128 research outputs found

    Blazar 3C 454.3 in Outburst and Quiescence During 2005-2007: Two Variable Synchrotron Emission Peaks

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    We monitored the flaring blazar 3C 454.3 during 2005 June-July with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS: 15 epochs), Infrared Array Camera (IRAC: 12 epochs) and Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS: 2 epochs). We also made Spitzer IRS, IRAC, and MIPS observations from 2006 December-2007 January when the source was in a low state, the latter simultaneous with a single Chandra X-ray observation. In addition, we present optical and sub-mm monitoring data. The 2005-2007 period saw 3 major outbursts. We present evidence that the radio-optical SED actually consists of two variable synchrotron peaks, the primary at IR and the secondary at sub-mm wavelengths. The lag between the optical and sub-mm outbursts may indicate that these two peaks arise from two distinct regions along the jet separated by a distance of 0.07-5 pc. The flux at 5-35 microns varied by a factor of 40 and the IR peak varied in frequency from <1E13 Hz to 4E13 Hz between the highest and lowest states in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Variability was well correlated across the mid-IR band, with no measurable lag. Flares that doubled in flux occurred on a time scale of 3 days. The IR SED peak moved to higher frequency as a flare brightened, then returned to lower frequency as it decayed. The fractional variability amplitude increased with frequency, which we attribute to decreasing synchrotron-self absorption optical depth. Mid-IR flares may signal the re-energization of a shock that runs into inhomogeneities along the pre-existing jet or in the external medium. The synchrotron peak frequencies during each major outburst may depend upon both the distance from the jet apex and the physical conditions in the shocks. Variation of the Doppler parameter along a curved or helical jet is another possibility. Frequency variability of the IR synchrotron peak may have important consequences for the interpretation of the blazar sequence, and the presence of a secondary peak may give insight into jet structure.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figures, submitted to ApJS, comments welcom

    Unsung melodies from margins - By Antony John Baptist

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    In modern India of 2016, the question as to whether caste is still a moral issue or a political tactic is fiercely debated. The ruling political party and their supporters insist that caste is no longer a relevant issue today, whereas others say that caste affects every aspect of their lives. Debates about caste in India have been happening for at least a hundred years, but this is a pressing issue today for those that feel they have been downtrodden and discriminated against.Into this backdrop, Dr. A. J. Baptist wrote this book, looking at feminism and “Dalit (“down-trodden”) Feminism,” and advocating for a “Dalit Feminist Biblical Scholarship” to be accepted and championed by the nations. He looks at traditional ways of looking at certain texts, and then, teaching about “subaltern hermeneutics,” looks at the same text from the point of view of oppressed women. He also looks to combat the notion that the Bible is necessarily anti-women, looking again at texts from two different viewpoints. Also included are stories of oppression that modern Dalit women do face.In general, though a few sections do seem to not match the theme of the rest of the book, this work advocates for giving voices to “the voiceless,” and allowing them to thrive. It seems that it would be especially pertinent to Indologists, missiologists, theologians, feminist advocates, and advocates for Dalit rights

    The Multiple Timescales of Optical Variability of the Blazar 3C 279 During the 2001-2002 Outburst

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    During 2001-2002 the optically violent variable (OVV) blazar 3C 279 un- derwent the most intense outburst seen during the entire fourteen year history that this quasar has been studied at Colgate University's Foggy Bottom Obser- vatory (FBO). This study concentrates on ~1600 R-filter images taken during this period of activity. This data set includes twenty-nine nights of microvari- ability coverage. The outburst began in March 2001, after 3C 279 had faded to its faintest level, R = 15.5, in four years. The source reached its brightest level, R = 12.5, in the fourteen years of our study in August 2001, at which time it became unobservable due to its proximity to the Sun. Upon becoming observable again in mid-December 2001, 3C 279 fluctuated between R = 13.9 and R = 14.7, until a dramatic decrease in flux level in June-July 2002 brought the source back down to a level comparable to its pre-outburst state. The source exhibited numerous week-long flares of approximately one magnitude during the outburst period. Superposed on these flares were night-to-night variations of up to one half magnitude and intra-night microvariability of up to 0.13 magnitude in three hours. We use visual inspection of the light curve as well as numerical timescale analysis tools (the autocorrelation function, the structure function, and the power spectrum) to characterize the multiple timescales of variability ranging from 1.5 years to several hours.Comment: 44 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa


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    Zbog izrazito dobre otpornosti kokoš hrvatica je prilagođena slobodnom sustavu držanja, jednom od najzastupljenijih alternativnih načina držanja peradi u svijetu, a koji je u najvećoj mjeri u skladu s dobrobiti i zdravljem životinja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi oksidativnu stabilnost mesa kokoši hrvatica. Razina nastalih produkata oksidacije lipida (TBARS) i proteina (CP-karbonil proteini) u mišićnom tkivu prsa i zabataka kokoši hrvatica jače je izražena u mišićnom tkivu zabatka (TBARS 0,289; CP 1,549), nego u prsa (TBARS 0,207; CP 0,899), čime se u usporedbi s konvencionalnim uzgojem značajno razlikuje. Zbog velikog sadržaja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina meso peradi vrlo je osjetljivo na oksidaciju masti i proteina. Nastali produkti utječu na njegovu kvalitetu (teksturu, boju, miris, okus), pohranu i čuvanje, a time izravno mogu utjecati i na zdravlje čovjeka. Dobivenim rezultatima može se pridonijeti boljem iskorištavanju genetskog potencijala autohtone pasmine kokoši hrvatica u proizvodnim svojstvima te njezinom opstanku u slobodnom uzgoju.Due to extremely good resistance Hrvatica hen is adjusted to free range farming. Free range farming is one of the most common alternative ways of keeping poultry in the world, which is largely in line with the well-being and health of animals. The aim of this study was to determine the oxidative stability of meat of Hrvatica hens. The level of the resulting products of lipid oxidation (TBARS) and protein (CP-carbonyl proteins) in the muscle tissue of breast and thighs of Hrvatica hen is more pronounced in the muscle tissue of thigh (TBARS 0.289; CP 1.549), than in the breast (TBARS 0.207; CP 0.899), what is, compared to conventional breeding, significantly different. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids poultry meat is very sensitive to oxidation of fats and proteins. The resulting products affect its quality (texture, color, smell, taste), storage and preservation, and thus can directly affect the human health. The results may contribute to a better exploitation of the genetic potential of indigenous breed of Hrvatica hen in the production traits and its further breeding in free-range production system

    A View through Faraday's Fog 2: Parsec Scale Rotation Measures in 40 AGN

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    Results from a survey of the parsec scale Faraday rotation measure properties for 40 quasars, radio galaxies and BL Lac objects are presented. Core rotation measures for quasars vary from approximately 500 to several thousand radians per meter squared. Quasar jets have rotation measures which are typically 500 radians per meter squared or less. The cores and jets of the BL Lac objects have rotation measures similar to those found in quasar jets. The jets of radio galaxies exhibit a range of rotation measures from a few hundred radians per meter squared to almost 10,000 radians per meter squared for the jet of M87. Radio galaxy cores are generally depolarized, and only one of four radio galaxies (3C-120) has a detectable rotation measure in the core. Several potential identities for the foreground Faraday screen are considered and we believe the most promising candidate for all the AGN types considered is a screen in close proximity to the jet. This constrains the path length to approximately 10 parsecs, and magnetic field strengths of approximately 1 microGauss can account for the observed rotation measures. For 27 out of 34 quasars and BL Lacs their optically thick cores have good agreement to a lambda squared law. This requires the different tau = 1 surfaces to have the same intrinsic polarization angle independent of frequency and distance from the black hole.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal: 71 pages, 40 figure

    Fine Structure in the Circumstellar Environment of a Young, Solar-like Star: the Unique Eclipses of KH 15D

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    Results of an international campaign to photometrically monitor the unique pre-main sequence eclipsing object KH 15D are reported. An updated ephemeris for the eclipse is derived that incorporates a slightly revised period of 48.36 d. There is some evidence that the orbital period is actually twice that value, with two eclipses occurring per cycle. The extraordinary depth (~3.5 mag) and duration (~18 days) of the eclipse indicate that it is caused by circumstellar matter, presumably the inner portion of a disk. The eclipse has continued to lengthen with time and the central brightness reversals are not as extreme as they once were. V-R and V-I colors indicate that the system is slightly bluer near minimum light. Ingress and egress are remarkably well modeled by the passage of a knife-edge across a limb-darkened star. Possible models for the system are briefly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure