4,910 research outputs found

    Effective potential for composite operators and for an auxiliary scalar field in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We derive the effective potentials for composite operators in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model at zero and finite temperature and show that in each case they are equivalent to the corresponding effective potentials based on an auxiliary scalar field. The both effective potentials could lead to the same possible spontaneous breaking and restoration of symmetries including chiral symmetry if the momentum cutoff in the loop integrals is large enough, and can be transformed to each other when the Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation of the dynamical fermion mass from the fermion-antifermion vacuum (or thermal) condensates is used. The results also generally indicate that two effective potentials with the same single order parameter but rather different mathematical expressions can still be considered physically equivalent if the SD equation corresponding to the extreme value conditions of the two potentials have the same form.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Analytical theory of dark nonlocal solitons

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    We investigate properties of dark solitons in nonlocal materials with an arbitrary degree of nonlocality. We employ the variational technique and describe the dark solitons, for the first time, in the whole range of degree of nonlocality.Comment: to be published in Optics Letter

    Limits to compression with cascaded quadratic soliton compressors

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    We study cascaded quadratic soliton compressors and address the physical mechanisms that limit the compression. A nonlocal model is derived, and the nonlocal response is shown to have an additional oscillatory component in the nonstationary regime when the group-velocity mismatch (GVM) is strong. This inhibits efficient compression. Raman-like perturbations from the cascaded nonlinearity, competing cubic nonlinearities, higher-order dispersion, and soliton energy may also limit compression, and through realistic numerical simulations we point out when each factor becomes important. We find that it is theoretically possible to reach the single-cycle regime by compressing high-energy fs pulses for wavelengths λ=1.01.3μm\lambda=1.0-1.3 \mu{\rm m} in a β\beta-barium-borate crystal, and it requires that the system is in the stationary regime, where the phase mismatch is large enough to overcome the detrimental GVM effects. However, the simulations show that reaching single-cycle duration is ultimately inhibited by competing cubic nonlinearities as well as dispersive waves, that only show up when taking higher-order dispersion into account.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Optics Expres

    Nonlocal explanation of stationary and nonstationary regimes in cascaded soliton pulse compression

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    We study soliton pulse compression in materials with cascaded quadratic nonlinearities, and show that the group-velocity mismatch creates two different temporally nonlocal regimes. They correspond to what is known as the stationary and nonstationary regimes. The theory accurately predicts the transition to the stationary regime, where highly efficient pulse compression is possible.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, published verison in Optics Letters. Contains revised equations, including an updated mode

    Analytical theory for dark soliton interaction in nonlocal nonlinear materials with arbitrary degree of nonlocality

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    We investigate theoretically the interaction of dark solitons in materials with a spatially nonlocal nonlinearity. In particular we do this analytically and for arbitrary degree of nonlocality. We employ the variational technique to show that nonlocality induces an attractive force in the otherwise repulsive soliton interaction.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Phase-field-crystal modeling of the (2x1)-(1x1) phase-transitions of Si(001) and Ge(001) surfaces

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    We propose a two-dimensional phase-field-crystal model for the (2×\times1)-(1×\times1) phase transitions of Si(001) and Ge(001) surfaces. The dimerization in the 2×\times1 phase is described with a phase-field-crystal variable which is determined by solving an evolution equation derived from the free energy. Simulated periodic arrays of dimerization variable is consistent with scanning-tunnelling-microscopy images of the two dimerized surfaces. Calculated temperature dependence of the dimerization parameter indicates that normal dimers and broken ones coexist between the temperatures describing the charactristic temperature width of the phase-transition, TLT_L and THT_H, and a first-order phase transition takes place at a temperature between them. The dimerization over the whole temperature is determined. These results are in agreement with experiment. This phase-field-crystal approach is applicable to phase-transitions of other reconstructed surface phases, especially semiconductor n×n\times1 reconstructed surface phases.Comment: 10 pages with 4 figures include

    Crystalline free energies of micelles of diblock copolymer solutions

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    We report a characterization of the relative stability and structural behavior of various micellar crystals of an athermal model of AB-diblock copolymers in solution. We adopt a previously devel- oped coarse-graining representation of the chains which maps each copolymer on a soft dumbbell. Thanks to this strong reduction of degrees of freedom, we are able to investigate large aggregated systems, and for a specific length ratio of the blocks f = MA/(MA + MB) = 0.6, to locate the order-disorder transition of the system of micelles. Above the transition, mechanical and thermal properties are found to depend on the number of particles per lattice site in the simulation box, and the application of a recent methodology for multiple occupancy crystals (B.M. Mladek et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 235702 (2007)) is necessary to correctly define the equilibrium state. Within this scheme we have performed free energy calculations at two reduced density {\rho}/{\rho}\ast = 4,5 and for several cubic structures as FCC,BCC,A15. At both densities, the BCC symmetry is found to correspond to the minimum of the unconstrained free energy, that is to the stable symmetry among the few considered, while the A15 structure is almost degenerate, indicating that the present sys- tem prefers to crystallize in less packed structures. At {\rho}/{\rho}\ast = 4 close to melting, the Lindemann ratio is fairly high (~ 0.29) and the concentration of vacancies is roughly 6%. At {\rho}/{\rho}\ast = 5 the mechanical stability of the stable BCC structure increases and the concentration of vacancies ac- cordingly decreases. The ratio of the corona layer thickness to the core radius is found to be in good agreement with experimental data for poly(styrene-b-isoprene)(22-12) in isoprene selective solvent which is also reported to crystallize in the BCC structure

    Collapse arrest and soliton stabilization in nonlocal nonlinear media

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    We investigate the properties of localized waves in systems governed by nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger type equations. We prove rigorously by bounding the Hamiltonian that nonlocality of the nonlinearity prevents collapse in, e.g., Bose-Einstein condensates and optical Kerr media in all physical dimensions. The nonlocal nonlinear response must be symmetric, but can be of completely arbitrary shape. We use variational techniques to find the soliton solutions and illustrate the stabilizing effect of nonlocality.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figure

    Influence of Four-Wave Mixing and Walk-Off on the Self-Focusing of Coupled Waves

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    Four-wave mixing and walk-off between two optical beams are! investigated For focusing Kerr media. It is shown that four-wave mixing reinforces the self-focusing of mutually trapped waves by lowering their power threshold for collapse, only when their phase mismatch is small. On the contrary, walk-off inhibits the collapse by detrapping the beams, whose partial centroids experience nonlinear oscillations