94 research outputs found

    Intracellular distribution of chromium and toxicity on growth in Chlorella pyrenoidosa

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    The effect of chromium on the growth response on green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa were examined. An increase in chromium concentration caused a significant reduction in the growth of Chlorella cells, and the the EC50value was 1.6 mg/L, while lethal concentration of chromium appears to be approximately 20 mg/L. We have investigated the intracellular distribution of chromium, and the elementel composition of the treated cells. Bulk of the chromium is localized in the cell wall, while the membrane and soluble fraction contains the smaller part of the total chromium

    Kihívások és lehetőségek a régészeti feltárásokat támogató térinformatikai rendszerek tervezésében

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    A régészetben egyre nagyobb teret kap a digitalizáció. A feltárásokon is megjelentek mobil eszközök alkalmazásával működtetett digitális dokumentálási rendszerek, amelyek létrehozása térinformatikai szemléletet kíván és számos tisztázandó kérdést vet fel. A dolgozat a felhasználók digitális kompetenciája, a dokumentáció elemeinek újradefiniálása, az adatbázisok struktúrájának kialakítása és a rendszer erőforrásainak meghatározása tárgykörökön keresztül nyújt betekintést a témába

    A diazinon, a metilparation és a diklórfosz 4,4'-nitro-benzil-piridines reakciójának vizsgálata

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    The suitability for quantitative determinations of the colour reaction with 4,4’-nitrobenzyl pyridine used generally for the detection of insecticides of phosphoric acid derivative type was investigated. Measurements w'ere carried out to establish how the intensity of the developed colour is affected hy the length and temperature of the reaction. It was found that colour intensity is in case of all three compounds strongly dependent on the temperature of the reaction and on the duration of the reaction. The optimum parameters of measurement differ from each other for the individual compounds, and well reproducible results can be obtained even in case of the same compound only by the very exact adjustment of temperature. The results proved that 4,4’-nitrobenzyl pyridine is suitable for qualitative and semi-quantitative investigations but cannot be recommended for quantitative determinations. Es wurde die Anwendbarkeit der zum Nachweis der Insectizide von Phosphorsäurederivattyp benützten Farbreaktion von 4,4’-Nitrobenzylpyridin zur quantitativen Bestimmung untersucht. Messungen wurden durchgeführt um festzustellen, wie die Intensität der entwickelten Farbe durch die Reaktionsdauer und Reaktionstemperatur beeinflusst wird. Es wurde dabei festgestellt, dass die Farbintensität bei allen drei untersuchten Verbindungen sehr stark von der Reaktionstemperatur und Reaktionsdauer abhängig ist. Die optimalen Parameter der Messungen sind bei den individuellen Verbindungen unterschiedlich, und gut reproduzierbare Resultate sind sogar bei derselben Verbindung nur durch eine sehr sorgfältige Kontrolle der Temperatur erhältlich. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten, dass — obwohl das 4,4’-Nitrobenzylpyridin zur qualitativen und halbquantitativen Untersuchungen anwendbar ist - diese Verbindung zur quantitativen Bestimmungen nicht empfohlen werden kann

    Association of extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease in a province of western Hungary with disease phenotype: Results of a 25-year follow-up study

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    AIM: IBD is a systemic disease associated with a large number of extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs). Our aim was to determine the prevalence of EIMs in a large IBD cohort in Veszprem Province in a 25-year follow-up study. METHODS: Eight hundred and seventy-three IBD patients were enrolled (ulcerative colitis/UC/: 619, m/f: 317/302, mean age at presentation: 38.3 years, average disease duration: 11.2 years; Crohn's disease/CD/: 254, m/f: 125/129, mean age at presentation: 32.5 years, average disease duration: 9.2 years). Intestinal, extraintestinal signs and laboratory tests were monitored regularly. Any alteration suggesting an EIMs was investigated by a specialist. RESULTS: A total of 21.3 % of patients with IBD had EIM (UC: 15.0 %, CD: 36.6 %). Age at presentation did not affect the likelihood of EIM. Prevalence of EIMs was higher in women and in CD, ocular complications and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) were more frequent in UC. In UC there was an increased tendency of EIM in patients with a more extensive disease. Joint complications were more frequent in CD (22.4 % vs UC 10.2 %, P<0.01). In UC positive family history increased the risk of joint complications (OR:3.63). In CD the frequency of type-1 peripheral arthritis was increased in patients with penetrating disease (P=0.028). PSC was present in 1.6 % in UC and 0.8 % in CD. Dermatological complications were present in 3.8 % in UC and 10.2 % in CD, the rate of ocular complications was around 3 % in both diseases. Rare complications were glomerulonephritis, autoimmune hemolytic anaemia and celiac disease. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of EIM in Hungarian IBD patients is in concordance with data from Western countries. The high number of EIM supports a role for complex follow-up in these patients

    Using contextual knowledge in interactive fault localization

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    Tool support for automated fault localization in program debugging is limited because state-of-the-art algorithms often fail to provide efficient help to the user. They usually offer a ranked list of suspicious code elements, but the fault is not guaranteed to be found among the highest ranks. In Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (SBFL) – which uses code coverage information of test cases and their execution outcomes to calculate the ranks –, the developer has to investigate several locations before finding the faulty code element. Yet, all the knowledge she a priori has or acquires during this process is not reused by the SBFL tool. There are existing approaches in which the developer interacts with the SBFL algorithm by giving feedback on the elements of the prioritized list. We propose a new approach called iFL which extends interactive approaches by exploiting contextual knowledge of the user about the next item in the ranked list (e. g., a statement), with which larger code entities (e. g., a whole function) can be repositioned in their suspiciousness. We implemented a closely related algorithm proposed by Gong et al. , called Talk . First, we evaluated iFL using simulated users, and compared the results to SBFL and Talk . Next, we introduced two types of imperfections in the simulation: user’s knowledge and confidence levels. On SIR and Defects4J, results showed notable improvements in fault localization efficiency, even with strong user imperfections. We then empirically evaluated the effectiveness of the approach with real users in two sets of experiments: a quantitative evaluation of the successfulness of using iFL , and a qualitative evaluation of practical uses of the approach with experienced developers in think-aloud sessions