115 research outputs found

    Cohort Profile:The Dutch Perined-Lifelines birth cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal nutrition status (e.g. dietary/nutrient intake) during pregnancy has been associated with pregnancy outcomes including birth weight, infant survival and metabolic health of the offspring during later life. During the past few years, maternal dietary intake, at least three months before conception, has been shown to affect pregnancy outcomes also. However, literature investigating this link is still scarce. The studies that have looked at preconception dietary intake in relation to pregnancy outcome were either animal studies, had small sample sizes or focused on only selected macronutrient intake rather than complete (macro)nutrient composition or dietary intakes (e.g. food groups). Therefore, we aim to investigate the association between preconception diet and pregnancy outcomes in a linked birth cohort. The main objective of this manuscript is to describe the methodology of establishing this birth cohort and to describe both the characteristics of the study population included as well as the representativeness in terms of dietary intake. METHODS: We created the birth cohort by linking two existing databases; a large population-based cohort study in the Netherlands (The Lifelines Cohort study) and the Dutch national birth registry (Perined), through a 'trusted third party'. The birth cohort contains information on maternal dietary intake during preconception as well as pregnancy outcomes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In the Lifelines Cohort study, 3,418 pregnancies were available for linking with Perined. In total, 2,368 pregnancies (86.9%) were linked with Perined, resulting in the birth cohort. With this linked cohort we are able to provide insights on the associations between dietary intake before conception and pregnancy outcomes. Such data could potentially improve nutritional care for women of childbearing age. Lifestyle changes in the period preceding pregnancy may be most effective in improving pregnancy outcomes. A focus on this window of opportunity may provide both sufficient time, as well as a period when women are potentially motivated to adopt health optimizing behaviours

    Timing of diagnosis of fetal structural abnormalities after the introduction of universal cell-free DNA in the absence of first-trimester anatomical screening

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    Introduction: Since 2021, first-trimester anatomical screening (FTAS) is offered in the Netherlands alongside genome-wide cell-free DNA (cfDNA). Previously, only second-trimester anatomical screening (STAS) was offered. This study identifies structural abnormalities amenable to first-trimester diagnosis detected at/after STAS in the period following cfDNA implementation and preceding FTAS introduction.Methods: This retrospective cohort includes 547 fetuses referred between 2017 and 2020 because of suspected structural abnormalities before/at/after STAS. Additional prenatal investigations and postnatal follow-up were searched. Abnormalities were classified into "always", "sometimes", and "never" detectable in the first-trimester based on a previously suggested classification.Results: Of the 547 pregnancies, 13 (2.6%) received FTAS and 534 (97.6%) received a dating ultrasound and STAS. In 492/534 (92.1%) anomalies were confirmed; 66 (13.4%) belonged to the "always detectable" group in the first trimester, 303 (61.6%) to the "sometimes detectable", and 123 (25.0%) to the never detectable. Of the "always detectable" anomalies 29/66 (44%) were diagnosed during dating ultrasounds and 37 (56%) during STAS. The rate of termination of pregnancy for anomalies detected during FTAS and at/after STAS was 84.6% (n = 11/13) and 29.3% (n = 144/492) (p &lt; 0.01).Conclusion: When FTAS is not part of screening paradigms, most fetal anomalies remain undetected until the second trimester or later in pregnancy, including 56% of anomalies "always detectable" in the first trimester.</p

    Psychological outcomes, knowledge and preferences of pregnant women on first-trimester screening for fetal structural abnormalities:A prospective cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: The primary aim of this study is to investigate the impact of a 13-week anomaly scan on the experienced levels of maternal anxiety and well-being. Secondly, to explore women's knowledge on the possibilities and limitations of the scan and the preferred timing of screening for structural abnormalities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a prospective-cohort study conducted between 2013-2015, pregnant women in the North-Netherlands underwent a 13-week anomaly scan. Four online-questionnaires (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) were completed before and after the 13- and the 20-week anomaly scans. In total, 1512 women consented to participate in the study and 1118 (74%) completed the questionnaires at Q1, 941 (64%) at Q2, 807 (55%) at Q3 and 535 (37%) at Q4. Psychological outcomes were measured by the state-trait inventory-scale (STAI), the patient's positive-negative affect (PANAS) and ad-hoc designed questionnaires. RESULTS: Nine-nine percent of women wished to be informed as early as possible in pregnancy about the absence/presence of structural abnormalities. In 87% of women levels of knowledge on the goals and limitations of the 13-week anomaly scan were moderate-to-high. In women with a normal 13-week scan result, anxiety levels decreased (P < .001) and well-being increased over time (P < .001). In women with false-positive results (n = 26), anxiety levels initially increased (STAI-Q1: 39.8 vs. STAI-Q2: 48.6, P = 0.025), but later decreased around the 20-week anomaly scan (STAI-Q3: 36.4 vs. STAI-Q4: 34.2, P = 0.36). CONCLUSIONS: The 13-week scan did not negatively impact the psychological well-being of pregnant women. The small number of women with screen-positive results temporarily experienced higher anxiety after the scan but, in false-positive cases, anxiety levels normalized again when the abnormality was not confirmed at follow-up scans. Finally, most pregnant women have moderate-to-high levels of knowledge and strongly prefer early screening for fetal structural abnormalities

