895 research outputs found

    A needs assessment of Hispanic youth for drug abuse services

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    The use of TOMS-modified VAS data for large-scale NWP

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    Collocation statistics obtained by comparing VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) temperature soundings with those from nearby rawinsondes indicate good agreement. However, the VAS soundings exhibited a substantial cold bias in the middle and upper troposphere. The error makes promising the use of the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) to obtain an independent estimate of tropopause pressure for use in the retrieval program. Good agreement is found between TOMS data and tropopause pressure. A quantitative assessment for the correlation of tropopause pressure, obtained from TOMS by regression and from rawinsondes over Europe, is reported

    Distributions of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ag) in the southeastern Atlantic and the Southern Ocean

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    International audienceComprehensive synoptic datasets (surface water down to 4000 m) of dissolved cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb) and silver (Ag) are presented along a section between 34° S and 57° S in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Ocean to the south off South Africa. The vertical distributions of Cu and Ag display nutrient-like profiles similar to silicic acid, and of Cd similar to phosphate. The distribution of Mn shows a subsurface maximum in the oxygen minimum zone, whereas Pb concentrations are rather invariable with depth. Dry deposition of aerosols is thought to be an important source of Pb to surface waters close to South Africa, and dry deposition and snowfall may have been significant sources of Cu and Mn at the higher latitudes. Furthermore, the advection of water masses enriched in trace metals following contact with continental margins appeared to be an important source of trace elements to the surface, intermediate and deep waters in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Hydrothermal inputs may have formed a source of trace metals to the deep waters over the Bouvet Triple Junction ridge crest, as suggested by relatively enhanced dissolved Mn concentrations. The biological utilization of Cu and Ag was proportional to that of silicic acid across the section, suggesting that diatoms formed an important control over the removal of Cu and Ag from surface waters. However, uptake by dino- and nano-flagellates may have influenced the distribution of Cu and Ag in the surface waters of the subtropical Atlantic domain. Cadmium correlated strongly with phosphate (P), yielding lower Cd / P ratios in the subtropical surface waters where phosphate concentrations were below 0.95 μM. The greater depletion of Cd relative to P observed in the Weddell Gyre compared to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current could be due to increase Cd uptake induced by iron-limiting conditions in these high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll waters. Similarly, an increase of Mn uptake under Fe-depleted conditions may have caused the highest depletion of Mn relative to P in the surface waters of the Weddell Gyre. In addition, a cellular Mn-transport channel of Cd was possibly activated in the Weddell Gyre, which in turn may have yielded depletion of both Mn and Cd in these surface waters

    The origins of haplotype 58 (H58) Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a serious threat to the clinical management of typhoid fever. AMR in Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi) is commonly associated with the H58 lineage, a lineage that arose comparatively recently before becoming globally disseminated. To better understand when and how H58 emerged and became dominant, we performed detailed phylogenetic analyses on contemporary genome sequences from S. Typhi isolated in the period spanning the emergence. Our dataset, which contains the earliest described H58 S. Typhi organism, indicates that ancestral H58 organisms were already multi-drug resistant (MDR). These organisms emerged spontaneously in India in 1987 and became radially distributed throughout South Asia and then globally in the ensuing years. These early organisms were associated with a single long branch, possessing mutations associated with increased bile tolerance, suggesting that the first H58 organism was generated during chronic carriage. The subsequent use of fluoroquinolones led to several independent mutations in gyrA. The ability of H58 to acquire and maintain AMR genes continues to pose a threat, as extensively drug-resistant (XDR; MDR plus resistance to ciprofloxacin and third generation cephalosporins) variants, have emerged recently in this lineage. Understanding where and how H58 S. Typhi originated and became successful is key to understand how AMR drives successful lineages of bacterial pathogens. Additionally, these data can inform optimal targeting of typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) for reducing the potential for emergence and the impact of new drug-resistant variants. Emphasis should also be placed upon the prospective identification and treatment of chronic carriers to prevent the emergence of new drug resistant variants with the ability to spread efficiently

    The Effect of Smallpox and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Vaccination on the Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Infection in Guinea-Bissau and Denmark

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    Background. The live smallpox and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccinations have been associated with better adult survival in both Guinea-Bissau and Denmark. In Guinea-Bissau, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 became an important cause of death after smallpox vaccination was phased out globally in 1980. We hypothesised that smallpox and BCG vaccinations were associated with a lower prevalence of HIV-1 infection, and we tested this hypothesis in both Guinea-Bissau and Denmark. Methods. We conducted 2 studies: (1) a cross-sectional study of HIV infection and vaccination scars in Guinea-Bissau including 1751 individuals and (2) a case-base study with a background population of 46 239 individuals in Denmark. In Guinea-Bissau, HIV-1 transmission was almost exclusively sexually transmitted. In Denmark, we excluded intravenous drug users. Data were analyzed using logistic regression. Results. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and/or smallpox vaccination compared with neither of these vaccines was associated with an adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for HIV-1 of 0.62 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.36-1.07) in Guinea-Bissau and 0.70 (95% CI, 0.43-1.15) in Denmark. We combined the results from both settings in a meta-analysis (aOR = 0.66; 95% CI, 0.46-0.96). Data from Guinea-Bissau indicated a stronger effect of multiple smallpox vaccination scars (aOR = 0.27; 95% CI, 0.10-0.75) as follows: women, aOR = 0.18 (95% CI, 0.05-0.64); men, aOR = 0.52 (95% CI, 0.12-2.33); sex-differential effect, P = .29. Conclusions. The studies from Guinea-Bissau and Denmark, 2 very different settings, both suggest that the BCG and smallpox vaccines could be associated with a decreased risk of sexually transmitted HIV-1. It might be informative to pursue this observation and explore possible protective mechanisms as part of the search for an HIV-1 vaccine

    Characterization of a pESI-like plasmid and analysis of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica Infantis isolates in England and Wales

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis is the fifth most common Salmonella serovar isolated in England and Wales. Epidemiological, genotyping and antimicrobial-resistance data for S. enterica Infantis isolates were used to analyse English and Welsh demographics over a 5 year period. Travel cases associated with S. enterica Infantis were mainly from Asia, followed by cases from Europe and North America. Since 2000, increasing numbers of S. enterica Infantis had multidrug resistance determinants harboured on a large plasmid termed ‘plasmid of emerging S. enterica Infantis’ (pESI). Between 2013 and 2018, 42 S. enterica Infantis isolates were isolated from humans and food that harboured resistance determinants to multiple antimicrobial classes present on a pESI-like plasmid, including extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs; blaCTX-M-65). Nanopore sequencing of an ESBL-producing human S. enterica Infantis isolate indicated the presence of two regions on an IncFIB pESI-like plasmid harbouring multiple resistance genes. Phylogenetic analysis of the English and Welsh S. enterica Infantis population indicated that the majority of multidrug-resistant isolates harbouring the pESI-like plasmid belonged to a single clade maintained within the population. The blaCTX-M-65 ESBL isolates first isolated in 2013 comprise a lineage within this clade, which was mainly associated with South America. Our data, therefore, show the emergence of a stable resistant clone that has been in circulation for some time in the human population in England and Wales, highlighting the necessity of monitoring resistance in this serovar

    Utility of three anthropometric indices in assessing the cardiometabolic risk profile in children

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    Objectives: To evaluate the ability of BMI, WC and WHtR to identify increased cardiometabolic risk in pre-adolescents. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study involving 192 children (10.92 ± 0.58 years, 56% female) from the United Kingdom between 2010 and 2013. Receiver operating characteristic curves determined the discriminatory ability of BMI, WC and WHtR to identify individuals with increased cardiometabolic risk (increased clustered triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness and glucose). Results: A WHtR ≥ 0.5 increased the odds by 5.2 (95% confidence interval 2.6, 10.3) of having increased cardiometabolic risk. Similar associations were observed for BMI and WC. Both BMI-z and WHtR were fair predictors of increased cardiometabolic risk although BMI-z demonstrated the best trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, 76.1% and 63.6%, compared to 68.1% and 65.5% for WHtR. Cross-validation analysis revealed that BMI-z and WHtR correctly classified 84% of individuals (kappa score = 0.671, 95% CI 0.55, 0.79). The sensitivity of the cut-points suggests that 89.3% of individuals were correctly classified as being at risk with only 10.7% misdiagnosed whereas the specificity of the cut-points indicated that 77.8% of individuals were correctly identified as being healthy with 22.2% of individuals incorrectly diagnosed as being at risk. Conclusions: Findings suggest that WHtR provides similar cardiometabolic risk estimates to age and sex adjusted BMI

    Robust Revascularization in Models of Limb Ischemia Using a Clinically Translatable Human Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Cell Product

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    Pluripotent stem cell-derived differentiated endothelial cells offer high potential in regenerative medicine in the cardiovascular system. With the aim of translating the use of a human stem cell-derived endothelial cell product (hESC-ECP) for treatment of critical limb ischemia (CLI) in man, we report a good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compatible protocol and detailed cell tracking and efficacy data in multiple preclinical models. The clinical-grade cell line RC11 was used to generate hESC-ECP, which was identified as mostly endothelial (60% CD31+/CD144+), with the remainder of the subset expressing various pericyte/mesenchymal stem cell markers. Cell tracking using MRI, PET, and qPCR in a murine model of limb ischemia demonstrated that hESC-ECP was detectable up to day 7 following injection. Efficacy in several murine models of limb ischemia (immunocompromised/immunocompetent mice and mice with either type I/II diabetes mellitus) demonstrated significantly increased blood perfusion and capillary density. Overall, we demonstrate a GMP-compatible hESC-ECP that improved ischemic limb perfusion and increased local angiogenesis without engraftment, paving the way for translation of this therapy