792 research outputs found

    Improvement in the nutritive quality of soyabean meal by co-ensiling with under-utilized fish discards

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    Improvement in the nutritive value of soybean meal was investigated by Co-ensiling it with underutilized trash fish discards (gizzard shad)at different proportions. The following proportions of gizzard shad to soybean meal were used; (a) 100% gizzard shad + acid combination (b)80% gizzard shad +20% soybean meal & 10% WB (c) 60% gizzard shad + 40% soybean meal & 10% WB (d) 100% gizzard shad without acid combination. Co-ensiling was achieved by adding sufficient acid to produce a paste. Products were neutralized by addition of 2% (by weight) calcium hydroxide and drying was affected by freeze-drying.The dried silage products were stored at low temperatures. Products were analysed for proximate composition and amino acid composition.The amino acid composition and ration of essential amino acid. Non essential amino acid (EAA/NEAA) was used as index of nutritive quality. Also essential amino acid profile of the co-ensiled products were compared with essential amino acid requirement of some warmwater fish species to estimate their nutritive usefulness for these specie


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    This study examines the extent to which business innovation would influence firm’s competitiveness in Nigeria. The study covered South South geopolitical zone in Nigeria and 5 responds from 20 SMEs were randomly selected from Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Edo, Delta, Bayelsa and Cross River states respectively making the sample 100 respondents. Face and content validity were used in ascertaining the validity of the research instrument while Cronbach alpha was used to determine the reliability and a result of 0.7 and above was achieved for each of the constructs. Multiple regression was used in testing the null hypotheses and from our findings, both process innovation and administrative had significant effect on firms’ competitiveness. Furthermore, administrative innovation had a stronger effect. The study further recommends that entrepreneurs should ensure they venture into areas where they have passion rather than just going in for the profit. It was also recommended that government create a conducive environment for SMEs to thrive. JEL: L20; M10; M20 Article visualizations

    Chest X-ray findings in HIV- infected Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART) - naïve patients

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    Introduction: Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection frequently present with a wide spectrum of pulmonary and cardiaccomplications from the virus, opportunistic infections and neoplasms that may be associated with a high mortality rate. Diseases of the respiratorytract account for about half of deaths from AIDS, while cardiac diseases account for more than a quarter of deaths from AIDS. This study aimed atdetermining the prevalence of pulmonary and cardiac diseases using a chest radiograph in HAART-naïve HIV-infected patients. Methods: Thisstudy was conducted at Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) HIV clinic between September 2010 and August 2011 amongst allregistered HAART-naïve HIV/AIDS patients. Patients had posterior-anterior chest radiographs done in full inspiration. Participants were asked andaided to fill the structured questionnaires to obtain demographic data. Results: Out of a total of one hundred and two recruited for the study, 54 (52.94%) had a normal chest radiograph, while 48 (47.06%) had abnormal chest radiograph .The abnormal findings included, 27.45% who hadbronchopneumonia, 6.86% cardiomegaly, 5.88% pulmonary tuberculosis, 5.88% radiological features of congestive cardiac failure, and 0.98%bronchitis. Conclusion: It appears that more than half of HAART–naïve HIV-infected patients have normal chest radiographs. Bronchopneumonia(27.5%) is the commonest pulmonary abnormality associated with HIV infection, while the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis is 5.88%.Key words: Chest X-ray, HIV-infected, HAART-naïve

    Comparison of the EMG Activities in the Vastus Medialis Oblique and Vastus Lateralis Muscles During Hip Adduction and Terminal Knee Extension Exercise Protocols

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the electromyographic (EMG) activities in the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles during two open chain exercises commonly used in the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Twenty-five (14 female and 11 male) healthy subjects participated in the study. The A 2 (testing condition) x 2 (exercise type) x 2 (gender) quasi-experimental design was employed. Using surface electrodes, the EMG activities in the VMO and the VL muscles during ten repetitions of hip adduction and terminal knee extension exercises were recorded. The order of presentation of the experimental conditions was randomized. The three-way repeated ANOVA revealed no significant main effects for testing conditions, exercise type or gender, but the terminal knee extension exercise type x gender interaction effect was statistically significant (F= 8.28,

    Fraud and Extravagant Life Styles Among Bank Employees: Case of Convicted Bank Workers in Nigeria

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    Extensive studies have shown fraud to be pervasive in Nigeria. Findings from numerous studies which investigated the typology and occurrence of fraud in the Nigerian financial institutions show that most fraudulent behaviours occur in the banking industry. The researchers however have marginally examined the lifestyles of people who commit these crimes; as such the current study examined the relationship between fraudulent behavior and extravagant lifestyle among convicted bank employees in Nigeria. A total of 600 participants were used for the study, divided into three samples: convicted bankers, non-convicted bankers, and employees other than bankers. Data was collected using demographic questionnaire and the Extravagant Lifestyle Scale (ELAS). The results showed that the convicted bankers had significantly higher ELAS scores than non-convicted bankers and non-bankers (F(2,597) = 26.94; p < .01). The results suggest that fraudsters are likely to have extravagant lifestyles as a result of their fraudulent acts and this is also supported by the findings from the prior studies. The findings have implications for bank management and law enforcement, and as such recommendations are provided

