Pb isotopic signature to 1.167. The dimensions of SAP (~1.5 μm), as well as the time of first appearance, indicated long-range transport. The REE ratios obtained in this study are characteristic of the eolian deposition signature, which is like the Gobi and northern Chinese deserts. The anthropogenic activity was manifested by a slight enrichment in Gd during reduced delivery of natural dust. Both, North Chinese and Asian part of the Russian industry supply anthropogenic dust. Topography, wind direction, and patterns of precipitation, as well as the initial phases of Asian industrial development, are the most important drivers promoting the deposition of chemical elements

    People, pollution and pathogens – Global change impacts in mountain freshwater ecosystems

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    Mountain catchments provide for the livelihood of more than half of humankind, and have become a key destination for tourist and recreation activities globally. Mountain ecosystems are generally considered to be less complex and less species diverse due to the harsh environmental conditions. As such, they are also more sensitive to the various impacts of the Anthropocene. For this reason,mountain regions may serve as sentinels of change and provide ideal ecosystems for studying climate and global change impacts on biodiversity. We here review different facets of anthropogenic impacts on mountain freshwater ecosystems. We put particular focus on micropollutants and their distribution and redistribution due to hydrological extremes, their direct influence on water quality and their indirect influence on ecosystem health via changes of freshwater species and their interactions. We show that those changes may drive pathogen establishment in new environments with harmful consequences for freshwater species, but also for the human population. Based on the reviewed literature, we recommend reconstructing the recent past of anthropogenic impact through sediment analyses, to focus efforts on small, but highly productive waterbodies, and to collect data on the occurrence and variability of microorganisms, biofilms, plankton species and key species, such as amphibians due to their bioindicator value for ecosystem health and water quality. The newly gained knowledge can then be used to develop a comprehensive framework of indicators to robustly inform policy and decision making on current and future risks for ecosystem health and human well-being

    Modeling Rett Syndrome Using TALEN-Edited MECP2 Mutant Cynomolgus Monkeys

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    Gene-editing technologies have made it feasible to create nonhuman primate models for human genetic disorders. Here, we report detailed genotypes and phenotypes of TALEN-edited MECP2 mutant cynomolgus monkeys serving as a model for a neurodevelopmental disorder, Rett syndrome (RTT), which is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the human MECP2 gene. Male mutant monkeys were embryonic lethal, reiterating that RTT is a disease of females. Through a battery of behavioral analyses, including primate-unique eye-tracking tests, in combination with brain imaging via MRI, we found a series of physiological, behavioral, and structural abnormalities resembling clinical manifestations of RTT. Moreover, blood transcriptome profiling revealed that mutant monkeys resembled RTT patients in immune gene dysregulation. Taken together, the stark similarity in phenotype and/or endophenotype between monkeys and patients suggested that gene-edited RTT founder monkeys would be of value for disease mechanistic studies as well as development of potential therapeutic interventions for RTT

    Recent climate change has driven divergent hydrological shifts in high-latitude peatlands

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    A recent synthesis study found 54% of the high-latitude peatlands have been drying and 32% have been wetting over the past centuries, illustrating their complex ecohydrological dynamics and highly uncertain responses to a warming climate. High-latitude peatlands are changing rapidly in response to climate change, including permafrost thaw. Here, we reconstruct hydrological conditions since the seventeenth century using testate amoeba data from 103 high-latitude peat archives. We show that 54% of the peatlands have been drying and 32% have been wetting over this period, illustrating the complex ecohydrological dynamics of high latitude peatlands and their highly uncertain responses to a warming climate.Peer reviewe

    Kun qu cui cun.

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    Human impact on C/N/P accumulation in lake sediments from northeast China during the last 150 years

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    Lakes and lake sediments are significant components of the global carbon (C) cycle, and may store very large amounts of organic matter. Carbon sequestration in lakes is subject to substantial temporal and spatial variation and may be strongly affected by human activities. Here, we report accumulation rates (AR) of organic C (OC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP), and investigate their responses to anthropogenic impact over the past 150 years by analyzing 62 sediment cores from 11 shallow lakes in the Songnen Plain, northeast China. From the center of each of the lakes, we selected one master core for age determination by 210Pb and 137Cs radioisotopes. The contents of OC, TN, TP, dry bulk density and mass specific magnetic susceptibility were then determined for all cores. The regional OCAR, TNAR and TPAR up-scaling from the multiple cores yielded mean values of 51.63\ub115.13, 2.50\ub10.98, and 0.90\ub10.21 g m-2 yr-1, respectively. Nutrient AR in the studied lakes increased by a factor of approximately 2 7 from the middle 19th century to the 1950s, and approximately 5 7 after 1950. Elemental ratios show that the increase in OCAR is mainly the result of C autogenesis from the growth of aquatic plants stimulated by agricultural intensification, including increased chemical fertilizer application and farmland expansion. Significantly enhanced nutrient burial by these lakes after the 1950s resulted from increased anthropogenic impacts in northeast China. More sustainable agricultural practises, including a decrease in P fertilizer use, would result in a lowering of OCAR, TNAR and TPAR in the future

    A baseline study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons distribution, source and ecological risk in Zhanjiang mangrove wetlands, South China

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread environmental contaminants and pose a severe threat to human health. Here, 38 surface sediment samples collected from the Gaoqiao mangrove wetland in Zhanjiang, south China, were analyzed to determine 16 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) priority PAHs. Total PAHs concentrations ranged from 33.5 µg/kg to 404.8 µg/kg with an average of 147.7 ± 77.7 µg/kg, inferring a moderate pollution level. Three and four-ring compounds dominated the PAHs composition patterns. Significant positive correlations were observed between the PAHs and the physicochemical properties of the sediments. According to the characteristic molecular ratio method, PAHs in sediments were mainly derived from combustion sources, including the incomplete combustion of liquid fossil fuels, grass, wood, and coal. The result based on the PMF model indicates that the primary combustion sources of PAHs are coal combustion, diesel-powered vehicles, biomass combustion and gasoline-powered vehicles, with a share of 39.01%, 25.21%, 12.72% and 10.48%, respectively. The petrogenic source contributes 12.58% PAHs to the sediments. The mean effects range median quotient (m-ERM-Q) and toxic equivalent method (TEQ) indicate a low comprehensive ecological risk of PAHs in the study area. Still, the evaluation results of effects range low (ERL) suggest that PAHs in the sediment would occasionally have adverse biological effects. Therefore, this situation demands attention and calls for protection strategies in the processes of urbanization and industrialization in south China