361 research outputs found

    African small mammals = Petits mammifères africains

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    Prevalence Of Gastro-Intestinal Parasites In Relation To Availability Of Sanitary Facilities Among Schooling Children In Makurdi, Nigeria

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    The prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites in school children in relation to availability of sanitaryfacilities was investigated. Stool samples from 580 pupils from nine schools in Makurdi were examined for intestinal parasites. Sanitary facilties available within the schools were also noted. The overall prevalence rate of parasitic infection was 5413%. Pupils in schools that had lower ratio of number of pupils per toilet had lower infection rates than those from schools with high ratio of number of pupils per toilet. This was however not statistically sgnificant (X 22.272, d = 2, P > 0.05). The following parasites were encountered, namely Ascaris lumbricoides (11.89%), Ancylostoma duodenale (18.62 %), Strongyloides steroralis (1.89%), Trichuris trichura (4.65%), Tapeworm (3.79 %), Entamoeba histolytica (7.06 %), Schistosoma mansoni (1.55 %) and Entemoeba coli (2.41 %). The implications of these results were discussed highlighting the need for provision of sanitary facilities: lke children friendly toiets portable water and fencing the school premises from trespassers as long-term intervention strategies. Occasional activities like mass school based chemotherapy and health education are recommended as immediate interventionstrategies to prevent and control intestinal parasite Keywords: Intestinal parasites, School children, Sanitary facilitiesAnimal Research International Vol. 3 (2) 2006 pp. 489-49

    An interleukin-1 polymorphism additionally intensified by atopy as prognostic factor for aseptic non-mechanical complications in metal knee and hip arthroplasty

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    Background: In contrast to infection or mechanical issues joint replacement failure following inflammatory adverse reactions is poorly understood. Objective: To assess the association of IL-1β polymorphisms and history of allergy with aseptic non-mechanical complications following arthroplasty. Methods: In 102 patients with aseptic non-mechanically caused symptomatic knee or hip arthroplasty (SA) and 93 patients with asymptomatic arthroplasty (AA) questionnaire-based history, patch test with at least standard series, lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) with nickel, cobalt and chromium and interleukin-1 polymorphism analysis were done. Three polymorphisms of the IL1B gene [IL-1b -3954 (rs1143634), IL-1b -511 (rs16944) and IL-1b -31 (rs1143627)] and one polymorphism of the IL1RN gene [IL1RN intron 2, variable number of tandem repeats, VNTR (rs2234663)] were assessed by PCR and gel electrophoresis. Results: We found no significant difference in smoking history and atopy but 25% versus 10% of self-reported metal allergy in SA versus AA; the patch test (respective, LTT) for metal sensitivity was more often positive in SA patients. The allele 498 bp of the IL1RN polymorphism occurred significantly more often in the SA group (37% versus 11%; p < 0.0001). Upon additional presence of atopy, the difference was even greater (60% vs 10%) (p < 0.000001). There was no association of IL-1 polymorphisms with metal allergy. Conclusion: The IL1RN VNTR allele 498 bp was strongly associated with SA. In patients with a history of atopy, presence of the IL1RN VNTR allele 498 bp led to a four-fold higher SA prevalence compared to patients without this allele

    Reference Group Data for the Functional Gait Assessment

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    Background and Purpose: The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) is a clinical tool for evaluating performance in walking. The purpose of this study was to determine age-referenced norms for performance on the FGA in community-living older adults. Subjects: Subjects were 200 adults, ages 40 to 89 years, living independently. Methods: Each subject completed the FGA one time and was scored simultaneously by 2 testers. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient for interrater reliability was .93. Mean scores for the FGA ranged from 29/30 for adults in their 40s to 21/30 for adults in their 80s. Discussion and Conclusion: Patient performance on the FGA can be compared with age-referenced norms for expected performance. Further research is needed to determine the FGA\u27s usefulness in tracking clinical changes or predicting falls. The FGA is a reliable test for people without disease, and it is able to detect decreases in gait performance among typical older adults

    Infuence of female genital mutilation/cutting on health morbidity, health service utilization and satisfaction with care among Somali women and teenage girls in the United States

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    Introduction There is scant evidence on the health morbidities experienced by Somali women and girls affected by female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and their resultant health-seeking behavior in the USA as compared to those who have not undergone the procedure. To fill this gap, we conducted a comprehensive examination of health morbidity among women and teenage girls with and without FGM/C in a Somali migrant community. Methods Using a comprehensive community-based participatory research approach, a cross-sectional survey was administered to 879 Somali women and teenage girls in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. We employed Chi-square and analysis of variance to disentangle health and healthcare use among those with and without FGM/C. Results The majority of respondents had undergone FGM/C (79%). Respondents with FGM/C experienced significantly more health concerns compared to uncut women and girls, with those possessing Type III FGM/C experiencing significantly more obstetric, gynecologic, sexual, and mental health morbidity than those with Type I or Type II. Rates of service use, while varied, were low overall, particularly for mental health services, even with health insurance. The majority of respondents who sought care indicated that their concerns were resolved, and they were satisfied with the healthcare received. Conclusions Community-engaged strategies that build upon satisfaction with care of women who seek care to enhance trust, nurture community embeddedness and facilitate peer navigation, while equipping health and social service providers with the competency and tools to provide respectful, trauma-informed care, will be critical to advance health equity for FGM/Cafected communities

    Influence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting on Health Morbidity, Health Service Utilization and Satisfaction with Care among Somali Women and Teenage Girls in the United States.