    Ovarian vein thrombosis in a polytrauma patient

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    A young mother presented to a Major Trauma Centre (MTC) following a road traffic collision. Her admission computed tomography (CT) traumagram demonstrated liver and renal lacerations, spinal and pelvic fractures with no abnormalities of the ovarian veins. Her inpatient course was uncomplicated other than a sustained, isolated raised c-reactive protein (CRP). CT abdomen one week after injury demonstrated stable solid organ injuries and the additional, unexpected finding of a right ovarian vein thrombosis (OVT). A pragmatic approach was taken towards the management of the OVT given the haemorrhagic risk from her traumatic injuries. A multi-disciplinary, consultant-led plan was made to slowly increase enoxaparin to a therapeutic dose under close surveillance and to then switch to warfarin following an outpatient consultation with a consultant haematologist. A magnetic resonance venogram was performed after 3 months of anticoagulation and this demonstrated complete resolution of the OVT and normal appearances of the ovary

    Impact of Community Driven Development Project: A Case of Fadama II Project in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    This paper evaluates impact of Community Driven Development programme on infrastructure under National Fadama II Project in Oyo State Nigeria. Data were collected from two hundred and sixty-four farmers using multistage sampling procedures. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and infrastructure index. The result shows that average infrastructural index in the area was 0.42. Forty-four villages were classified as infrastructural developed villages (IDV) while the remaining were infrastructural under-developed villages (IUV). The study therefore calls for the involvement of both private and public organization in construction and rehabilitation of rural infrastructure, processing services centers and researches on labour saving devices for agriculture in the study area.Key words: Community Driven, Infrastructural index, Private organization, Multi-stage sampling, FadamaII project, Oyo stat

    Fish Distribution in a small Domestic Water Supply Reservoir: A Case Study of Kangimi Reservoir, Kaduna, Nigeria

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    A study of the composition and distribution of fish populations in the inshore, surface and bottom water habitats of Kangimi Reservoir showed that the most abundant family was the Cichlidae followed in order of abundance by the families Cyprinidae , Schilbeidae , Mormyridae , Mochokidae , Characidae , Centropomidae and Bagridae . Though the overall composition of families caught in the three habitats did not vary significantly (P &gt; 0.05) only family Cichlidae showed habitat preference: there was a preponderance of Cichlidae in the inshore water habitat (P &lt; 0.05). The families Bagridae and Centropomidae were caught only in the inshore and bottom water habitats while the other families were caught from all habitats and showed no habitat preference. The dominance of primary and secondary consumers indicates high fish production potential under adequate management. @JASE

    Effect of different levels of urea treated Gamba hay on growth performance of Yankasa rams

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    Twenty four (24) Yankasa yearling rams were used to determine the effect of feeding high levels of urea treated gamba hay (Andropogon gayanus). The rams aged 15 – 18 months with an average weight of 22 .45kg were randomly allocated to one of four dietary groups, rams in group A served as control and were offered untreated gamba hay at 2.5% of their body weight while rams in groups 2, 3 and 4 where offered 5%, 6% and 7% urea treated gamba hay respectively at 2.5% of their body weight for 90 days. All rams had equal access to water, salt lick blocks and concentrate fed at 2.0% of their body weight. Data was collected daily on feed intake, while live body weight changes and body condition score were measured weekly. Dry matter composition of the gamba hay offered declined as the level of urea treatment increased, the crude protein content of the diets also increased as the level of urea treatment increased. However the values of NDF and ADF declined as the level of urea treatment increased. Rams fed 6% and 7% treated gamba hay had significantly the highest total dry matter intake while rams fed untreated gamba hay had significantly (P&lt;0.05) the lowest weight gain. There was no significant (P&gt;0.05) difference in the weight gains of rams fed 6% and those fed 7% urea treated gamba hay and the rams in both groups had significantly (P&lt;0.05) the highest weight gains. Rams fed the 6% urea treated gamba hay had the best FCR. It can be concluded that 6% &amp;7% urea treated gamba gave similar performance but 6% had the better feed conversion ratio and is more cost effective.Key words: Urea treated gamba hay, cost effectivenes

    Self-expression, group affiliation, pleasure and memory as predictors of consumer product attachment and satisfaction among mobile phone users

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    In the post-purchase behaviour of a product, there are challenges with change in the degree of consumer product attachment, and these challenges affect consumer product satisfaction overtime. This study investigated how self-expression, group affiliation, memory, and demographic variables predicted consumer product attachment and satisfaction among mobile phone users in Ibadan. Three hundred students of the University of Ibadan were selected using convenient random selection. Their mean age was 20.7 and standard deviation of 2.52. A structured questionnaire consisting of the socio demographic section, measure of self-expression, group affiliation, memory, pleasure, consumer attachment and product satisfaction was used to collect the data. Using multiple regression analysis, the results showed that self-expression, group affiliation, memories and pleasure jointly predicted consumer attachment among mobile phone users, F (4,299) = 48.47; P<0.05) and they contributed 40% to the variance of consumer attachment. Self-expression (β = 0.26, t = 4.44, P<0.05), memory (β = 0.29, t = 4.97, P<0.05), and pleasure (β = 0.28, t =5.01, P<0.05) independently predicted consumer attachment while group affiliation did not. In addition, self- expression, group affiliation, memories and pleasure jointly predicted product satisfaction, F (4,299) =39.79; P<0.05) and they contributed 35% to the variance of product satisfaction. Pleasure (β=0.596, t =10.35, P<0.05) independently predicted product satisfaction while self-expression, group affiliation and memory did not. Furthermore, age, gender, mobile type, ethnicity and religion did not jointly and independently predict consumer product satisfaction. These findings have implication for mobile phone manufacturers in terms of product improvement and building a strategic marketing channel that would meet the needs of global consumers
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