9 research outputs found

    Dinophysis Ehrenberg (Dinophyceae) in Southern Chile harbours red cryptophyte plastids from Rhodomonas/Storeatula clade

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    Photosynthetic species of the dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis are known to retain temporary cryptophyte plastids of the Teleaulax/Plagioselmis/Geminigera clade after feeding the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. In the present study, partial plastid 23S rDNA sequences were retrieved in Southern Chilean waters from oceanic (Los Lagos region), and fjord systems (Aysén region), in single cells of Dinophysis and accompanying organisms (the heliozoan Actinophrys cf. sol and tintinnid ciliates), identified by means of morphological discrimination under the light microscope. All plastid 23S rDNA sequences (n = 23) from Dinophysis spp. (Dinophysis acuta, D. caudata, D. tripos and D. subcircularis) belonged to cryptophytes from clade V (Rhinomonas, Rhodomonas and Storeatula), although they could not be identified at genus level. Moreover, five plastid sequences obtained from heliozoans (Actinophryida, tentatively identified as Actinophrys cf. sol), and tintinnid ciliates, grouped together with those cryptophyte sequences. In contrast, two additional sequences from tintinnids belonged to other taxa (chlorophytes and cyanobacteria). Overall, the present study represents the first time that red cryptophyte plastids outside of the Teleaulax/Plagioselmis/Geminigera clade dominate in wild photosynthetic Dinophysis spp. These findings suggest that either Dinophysis spp. are able to feed on other ciliate prey than Mesodinium and/or that cryptophyte plastids from clade V prevail in members of the M. rubrum species complex in the studied area

    Interannual variability in mesoscale distribution of Dinophysis acuminata and D. acuta in Northwestern Patagonian fjords

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    Dinophysis acuminata and D. acuta, which produce diarrheogenic toxins and pectenotoxins in southern Chile, display site-specific differences in interannual variability (2006 - 2018) in Reloncaví, Pitipalena and Puyuhuapi fjords (41 - 46 °S), Chilean Patagonia. Linear Models show decreasing trends in rainfall and river discharge. Latitudinal decreasing gradients in SST temperature and vertical salinity gradients were observed. A brackish water layer (FW salinity 103 cells L‒1) densities every season. Dinophysis acuminata, associated with toxin profiles in shellfish that include only pectenotoxins, bloomed everywhere with a poleward increasing gradient. Absence of the FW layer provides a possible index of risk for D. acuta blooms. An apparent poleward shift of D. acuta populations, responsible for DSP outbreaks in Reloncaví in the 1970s, and the recent EU deregulation of pectenotoxins will have a positive impact on the mussel industry in Los Lagos Region. Changes to ongoing monitoring protocols to improve risk assessment capabilities are suggested.This work was funded by ANID-FONDECYT 11170682 from the National Agency of Research and Development (ANID), Chile. Ángela M. Baldrich was funded by a Ph.D. fellowship from the Universidad de Los Lagos. Carlos Molinet was partially funded by INCAR (FONDAP, grant N°15110027). Beatriz Reguera was funded by the EU-Interreg Atlantic Area project PRIMROSE (EAPA_182/2016).Peer reviewe

    Small and patchy is enough: An example about how toxic HAB events can spread through low resting cyst loads

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    The frequency of harmful algal blooms (HABs) has increased over the last two decades, a phenomenon enhanced by global climate change. However, the effects of climate change will not be distributed equally, and Chile has emerged as one important, vulnerable area. The Chilean Patagonian region (41‒56°S) hosts two marine ecoregions that support robust blue economies via wild fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism. However, the harmful algal bloom-forming dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella, a causative agent of paralytic shellfish poisoning outbreaks, threatens the viability of blue industries in this region and others worldwide. Despite the proliferation of A. catenella blooms over the last few decades, the role of sedimentary resting cysts in the recurrence of harmful algal blooms and the species' northward expansion across Chilean Patagonia is not well understood. As a resting cyst-producing species, the sediment-cyst dynamics of A. catenella likely contribute to the geographical expansion and bloom recurrence of this species. For this purpose, we analyzed a decade of A. catenella surface sediment cyst records across the two ecoregions of the Chilean Patagonian System that were further stratified into five subregions based on water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient characteristics. We also analyzed spatio-temporal cyst dynamics in a pre-, during-, and post-bloom scenario of the Chiloense ecoregion (more northern) of the Magellanic province. Our results indicated highly variable A. catenella resting cyst abundances, with a maximum of 221 cysts cm-3 recorded in 2002 after an intense bloom. Generalized linear mixed models and linear mixed models found that sampling season, subregion, and Total Organic Matter (%) explained resting cyst presence and density. The results also demonstrated the presence of A. catenella cysts in northern subregions, evidencing the northward geographical expansion observed during the last few decades. The risks of A. catenella bloom recurrence from small, patchy resting cyst distributions across broad geographical areas and under changing environmental conditions are discussed.This work was funded by Comité Oceanográfico Nacional (CONA, CF-07 to CF-16 projects), Centro de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería (CeBiB) (PIA project FB0001, ANID, Chile), and by COPAS COASTAL FB210021, and CIEP R20F002. Rosa I. Figueroa was funded by a national project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Community, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; Project BIOTOX PID2021–1256430B-C22).Peer reviewe

    An Unprecedented Bloom of Oceanic Dinoflagellates (<i>Karenia</i> spp.) Inside a Fjord within a Highly Dynamic Multifrontal Ecosystem in Chilean Patagonia

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    At the end of summer 2020, a moderate (~105 cells L−1) bloom of potential fish-killing Karenia spp. was detected in samples from a 24 h study focused on Dinophysis spp. in the outer reaches of the Pitipalena-Añihue Marine Protected Area. Previous Karenia events with devastating effects on caged salmon and the wild fauna of Chilean Patagonia had been restricted to offshore waters, eventually reaching the southern coasts of Chiloé Island through the channel connecting the Chiloé Inland Sea to the Pacific Ocean. This event occurred at the onset of the COVID-19 lockdown when monitoring activities were slackened. A few salmon mortalities were related to other fish-killing species (e.g., Margalefidinium polykrikoides). As in the major Karenia event in 1999, the austral summer of 2020 was characterised by negative anomalies in rainfall and river outflow and a severe drought in March. Karenia spp. appeared to have been advected in a warm (14–15 °C) surface layer of estuarine saline water (S > 21). A lack of daily vertical migration patterns and cells dispersed through the whole water column suggested a declining population. Satellite images confirmed the decline, but gave evidence of dynamic multifrontal patterns of temperature and chl a distribution. A conceptual circulation model is proposed to explain the hypothetical retention of the Karenia bloom by a coastally generated eddy coupled with the semidiurnal tides at the mouth of Pitipalena Fjord. Thermal fronts generated by (topographically induced) upwelling around the Tic Toc Seamount are proposed as hot spots for the accumulation of swimming dinoflagellates in summer in the southern Chiloé Inland Sea. The results here provide helpful information on the environmental conditions and water column structure favouring Karenia occurrence. Thermohaline properties in the surface layer in summer can be used to develop a risk index (positive if the EFW layer is thin or absent)

    Niche differentiation of Dinophysis acuta and D. acuminata in a stratified fjord

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    Dinophysis acuta and D. acuminata are associated with lipophilic toxins in Southern Chile. Blooms of the two species coincided during summer 2019 in a highly stratified fjord system (Puyuhuapi, Chilean Patagonia). High vertical resolution measurements of physical parameters were carried out during 48 h sampling to i) explore physiological status (e.g., division rates, toxin content) and ii) illustrate the fine scale distribution of D. acuta and D. acuminata populations with a focus on water column structure and co-occurring plastid-bearing ciliates. The species-specific resources and regulators defining the realized niches (sensu Hutchinson) of the two species were identified. Differences in vertical distribution, daily vertical migration and in situ division rates (with record values, 0.76 d−1, in D. acuta), in response to the environmental conditions and potential prey availability, revealed their niche differences. The Outlying Mean Index (OMI) analysis showed that the realized niche of D. acuta (cell maximum 7 × 103 cells L−1 within the pycnocline) was characterized by sub-surface estuarine waters (salinity 23 – 25), lower values of turbulence and PAR, and a narrow niche breath. In contrast, the realized niche of D. acuminata (cell maximum 6.8 × 103 cells L−1 just above the pycnocline) was characterized by fresher (salinity 17 – 20) outflowing surface waters, with higher turbulence and light intensity and a wider niche breadth. Results from OMI and PERMANOVA analyses of co-occurring microplanktonic ciliates were compatible with the hypothesis of species such as those from genera Pseudotontonia and Strombidium constituting an alternative ciliate prey to Mesodinium. The D. acuta cell maximum was associated with DSP (OA and DTX-1) toxins and pectenotoxins; that of D. acuminata only with pectenotoxins. Results presented here contribute to a better understanding of the environmental drivers of species-specific blooms of Dinophysis and management of their distinct effects in Southern Chile. Previous articl

    Alexandrium catenella cyst accumulation by passive and active dispersal agents: Implications for the potential spreading risk in Chilean Patagonian fjords

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    The dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella is responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning and negative socioeconomic impacts on the fishing industry and aquaculture. In Chilean Patagonia, the reasons underlying the significant increase in the geographical extension (from south to north) of A. catenella blooms during the last five decades are not well understood. To assess the potential spreading risk of A. catenella during an intense austral summer bloom, we conducted an in situ experiment in a "hotspot" of this dinoflagellate in southern Chile. The objective was to assess the accumulation of A. catenella resting cysts in passive (fishing nets) and active (mussels) dispersal agents during the phase of bloom decline. Large numbers of resting cysts were detected in fishing nets (maximum of 5334 cysts net−1 per month) at 5 m depth and in mussels (maximum of 16 cysts g−1 of digestive gland) near Vergara Island. The potential of these vectors to serve as inoculum sources and the implications of our findings for A. catenella population dynamics are discussed

    <em>Dinophysis acuminata</em> or <em>Dinophysis acuta</em>: What Makes the Difference in Highly Stratified Fjords?

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    Dinophysis acuminata and D. acuta, which follows it seasonally, are the main producers of lipophilic toxins in temperate coastal waters, including Southern Chile. Strains of the two species differ in their toxin profiles and impacts on shellfish resources. D. acuta is considered the major cause of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) outbreaks in Southern Chile, but there is uncertainty about the toxicity of D. acuminata, and little information on microscale oceanographic conditions promoting their blooms. During the austral summer of 2020, intensive sampling was carried out in two northern Patagonian fjords, Puyuhuapi (PUY) and Pitipalena (PIT), sharing D. acuminata dominance and D. acuta near detection levels. Dinophysistoxin 1 (DTX 1) and pectenotoxin 2 (PTX 2) were present in all net tow samples but OA was not detected. Although differing in hydrodynamics and sampling dates, D. acuminata shared behavioural traits in the two fjords: cell maxima (>103 cells L−1) in the interface (S ~ 21) between the estuarine freshwater (EFW)) and saline water (ESW) layers; and phased-cell division (µ = 0.3–0.4 d−1) peaking after dawn, and abundance of ciliate prey. Niche analysis (Outlying Mean Index, OMI) of D. acuta with a high marginality and much lower tolerance than D. acuminata indicated an unfavourable physical environment for D. acuta (bloom failure). Comparison of toxin profiles and Dinophysis niches in three contrasting years in PUY—2020 (D. acuminata bloom), 2018 (exceptional bloom of D. acuta), and 2019 (bloom co-occurrence of the two species)—shed light on the vertical gradients which promote each species. The presence of FW (S D. acuta blooms and OA occurrence, but D. acuminata associated with DTX 1 pose a risk of DSP events in North Patagonian fjords

    Dinophysis acuminata or Dinophysis acuta: What Makes the Difference in Highly Stratified Fjords?

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    Dinophysis acuminata and D. acuta, which follows it seasonally, are the main producers of lipophilic toxins in temperate coastal waters, including Southern Chile. Strains of the two species differ in their toxin profiles and impacts on shellfish resources. D. acuta is considered the major cause of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) outbreaks in Southern Chile, but there is uncertainty about the toxicity of D. acuminata, and little information on microscale oceanographic conditions promoting their blooms. During the austral summer of 2020, intensive sampling was carried out in two northern Patagonian fjords, Puyuhuapi (PUY) and Pitipalena (PIT), sharing D. acuminata dominance and D. acuta near detection levels. Dinophysistoxin 1 (DTX 1) and pectenotoxin 2 (PTX 2) were present in all net tow samples but OA was not detected. Although differing in hydrodynamics and sampling dates, D. acuminata shared behavioural traits in the two fjords: cell maxima (&gt;103 cells L&minus;1) in the interface (S ~ 21) between the estuarine freshwater (EFW)) and saline water (ESW) layers; and phased-cell division (&micro; = 0.3&ndash;0.4 d&minus;1) peaking after dawn, and abundance of ciliate prey. Niche analysis (Outlying Mean Index, OMI) of D. acuta with a high marginality and much lower tolerance than D. acuminata indicated an unfavourable physical environment for D. acuta (bloom failure). Comparison of toxin profiles and Dinophysis niches in three contrasting years in PUY&mdash;2020 (D. acuminata bloom), 2018 (exceptional bloom of D. acuta), and 2019 (bloom co-occurrence of the two species)&mdash;shed light on the vertical gradients which promote each species. The presence of FW (S &lt; 11) and thermal inversion may be used to provide short-term forecasts of no risk of D. acuta blooms and OA occurrence, but D. acuminata associated with DTX 1 pose a risk of DSP events in North Patagonian fjords