289 research outputs found

    Two stories outside Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics: Mori's q-phase transitions and glassy dynamics at the onset of chaos

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    First, we analyze trajectories inside the Feigenbaum attractor and obtain the atypical weak sensitivity to initial conditions and loss of information associated to their dynamics. We identify the Mori singularities in its Lyapunov spectrum with the appearance of a special value for the entropic index q of the Tsallis statistics. Secondly, the dynamics of iterates at the noise-perturbed transition to chaos is shown to exhibit the characteristic elements of the glass transition, e.g. two-step relaxation, aging, subdiffusion and arrest. The properties of the bifurcation gap induced by the noise are seen to be comparable to those of a supercooled liquid above a glass transition temperature.Comment: Proceedings of: 31st Workshop of the International School of Solid State Physics, Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity, Erice (Sicily) 20-26 July 2004 World Scientific in the special series of the E. Majorana conferences, in pres

    Multifractality and nonextensivity at the edge of chaos of unimodal maps

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    We examine both the dynamical and the multifractal properties at the chaos threshold of logistic maps with general nonlinearity z>1z>1. First we determine analytically the sensitivity to initial conditions ξt\xi_{t}. Then we consider a renormalization group (RG) operation on the partition function ZZ of the multifractal attractor that eliminates one half of the multifractal points each time it is applied. Invariance of ZZ fixes a length-scale transformation factor 2−η2^{-\eta} in terms of the generalized dimensions DβD_{\beta}. There exists a gap Δη\Delta \eta in the values of η\eta equal to λq=1/(1−q)=D∞−1−D−∞−1\lambda _{q}=1/(1-q)=D_{\infty}^{-1}-D_{-\infty}^{-1} where λq\lambda_{q} is the qq-generalized Lyapunov exponent and qq is the nonextensive entropic index. We provide an interpretation for this relationship - previously derived by Lyra and Tsallis - between dynamical and geometrical properties. Key Words: Edge of chaos, multifractal attractor, nonextensivityComment: Contribution to the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on News and Expectations in Thermostatistics (NEXT03), Cagliari, Italy, 21-28/09/2003. Submitted to Physica

    Nonequilibrium Kinetics of One-Dimensional Bose Gases

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    We study cold dilute gases made of bosonic atoms, showing that in the mean-field one-dimensional regime they support stable out-of-equilibrium states. Starting from the 3D Boltzmann-Vlasov equation with contact interaction, we derive an effective 1D Landau-Vlasov equation under the condition of a strong transverse harmonic confinement. We investigate the existence of out-of-equilibrium states, obtaining stability criteria similar to those of classical plasmas.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Fluctuating dynamics at the quasiperiodic onset of chaos, Tsallis q-statistics and Mori's q-phase thermodynamics

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    We analyze the fluctuating dynamics at the golden-mean transition to chaos in the critical circle map and find that trajectories within the critical attractor consist of infinite sets of power laws mixed together. We elucidate this structure assisted by known renormalization group (RG) results. Next we proceed to weigh the new findings against Tsallis' entropic and Mori's thermodynamic theoretical schemes and observe behavior to a large extent richer than previously reported. We find that the sensitivity to initial conditions has the form of families of intertwined q-exponentials, of which we determine the q-indexes and the generalized Lyapunov coefficient spectra. Further, the dynamics within the critical attractor is found to consist of not one but a collection of Mori's q-phase transitions with a hierarchical structure. The value of Mori's `thermodynamic field' variable q at each transition corresponds to the same special value for the entropic index q. We discuss the relationship between the two formalisms and indicate the usefulness of the methods involved to determine the universal trajectory scaling function and/or the ocurrence and characterization of dynamical phase transitions.Comment: Resubmitted to Physical Review E. The title has been changed slightly and the abstract has been extended. There is a new subsection following the conclusions that explains the role and usefulness of the q-statistics in the problem studied. Other minor changes througout the tex

    Intermittency at critical transitions and aging dynamics at edge of chaos

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    We recall that, at both the intermittency transitions and at the Feigenbaum attractor in unimodal maps of non-linearity of order ζ>1\zeta >1, the dynamics rigorously obeys the Tsallis statistics. We account for the qq-indices and the generalized Lyapunov coefficients λq\lambda_{q} that characterize the universality classes of the pitchfork and tangent bifurcations. We identify the Mori singularities in the Lyapunov spectrum at the edge of chaos with the appearance of a special value for the entropic index qq. The physical area of the Tsallis statistics is further probed by considering the dynamics near criticality and glass formation in thermal systems. In both cases a close connection is made with states in unimodal maps with vanishing Lyapunov coefficients.Comment: Proceedings of: STATPHYS 2004 - 22nd IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 4-9 July 2004. Pramana, in pres

    Parallels between the dynamics at the noise-perturbed onset of chaos in logistic maps and the dynamics of glass formation

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    We develop the characterization of the dynamics at the noise-perturbed edge of chaos in logistic maps in terms of the quantities normally used to describe glassy properties in structural glass formers. Following the recognition [Phys. Lett. \textbf{A 328}, 467 (2004)] that the dynamics at this critical attractor exhibits analogies with that observed in thermal systems close to vitrification, we determine the modifications that take place with decreasing noise amplitude in ensemble and time averaged correlations and in diffusivity. We corroborate explicitly the occurrence of two-step relaxation, aging with its characteristic scaling property, and subdiffusion and arrest for this system. We also discuss features that appear to be specific of the map.Comment: Revised version with substantial improvements. Revtex, 8 pages, 11 figure

    Incidence of nonextensive thermodynamics in temporal scaling at Feigenbaum points

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    Recently, in Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 140601 (2005), P. Grassberger addresses the interesting issue of the applicability of q-statistics to the renowned Feigenbaum attractor. He concludes there is no genuine connection between the dynamics at the critical attractor and the generalized statistics and argues against its usefulness and correctness. Yet, several points are not in line with our current knowledge, nor are his interpretations. We refer here only to the dynamics on the attractor to point out that a correct reading of recent developments invalidates his basic claim.Comment: To be published in Physica

    Hamiltonian dynamics reveals the existence of quasi-stationary states for long-range systems in contact with a reservoir

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    We introduce a Hamiltonian dynamics for the description of long-range interacting systems in contact with a thermal bath (i.e., in the canonical ensemble). The dynamics confirms statistical mechanics equilibrium predictions for the Hamiltonian Mean Field model and the equilibrium ensemble equivalence. We find that long-lasting quasi-stationary states persist in presence of the interaction with the environment. Our results indicate that quasi-stationary states are indeed reproducible in real physical experiments.Comment: Title changed, throughout revision of the tex

    Langevin equation in systems with also negative temperatures

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    We discuss how to derive a Langevin equation (LE) in non standard systems, i.e. when the kinetic part of the Hamiltonian is not the usual quadratic function. This generalization allows to consider also cases with negative absolute temperature. We first give some phenomenological arguments suggesting the shape of the viscous drift, replacing the usual linear viscous damping, and its relation with the diffusion coefficient modulating the white noise term. As a second step, we implement a procedure to reconstruct the drift and the diffusion term of the LE from the time-series of the momentum of a heavy particle embedded in a large Hamiltonian system. The results of our reconstruction are in good agreement with the phenomenological arguments. Applying the method to systems with negative temperature, we can observe that also in this case there is a suitable Langevin equation, obtained with a precise protocol, able to reproduce in a proper way the statistical features of the slow variables. In other words, even in this context, systems with negative temperature do not show any pathology.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, in press in J. Stat. Mec

    Sensitivity to initial conditions at bifurcations in one-dimensional nonlinear maps: rigorous nonextensive solutions

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    Using the Feigenbaum renormalization group (RG) transformation we work out exactly the dynamics and the sensitivity to initial conditions for unimodal maps of nonlinearity ζ>1\zeta >1 at both their pitchfork and tangent bifurcations. These functions have the form of qq-exponentials as proposed in Tsallis' generalization of statistical mechanics. We determine the qq-indices that characterize these universality classes and perform for the first time the calculation of the qq-generalized Lyapunov coefficient λq\lambda_{q} . The pitchfork and the left-hand side of the tangent bifurcations display weak insensitivity to initial conditions, while the right-hand side of the tangent bifurcations presents a `super-strong' (faster than exponential) sensitivity to initial conditions. We corroborate our analytical results with {\em a priori} numerical calculations.Comment: latex, 4 figures. Updated references and some general presentation improvements. To appear published in Europhysics Letter
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