22 research outputs found

    Incidence of shoulder dystocia and its relation to brachial plexus palsy: a 10 year retrospective review at King Abdulaziz University Hospital

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    Background: Objective of the study was to determine the incidence of shoulder dystocia (SD) in King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH), with a focus on Brachial Plexus Palsy (BPP) and the accompanying risk factors.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of all vaginal deliveries between 2005 and 2014. Out of 29,199 vaginal deliveries, 236 cases where diagnosed with SD at KAUH in Jeddah, KSA. The following maternal and perinatal variables were reviewed by the patients' medical records: (booking status, maternal age, gestational age, maternal Body Mass Index (BMI), presence of diabetes, previous history of SD, instrumental delivery, Birth weight, Erb's and Klumpke's palsies).Results: A total of 236 cases had SD with an incidence of (0.8%). Only 55 cases among all had BPP. The Erb's palsy was found in 54 cases (30.7%) while Klumpke's palsy was found only in one case (0.6%). There were 121 (68.8%) cases with no BPP and a remaining of 60 unknown BPP outcomes. From the total number of cases with SD, mothers with overweight and obesity were found in 93% of the cases.Conclusions: Most of clinically diagnosed SD cases did not give the consequence of BPP. However, this complication in addition to other complications of SD mandates extra caution in cases with risk factors

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Organotin Antifouling Compounds and Sex-Steroid Nuclear Receptor Perturbation: Some Structural Insights

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    Organotin compounds (OTCs) are a commercially important group of organometallic compounds of tin used globally as polyvinyl chloride stabilizers and marine antifouling biocides. Worldwide use of OTCs has resulted in their ubiquitous presence in ecosystems across all the continents. OTCs have metabolic and endocrine disrupting effects in marine and terrestrial organisms. Thus, harmful OTCs (tributyltin) have been banned by the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Antifouling Systems since 2008. However, continued manufacturing by non-member countries poses a substantial risk for animal and human health. In this study, structural binding of common commercial OTCs, tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), monobutyltin (MBT), triphenyltin (TPT), diphenyltin (DPT), monophenyltin (MPT), and azocyclotin (ACT) against sex-steroid nuclear receptors, androgen receptor (AR), and estrogen receptors (ERĪ±, ERĪ²) was performed using molecular docking and MD simulation. TBT, DBT, DPT, and MPT bound deep within the binding sites of AR, ERĪ±, and ErĪ², showing good dock score, binding energy and dissociation constants that were comparable to bound native ligands, testosterone and estradiol. The stability of docking complex was shown by MD simulation of organotin/receptor complex with RMSD, RMSF, Rg, and SASA plots showing stable interaction, low deviation, and compactness of the complex. A high commonality (50ā€“100%) of interacting residues of ERĪ± and ERĪ² for the docked ligands and bound native ligand (estradiol) indicated that the organotin compounds bound in the same binding site of the receptor as the native ligand. The results suggested that organotins may interfere with the natural steroid/receptor binding and perturb steroid signaling

    Incidence of shoulder dystocia and its relation to brachial plexus palsy: a 10 year retrospective review at King Abdulaziz University Hospital

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    Background: Objective of the study was to determine the incidence of shoulder dystocia (SD) in King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH), with a focus on Brachial Plexus Palsy (BPP) and the accompanying risk factors.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of all vaginal deliveries between 2005 and 2014. Out of 29,199 vaginal deliveries, 236 cases where diagnosed with SD at KAUH in Jeddah, KSA. The following maternal and perinatal variables were reviewed by the patients' medical records: (booking status, maternal age, gestational age, maternal Body Mass Index (BMI), presence of diabetes, previous history of SD, instrumental delivery, Birth weight, Erb's and Klumpke's palsies).Results: A total of 236 cases had SD with an incidence of (0.8%). Only 55 cases among all had BPP. The Erb's palsy was found in 54 cases (30.7%) while Klumpke's palsy was found only in one case (0.6%). There were 121 (68.8%) cases with no BPP and a remaining of 60 unknown BPP outcomes. From the total number of cases with SD, mothers with overweight and obesity were found in 93% of the cases.Conclusions: Most of clinically diagnosed SD cases did not give the consequence of BPP. However, this complication in addition to other complications of SD mandates extra caution in cases with risk factors

    Androgen and Progesterone Receptors Are Targets for Bisphenol A (BPA), 4-Methyl-2,4-bis-(P-Hydroxyphenyl)Pent-1-Ene--A Potent Metabolite of BPA, and 4-Tert-Octylphenol: A Computational Insight.

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    Exposure to toxic industrial chemicals that have capacity to disrupt the endocrine system, also known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), has been increasingly associated with reproductive problems in human population. Bisphenol A (BPA; 4,4'-(propane-2,2-diyl)diphenol) and 4-tert-octylphenol (OP; 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol) are among the most common environmental contaminants possessing endocrine disruption properties and are present in plastics, epoxy resins, detergents and other commercial products of common personal and industrial use. A metabolite of BPA, 4-Methyl-2,4-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)pent-1-ene (MBP) is about 1000 times more biologically active compared to BPA. Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental studies have shown association of BPA and OP with adverse effects on male and female reproductive system in human and animals. The endocrine disruption activity can occur through multiple pathways including binding to steroid receptors. Androgen receptor (AR) and progesterone receptor (PR) are critical for reproductive tract growth and function. Structural binding characterization of BPA, MBP, and OP with AR and PR using molecular docking simulation approaches revealed novel interactions of BPA with PR, and MBP and OP with AR and PR. For BPA, MBP, and OP, five AR interacting residues Leu-701, Leu-704, Asn-705, Met-742, and Phe-764 overlapped with those of native AR ligand testosterone, and four PR interacting residues Leu-715, Leu-718, Met-756, and Met-759 overlapped with those of PR co-complex ligand, norethindrone. For both the receptors the binding strength of MBP was maximum among the three compounds. Thus, these compounds have the potential to block or interfere in the binding of the endogenous native AR and PR ligands and, hence, resulting in dysfunction. The knowledge of the key interactions and the important amino-acid residues also allows better prediction of potential of xenobiotic molecules for disrupting AR- and PR-mediated pathways, thus, helping in design of less potent alternatives for commercial use

    Spontaneous preterm birth and single nucleotide gene polymorphisms: a recent update

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    Abstract Background Preterm birth (PTB), birth at <37Ā weeks of gestation, is a significant global public health problem. World-wide, about 15 million babies are born preterm each year resulting in more than a million deaths of children. Preterm neonates are more prone to problems and need intensive care hospitalization. Health issues may persist through early adulthood and even be carried on to the next generation. Majority (70Ā %) of PTBs are spontaneous with about a half without any apparent cause and the other half associated with a number of risk factors. Genetic factors are one of the significant risks for PTB. The focus of this review is on single nucleotide gene polymorphisms (SNPs) that are reported to be associated with PTB. Results A comprehensive evaluation of studies on SNPs known to confer potential risk of PTB was done by performing a targeted PubMed search for the years 2007ā€“2015 and systematically reviewing all relevant studies. Evaluation of 92 studies identified 119 candidate genes with SNPs that had potential association with PTB. The genes were associated with functions of a wide spectrum of tissue and cell types such as endocrine, tissue remodeling, vascular, metabolic, and immune and inflammatory systems. Conclusions A number of potential functional candidate gene variants have been reported that predispose women for PTB. Understanding the complex genomic landscape of PTB needs high-throughput genome sequencing methods such as whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing approaches that will significantly enhance the understanding of PTB. Identification of high risk women, avoidance of possible risk factors, and provision of personalized health care are important to manage PTB

    The binding strengths of bisphenol A (BPA), BPA metabolite methylbishydroxyphenylpentene (MBP), and 4-tert-octylphenol (OP) with human androgen receptor (AR) and progesterone receptor (PR) are shown with the number of molecular interactions and other scores.

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    <p>Testosterone (TST) and norethindrone (NET), respectively, are the bound ligands co-complexed with the PDB structures of the two indicated receptors. The number of residues involved in the hydrophobic interactions are provided in parentheses. The 'K<sub>d</sub>' denotes the dissociation constant. The binding energy and pK<sub>d</sub> or āˆ’log(K<sub>d</sub>) values are calculated using X-Score. The more negative is the Dock/Grid score, the better is the docking.</p