51 research outputs found


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    Background: Zinc acts as growth protector for neoplastic cells and its deficiency was contributed to carcinogenesis. However, the determinations of serum zinc in acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) prediction and prognosis requires more investigations. Objective: To evaluate and compare serum zinc in ALL patients and healthy controls and to correlate the serum zinc levels with hematological prognostic markers. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in Khartoum state-Sudan during the period from December 2013 to September 2014, it involved a case group of ALL patients (N=100) matched for age and gender with a control group (N=100). Serum copper and zinc levels and full blood count were investigated. Results: The ALL patients showed lower levels of Zn 0.73 ± 0.18 mg/dl compared to controls 1.01 ± 0.25 mg/dl [P = 0.003]. The serum Zn levels were inversely correlated with total white cell (-0.804, P < 0.0001) and blast counts (-0.935, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: These findings ALL associated with lower serum zinc levels and higher serum copper levels. The determination of serum zinc and copper could be used as ALL prognostic markers. KEYWORDS: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; Zinc; Carcinogenesis


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    Background: Zinc acts as growth protector for neoplastic cells and its deficiency was contributed to carcinogenesis. However, the determinations of serum zinc in acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) prediction and prognosis requires more investigations. Objective: To evaluate and compare serum zinc in ALL patients and healthy controls and to correlate the serum zinc levels with hematological prognostic markers. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in Khartoum state-Sudan during the period from December 2013 to September 2014, it involved a case group of ALL patients (N=100) matched for age and gender with a control group (N=100). Serum copper and zinc levels and full blood count were investigated. Results: The ALL patients showed lower levels of Zn 0.73 ± 0.18 mg/dl compared to controls 1.01 ± 0.25 mg/dl [P = 0.003]. The serum Zn levels were inversely correlated with total white cell (-0.804, P < 0.0001) and blast counts (-0.935, P < 0.0001). Conclusion: These findings ALL associated with lower serum zinc levels and higher serum copper levels. The determination of serum zinc and copper could be used as ALL prognostic markers. KEYWORDS: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; Zinc; Carcinogenesis

    Host genetic susceptibility to mycetoma

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    Mycetoma is one of the badly neglected tropical diseases characterised by subcutaneous painless swelling, multiple sinuses and discharge containing aggregates of the infecting organism known as grains. Risk factors conferring susceptibility to mycetoma include environmental factors, pathogen factors such as virulence and the infecting dose in addition to host factors such as immunological and genetic predisposition. Epidemiological evidence suggests that host genetic factors may regulate susceptibility to mycetoma and other fungal infections but they are likely to be complex genetic traits where multiple genes interact with each other and environmental factors, as well as the pathogen, to cause disease. This paper reviews what is known about genetic predisposition to fungal infections that might be relevant to mycetoma as well as all studies carried out to explore host genetic susceptibility to mycetoma. Most studies were investigating polymorphisms in candidate genes related to the host immune response. A total of 13 genes had allelic variants found to be associated with mycetoma and these genes lie in different pathways and systems such as innate and adaptive immune systems, sex hormones biosynthesis and some genes coding for host enzymes. None of these studies have been replicated. Advances in genomic science and the supporting technology have paved the way for large-scale genome-wide association and next generation sequencing (NGS) studies, underpinning a new strategy to systematically interrogate the genome for variants associated with mycetoma. Dissecting the contribution of host genetic variation to susceptibility to mycetoma will enable the identification of pathways that are potential targets for new treatments for mycetoma and will also enhance the ability to stratify “at-risk” individuals allowing the possibility to develop preventive and personalised clinical care strategies in the future

    Clinical epidemiological characteristics of mycetoma in eastern Sennar locality, Sennar state, Sudan

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    Mycetoma epidemiological features remain uncharacterised. Few studies have been conducted in a community-based setting to explore the epidemiological features and risk factors for mycetoma in Sudan. To bridge this gap, this study was conducted in Eastern Sennar Locality, Sennar State, Sudan, to report the clinical, epidemiological characteristics of mycetoma patients and the disease burden in the state. We used cluster sampling; sixty villages were randomly selected across the locality’s five administrative units, and a household-to-household survey was conducted. We collected data using pre-designed questionnaires at the community, household, and individual levels. We performed descriptive analyses of the data and produced prevalence maps using ArcGIS 10.5 ([ESRI] Inc., Redlands CA, USA). A total of 41,176 individuals were surveyed, and 359 mycetoma patients were identified. The overall prevalence of mycetoma was 0.87% (95%CI = 0.78–0.97%), the prevalence among males was 0.83% (95%CI = 0.71–0.96%), and females 0.92% (95% CI = 0.79–1.06%). Individuals in the age group 31–45 years had the highest prevalence among the different age groups (1.52%, 95% CI = 1.23–1.86%). The prevalence map showed patients clustered within the central and north-eastern part of the locality, while villages in the south-western part had few or no cases. In conclusion, this clinical epidemiological study is pioneering and shows that mycetoma is prevalent in certain parts of Sudan. This data obtained will support the design of measures to reduce the disease burden in the state. The survey procedures and protocols can be adopted for further studies in Sudan and beyond

    Estimating the burden of mycetoma in Sudan for the period 1991-2018 using a model-based geostatistical approach

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    Mycetoma is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions favouring arid areas with low humidity and a short rainy season. Sudan is one of the highly endemic countries for mycetoma. Estimating the population at risk and the number of cases is critical for delivering targeted and equitable prevention and treatment services. In this study, we have combined a large dataset of mycetoma cases recorded by the Mycetoma Research Centre (MRC) in Sudan over 28 years (1991-2018) with a collection of environmental and water and hygiene-related datasets in a geostatistical framework to produce estimates of the disease burden across the country. We developed geostatistical models to predict the number of cases of actinomycetoma and eumycetoma in areas considered environmentally suitable for the two mycetoma forms. Then used the raster dataset (gridded map) with the population estimates for 2020 to compute the potentially affected population since 1991. The geostatistical models confirmed this heterogeneous and distinct distribution of the estimated cases of eumycetoma and actinomycetoma across Sudan. For eumycetoma, these higher-risk areas were smaller and scattered across Al Jazirah, Khartoum, White Nile and Sennar states, while for actinomycetoma a higher risk for infection is shown across the rural districts of North and West Kurdufan. Nationally, we estimated 63,825 people (95%CI: 13,693 to 197,369) to have been suffering from mycetoma since 1991 in Sudan,51,541 people (95%CI: 9,893 – 166,073) with eumycetoma and 12,284 people (95%CI: 3,800 – 31,296) with actinomycetoma. In conclusion, the risk of mycetoma in Sudan is particularly high in certain restricted areas, but cases are ubiquitous across all states. Both prevention and treatment services are required to address the burden. Such work provides a guide for future control and prevention programs for mycetoma, highly endemic areas are clearly targeted, and resources are directed to areas with high demand

    Using (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations in serum to monitor the response of azole therapy in patients with eumycetoma caused by Madurella mycetomatis

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    Introduction: (1,3)-β-D-glucan is a panfungal biomarker secreted by many fungi, including Madurella mycetomatis, the main causative agent of eumycetoma. Previously we demonstrated that (1,3)-β-D-glucan was present in serum of patients with eumycetoma. However, the use of (1,3)-β-D-glucan to monitor treatment responses in patients with eumycetoma has not been evaluated. Materials and Methods: In this study, we measured (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations in serum with the WAKO (1,3)-β-D-glucan assay in 104 patients with eumycetoma treated with either 400 mg itraconazole daily, or 200 mg or 300 mg fosravuconazole weekly. Serial serum (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations were measured at seven different timepoints. Any correlation between initial and final (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations and clinical outcome was evaluated. Results: The concentration of (1,3)-β-D-glucan was obtained in a total of 654 serum samples. Before treatment, the average (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentration was 22.86 pg/mL. During the first 6 months of treatment, this concentration remained stable. (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations significantly dropped after surgery to 8.56 pg/mL. After treatment was stopped, there was clinical evidence of recurrence in 18 patients. Seven of these 18 patients had a (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentration above the 5.5 pg/mL cut-off value for positivity, while in the remaining 11 patients, (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations were below the cut-off value. This resulted in a sensitivity of 38.9% and specificity of 75.0%. A correlation between lesion size and (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentration was noted. Conclusion: Although in general (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations can be measured in the serum of patients with eumycetoma during treatment, a sharp decrease in β-glucan concentration was only noted after surgery and not during or after antimicrobial treatment. (1,3)-β-D-glucan concentrations were not predictive for recurrence and seem to have no value in determining treatment response to azoles in patients with eumycetoma.</p

    Role of socioeconomic factors in developing mycetoma: results from a household survey in Sennar State, Sudan

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    Background Mycetoma is a chronic, progressively destructive disease of subcutaneous tissues and bones caused by certain species of bacteria or fungi. We conducted a cross-sectional community-based study alongside mapping of mycetoma in five administrative units with high mycetoma endemicity in the Eastern Sennar Locality, Sennar State, Sudan. Methods A household survey was administered which included questions about the household members, household characteristics, economic activity and history of mycetoma. A clinical examination was conducted on all members of the household. If mycetoma was suspected, an individual questionnaire was completed collecting demographic, clinical and epidemiological data as well as information on the use of health care and associated costs. Geographical coordinates and photos of the lesions were taken, and the affected persons were referred to the medical centre for confirmation of the diagnosis and treatment. We compared the characteristics of households with confirmed cases of mycetoma with those without confirmed cases, and individuals with confirmed mycetoma with those in whom mycetoma was not confirmed. Results In total 7,798 households in 60 villages were surveyed; 515 suspected cases were identified and 359 cases of mycetoma were confirmed. Approximately 15% of households with mycetoma had more than one household member affected by this disease. Households with mycetoma were worse off with respect to water supply, toilet facilities, electricity and electrical appliances compared to the survey households. Only 23% of study participants with mycetoma had sought professional help. Of these, 77% of patients travelled an average of six hours to visit a medical facility. More than half of patients had to pay towards their treatment. The estimated average cost of treatment was 26,957 Sudanese pounds per year (566 US dollars, exchange rate 2018). Conclusions Results of this survey suggest that agricultural practices and reduced access to sanitation and clean water can be risk factors in developing mycetoma. Poor access to health care and substantial financial costs were barriers to seeking treatment for mycetoma

    Individual Risk Factors of Mycetoma Occurrence in Eastern Sennar Locality, Sennar State, Sudan: A Case-Control Study.

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    Mycetoma is a serious chronic subcutaneous granulomatous inflammatory disease that is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions, where it impacts profoundly on patients, families, and communities. Individual-level risk factors for the disease are poorly understood. To address this, a case-control study was conducted based on data collected from 60 villages in Eastern Sennar Locality, Sennar State, Sudan. Based on the presence of swelling in any part of the body, or sinus formation with or without grain discharge evident from the lesion by ultrasound examination, we diagnosed 359 cases of mycetoma. For each case, we included three healthy sex-matched persons, with no evidence of mycetoma, from the same village as the control group (n = 1077). The odds for mycetoma were almost three times higher in individuals in the age group 16-30 years (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) = 2.804, 95% CI = 1.424-5.523) compared to those in age group ≤ 15 years. Other factors contributing to the odds of mycetoma were history of local trauma (AOR = 1.892, 95% CI = 1.425-2.513), being unmarried (AOR = 3.179, 95% CI = 2.339-4.20) and owning livestock (AOR = 3.941, 95% CI = 2.874-5.405). In conclusion, certain factors found to be associated with mycetoma in this study could inform a high index of suspicion for mycetoma diagnosis, which would improve early case detection. Other factors found to be associated could inform the development of an interventional program for mycetoma control in Sudan, including education on healthy farming practices and the risks of puncture wounds for individuals residing in endemic areas. However, this work was conducted in one endemic state, while mycetoma cases occur in all states of Sudan. Replicating this study over a wider area would give a fuller picture of the situation, providing the control program with more comprehensive information on the risk factors for the disease

    Modelling the spatial distribution of mycetoma in Sudan.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycetoma is a neglected tropical disease that is reported worldwide and Sudan has the highest reported number of mycetoma infections across the globe. The incidence, prevalence and burden of mycetoma globally are not precisely known and its risk factors remain largely unelucidated. METHODS: This study aimed to identify the environmental predictors of fungal and bacterial mycetoma in Sudan and to identify areas of the country where these niche predictors are met. Demographic and clinical data from confirmed mycetoma patients seen at the Mycetoma Research Centre from 1991 to 2018 were included in this study. Regression and machine learning techniques were used to model the relationships between mycetoma occurrence in Sudan and environmental predictors. RESULTS: The strongest predictors of mycetoma occurrence were aridity, proximity to water, low soil calcium and sodium concentrations and the distribution of various species of thorny trees. The models predicted the occurrence of eumycetoma and actinomycetoma in the central and southeastern states of Sudan and along the Nile river valley and its tributaries. CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the risk of mycetoma in Sudan varies geographically and is linked to identifiable environmental risk factors. Suitability maps are intended to guide health authorities, academic institutes and organisations involved in planning national scale surveys for early case detection and management, leading to better patient treatment, prevention and control of mycetoma