2 research outputs found
Factorizations and Physical Representations
A Hilbert space in M dimensions is shown explicitly to accommodate
representations that reflect the prime numbers decomposition of M.
Representations that exhibit the factorization of M into two relatively prime
numbers: the kq representation (J. Zak, Phys. Today, {\bf 23} (2), 51 (1970)),
and related representations termed representations (together with
their conjugates) are analysed, as well as a representation that exhibits the
complete factorization of M. In this latter representation each quantum number
varies in a subspace that is associated with one of the prime numbers that make
up M
Pauli Diagonal Channels Constant on Axes
We define and study the properties of channels which are analogous to unital
qubit channels in several ways. A full treatment can be given only when the
dimension d is a prime power, in which case each of the (d+1) mutually unbiased
bases (MUB) defines an axis. Along each axis the channel looks like a
depolarizing channel, but the degree of depolarization depends on the axis.
When d is not a prime power, some of our results still hold, particularly in
the case of channels with one symmetry axis. We describe the convex structure
of this class of channels and the subclass of entanglement breaking channels.
We find new bound entangled states for d = 3.
For these channels, we show that the multiplicativity conjecture for maximal
output p-norm holds for p=2. We also find channels with behavior not exhibited
by unital qubit channels, including two pairs of orthogonal bases with equal
output entropy in the absence of symmetry. This provides new numerical evidence
for the additivity of minimal output entropy