15 research outputs found

    Esophagogastric premalignant conditions. A literature review

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    Esophagogastric cancers are serious malignancies with high mortality and low overall survival for advanced tumors. Detection of premalignant lesions and early treatment of malignant lesions are of paramount importance. Precancerous esophagogastric conditions develop from interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Chronic irritation and inflammation may result in metaplasia, increased mutations, cellularatypia, and altered function (dysplasia). Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is one of the most important risk factors for gastric carcinogenesis, but other environmental factors (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, nitrites, infection) and autoimmune disorders play a role as well. Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) usually arises in the distal esophagus and is linked to obesity, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Barrett’s esophagus (BE). Squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) typically occurs in the presence of risk factors causing chronic inflammation (e.g. tobacco, alcohol abuse, achalasia, tylosis). Highquality endoscopic imaging is of primary importance in the diagnosis and assessment of premalignant and early malignant esophagogastric lesions. Biological markers such as aberrant p53 protein expression may be associated with increased risk of malignant transformation of precancerous lesions; however, none of those biomarkers has been validated for either diagnosis or risk stratification yet

    Colorectal cancer after bariatric surgery (Cric-Abs 2020): Sicob (Italian society of obesity surgery) endorsed national survey

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    Background The published colorectal cancer (CRC) outcomes after bariatric surgery (BS) are conflicting, with some anecdotal studies reporting increased risks. The present nationwide survey CRIC-ABS 2020 (Colo-Rectal Cancer Incidence-After Bariatric Surgery-2020), endorsed by the Italian Society of Obesity Surgery (SICOB), aims to report its incidence in Italy after BS, comparing the two commonest laparoscopic procedures-Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (GBP). Methods Two online questionnaires-first having 11 questions on SG/GBP frequency with a follow-up of 5-10 years, and the second containing 15 questions on CRC incidence and management, were administered to 53 referral bariatric, high volume centers. A standardized incidence ratio (SIR-a ratio of the observed number of cases to the expected number) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was calculated along with CRC incidence risk computation for baseline characteristics. Results Data for 20,571 patients from 34 (63%) centers between 2010 and 2015 were collected, of which 14,431 had SG (70%) and 6140 GBP (30%). 22 patients (0.10%, mean age = 53 +/- 12 years, 13 males), SG: 12 and GBP: 10, developed CRC after 4.3 +/- 2.3 years. Overall incidence was higher among males for both groups (SG: 0.15% vs 0.05%; GBP: 0.35% vs 0.09%) and the GBP cohort having slightly older patients. The right colon was most affected (n = 13) and SIR categorized/sex had fewer values < 1, except for GBP males (SIR = 1.07). Conclusion Low CRC incidence after BS at 10 years (0.10%), and no difference between procedures was seen, suggesting that BS does not trigger the neoplasm development

    The reversal of a protective stoma is feasible before the complete healing of a colorectal anastomotic leak

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    discussione sulla possibilit\ue0 di chiudere anticipatamente una stomia di protezione, anche in caso di incompleta guarigione radiologica della deiscenza anastomotic

    Effects of formalin, methacarn, and fineFIX fixatives on RNA preservation.

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    Formalin-fixed tissues represent the most abundant clinical material for retrospective studies. However, formalin highly affects macromolecules, impairing their extraction and analysis. In this study, the suitability of some potential substitutes of formalin for RNA-based applications has been considered. Conventional formalin was compared with methacarn and the commercial FineFIX. Their impact on overall RNA preservation was investigated in a cell line-based model fixed during a time course treatment and in a series of fixed human tissues. RNA yield was detected by Nanodrop; ribosomal RNA (rRNA) integrity by electrophoresis and the Agilent Bioanalyzer; messenger RNA (mRNA) integrity by Northern blot and endpoint reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; and mRNA amount by real-time polymerase chain reaction. In the cell line model, formalin fixation showed time-dependent detrimental effects on overall RNA preservation. Methacarn and FineFIX were more conservative on both rRNA and mRNA preservation and their impact was time-independent. In tissues, high rRNA degradation levels were found in all fixed specimens, contrasting with the results found in the cells. Conversely, the effects of the fixatives on mRNA integrity reflected the observations shown in the cell line model. In methacarn-fixed samples mRNA amount was also preserved, whereas in formalin and FineFIX-fixed samples it was notably lower when compared with the fresh frozen control. Alcohol-based fixatives are a good solution for long-term fixation of both cytologic and tissue samples by virtue of their time-independent effects on mRNA preservation. In fixed tissue samples, however, the potential effects of preanalytical tissue-related factors should be considered when performing mRNA quantitative analysis

