20 research outputs found
Tato práce se zabývá základy světelné techniky, seznámení se základními jednotkami a hygienickými limity pro pracovní prostředí. Práce také obsahuje metody měření osvětlení a seznámení se základními detektory. Dále návrh jednoduchého luxmetru z rozsahem měření 20 – 1000 lx.This bachelor thesis deals with the basics of lighting technology. Furthermore, this work introduces the basic units (of measurements) and hygienic limits for the working environment. It also includes methods of measuring lighting and introduces the basic detectors. The design of a simple light meter with measuring range from 20 to 1000 lx is also included in this work.
P wave detection in ECG signals
Cílem této diplomové práce je seznámení s metodami detekce QRS komplexu a následné detekce P vlny. Záměrem je vytvořit program specifikovanou metodou v softwarovém prostředí Matlab, který bude schopný tuto metodu realizovat. V práci jsou popsány základní a důležité metody detekce a následně algoritmus na detekci P vlny. Řešení algoritmu je otestováno na reálných datech. Dále práce popisuje automatické hodnocení signálu a výsledky této automatické funkce.The aim of this diploma thesis is to introduce methods of detection of the QRS complex and the subsequent detection of P waves. The intention is to create a program by specified method in the software Matlab which will be able to implement this method. The thesis describes the basic and important methods of detection and subsequent algorithm to detect P waves. Solution of the algorithm is tested on real data. It also describes the automatic signal evaluation and the results of this automatic function.
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in different structures of the rat brain following soman intoxication pretreated with huperzine A
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities in different brain parts were determined quantitatively in rats treated with huperzine A, soman, and huperzine A followed by soman, using histochemical and biochemical methods. Following soman intoxication ( 1.2 x LD50, i.m.), AChE activity was decreased to 30-80% of control values depending on the brain structure. The most sensitive area was the frontal cortex and the most relatively resistant was ncl.ruber. Huperzine A treatment only caused a change in AChE activity varying from 70 to 100% of control values. In rats pretreated with huperzine A and intoxicated with soman, AChE activity was significantly higher than that observed after soman. In these animals, survival of rats pretreated with huperzine was observed while the mortality of unpretreated animals was near to 80%. The results suggest that huperzine A is good candidate for further study for clinical use as a prophylactic drug against nerve agent poisoning
Diagnosis of nerve agent intoxication is based on anamnestic data, clinical signs and laboratory examination. For acute poisoning, cholinesterase activity in the blood (erythrocyte AChE, plasma/serum BuChE) is sensitive, simple and most frequent laboratory examination performed in biochemical laboratories. Specialized examinations to precise treatment (reactivation test) or to make retrospective diagnosis (fluoride induced reactivation etc.) can be conducted. Other sophisticated methods are available, too
Protective Effect of Reversible Cholinesterase Inhibitors (Tacrine, Pyridostigmine) and EqBuChE against VX Poisoning and Brain Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition in Rats
The protective effect of the reversible cholinesterase inhibitors tacrine and pyridostigmine alone or in combination with different drugs against acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the pontomedullar area and cerebellum of rats caused by VX agent (O-ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl phosphonothiolate) in vivo (2xLD50) was studied along with survival of animals pretreated with different combinations of the drugs used. The best prophylactic effect was observed in a combination of pyridostigmine with benactyzine, trihexyphenidyle and HI-6. Tacrine alone or in other combinations has had no better prophylactic effect in comparison with these combinations containing pyridostigmine. Equine butyrylcholinesterase, also protected against VX poisoning very effectively
Optimal Choice of Acetylcholinesterase Reactivators for Antidoral Treatment of Nerve Agent Intoxication
The studies dealing with mechanism of organophosphates (OP)/nerve agent action, prophylaxis and treatment of intoxications is a very hot topic at present. Though the research is very intensive, unfortunately, up to now, there is not universal or significantly better reactivator sufficiently effective against all nerve agents/OP when compared with presently available oximes (pralidoxime, methoxime, obidoxime, trimedoxime, HI-6). The use of the most effective reactivator (HI-6) using simple type of autoinjector (e.g. ComboPen) is strictly limited because of decomposition of HI-6 in solution. Thanks to better solubility it is clear that another salt of HI-6 (dimethanesulfonate, HI-6 DMS) is more convenient for the use as antidote against nerve agents in the autoinjector than HI-6 chloride (Cl). It was clearly demonstrated that reactivation potency of HI-6 DMS in comparison with HI-6 Cl in vivo was the same and bioavailability of HI-6 DMS is better than that of HI-6 Cl. Three chambered autoinjector allows administration of all three antidotes (atropine, reactivator, diazepam) simultaneously. Moreover, the content of chambers can be changed according to proposed requirements. Possible way to solve the problem of universal reactivator could be the use of two reactivators. Three chambered autoinjector is an ideal device for this purpose
P wave detection in ECG signals
The aim of this diploma thesis is to introduce methods of detection of the QRS complex and the subsequent detection of P waves. The intention is to create a program by specified method in the software Matlab which will be able to implement this method. The thesis describes the basic and important methods of detection and subsequent algorithm to detect P waves. Solution of the algorithm is tested on real data. It also describes the automatic signal evaluation and the results of this automatic function
Natural Detoxification Capacity to Inactivate Nerve Agents Sarin and VX in the Rat Blood
Background: The method of continual determination of the rat blood cholinesterase activity was developed to study the changes of the blood cholinesterases following different intervetions. Aims: The aim of this study is registration of cholinesterase activity in the rat blood and its changes to demonstrate detoxification capacity of rats to inactivate sarin or VX in vivo. Methods: The groups of female rats were premedicated (ketamine and xylazine) and cannulated to a. femoralis. Continual blood sampling (0.02 ml/min) and monitoring of the circulating blood cholinesterase activity were performed. Normal activity was monitored 1–2 min and then the nerve agent was administered i.m. (2× LD50). Using different time intervals of the leg compression and relaxation following the agent injection, cholinesterase activity was monitored and according to the inhibition obtained, detoxification capacity was assessed. Results: Administration of sarin to the leg, then 1 and 5 min compression and 20 min later relaxation showed that further inhibition in the blood was not observed. On the other hand, VX was able to inhibit blood cholinesterases after this intervention. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that sarin can be naturally detoxified on the contrary to VX. Described method can be used as model for other studies dealing with changes of cholinesterases in the blood following different factors