24 research outputs found

    Palestinian Women and Resistance

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    The study aimed at identifying Palestinian women and resistance. The study approached the literature as a multi-dimensional phenomenon, which addressed both theoretical and applied research. The significance of this recent study is the first, which dealt with this theme, based on the authors' knowledge. This, however, in turn encourages other researchers to work on further research on this important question.The findings revealed that the Palestinian woman has realized the importance and effectiveness of the role of national strugglein the liberation of Palestine; she was able to employ different forms of the struggle in harmony with her own physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual capacities. Palestinian women have actively participated in the national struggle across Palestinian history; she was the mother, the captive, the civilian activist, the fighter, and the suicide martyr (Istishhadiya).Keywords: Palestinian women, culture, resistance, occupation.

    Life Aspirations of Palestinian Women

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    The main purpose of the current study was to explore life aspirations of Palestinian women. Index of a 30-item scale used to measure women's' life aspirations developed by the researcher, based on Aspiration Index introduced by (Kasser & Ryan, 1993), was administrated to three hundred and eighty-four women in the West Bank during 2017 randomly selected. The findings demonstrate that Palestinian women indicated a moderate level of life aspirations. Differences were found between marital status, place of residence, and educational level; however, an inverse relationship was found between age, number of children and life aspirations. Implications of the study findings and directions for future empirical research are briefly discussed. Keywords: Life aspirations, women, Palestine, patriarchal society


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    The Profile explores all the characteristics of the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) and the operations of their martyrdom as well. A national representative survey which consists of two-hundred participants of the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip was used in this current Profile. The Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) were able to implement two hundred qualitative martyrdom operations that rocked Israel, and raised a large wave of reactions both locally and internationally. The Profile has all their demographic characteristics; all the characteristics of their martyrdom operations; their personality characteristics mostly: social, religious, national and psychological features which qualified them to embark on this strategic action; also, the Profile has the main motivations which drove the Palestinian youth to carry out such operations, and the relationship between the emergence of these operations and Israeli crimes committed against the rights of the unarmed Palestinian people. Additionally, the Profile includes the main behavioral changes which appeared on the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) prior to the execution of the martyrdom operation, in addition to their families’ opinion about martyrdom operations. The Profile showed that the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) were ordinary people who enjoyed life; they were sociable, religious, national, and had a high degree of psychological stability. However, their motivations behind the carrying out of martyrdom operations are nationalistic, and are closely associated with the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, and the daily suppressive practices against the helpless and unarmed Palestinian people. They had to sacrifice their lives for Palestinians, to shake off the occupation and preserve their holies, homeland, and people

    Violencia contra las mujeres palestinas

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    The current study explored violence against women in the Palestinian society as a multidimensional phenomenon. An index of a 60-item scale (developed by the researcher) used to measure violence against women was administrated to three hundred and sixty-three randomly selected married women at Jericho & Al-Aghwar governate. The research revealed that Palestinian women are still subject to many forms of violence mostly, physical, psychological and sexual. Of the Palestinian women surveyed, seven in ten women (74.4%) reported partner violence. The study concluded that it is difficult for a battered woman to seek redress or help with any guarantee of privacy. Furthermore, the under-reporting of violence is widespread in a society of patriarchal patterns of kinship, legalized inequality, social subordination and ingrained male dominance. The implications of the findings and probabilities for future empirical research are briefly discussed.El artículo estudia la violencia contra las mujeres en la sociedad palestina como un fenómeno multidimensional. Se utiliza un índice con una escala de 60 ítems (elaborado por el investigador) para medir dicha violencia, siendo entrevistadas sesenta y tres mujeres aleatoriamente seleccionadas en Gobernación de Jericó y Al Aghwar. El estudio revela que las mujeres palestinas sufren todavía muchas formas de violencia física, psicológica y sexual. Así, el 74.4% de las entrevistadas manifiesta haber padecido violencia de parte de su cónyuge, y ello en una situación en la que es difícil para una mujer maltratada encontrar apoyos o ayuda con garantías de salvaguardar su privacidad. Además, el registro de estas formas de violencia presenta serias deficiencias en una sociedad inmersa en pautas patriarcales de parentesco, en la aceptación como ‘normal’ de la desigualdad de género y en el presupuesto de la necesidad de subordinación de las mujeres a los hombres. Finalmente, el artículo debate brevemente acerca de las implicaciones de esta situación y sobre las investigaciones futuras que pueden realizarse al respecto

    Life Satisfaction of Palestinian Aged

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    The study aims at investigating life satisfaction of Palestinian aged people. An index of a 33-item scale was used to measure the satisfaction level of life among Palestinian aged developed by the researcher, based on the Life Satisfaction Index introduced by Neugarten et al. (1961), which was administrated to three hundred eighty-three aged people in the West Bank during 2017 and who were stratifiedly selected. The findings demonstrate that Palestinian aged people reported a moderate level of life satisfaction. Factors which significantly influened life satisfaction included resident status, educational level, number of children, and religious commitment


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    The Profile explores all the characteristics of the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) and the operations of their martyrdom as well. A national representative survey which consists of two-hundred participants of the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip was used in this current Profile. The Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) were able to implement two hundred qualitative martyrdom operations that rocked Israel, and raised a large wave of reactions both locally and internationally. The Profile has all their demographic characteristics; all the characteristics of their martyrdom operations; their personality characteristics mostly: social, religious, national and psychological features which qualified them to embark on this strategic action; also, the Profile has the main motivations which drove the Palestinian youth to carry out such operations, and the relationship between the emergence of these operations and Israeli crimes committed against the rights of the unarmed Palestinian people. Additionally, the Profile includes the main behavioral changes which appeared on the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) prior to the execution of the martyrdom operation, in addition to their families’ opinion about martyrdom operations. The Profile showed that the Palestinian suicide martyrs (Istishhadiyin) were ordinary people who enjoyed life; they were sociable, religious, national, and had a high degree of psychological stability. However, their motivations behind the carrying out of martyrdom operations are nationalistic, and are closely associated with the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, and the daily suppressive practices against the helpless and unarmed Palestinian people. They had to sacrifice their lives for Palestinians, to shake off the occupation and preserve their holies, homeland, and people


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    The main purpose of the current study was to investigate sense of belonging (SOB) of Al-Quds University students. Index of a 25-item scale was used to measure SOB which was developed by the researchers, based on the SOC model (McMillan & Chavis, 1986), and was administrated to three hundred and sixty-nine students (173 males and 196 females) full-time undergraduate students at Al-Quds University stratifiedly selected. The findings demonstrate that the students of Al-Quds University indicated a moderate level of SOB to their university. Differences were found between gender, place of residency, and academic year; however, SOB has emerged as a significant predictor of students' academic achievement. Implications of the findings of this study, and directions for future empirical research were briefly discussed

    Refugee Camps: Emergent Presence to the Social Structure of the Palestinian Society

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    The study aimed to investigate the refugee camps issue as emergent presence to the social structure of the Palestinian society. The study approached the literature as a multi-dimensional phenomenon, which addressed both theoretical and applied research. The findings revealed that the Palestinian camps do not accurately reflect the structure of the Palestinian society, as they are emergent presence to the social structure of the Palestinian society. These camps depict the exposure of the Palestinian diaspora concentrations during the Nakba of 1948 and after the 1967 war. It reflects the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the period resulting from the uprooting of more than one million Palestinians from their cities, villages, and Bedouin sites of origin

    Sexual Education of Palestinian University Students: Between Perceptions and Cultural Barriers

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    This study explored the sexual education perceptions in the Palestinian society, as perceived by Al-Quds University students. Perceptions regarding sexual education were evaluated using an index with 50 items, which was developed by the researchers. It was administrated to 369 undergraduate students who were selected using the stratified method. The findings show that students at Al-Quds University were moderately knowledgeable of sexual education; females had fewer knowledge of sexual education than males. The statistics show that gender, school, academic year and religious commitment are significant predictors of students' perceptions of sexual education. Sexual education is a sensitive and sometimes taboo concept in the conservative Palestinian society that adheres to its religious, cultural and moral values

    The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Vocational Interests among Palestinian Students

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    The purpose of the study was to identify the impact of emotional intelligence on vocational interests among Palestinian students. A sample of 333 students in the southern Hebron district participated in the study. Data was analysed using SPSS. The results showed that Palestinian students had a high level of emotional intelligence and a moderate level of vocational interests. Emotional intelligence appeared as an innovative prediction of vocational interests. The consequences of the findings for practice are highlighted