    Rite, justice et pouvoirs

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    Le rite, par la transcendance qu’il manifeste et la pérennité apparente de son déroulement, semble particulièrement adapté à l’analyse des sociétés occidentales d’Ancien Régime dont les normes et les coutumes judiciaires, en particulier, reposaient sur un ensemble de gestes et de paroles codifiés, mêlant les domaines sacré et profane. Objets d’un renouveau historiographique récent, les rituels sont cependant désormais perçus par les historiens tout à la fois comme un outil de restauration du lien social et comme une forme du langage politique. Les études réunies dans ce volume, fruit de la collaboration d’historiens médiévistes et modernistes pour la plupart spécialistes de l’Italie pré-moderne, invitent ainsi le lecteur à porter la réflexion sur le terrain plus politique de l’affirmation de la souveraineté ; en allant au-delà des idées reçues sur le caractère terrifiant des rituels judiciaires, en tissant des comparaisons avec le royaume de France, du bas Moyen Âge jusqu’à la Révolution, elles montrent comment, à partir de la fin de l’époque médiévale, rituel et discours politique s’épaulent l’un l’autre et contribuent à la fabrique du consensus sur lequel repose l’acte de gouvernement. Le rituel, loin de perdre de son importance, se transforme alors en un langage politique efficace qui offre au Prince les moyens de « négocier » l’exercice de son autorité

    Bariatric Surgery for Patients with Overweight/Obesity. A Comprehensive Grading Methodology and Network Metanalysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on Weight Loss Outcomes and Adverse Events

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    This study aims to compare different types of metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS) with lifestyle intervention/medical therapy (LSI/MT) for the treatment of overweight/obesity. The present and network meta-analysis (NMA) includes randomized trials. MBS was associated with a reduction of BMI, body weight, and percent weight loss, when compared to LSI/MT, and also with a significant reduction of HbA1c and a higher remission of diabetes. Meta-regression analyses revealed that BMI, a higher proportion of women, and a longer duration of trial were associated with greater effects of MBS. The NMA showed that all surgical procedures included (except greater curvature plication) were associated with a reduction of BMI. MBS is an effective option for the treatment of obesity. The choice of BMI thresholds for eligibility for surgery of patients with different complications should be performed making an evaluation of risks and benefits in each BMI category

    A prospective cohort analysis of the prevalence and predictive factors of delayed discharge after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Italy: the DeDiLaCo Study

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    Background: The concept of early discharge ≤24 hours after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) is still doubted in Italy. This prospective multicentre study aims to analyze the prevalence of patients undergoing elective LC who experienced a delayed discharge >24 hours in an extensive Italian national database and identify potential limiting factors of early discharge after LC. Methods: This is a prospective observational multicentre study performed from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 by 90 Italian surgical units. Results: A total of 4664 patients were included in the study. Clinical reasons were found only for 850 patients (37.7%) discharged >24 hours after LC. After excluding patients with nonclinical reasons for delayed discharge >24 hours, 2 groups based on the length of hospitalization were created: the Early group (≤24 h; 2414 patients, 73.9%) and the Delayed group (>24 h; 850 patients, 26.1%). At the multivariate analysis, ASA III class ( P <0.0001), Charlson's Comorbidity Index (P=0.001), history of choledocholithiasis (P=0.03), presence of peritoneal adhesions (P<0.0001), operative time >60 min (P<0.0001), drain placement (P<0.0001), pain ( P =0.001), postoperative vomiting (P=0.001) and complications (P<0.0001) were independent predictors of delayed discharge >24 hours. Conclusions: The majority of delayed discharges >24 hours after LC in our study were unrelated to the surgery itself. ASA class >II, advanced comorbidity, the presence of peritoneal adhesions, prolonged operative time, and placement of abdominal drainage were intraoperative variables independently associated with failure of early discharge