    Effect of prenatal screening on trends in perinatal mortality associated with congenital anomalies before and after the introduction of prenatal screening:A population-based study in the Northern Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Perinatal mortality in foetuses/children with congenital anomalies remains high. Prenatal diagnosis, essential for risk assessment and organisation of perinatal/postnatal care, offers parents the opportunity to consider the termination of pregnancy. In times of quick changes in prenatal screening programmes, it is relevant to evaluate the effect of prenatal screening on perinatal mortality rates. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to study trends in early foetal and perinatal mortality associated with congenital anomalies before/after the introduction of the Dutch prenatal screening programme. METHODS: This population‐based cohort study included 8535 foetuses/neonates with congenital anomalies born in the Northern Netherlands between 2001 and 2017. Total deaths were defined as sum of early foetal (before 24 weeks’ gestation) and perinatal deaths (from 24 weeks’ gestation till day 7 post‐partum). Foetal deaths were categorised into spontaneous or elective termination of pregnancy for foetal anomalies (TOPFA). Trends in total mortality as well as early foetal and perinatal mortality were studied. Joinpoint regression was used to calculate the average annual percentage chance (AAPC) and identify linear trends in mortality within subperiods. RESULTS: Total and perinatal mortality were 17% and 4%. Total mortality was higher in abnormal karyotype and central nervous system anomalies. We observed an increase in total mortality over time: 11.9% in 2001 versus 21.9% in 2017 (AAPC 2.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.5, 3.7), caused by an increase in early foetal mortality from 5.5% to 19.2% (AAPC 8.7, 95% CI 4.7, 12.9) and a decrease in perinatal mortality from 6.4% to 2.7% (AAPC −5.6, 95% CI −10.0, −1.0). The increase in early foetal mortality reflects an increase in TOPFA from 3.6% to 16.9% (AAPC 8.3, 95% CI 4.2, 12.7), mostly occurring at 13–14 and 20–23 weeks’ gestation. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of the prenatal screening programme led to a decrease in perinatal mortality among foetuses and neonates with congenital anomalies and a marked increase in early foetal mortality before 24 weeks’ gestation due to higher rates of TOPFA

    The impact of national prenatal screening on the time of diagnosis and outcome of pregnancies affected with common trisomies, a cohort study in the Northern Netherlands

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    Background: To evaluate the impact of the introduction of prenatal screening on time of detection and pregnancy outcome for trisomy 21 (T21), trisomy 18 (T18) and trisomy 13 (T13). Methods: We performed a retrospective, population-based cohort study in the Northern Netherlands including 503 trisomy cases born between 2005 and 2012. Screening tests and invasive procedures, timing of diagnosis and pregnancy outcome were compared between the period before (2005-2006) and after introduction (2007-2012) using chi(2) tests. Results: There was an increase in proportion of women who had a prenatal screening and/or invasive test, from 62% in 2005-2006 to 84% in 2010-2012 (p 35 years (p <0.01). More T13/T18 cases were diagnosed <24 weeks after introduction (62% vs 84%; p <0.01). In T13/T18 intra-uterine death decreased (26% vs 15%), while terminations increased: 55% vs 72%. Conclusion: The introduction of prenatal screening had limited impact on the time of detection and outcome of the most common trisomies. The introduction of the 20-week anomaly scan has resulted in more trisomy cases diagnosed <24 weeks and a shift from fetal death to terminations

    Offspring Birth Weight Is Associated with Specific Preconception Maternal Food Group Intake:Data from a Linked Population-Based Birth Cohort

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    The preconception period has been recognized as one of the earliest sensitive windows for human development. Maternal dietary intake during this period may influence the oocyte quality, as well as placenta and early embryonic development during the first trimester of pregnancy. Previous studies have found associations between macronutrient intake during preconception and pregnancy outcomes. However, as food products consist of multiple macro- and micronutrients, it is difficult to relate this to dietary intake behavior. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the association between intake of specific food groups during the preconception period with birth weight, using data from the Perined-Lifelines linked birth cohort. The Perined-Lifelines birth cohort consists of women who delivered a live-born infant at term after being enrolled in a large population-based cohort study (The Lifelines Cohort). Information on birth outcome was obtained by linkage to the Dutch perinatal registry (Perined). In total, we included 1698 women with data available on birth weight of the offspring and reliable detailed information on dietary intake using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire obtained before pregnancy. Based on the 2015 Dutch Dietary Guidelines and recent literature 22 food groups were formulated. Birth weight was converted into gestational age-adjusted z-scores. Multivariable linear regression was performed, adjusted for intake of other food groups and covariates (maternal BMI, maternal age, smoking, alcohol, education level, urbanization level, parity, sex of newborn, ethnicity). Linear regression analysis, adjusted for covariates and intake of energy (in kcal) (adjusted z score [95% CI], P) showed that intake of food groups "artificially sweetened products" and "vegetables" was associated with increased birth weight (resp. (β = 0.001 [95% CI 0.000 to 0.001, p = 0.002]), (β = 0.002 [95% CI 0.000 to 0.003, p = 0.03])). Intake of food group "eggs" was associated with decreased birth weight (β = -0.093 [95% CI -0.174 to -0.013, p = 0.02]). Intake in food groups was expressed in 10 g per 1000 kcal to be able to draw conclusions on clinical relevance given the bigger portion size of the food groups. In particular, preconception intake of "artificially sweetened products" was shown to be associated with increased birth weight. Artificial sweeteners were introduced into our diets with the intention to reduce caloric intake and normalize blood glucose levels, without compromising on the preference for sweet food products. Our findings highlight the need to better understand how artificial sweeteners may affect the metabolism of the mother and her offspring already from preconception onwards

    Associations between preconception macronutrient intake and birth weight across strata of maternal BMI

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    Introduction Maternal nutrition during pregnancy is linked with birth outcomes including fetal growth, birth weight, congenital anomalies and long-term health through intra-uterine programming. However, a woman's nutritional status before pregnancy is a strong determinant in early embryo-placental development, and subsequently outcomes for both mother and child. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the association between dietary macronutrient intake in the preconception period with birth weight. Methods We studied a group of 1698 women from the Dutch Perined-Lifelines linked birth cohort with reliable detailed information on preconception dietary macronutrient intake (using a semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire) and data available on birth weight of the offspring. Birth weight was converted into gestational age adjusted z-scores, and macronutrient intake was adjusted for total energy intake using the nutrient residual method. Preconception BMI was converted into cohort-based quintiles. Multivariable linear regression was performed, adjusted for other macronutrients and covariates. Results Mean maternal age was 29.5 years (SD 3.9), preconception BMI: 24.7 kg/m(2) (SD 4.2) and median daily energy intake was 1812 kcal (IQR 1544-2140). Mean birth weight was 3578 grams (SD 472). When adjusted for covariates, a significant association (adjusted z score [95% CI], P) between polysaccharides and birth weight was shown (0.08 [0.01-0.15], 0.03). When linear regression analyses were performed within cohort-based quintiles of maternal BMI, positive significant associations between total protein, animal protein, fat, total carbohydrates, mono-disaccharides and polysaccharides with birth weight were shown in the lowest quintile of BMI independent of energy intake, intake of other macronutrients and covariates. Conclusion Out of all macronutrients studied, polysaccharides showed the strongest association with birth weight, independent of energy intake and other covariates. Our study might suggest that specifically in women with low preconception BMI a larger amount of macronutrient intake was associated with increased birth weight. We recommend that any dietary assessment and advise during preconception should be customized to preconception weight status of the women

    Intrauterine exposure to carbamazepine and specific congenital malformations: systematic review and case-control study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify specific major congenital malformations associated with use of carbamazepine in the first trimester of pregnancy. DESIGN: A review of all published cohort studies to identify key indications and a population based case-control study to test these indications. SETTING: Review of PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase for papers about carbamazepine exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy and specific malformations, and the EUROCAT Antiepileptic Study Database, including data from 19 European population based congenital anomaly registries, 1995-2005. PARTICIPANTS: The literature review covered eight cohort studies of 2680 pregnancies with carbamazepine monotherapy exposure, and the EUROCAT dataset included 98 075 registrations of malformations covering over 3.8 million births. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Overall prevalence for a major congenital malformation after exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy in the first trimester. Odds ratios for malformations with exposure to carbamazepine among cases (five types of malformation identified in the literature review) compared with two groups of controls: other non-chromosomal registrations of malformations and chromosomal syndromes. RESULTS: The literature review yielded an overall prevalence for a major congenital malformation of 3.3% (95% confidence interval 2.7 to 4.2) after exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy in the first trimester. In 131 registrations of malformations, the fetus had been exposed to carbamazepine monotherapy. Spina bifida was the only specific major congenital malformation significantly associated with exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy (odds ratio 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 5.3) compared with no antiepileptic drug), but the risk was smaller for carbamazepine than for valproic acid (0.2, 0.1 to 0.6). There was no evidence for an association with total anomalous pulmonary venous return (no cases with carbamazepine exposure), cleft lip (with or without palate) (0.2, 0.0 to 1.3), diaphragmatic hernia (0.9, 0.1 to 6.6), or hypospadias (0.7, 0.3 to 1.6) compared with no exposure to antiepileptic drugs. Further exploratory analysis suggested a higher risk of single ventricle and atrioventricular septal defect. CONCLUSION: Carbamazepine teratogenicity is relatively specific to spina bifida, though the risk is less than with valproic acid. Despite the large dataset, there was not enough power to detect moderate risks for some rare major congenital malformations

    Addition of 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxy-geldanamycin to a suboptimal caspofungin treatment regimen in neutropenic rats with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis delays the time to death but does not enhance the overall therapeutic efficacy

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    Caspofungin (CAS) which is used as salvage therapy in patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) inhibits the 1,3-β-D-glucan synthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus. Inhibiting 1,3-β-D-glucan synthesis induces a stress response and in an invertebrate model it was demonstrated that inhibiting this response with geldamycin enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of CAS. Since geldamycin itself is toxic to mammalians, the therapeutic efficacy of combining geldamycin with CAS was not studied in rodent models. Therefore in this study we investigated if the geldamycin derivate 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) was able to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of CAS in vitro and in our IPA model in transiently neutropenic rats. In vitro we confirmed the earlier demonstrated synergy between 17-AAG and CAS in ten A. fumigatus isolates. In vivo we treated A. fumigatus infected neutropenic rats with a sub-optimal dose of 0.75 mg/kg/day CAS and 1 mg/kg/day 17-AAG for ten days. Survival was monitored for 21 days after fungal inoculation. It appeared that the addition 17-AAG delayed death but did not improve overall survival of rats with IPA. Incre

    Prenatal diagnosis of urinary tract anomalies, a cohort study in the Northern Netherlands

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe prevalence, time of diagnosis and type of birth in children and fetuses with urinary tract (UT) anomalies after the introduction of the anomaly scan in the Netherlands in 2007. METHODS: We selected, from a population-based congenital anomaly registry, children and fetuses with UT anomalies born between 2008-2014. Cases were defined according to type of UT anomaly and whether isolated or with associated anomalies. Information was collected on time of diagnosis and type of birth. RESULTS: We included 487 cases. Total prevalence increased from 34.0 in 2008 to 42.3 per 10,000 births in 2014, mainly by an increase in anomalies of the collecting system. Almost 70% presented as isolated. Anomalies of the renal parenchyma were more often associated with genetic or other anomalies (47.3%) than anomalies of the collecting system (19.0%). The proportion of prenatally diagnosed cases increased from 59.3 % in 2008 to 80.9% in 2014. Termination of pregnancy occurred in 14.8%, of which the majority were UT anomalies associated with a genetic disorder or other anomalies. CONCLUSION: In the period after the introduction of the anomaly scan we observed an increasing prevalence of anomalies of the collecting system, but no increase in termination of pregnancies