17 research outputs found

    Intermittent cecal volvulus. Report of 2 cases V贸lvulo cecal intermitente. Comunicaci贸n de 2 casos.

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    In our country, acute cecal volvulus is responsible of 3.3% of mechanical large bowel obstructions. More than half of these cases have a history compatible with intermittent cecal volvulus, an usually overlooked diagnosis. The author reports two cases of intermittent cecal volvulus, treated in the last ten years. Both patients are female, aged 45 and 71 years old, with a history of 3 and 5 years of recurrent abdominal distention located in the right lower quadrant, that relieves spontaneously after the expulsion of gases or defecation. The symptomatology of the first cases was erroneously attributed to a concomitant colonic diverticulosis and the patient was subjected to a elective sigmoidectomy. The right colon and cecum was observed located in the right lower quadrant during the operation, and an appendectomy and a tube cecostomy for cecopexia were performed. The postoperative evolution was uneventful, and the patient is asymptomatic nine years later. The diagnosis in the second cas

    Abdominal actinomycosis Actinomicosis abdominal.

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    Actinomycosis is a non opportunistic chronic infection caused by a superior bacteria that forms grains in the pus or affected organs. Fifty four cases have been reported in the last 50 years in the chilean literature, 51% were abdominal actinomycoses, 25.5% pelvic and 18.5% pulmonary. Fourteen cases have been treated in the last 9 years at San Borja Arriaran. Of these 7 were abdominal (1 parietal and 6 visceral forms) and four involved the rectosigmoid; two were ileocecal and occurred after an appendicectomy. The presenting picture was of a giant abdominal mass in two cases (one with a colocutaneous fistula), rectal stricture in one case, tubo-ovarian abscess with colonic involvement in one case, parietal mass in one case and a fistula after an appendicectomy in two cases. Actinomyces Israelli was found in the histopathological study in three cases and in the bacteriological study in two. All visceral forms were treated with penicillin plus tetracycline or amoxicillin during 6 to 12 m

    Resultados del tratamiento quir煤rgico y pron贸stico del c谩ncer del colon complicado con perforaci贸n

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    Twenty two patients (13 males), whose ages ranged between 25 and 94 years, were subjected to surgical treatment for perforative carcinoma of the colon in a period of 10 years. Seventy three percent of tumors were localized in rectum and sigmoid colon. The perforation lied within the tumor in half of the patients and proximal to the tumor, specially in the cecum, in the rest. The perforation produced a local abscess in 5 patients and a diffuse peritonitis in 17 patients. Fifteen patients were subjected to segmental resections with a 40% operative mortality rate and 5 to a fecal diversion procedure with a 57% operative mortality. Tumor staging was similar to that of patients subjected to elective surgery. Crude 5 year survival was 18% and, excluding operative mortality, 57%

    Giant pyoderma gangrenosum associated with an inflammatory bowel disease

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    Art铆culo de publicaci贸n SciELOEl pioderma gangrenoso (PG) es una enfermedad cut谩nea cr贸nica, probablemente de etiolog铆a autoinmunitaria, que se manifiesta en la mayor铆a de los casos como una 煤lcera dolorosa. Caso cl铆nico: Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 23 a帽os sometido a una colectom铆a total e ileostom铆a por megacolon t贸xico asociado a una enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. A los 10 meses, tras una intervenci贸n por obstrucci贸n intestinal presenta una infecci贸n con dehiscencia de la pared abdominal y grandes zonas ulceradas confluentes peri-ileost贸micas y en el sitio del drenaje, en el contexto de un grave compromiso del estado general que no responde a m煤ltiples esquemas antibi贸ticos. Por la forma cl铆nica de presentaci贸n, el diagn贸stico de esta condici贸n fue elusivo. Con la colaboraci贸n de un equipo multidisciplinario y el diagn贸stico presuntivo de pioderma gangrenoso (PG) gigante de curso fulminante asociado a una enfermedad de Crohn, se inicia corticoterapia asociado a inmunosupresores, que cambia el curso ominoso de la enfermedad, logrando una recuperaci贸n lenta pero progresiva del estado general y una cicatrizaci贸n completa de la pared abdominal luego de 4 a帽os de tratamiento y el cierre de una f铆stula entero-cut谩nea que surge en la evoluci贸n de la ulceraci贸n central. Conclusiones: Los pilares del tratamiento en este inusual caso de PG fueron la corticoterapia asociada a inmunosupresores en la fase aguda de la enfermedad, seguida de un agente biol贸gico inhibidor del factor de necrosis tumoral (infliximab) en la fase de mantenci贸n

    V贸lvulos del colon durante el embarazo: 2 casos cl铆nicos

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    Two clinical cases of volvulus of the colon in pregnant women are presented. Both were operated on with success and the pregnancies continued without problems

    Radical resective surgery for the management of rectosigmoidal endometriosis. Report of one case Cirug铆a resectiva radical en el manejo de la endometriosis rectosigmoidea. Caso cl铆nico

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    We report a 35 years old female with a profound rectosigmoidal endometriosis, who had been subjected to multiple laparoscopic procedures and open surgery due to infertility in the last five years. Main presenting symptoms were cyclic hematochezia during the menstrual periods associated to pelvic pain. Colonoscopy was inconclusive, barium enema showed a marked stenosis of the zone, appearing as an extrinsic compression. CAT scan showed a homogeneous, solid parauterine mass. During surgery, an inflammatory mass with multiple endometriotic foci was found. A low anterior resection with mechanical anastomosis was done, preserving the uterus and left adnexa. Two months later, the patient became pregnant and an elective cesarean section was done at 38 weeks of gestation, giving birth to a healthy newborn. Radical resective surgery for rectosigmoidal endometriosis is indicated in patients with intense and recurrent symptoms in whom hormonal treatment has failed and when a tumor cannot be disc

    Total pelvic exenteration for locally advanced rectal tumors. Experience in 10 patients Exenteraci贸n p茅lvica total por c谩ncer primario del recto: Resultados inmediatos y alejados

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    漏 2016 Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile. Aim: To report the results of total pelvic exenteration (TPE) in patients with locally advanced primary rectal tumors. Material and method: We report 10 patients with stage 4 rectal tumors subjected to a potentially curative TPE in a period of 16 years. Results: Six patients received also adjuvant chemoradiotherapy. A classic technique was used in 3 patients and a supra-elevator technique in 6. Mean hospitalization length was 36 days, and 80% of patients had complications. The pathological study of the surgical piece confirmed a T4 tumor in 6 patients, T3 in 3 and T0 in one. Among patients who received chemoradiotherapy, one was in stage ypT0N0M0, 2 in ypIIA, 2 in ypIIC, one in ypIIIB, 2 in pIIC and 2 in pIIIC. During follow up 3 patients survived between 30 and 180 months and three died due to distant metastases without local relapse. Conclusion: TPE requires long hospital stays and has a high rate of complications. Supra-elevator TPE protected