13,067 research outputs found

    Quantum dense coding over Bloch channels

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    Dynamics of coded information over Bloch channels is investigated for different values of the channel's parameters. We show that, the suppressing of the travelling coded information over Bloch channel can be increased by decreasing the equilibrium absolute value of information carrier and consequently decreasing the distilled information by eavesdropper. The amount of decoded information can be improved by increasing the equilibrium values of the two qubits and decreasing the ratio between longitudinal and transverse relaxation times. The robustness of coded information in maximum and partial entangled states is discussed. It is shown that the maximum entangled states are more robust than the partial entangled state over this type of channels

    Concatenated Control Sequences based on Optimized Dynamic Decoupling

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    Two recent developments in quantum control, concatenation and optimization of pulse intervals, are combined to yield a strategy to suppress unwanted couplings in quantum systems to high order. Longitudinal relaxation and transverse dephasing can be suppressed so that systems with a small splitting between their energy levels can be kept isolated from their environment. The required number of pulses grows exponentially with the desired order but is only the square root of the number needed if only concatenation is used. An approximate scheme even brings the number down to polynomial growth. The approach is expected to be useful for quantum information and for high-precision nuclear magnetic resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, slightly modified incl. new abstract and title; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    On Superpotentials and Charge Algebras of Gauge Theories

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    We propose a new "Hamiltonian inspired" covariant formula to define (without harmful ambiguities) the superpotential and the physical charges associated to a gauge symmetry. The criterion requires the variation of the Noether current not to contain any derivative terms in \partial_{\mu}\delta \f. The examples of Yang-Mills (in its first order formulation) and 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theories are revisited and the corresponding charge algebras (with their central extensions in the Chern-Simons case) are computed in a straightforward way. We then generalize the previous results to any (2n+1)-dimensional non-abelian Chern-Simons theory for a particular choice of boundary conditions. We compute explicitly the superpotential associated to the non-abelian gauge symmetry which is nothing but the Chern-Simons Lagrangian in (2n-1) dimensions. The corresponding charge algebra is also computed. However, no associated central charge is found for n2n \geq 2. Finally, we treat the abelian p-form Chern-Simons theory in a similar way.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex. The proposal is restricted to first order theories. An appendix is added. Some references are adde

    Another convex combination of product states for the separable Werner state

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    In this paper, we write down the separable Werner state in a two-qubit system explicitly as a convex combination of product states, which is different from the convex combination obtained by Wootters' method. The Werner state in a two-qubit system has a single real parameter and varies from inseparable state to separable state according to the value of its parameter. We derive a hidden variable model that is induced by our decomposed form for the separable Werner state. From our explicit form of the convex combination of product states, we understand the following: The critical point of the parameter for separability of the Werner state comes from positivity of local density operators of the qubits.Comment: 7 pages, Latex2e; v2: 9 pages, title changed, an appendix and a reference added, minor correction

    Development of a unique laboratory standard indium gallium arsenide detector for the 500 to 1700 micron spectral region, phase 2

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    In the course of this work, 5 mm diameter InGaAs pin detectors were produced which met or exceeded all of the goals of the program. The best results achieved were: shunt resistance of over 300 K ohms; rise time of less than 300 ns; contact resistance of less than 20 ohms; quantum efficiency of over 50 percent in the 0.5 to 1.7 micron range; and devices were maintained and operated at 125 C without deterioration for over 100 hours. In order to achieve the goals of this program, several major technological advances were realized, among them: successful design, construction and operation of a hydride VPE reactor capable of growing epitaxial layers on 2 inch diameter InP substrates with a capacity of over 8 wafers per day; wafer processing was upgraded to handle 2 inch wafers; a double layer Si3N4/SiO2 antireflection coating which enhances response over the 0.5 to 1.7 micron range was developed; a method for anisotropic, precisely controlled CH4/H2 plasma etching for enhancement of response at short wavelengths was developed; and electronic and optical testing methods were developed to allow full characterization of detectors with size and spectral response characteristics. On the basis of the work and results achieved in this program, it is concluded that large size, high shunt resistance, high quantum efficiency InGaAs pin detectors are not only feasible but also manufacturable on industrial scale. This device spans a significant portion of visible and near infrared spectral range and it will allow a single detector to be used for the 0.5 to 1.7 micron spectral region, rather than the presently used silicon (for 0.5 to 1.1 microns) and germanium (0.8 to 1.7 microns)

    Optimization of Short Coherent Control Pulses

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    The coherent control of small quantum system is considered. For a two-level system coupled to an arbitrary bath we consider a pulse of finite duration. We derive the leading and the next-leading order corrections to the evolution operator due to the non-commutation of the pulse and the bath Hamiltonian. The conditions are computed that make the leading corrections vanish. The pulse shapes optimized in this way are given for π\pi and π2\frac{\pi}{2} pulses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; published versio

    Glucosinolates in plant protection strategies: A review

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    This review discusses the importance of glucosinolates in plant protection. The Brassicaceae, which are cultivated worldwide, use glucosinolates and their decomposition products to defend themselves against attacks by harmful organisms. The glucosinolate content varies among individual plant species, plant organs and developmental stages. The glucosinolate content in plants is also affected by biotic and abiotic factors, while the type or quantity of glucosinolate determines the susceptibility of the plants to insect pests. These facts can pose a problem when implementing this knowledge in cultivation of the Brassicaceae, especially in regions with moderate climates where Brassicaceae crops are exposed to attacks by a large number of harmful organisms. Under these circumstances, it is essential to research new, or to improve the existing environmentally acceptable methods of protecting Brassicaceae plants against economically important pests

    Detecting swift heavy ion irradiation effects with graphene

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    In this paper we show how single layer graphene can be utilized to study swift heavy ion (SHI) modifications on various substrates. The samples were prepared by mechanical exfoliation of bulk graphite onto SrTiO3_3, NaCl and Si(111), respectively. SHI irradiations were performed under glancing angles of incidence and the samples were analysed by means of atomic force microscopy in ambient conditions. We show that graphene can be used to check whether the irradiation was successful or not, to determine the nominal ion fluence and to locally mark SHI impacts. In case of samples prepared in situ, graphene is shown to be able to catch material which would otherwise escape from the surface.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure