1,177 research outputs found

    Flavor SU(3) symmetry and QCD factorization in BPPB \to PP and PVPV decays

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    Using flavor SU(3) symmetry, we perform a model-independent analysis of charmless Bˉu,d(Bˉs)PP, PV\bar B_{u,d} (\bar B_s) \to PP, ~PV decays. All the relevant topological diagrams, including the presumably subleading diagrams, such as the QCD- and EW-penguin exchange diagrams and flavor-singlet weak annihilation ones, are introduced. Indeed, the QCD-penguin exchange diagram turns out to be important in understanding the data for penguin-dominated decay modes. In this work we make efforts to bridge the (model-independent but less quantitative) topological diagram or flavor SU(3) approach and the (quantitative but somewhat model-dependent) QCD factorization (QCDF) approach in these decays, by explicitly showing how to translate each flavor SU(3) amplitude into the corresponding terms in the QCDF framework. After estimating each flavor SU(3) amplitude numerically using QCDF, we discuss various physical consequences, including SU(3) breaking effects and some useful SU(3) relations among decay amplitudes of BˉsPV\bar B_s \to PV and BˉdPV\bar B_d \to PV.Comment: 47 pages, 3 figures, 28 table

    On the gauge boson's properties in a candidate technicolor theory

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    The technicolor scenario replaces the Higgs sector of the standard model with a strongly interacting sector. One candidate for a realization of such a sector is two-technicolor Yang-Mills theory coupled to two degenerate flavors of adjoint, massless techniquarks. Using lattice gauge theory the properties of the technigluons in this scenario are investigated as a function of the techniquark mass towards the massless limit. For that purpose the minimal Landau gauge two-point and three-point correlation functions are determined, including a detailed systematic error analysis. The results are, within the relatively large systematic uncertainties, compatible with a behavior very similar to QCD at finite techniquark mass. However, the limit of massless techniquarks exhibits features which could be compatible with a (quasi-)conformal behavior.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 table; v2: persistent notational error corrected, some minor modification

    Truncated Schwinger-Dyson Equations and Gauge Covariance in QED3

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    We study the Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformations (LKFT) in momentum space for the dynamically generated mass function in QED3. Starting from the Landau gauge results in the rainbow approximation, we construct solutions in other covariant gauges. We confirm that the chiral condensate is gauge invariant as the structure of the LKFT predicts. We also check that the gauge dependence of the constituent fermion mass is considerably reduced as compared to the one obtained directly by solving SDE.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. v3. Improved and Expanded. To appear in Few Body System

    Introduction to the functional RG and applications to gauge theories

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    These lectures contain an introduction to modern renormalization group (RG) methods as well as functional RG approaches to gauge theories. In the first lecture, the functional renormalization group is introduced with a focus on the flow equation for the effective average action. The second lecture is devoted to a discussion of flow equations and symmetries in general, and flow equations and gauge symmetries in particular. The third lecture deals with the flow equation in the background formalism which is particularly convenient for analytical computations of truncated flows. The fourth lecture concentrates on the transition from microscopic to macroscopic degrees of freedom; even though this is discussed here in the language and the context of QCD, the developed formalism is much more general and will be useful also for other systems.Comment: 60 pages, 14 figures, Lectures held at the 2006 ECT* School "Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theory Approaches to Many-Body Systems", Trento, Ital

    Anomalous tqγtq\gamma coupling effects in exclusive radiative B-meson decays

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    The top-quark FCNC processes will be searched for at the CERN LHC, which are correlated with the B-meson decays. In this paper, we study the effects of top-quark anomalous interactions tqγtq\gamma in the exclusive radiative BKγB\to K^*\gamma and BργB\to\rho\gamma decays. With the current experimental data of the branching ratios, the direct CP and the isospin asymmetries, bounds on the coupling κtcRγ\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma} from BKγB\to K^*\gamma and κtuRγ\kappa_{tuR}^{\gamma} from BργB\to \rho\gamma decays are derived, respectively. The bound on κtcRγ|\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma}| from B(BKγ){\mathcal B}(B\to K^{*}\gamma) is generally compatible with that from B(BXsγ){\mathcal B}(B\to X_{s}\gamma). However, the isospin asymmetry Δ(Kγ)\Delta(K^{*}\gamma) further restrict the phase of κtcRγ\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma}, and the combined bound results in the upper limit, B(tcγ)<0.21\mathcal B(t\to c\gamma)<0.21%, which is lower than the CDF result. For real κtcRγ\kappa_{tcR}^{\gamma}, the upper bound on B(tcγ)\mathcal B(t\to c\gamma) is about of the same order as the 5σ5\sigma discovery potential of ATLAS with an integrated luminosity of 10fb110 {\rm fb}^{-1}. For BργB\to\rho\gamma decays, the NP contribution is enhanced by a large CKM factor Vud/Vtd|V_{ud}/V_{td}|, and the constraint on tuγtu\gamma coupling is rather restrictive, B(tuγ)<1.44×105\mathcal B(t\to u\gamma)<1.44\times 10^{-5}. With refined measurements to be available at the LHCb and the future super-B factories, we can get close correlations between BVγB\to V \gamma and the rare tqγt\to q\gamma decays, which will be studied directly at the LHC ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, pdflate

    New physics reach of the decay mode BˉKˉ0+\bar{B} \to \bar{K}^{*0}\ell^+\ell^-

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    We present a complete method to construct QCD-protected observables based on the exclusive 4-body BB-meson decay BˉKˉ0+\bar{B} \to \bar{K}^{*0}\ell^+\ell^- in the low dilepton mass region. The core of the method is the requirement that the constructed quantities should fulfil the symmetries of the angular distribution. We have identified all symmetries of the angular distribution in the limit of massless leptons and explore: a new non-trivial relation between the coefficients of the angular distribution, the possibility to fully solve the system for the KK^{*} amplitudes, and the construction of non-trivial observables. We also present a phenomenological analysis of the new physics sensitivity of angular observables in the decay based on QCD factorisation. We further analyse the CP-conserving observables, AT(2)A_{T}^{(2)}, AT(3)A_{T}^{(3)} and AT(4)A_{T}^{(4)}. They are practically free of theoretical uncertainties due to the soft form factors for the full range of dilepton masses rather than just at a single point as for AFBA_{FB}. They also have a higher sensitivity to specific new physics scenarios compared to observables such as AFBA_{FB}. Moreover, we critically examine the new physics reach of CP-violating observables via a complete error analysis due to scale dependences, form factors and Λ/mb\Lambda/m_b corrections. We have developed an ensemble method to evaluate the error on observables from Λ/mb\Lambda/m_b corrections. Finally, we explore the experimental prospects of CP-violating observables and find that they are rather limited. Indeed, the CP-conserving (averaged) observables AT(i)A_{T}^{(i)} (with i=2,3,4i=2,3,4) will offer a better sensitivity to large CP phases and may be more suitable for experimental analysis.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figures, updated version to fix a few typo

    Functional renormalization group with a compactly supported smooth regulator function

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    The functional renormalization group equation with a compactly supported smooth (CSS) regulator function is considered. It is demonstrated that in an appropriate limit the CSS regulator recovers the optimized one and it has derivatives of all orders. The more generalized form of the CSS regulator is shown to reduce to all major type of regulator functions (exponential, power-law) in appropriate limits. The CSS regulator function is tested by studying the critical behavior of the bosonized two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics in the local potential approximation and the sine-Gordon scalar theory for d<2 dimensions beyond the local potential approximation. It is shown that a similar smoothing problem in nuclear physics has already been solved by introducing the so called Salamon-Vertse potential which can be related to the CSS regulator.Comment: JHEP style, 11 pages, 2 figures, proofs corrected, accepted for publication by JHE

    Astrobiological Complexity with Probabilistic Cellular Automata

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    Search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence constitutes one of the major endeavors in science, but has yet been quantitatively modeled only rarely and in a cursory and superficial fashion. We argue that probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) represent the best quantitative framework for modeling astrobiological history of the Milky Way and its Galactic Habitable Zone. The relevant astrobiological parameters are to be modeled as the elements of the input probability matrix for the PCA kernel. With the underlying simplicity of the cellular automata constructs, this approach enables a quick analysis of large and ambiguous input parameters' space. We perform a simple clustering analysis of typical astrobiological histories and discuss the relevant boundary conditions of practical importance for planning and guiding actual empirical astrobiological and SETI projects. In addition to showing how the present framework is adaptable to more complex situations and updated observational databases from current and near-future space missions, we demonstrate how numerical results could offer a cautious rationale for continuation of practical SETI searches.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; added journal reference belo

    Exploring the mobility of mobile phone users

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    Mobile phone datasets allow for the analysis of human behavior on an unprecedented scale. The social network, temporal dynamics and mobile behavior of mobile phone users have often been analyzed independently from each other using mobile phone datasets. In this article, we explore the connections between various features of human behavior extracted from a large mobile phone dataset. Our observations are based on the analysis of communication data of 100000 anonymized and randomly chosen individuals in a dataset of communications in Portugal. We show that clustering and principal component analysis allow for a significant dimension reduction with limited loss of information. The most important features are related to geographical location. In particular, we observe that most people spend most of their time at only a few locations. With the help of clustering methods, we then robustly identify home and office locations and compare the results with official census data. Finally, we analyze the geographic spread of users' frequent locations and show that commuting distances can be reasonably well explained by a gravity model.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure