1 research outputs found

    Pore resistivity variation by Resistivity imaging technique in sedimentary part of main Gadilam river basin, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Electrical resistivity is the only property of physics which give information of subsurface moisture content in the formation, Hence geophysical electrical resistivity survey was carried out to investigate the nature of shallow subsurface formations and geological contact in the main Gadilam river basin of Cuddalore District in Tamil Nadu. Twenty-seven vertical electrical soundings (VES) were conducted by Schlumberger configuration in the basin. Data is interpreted by curve matching techniques using IPI2 WIN software, layer parameters like apparent resistivity (?a) and thickness (h) interpretation were exported to Geographic Information System (GIS). Interpretation distinguishes three major geoelectric layers like topsoil, sandy clay layer, clayey sand layer along the contact zone in the basin. Interpreted VES sounding curves are mostly four-layer cases of QH, H, HA and KH type. Investigation demarcates lithology of subsurface and hydrogeological set up by employing maximum possible electrode sounding to infer saline water and freshwater occurrence based on resistivity signals. Zone of groundwater potential map was prepared with the combination of resistivity (?= ?1+ ?2+ ?3+ ?4) and corresponding thickness (T= T1+T2+T3+T4). High resistivity value of >200 ? m and low resistivity value of <10 ? m show the occurrence of alkaline and saline water within the formation aquifers as a result of possible rock water interaction and saline water dissolution. Four-layer resistivity cases from the matched curve (namely KH, AH, QA, and KA type) show the resistivity distribution/variation. It separates the freshwater depth wish from 1 to 140 ? m in fluvial sediments. Flood basin, sandstone and clay layer with low resistivity value of 3.16 - 7.5 ? m indicates contact with saline and freshwater aquifer. The Iso – resistivity map delineates saline water and freshwater zones with in the fourth layer cases in the same locations to indicate the irrational way of abstracting groundwater, resulting in saltwater ingress