95 research outputs found

    Reduced coupling of water molecules near the surface of reverse micelles

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    We report on vibrational dynamics of water near the surface of AOT reverse micelles studied by narrow-band excitation, mid-IR pump–probe spectroscopy. Evidence of OH-stretch frequency splitting into the symmetric and asymmetric modes is clearly observed for the interfacial H2O molecules. The polarization memory of interfacial waters is preserved over an exceptionally extended >10 ps timescale which is a factor of 100 longer than in bulk water. These observations point towards negligibly small intermolecular vibrational coupling between the water molecules as well as strongly reduced water rotational mobility within the interfacial water layer.

    Ultrafast Spectroscopy with Photocurrent Detection: Watching Excitonic Optoelectronic Systems at Work.

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    While ultrafast spectroscopy with photocurrent detection was almost unknown before 2012, in the last 3 years, a number of research groups from different fields have independently developed ultrafast electric probe approaches and reported promising pilot studies. Here, we discuss these recent advances and provide our perspective on how photocurrent detection successfully overcomes many limitations of all-optical methods, which makes it a technique of choice when device photophysics is concerned. We also highlight compelling existing problems and research questions and suggest ways for further development, outlining the potential breakthroughs to be expected in the near future using photocurrent ultrafast optical probes.A.A.B. is currently a Royal Society University Research Fellow. A.A.B. also acknowledges a VENI grant from the NWO. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 639750). C.S. acknowledges funding from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Fonds de recherche du Québec–nature et technologies, the Canada Research Chair in Organic Semiconductor Materials, and the Université de Montréal Research Chair. C.S. and E.V. acknowledge collaboration with Sachetan Tuladhar, Michelle Vezie, Sheridan Few, Jenny Nelson, Hao Li, and Eric Bittner. Finally, C.S. and E.V. acknowledge essential discussions with Andy Marcus and Julia Widom for the implementation of the two-dimensional spectroscopy apparatus.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Chemical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b0195

    Hydrophobic Molecules Slow Down the Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics of Water

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    We study the spectral and orientational dynamics of HDO molecules in solutions of tertiary-butyl-alcohol (TBA), trimethyl-amine-oxide (TMAO), and tetramethylurea (TMU) in isotopically diluted water (HDO:D2O and HDO:H2O). The spectral dynamics are studied with femtosecond two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and the orientational dynamics with femtosecond polarization-resolved vibrational pump-probe spectroscopy. We observe a strong slowing down of the spectral diffusion around the central part of the absorption line that increases with increasing solute concentration. At low concentrations, the fraction of water showing slow spectral dynamics is observed to scale with the number of methyl groups, indicating that this effect is due to slow hydrogen-bond dynamics in the hydration shell of the methyl groups of the solute molecules. The slowing down of the vibrational frequency dynamics is strongly correlated with the slowing down of the orientational mobility of the water molecules. This correlation indicates that these effects have a common origin in the effect of hydrophobic molecular groups on the hydrogen-bond dynamics of water.

    All-conjugated donor-acceptor block copolymers featuring a pentafulvenyl-polyisocyanide-acceptor

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    We report a fulvenyl-functionalized polyisocyanide (PIC2) with a high electron mobility of μe = 10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1. PIC2 has been incorporated into block-copolymers with either regioregular poly(3-dodecylthiophene) (P3DT → P(3DT-b-IC2)) or regioregular polythiazole (PTzTHX → P(TzTHX-b-IC2)). Block copolymer batches with different block-sizes have been isolated and their properties have been studied. Fluorescence quenching in the solid state and transient absorption spectroscopy indicate energy transfer from the donor-to the acceptor block upon photo-excitation. Fabrication of proof-of-principle organic photovoltaic cells with P(3DT-b-IC2) gave cells with an open circuit voltage (VOC) of ca. 0.89 V. The aggregation behavior of P(3DT-b-IC2) from solution was also studied, which revealed self-assembly into discreet microspheres of 1-8 μm diameter, with a size distribution of 1.72 (±0.37) μm under optimized aggregation conditions

    Real-Time Observation of Multiexcitonic States in Ultrafast Singlet Fission Using Coherent 2D Electronic Spectroscopy

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    Singlet fission is the spin-allowed conversion of a spin-singlet exciton into a pair of spin-triplet excitons residing on neighbouring molecules. To rationalize this phenomenon, a multiexcitonic spin-zero triplet-pair state has been hypothesized as an intermediate in singlet fission. However, the nature of the intermediate states and the underlying mechanism of ultrafast fission have not been elucidated experimentally. Here, we study a series of pentacene derivatives using ultrafast two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy and unravel the origin of the states involved in fission. Our data reveal the crucial role of vibrational degrees of freedom coupled to electronic excitations that facilitate the mixing of multiexcitonic states with singlet excitons. The resulting manifold of vibronic states drives sub-100 fs fission with unity efficiency. Our results provide a framework for understanding singlet fission and show how the formation of vibronic manifolds with a high density of states facilitates fast and efficient electronic processes in molecular systems.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nchem.237

    What Controls the Rate of Ultrafast Charge Transfer and Charge Separation Efficiency in Organic Photovoltaic Blends.

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    In solar energy harvesting devices based on molecular semiconductors, such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and artificial photosynthetic systems, Frenkel excitons must be dissociated via charge transfer at heterojunctions to yield free charges. What controls the rate and efficiency of charge transfer and charge separation is an important question, as it determines the overall power conversion efficiency (PCE) of these systems. In bulk heterojunctions between polymer donor and fullerene acceptors, which provide a model system to understand the fundamental dynamics of electron transfer in molecular systems, it has been established that the first step of photoinduced electron transfer can be fast, of order 100 fs. But here we report the first study which correlates differences in the electron transfer rate with electronic structure and morphology, achieved with sub-20 fs time resolution pump-probe spectroscopy. We vary both the fullerene substitution and donor/fullerene ratio which allow us to control both aggregate size and the energetic driving force for charge transfer. We observe a range of electron transfer times from polymer to fullerene, from 240 fs to as short as 37 fs. Using ultrafast electro-optical pump-push-photocurrent spectroscopy, we find the yield of free versus bound charges to be weakly dependent on the energetic driving force, but to be very strongly dependent on fullerene aggregate size and packing. Our results point toward the importance of state accessibility and charge delocalization and suggest that energetic offsets between donor and acceptor levels are not an important criterion for efficient charge generation. This provides design rules for next-generation materials to minimize losses related to driving energy and boost PCE.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability, University of Cambridge, China Scholarship Council, SoltechThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the American Chemical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.6b0513
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