447 research outputs found

    Understanding the Fano Resonance : through Toy Models

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    The Fano Resonance, involving the mixing between a quasi-bound `discrete' state of an inelastic channel lying in the continuum of scattering states belonging to the elastic channel, has several subtle features. The underlying ideas have recently attracted attention in connection with interference effects in quantum wires and mesoscopic transport phenomena. Simple toy models are provided in the present study to illustrate the basics of the Fano resonance in a simple and tractable setting.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Phase dealy time and superluminal propagation in barrier tunneling

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    In this work we study the behaviour of Wigner phase delay time for tunneling in the reflection mode. Our system consists of a circular loop connected to a single wire of semi-infinite length in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm flux. We calculate the analytical expression for the saturated delay time. This saturated delay time is independent of Aharonov- Bohm flux and the width of the opaque barrier thereby generalizing the Hartman effect. This effect implies superluminal group velocities as a consequence. We also briefly discuss the concept called "space collapse or space destroyer"

    The conductance of a multi-mode ballistic ring: beyond Landauer and Kubo

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    The Landauer conductance of a two terminal device equals to the number of open modes in the weak scattering limit. What is the corresponding result if we close the system into a ring? Is it still bounded by the number of open modes? Or is it unbounded as in the semi-classical (Drude) analysis? It turns out that the calculation of the mesoscopic conductance is similar to solving a percolation problem. The "percolation" is in energy space rather than in real space. The non-universal structures and the sparsity of the perturbation matrix cannot be ignored.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, with the correct version of Figs.6-

    Scattering phase shifts in quasi-one-dimension

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    Scattering of an electron in quasi-one dimensional quantum wires have many unusual features, not found in one, two or three dimensions. In this work we analyze the scattering phase shifts due to an impurity in a multi-channel quantum wire with special emphasis on negative slopes in the scattering phase shift versus incident energy curves and the Wigner delay time. Although at first sight, the large number of scattering matrix elements show phase shifts of different character and nature, it is possible to see some pattern and understand these features. The behavior of scattering phase shifts in one-dimension can be seen as a special case of these features observed in quasi-one-dimensions. The negative slopes can occur at any arbitrary energy and Friedel sum rule is completely violated in quasi-one-dimension at any arbitrary energy and any arbitrary regime. This is in contrast to one, two or three dimensions where such negative slopes and violation of Friedel sum rule happen only at low energy where the incident electron feels the potential very strongly (i.e., there is a very well defined regime, the WKB regime, where FSR works very well). There are some novel behavior of scattering phase shifts at the critical energies where SS-matrix changes dimension.Comment: Minor corrections mad

    The evolution of stellar triples: The most common evolutionary pathways

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    Many stars do not live alone, but instead have one or more stellar companions. Observations show that these binaries, triples and higher-order multiples are common. Whereas the evolution of single stars and binaries have been studied extensively, the same is not true for the evolution of stellar triples. To fill this gap in our general understanding of stellar lives, we aim to systematically explore the long-term evolution of triples and to map out the most common evolutionary pathways that triples go through. We quantitatively study how triples evolve, which processes are most relevant, and how this differs from binary evolution. We simulate the evolution of several large populations of triples with a population synthesis approach. We make use of the triple evolution code TRES to simulate the evolution of each triple in a consistent way; including three-body dynamics (based on the secular approach), stellar evolution and their mutual influences. We simulate the evolution of the system up until mass transfer starts, the system becomes dynamically unstable, or a Hubble time has passed. We find that stellar interactions are common in triples. Compared to a binary population, we find that the fraction of systems that can undergo mass transfer is about 2 to 3 times larger in triples. Moreover, whereas in binaries the orbits typically reach circularisation before Roche-lobe overflow, this is not true anymore in triples. In our simulations, about 40% of systems retain an eccentric orbit. Additionally, we discuss various channels of triple evolution in detail such as those where the secondary or the tertiary is the first star to initiate a mass transfer event.Comment: updated version: accepted for publication in A&A 18 pages, 16 figures, 2 table

    Novel geopolymeric building materials through synergistic utilisation of industrial waste

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    Synergistic utilisation of major industrial wastes generated in India, namely fly ash, blast furnace slag and red mud, has been explored to develop novel building components using geopolymerisation. These include: (a) high strength cements (b) self glazed wall tiles, and (c) pavement tiles. Fly ash was used as main source of silico-aluminate for geopolymerisation. Granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) and red mud were used individually or in combination with fly ash to tailor properties of the developed components. Chemical and mechanical activation have been judiciously incorporated in the processing schemes through an understanding of processing-structure-property relationships. Improvement in the reactivity of fly ash by mechanical activation using highenergy mills was found to results in the formation of a compact microstructure during geopolymerisation leading to high compressive strength (above 100 MPa) in geopolymer cements. The cements also exhibited improved setting time and a very low autoclave expansion. In self-glazed wall tiles, the hard impervious glazed surface was obtained at temperature lower than 150°C by controlling the particle size distribution of solid reactants, viscosity of slurry and reaction atmosphere. The self-glazed surface showed the presence of gismodine (Na-plagioclase) phase which was absent in the main body of the tiles. In pavement tiles, fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag were used to give structural framework, whereas red mud was used to supplement the iron oxide for colouring effect and alkalis. The setting and hardening occurred due to formation of cementitious A-S-H and C-S-H gel (A = Al2O3, S = SiO2, C = CaO, H = H2O). The technologies have been developed at bench scale and efforts are underway for scaling up to pilot plant level