3 research outputs found

    Narrative processes in the assimilation of a problematic experience: qualitative analysis of a single case

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    "Increasing attention has been given to the Assimilation Model as an integrative framework for understanding the change process in psychotherapy. This paper contributes to the development of the model by identifying ways in which narrative and discursive practices are involved in the transition to the 'problem statement' stage of assimilation of a problematic experience. The study uses a method of qualitative narrative analysis to construct an interpretive account of the change process occurring in a single case of experiential psychotherapy. The overall process of change in this case is described in terms of two broad phases: building a storyworld and co-construction of a new narrative. The shift to 'naming' the problem is discussed in terms of the operation of a number of narrative micro-processes, including positioning, symbolisation and the co-construction of metaphor themes. The implications of this analysis are discussed." (author's abstract)"Das Assimilation Model als integrativer Rahmen für das Verständnis von Veränderungsprozessen in der Psychotherapie stößt zunehmend auf breites Interesse. Durch die Identifikation von narrativen und diskursiven Aspekten beim Übergang zum Stadium der Problemerkenntnis im Verlauf der Assimilation einer problematischen Erfahrung trägt der vorliegende Aufsatz zur Weiterentwicklung dieses Modells bei. Die vorgelegte Einzelfallstudie nutzt die Methode der qualitativen Narrativanalyse zur Konstruktion eines interpretativen Ansatzes über den Veränderungsprozess bei einer erfahrungsorientierten psychotherapeutischen Behandlung. Der Veränderungsprozess in diesem Fallbeispiel wird in zwei Phasen beschrieben: Explikation einer persönlichen Geschichte und gemeinsame Konstruktion eines neuen Narrativs. Die Entwicklung zur 'Namengebung' für das Problem wird verstanden als Abfolge narrativer Mikroprozesse, einschließlich Positionierung, Symbolisation und gemeinsamer Metaphernkonstruktion. Die Implikationen dieser Methodik werden diskutiert." (Autorenreferat

    Forging partnerships for mental health: The case of a prefecture in crisis ravaged Greece

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    Public health and in particular mental health have been severely affected by the multitude of socioeconomic crises experienced by people in Greece. The severe austerity programmes, have reduced access to health services and increased demand for publically funded health care. This paper presents a case study focusing on the impact of these measures on the lives of mental health providers in one prefecture in Crete. Focus group methodology was applied and the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Analyses revealed three superordinate themes that converge at many levels and appear to be going counter to the circumstances: firstly, 'forging partnerships for mental health'; secondly, 'extending our reach'; and thirdly 'transformations in professional identity through praxis'. These themes are discussed using the words of the participants and the relevant literature. © 2013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis

    The path towards a professional identity: An IPA study of Greek family therapy trainees

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    Objective: Contemporary psychotherapy research has focused mainly on practitioners' training and education. The impact of training on professional development and the application of therapeutic skills have been the primary foci of the empirical literature. The aim of this paper is to present the experiences of seven family therapy trainees regarding their personal paths toward the development of professional identity as they underwent training in systemic psychotherapy. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results & Conclusions: Seven themes were identified: The Quest, Developing by Relating, Learnings, Personification of Training, Use of Self, Self-Care and Empowerment, and Reflecting on the Role of the Therapist. The findings are discussed with regard to the development of the 'therapist as a person', gaining acknowledgement and autonomy, and the development of a community of therapeutic practice. © 2013 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy