8 research outputs found

    Efficacy and tolerability of sertaconazole nitrate in mycotic vaginitis [Mikotik vajinitlerde sertakonazol nitratin etkinligi ve tolerabilitesi]

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    Objectives: In this research, single-dose of 300 mg sertaconazole nitrate ovule in mycotic vaginitis has been evaluated in terms of clinical and microbiological efficacy and safety. Patients and Methods: The study included 177 patients (mean age 31.8±7.8 years; range 15 to 53 years) who applied to our polyclinics with vaginitis complaints. Patients having cottage cheese-like discharge, vaginal pH<4.5, Whiff test (-) were accepted as mycotic vaginitis. To determine mycotic agents in vaginal discharge, samples were cultured in Sabouraud glucose agar. As a treatment, patients were administered a single-dose of 300 mg sertaconazole nitrate ovule. Its clinical and microbiological aspects have been evaluated in the first visit, a week after and finally one month after the first visit. Symptoms related to vaginitis, clinical and microbiological recovery rates and adverse effects have been noted. Results: All symptom scores were significantly lower in the second visit, and all except dysuria complaint in the third visit. Clinical recovery rates in the second and third visit were in 76.0% and 79.5%. According to mycotic culture test results, the microbiologic recovery rates were 88.8% in the second and 91.4% in the third visits. Conclusion: Single-dose sertaconazole nitrate ovule was evaluated as a convenient, symptom-relieving and safe treatment for mycotic vaginitis. © Medical Journal of Trakya University. Published by Ekin Medical Publishing. All rights reserved

    The impacts of occupational risks and their effects on work stress levels of health professional (The sample from the Southeast region of Turkey)

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    OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to determine the occupational risks and their effects on the work stress of the health professionals working in state hospitals in the Southeast of Turkey. METHODS: This cross-sectional and descriptive study was composed of 360 health professionals of the Pazarcık, Ergani, and Şehitkamil State Hospitals between December 2014 and January 2015. The data of the study were obtained by performing the survey which was composed of questions related to the socio-demographic characteristics, factors that were thought to affect the occupational risks and job stress, as well as, the questions of the Work Stress Scale. The analyses of the data have been performed using Student’s t test and one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: The working hours, the number of being on-duty, insomnia, and burnout in health professionals were determined to be with the highest mean scores among other stressful risks and hazards. The mean work stress level, which increases the success by creating the group-stimulus effect, was indicated as 2.4 and 2.5 for the health professionals in Pazarcık and Ergani State Hospital, respectively. However, the stress level which poses a threat for the group-health and efficiency was found to be 4.0 for the health professionals of the Şehitkamil State Hospital. CONCLUSIONS: As the exposure of the occupational risks increases in the health professionals, the work stress scores also increase (p < 0.05). The occupational risks and work stress of the health professionals in the Şehitkamil State Hospital should be evaluated in terms of occupational health and safety