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    INTRODUCTION: There is scant evidence on the health morbidities experienced by Somali women and girls affected by female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and their resultant health-seeking behavior in the USA as compared to those who have not undergone the procedure. To fill this gap, we conducted a comprehensive examination of health morbidity among women and teenage girls with and without FGM/C in a Somali migrant community. METHODS: Using a comprehensive community-based participatory research approach, a cross-sectional survey was administered to 879 Somali women and teenage girls in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. We employed Chi-square and analysis of variance to disentangle health and healthcare use among those with and without FGM/C. RESULTS: The majority of respondents had undergone FGM/C (79%). Respondents with FGM/C experienced significantly more health concerns compared to uncut women and girls, with those possessing Type III FGM/C experiencing significantly more obstetric, gynecologic, sexual, and mental health morbidity than those with Type I or Type II. Rates of service use, while varied, were low overall, particularly for mental health services, even with health insurance. The majority of respondents who sought care indicated that their concerns were resolved, and they were satisfied with the healthcare received. CONCLUSIONS: Community-engaged strategies that build upon satisfaction with care of women who seek care to enhance trust, nurture community embeddedness and facilitate peer navigation, while equipping health and social service providers with the competency and tools to provide respectful, trauma-informed care, will be critical to advance health equity for FGM/C-affected communities

    Flexible energy conversion and storage via high-temperature gas-phase reactions: The piston engine as a polygeneration reactor

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    Piston engines are typically considered devices converting chemical energy into mechanical power via internal combustion. But more generally, their ability to provide high-pressure and high-temperature conditions for a limited time means they can be used as chemical reactors where reactions are initiated by compression heating and subsequently quenched by gas expansion. Thus, piston engines could be “polygeneration” reactors that can flexibly change from power generation to chemical synthesis, and even to chemical-energy storage. This may help mitigating one of the main challenges of future energy systems – accommodating fluctuations in electricity supply and demand. Investments in devices for grid stabilization could be more economical if they have a second use. This paper presents a systematic approach to polygeneration in piston engines, combining thermodynamics, kinetics, numerical optimization, engineering, and thermo-economics. A focus is on the fuel-rich conversion of methane as a fuel that is considered important for the foreseeable future. Starting from thermodynamic theory and kinetic modeling, promising systems are selected. Mathematical optimization and an array of experimental kinetic investigations are used for model improvement and development. To evaluate technical feasibility, experiments are then performed in both a single-stroke rapid compression machine and a reciprocating engine. In both cases, chemical conversion is initiated by homogeneous-charge compression-ignition. A thermodynamic and thermo-economic assessment of the results is positive. Examples that illustrate how the piston engine can be used in polygeneration processes to convert methane to higher-value chemicals or to take up carbon dioxide are presented. Open issues for future research are addressed

    CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels in rat white fat adipocytes

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    L-type channel antagonists are of therapeutic benefit in the treatment of hyperlipidaemia and insulin resistance. Our aim was to identify L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in white fat adipocytes, and determine if they affect intracellular Ca2+, lipolysis and lipogenesis. We used a multidisciplinary approach of molecular biology, confocal microscopy, Ca2+ imaging and metabolic assays to explore this problem using adipocytes isolated from adult rat epididymal fat pads. CaV1.2, CaV1.3 and CaV1.1 alpha1, beta and alpha2delta subunits were detected at the gene expression level. The CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 alpha1 subunits were identified in the plasma membrane at the protein level. Confocal microscopy with fluorescent antibodies labelled CaV1.2 in the plasma membrane. Ca2+ imaging revealed that the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2 +]i was reversibly decreased by removal of extracellular Ca2+, an effect mimicked by verapamil, nifedipine and Co2+, all blockers of L-type channels, whereas the Ca2+ channel agonist BAY-K8644 increased [Ca2+]i. The finding that the magnitude of these effects correlated with basal [Ca2+]i suggests that adipocyte [Ca2+]i is controlled by L-type Ca2+ channels that are constitutively active at the adipocyte depolarized membrane potential. Pharmacological manipulation of L-type channel activity modulated both basal and catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis but not insulin-induced glucose uptake or lipogenesis. We conclude that white adipocytes have constitutively active L-type Ca2+ channels which explains their sensitivity of lipolysis to Ca2+ channel modulators. Our data suggest CaV1.2 as a potential novel therapeutic target in the treatment of obesity

    Critical comparative analysis of data sources toward understanding referral during pregnancy and childbirth: three perspectives from Nigeria

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    Background The highest risk of maternal and perinatal deaths occurs during and shortly after childbirth and is preventable if functional referral systems enable women to reach appropriate health services when obstetric complications occur. Rising numbers of deliveries in health facilities, including in high mortality settings like Nigeria, require formalised coordination across the health system to ensure that women and newborns get to the right level of care, at the right time. This study describes and critically assesses the extent to which referral and its components can be captured using three different data sources from Nigeria, examining issues of data quality, validity, and usefulness for improving and monitoring obstetric care systems. Methods The study included three data sources on referral for childbirth care in Nigeria: a nationally representative household survey, patient records from multiple facilities in a state, and patient records from the apex referral facility in a city. We conducted descriptive analyses of the extent to which referral status and components were captured across the three sources. We also iteratively developed a visual conceptual framework to guide our critical comparative analysis. Results We found large differences in the proportion of women referred, and this reflected the different denominators and timings of the referral in each data source. Between 16 and 34% of referrals in the three sources originated in government hospitals, and lateral referrals (origin and destination facility of the same level) were observed in all three data sources. We found large gaps in the coverage of key components of referral as well as data gaps where this information was not routinely captured in facility-based sources. Conclusions Our analyses illustrated different perspectives from the national- to facility-level in the capture of the extent and components of obstetric referral. By triangulating across multiple data sources, we revealed the strengths and gaps within each approach in building a more complete picture of obstetric referral. We see our visual framework as assisting further research efforts to ensure all referral pathways are captured in order to better monitor and improve referral systems for women and newborns
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