1,022 research outputs found

    A new adaptive cycle for Ecology and Society

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    Más allá del alma. El derramamiento del alma en la escritura poética

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    En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre cuatro aspectos que se considera que representan los núcleos de la vivencia del don poético. Un don que comienza por vivenciar “el suspiro” como aquello en lo que se encarna la inspiración poética; el suspiro notifica la inspiración y simultáneamente la inspiración es la vía por la que el don poético entra en el ser humano. La llegada del don poético por vía de la inspiración se experimenta como “la posesión poética”, en la que los seres humanos experimentan una especie de designio por parte del don poético que los posee y que al irlos poseyendo los va transformando en poetas. Esta posesión transfiguradora produce en las personas “el extrañamiento del mundo”, pues al ser elegido poeta queda como una criatura aparte, como algo extraño para el mundo y a su vez él queda extrañado ante el mundo porque su don lo distingue y aparta del resto de los seres humanos. Finalmente, sólo es posible superar esta situación de apartamiento con “la presentación de la obra de arte y la aparición del poeta en el mundo”, lo que significa la posibilidad de que el poeta abandone el espacio privado de la pura vivencia poética para colocarse, junto con su obra, en la esfera pública que es el lugar donde todos los humanos aparecen y se reúnen

    Hilary Putnam: an apology to objectivity

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    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar y evaluar la defensa de Putnam del status normativo y objetivo del pensamiento ético. Luego, pretendo mostrar que de ella se desprende una noción diferente de objetividad, que implica una idea de racionalidad más amplia que la científica, que reconoce la pluralidad de puntos de vista y que está comprometida con una reflexión inteligente de nuestras aserciones. A estos fines, examinaré el problema de la objetividad en las obras de Putnam desde diferentes ángulos, en primer lugar, el rechazo a los supuestos en los que se asienta la dicotomía hecho-valor, en segundo lugar, los supuestos epistemológicos del positivismo lógico y su postura acerca de los juicios de valor, y en tercer lugar, desde el análisis de la noción misma de objetividad y su relación con las prácticas lingüísticas.The aim of this work is to survey Putnam’s defense of objectivity and normativity in the ethic’s realm. I pretend to show an alternative conception of objectivity which involves a broader aproach to racionality than the scientific. Moreover, this approach acknowledges pluralities of points of view and it ́s committed to reflective thinking a bout our assertions. Th en, I will ex amine th e question of objectivity in Putnam’s papers, according to different outlooks: firstly, Putnam’s rejection to the traditional fact-value dichotomy, secondly, the Logical Postivism’ claim and his attitude about values judgments, finally, from the survey of the term objectivity and his relationship with linguistic practices.Fil: Di Santo, Laura Balvanera. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Filosofía. Instituto de Est Antropologicos y Fil de la Religion; Argentin

    Restoration enhances wetland biodiversity and ecosystem service supply, but results are context-dependent: a meta-analysis

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    Wetlands are valuable ecosystems because they harbor a huge biodiversity and provide key services to societies. When natural or human factors degrade wetlands, ecological restoration is often carried out to recover biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES). Although such restorations are routinely performed, we lack systematic, evidence-based assessments of their effectiveness on the recovery of biodiversity and ES. Here we performed a meta-analysis of 70 experimental studies in order to assess the effectiveness of ecological restoration and identify what factors affect it. We compared selected ecosystem performance variables between degraded and restored wetlands and between restored and natural wetlands using response ratios and random-effects categorical modeling. We assessed how context factors such as ecosystem type, main agent of degradation, restoration action, experimental design, and restoration age influenced post-restoration biodiversity and ES. Biodiversity showed excellent recovery, though the precise recovery depended strongly on the type of organisms involved. Restored wetlands showed 36% higher levels of provisioning, regulating and supporting ES than did degraded wetlands. In fact, wetlands showed levels of provisioning and cultural ES similar to those of natural wetlands; however, their levels of supporting and regulating ES were, respectively, 16% and 22% lower than in natural wetlands. Recovery of biodiversity and of ES were positively correlated, indicating a win-win restoration outcome. The extent to which restoration increased biodiversity and ES in degraded wetlands depended primarily on the main agent of degradation, restoration actions, experimental design, and ecosystem type. In contrast, the choice of specific restoration actions alone explained most differences between restored and natural wetlands. These results highlight the importance of comprehensive, multi-factorial assessment to determine the ecological status of degraded, restored and natural wetlands and thereby evaluate the effectiveness of ecological restorations. Future research on wetland restoration should also seek to identify which restoration actions work best for specific habitats

    Prevalencia de complicaciones materno-fetales en adolescentes embarazadas

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    "La adolescencia se define como la etapa de la vida para alcanzar la madurez reproductiva y psicológica de un individuo, considerada entre los 10 y 19 años, y considerada un período de vulnerabilidad debido a cambios en la fisiología humana y el sexo. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, las complicaciones del embarazo y el parto son la segunda causa principal de muerte en niñas de 15 a 19 años en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, desde 2000, las muertes en todas las regiones han disminuido significativamente. Hay varios trabajos de investigación que revelan las principales complicaciones del embarazo en la adolescencia, como anemia, desnutrición, infecciones del tracto urinario, hipertensión relacionada con el embarazo, retraso en el desarrollo uterino, hemorragia obstétrica y cesárea. Debido a que cada persona tiene un ritmo diferente, es importante conocer, prevenir, tratar e informar a las personas sobre los principales síntomas del embarazo adolescente entre quienes atienden en un área en particular. A juicio de los autores de este tratado, la base de la información contenida en el mismo puede ser la base para las decisiones en materia de manejo, resolución, difusión y embarazo adolescente, así como la formación de la propia población"

    Whombat: An open-source annotation tool for machine learning development in bioacoustics

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    1. Automated analysis of bioacoustic recordings using machine learning (ML) methods has the potential to greatly scale biodiversity monitoring efforts. The use of ML for high-stakes applications, such as conservation research, demands a data-centric approach with a focus on utilizing carefully annotated and curated evaluation and training data that is relevant and representative. Creating annotated datasets of sound recordings presents a number of challenges, such as managing large collections of recordings with associated metadata, developing flexible annotation tools that can accommodate the diverse range of vocalization profiles of different organisms, and addressing the scarcity of expert annotators. 2. We present Whombat a user-friendly, browser-based interface for managing audio recordings and annotation projects, with several visualization, exploration, and annotation tools. It enables users to quickly annotate, review, and share annotations, as well as visualize and evaluate a set of machine learning predictions on a dataset. The tool facilitates an iterative workflow where user annotations and machine learning predictions feedback to enhance model performance and annotation quality. 3. We demonstrate the flexibility of Whombat by showcasing two distinct use cases: an project aimed at enhancing automated UK bat call identification at the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT), and a collaborative effort among the USDA Forest Service and Oregon State University researchers exploring bioacoustic applications and extending automated avian classification models in the Pacific Northwest, USA. 4. Whombat is a flexible tool that can effectively address the challenges of annotation for bioacoustic research. It can be used for individual and collaborative work, hosted on a shared server or accessed remotely, or run on a personal computer without the need for coding skills.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, to be submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolutio

    The time horizon and its role in multiple species conservation planning

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    Survival probability within a certain time horizon T is a common measure of population viability. The choice of T implicitly involves a time preference, similar to economic discounting: Conservation success is evaluated at the time horizon T, while all effects that occur later than T are not considered. Despite the obvious relevance of the time horizon, ecological studies seldom analyze its impact on the evaluation of conservation options. In this paper, we show that, while the choice of T does not change the ranking of conservation options for single species under stationary conditions, it may substantially change conservation decisions for multiple species. We conclude that it is of crucial importance to investigate the sensitivity of model results to the choice of the time horizon or other measures of time preference when prioritizing biodiversity conservation efforts.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes to v1. This version corredponds to the final publication in Biological Conservatio

    Simple assessment of spatio-temporal evolution of salt marshes ecological services

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    A number of previous research studies have addressed the enormous role played by biodiversity and ecosystems in human well-being and have placed particular emphasis on the consequences of the reduction or loss of these services. A handful of studies have implemented practical methodologies to quantify the variability of limiting factors leading to reductions in these ecological services. The aim of this article is to document the limited number of studies that have analyzed coastal ecosystem services and acknowledge the impacts of physical changes in habitat provision. In one example, it is clear that the maintenance of salt marshes depends on sedimentary supply and consequent morphological variability in spite of the fact that there is usually no recurrent integration of habitat time-space dynamics (sediment availability) during the quantification and monetization of marsh services (i.e., monetary valuation of salt marsh services). This means that one key challenge facing the analysis of salt marsh (or other ecosystem) services in a global climate context is to predict future value, based on past trends, while at the same time guaranteeing conservation. Research in this field has been very broad and so the use of long-term evolutionary datasets is proposed here to explain future habitat provision. An empirical approximation is also presented here that accounts for service provision and enables time-space analysis. Although improvements will be required, the equation presented here represents a key first step to enable managers to cope with the constraints of resource limitations and is also applicable to other habitats.PTDC/MAR-EST/1031/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio