37 research outputs found

    Six Peaks Visible in the Redshift Distribution of 46,400 SDSS Quasars Agree with the Preferred Redshifts Predicted by the Decreasing Intrinsic Redshift Model

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    The redshift distribution of all 46,400 quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Quasar Catalog III, Third Data Release, is examined. Six Peaks that fall within the redshift window below z = 4, are visible. Their positions agree with the preferred redshift values predicted by the decreasing intrinsic redshift (DIR) model, even though this model was derived using completely independent evidence. A power spectrum analysis of the full dataset confirms the presence of a single, significant power peak at the expected redshift period. Power peaks with the predicted period are also obtained when the upper and lower halves of the redshift distribution are examined separately. The periodicity detected is in linear z, as opposed to log(1+z). Because the peaks in the SDSS quasar redshift distribution agree well with the preferred redshifts predicted by the intrinsic redshift relation, we conclude that this relation, and the peaks in the redshift distribution, likely both have the same origin, and this may be intrinsic redshifts, or a common selection effect. However, because of the way the intrinsic redshift relation was determined it seems unlikely that one selection effect could have been responsible for both.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the investigations of galaxy redshift periodicity

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    In this article we present a historical review of study of the redshift periodicity of galaxies, starting from the first works performed in the seventies of the twentieth century until the present day. We discuss the observational data and methods used, showing in which cases the discretization of redshifts was observed. We conclude that galaxy redshift periodisation is an effect which can really exist. We also discussed the redshift discretization in two different structures: the Local Group of galaxies and the Hercules Supercluster. Contrary to the previous studies we consider all galaxies which can be regarded as a structure member disregarding the accuracy of velocity measurements. We applied the power spectrum analysis using the Hann function for weighting, together with the jackknife error estimator. In both the structures we found weak effects of redshift periodisation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Part. and Nucl. Lett. 200

    A kinetic approach to eta' production from a CP-odd phase

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    The production of (eta,eta')- mesons during the decay of a CP-odd phase is studied within an evolution operator approach. We derive a quantum kinetic equation starting from the Witten-DiVecchia-Veneziano Lagrangian for pseudoscalar mesons containing a U_A(1) symmetry breaking term. The non-linear vacuum mean field for the flavour singlet pseudoscalar meson is treated as a classical, self-interacting background field with fluctuations assumed to be small. The numerical solution provides the time evolution of momentum distribution function of produced eta'- mesons after a quench at the deconfinement phase transition. We show that the time evolution of the momentum distribution of the produced mesons depend strongly on the shape of the effective potential at the end of the quench, exhibiting either parametric or tachyonic resonances. Quantum statistical effects are essential and lead to a pronounced Bose enhancement of the low momentum states.Comment: 10 pages, latex, epsfig, 6 figure

    Egalisation des conditions de vie entre la ville et la campagne en Pologne

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    [eng] Greater similarity of living conditions in town and country in Poland - More than half the population of Poland is employed. If one takes into account urban development* the improvement in transport and communications, the higher standard of living, especially in the working class, and improved working conditions in the socialized sector, it is easy to understand the tendency of young people to leave the countryside and the conditions of farm labour to take up more attractive employment and to adopt town life. . The attraction of the town is linked with the opportunity of taking advantage of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, of cultural developments, of education, and of cultural and leisure activities. . One of the main objectives of socialism is to do away with the differences between town and country. When there is less distance between town and country farm labour seems less unpleasant ; it is also a means of helping farmers financially, helping them to invest, developing forms of cooperation. It is also a means of guaranteeing decent living conditions for peasant families by improving rural housing, and by constantly increasing their income. In this way the government is trying to give the Polish countryside of tomorrow a form corresponding to the model of the modern socialist society. [fre] Plus de la moitié de la population polonaise exerce une activité professionnelle. Si on tient compte du développement des villes et du bâtiment urbain, de l'extension des transports et des communications, de l'élévation du niveau de vie, notamment dans la classe ouvrière, des conditions améliorées de travail dans le secteur socialisé, on comprend qu'il y ait chez les jeunes une tendance à abandonner la campagne et les conditions du travail agricole, pour embrasser une carrière plus attrayante et adopter le mode de vie citadin. . L'attraction exercée par la vaille est liée à la possibilité de profiter des réalisations du progrès scientifique et technique, du développement de la culture, de l'éducation et de l'enseignement, d'activités culturelles ou de loisirs. . Or l'un des objectifs principaux du socialisme est de liquider les différences entre la vûïle et la campagne. . Diminuer la distance ville-campagne, c'est d'abord rendre le travail agricole moins pénible ; c'est aussi assister les agriculteurs financièrement, les aider à investir, développer les formes de coopération et les relations de coopération. C'est encore assurer des conditions de vie convenables aux familles paysannes, par une amélioration de l'habitat rural, par une hausse continue des revenus. . Par ces mesures, la politique gouvernementale tente de donner à la campagne polonaise de demain, une forme qui rime avec le modèle de la société socialiste moderne.

    Structure, concentration et planification du secteur agroalimentaire en Pologne

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    [eng] The Structure, Concentration and Planning of the Farming-Food Sector in Poland - . The main aim of Polish farm policy is . — to reconcile the increase in farm production with a transformation of individual production into a system of modern socialist forms. . — to give a planned structure not only to food production but also to the circulation of food products between town and country. . The systematic reduction of the total area of land farmed (the land thus made available is to be used for non- agricultural purposes) is possible because : . — the peasant economy has considerable production reserves . — these reserves can be exploited, in a planned system, by a policy of intensive farming. . The constant increase of farm production based on the social concentration of land is a strategic objective of government policy in Poland. To attain this goal : . — industry must be stepped up to meet agricultural needs . — the labour force must be reduced in farming to ensure increased efficiency . — socialist forms of farm labour economy must be intensified and developed to make possible a higher standard of living than individual economies. At present the setting-up of a food economy complex in which agricultural production, the agricultural means of production industry, and the farming-food-stuffs industry would be closely connected, is being considered. [fre] L'objectif essentiel de la politique agraire en Pologne est de : . — concilier l'accroissement de la production agricole avec une transformation de la production individuelle en un système de formes socialistes modernes, . — donner un caractère planifié non seulement à la production alimentaire mais aussi au trafic de denrées alimentaires entre villes et campagnes. . La réduction systématique de la superficie des terres cultivées (pour un usage non agricole des terres libérées) est possible car . — l'économie paysanne dispose de réserves de production considérables, . — ces réserves sont exploitables, dans un système planifié, par une politique d'intensification de l'agriculture. . L'accroissement continu de la production agricole sur la base de la concentration sociale du sol est un objectif stratégique de la politique gouvernementale en Pologne. Il faut pour cela : . — intensifier l'industrie en vue des besoins de l'agriculture, . — réduire l'emploi en agriculture pour assurer un accroissement du rendement du travail, . — organiser et développer les formes socialistes de l'économie du travail agricole, de façon qu'elles favorisent un niveau de vie plus élevé que ne le fait l'économie individuelle. . Actuellement, est envisagée la formation d'un complexe d'économie alimentaire où seraient étroitement associées la production agricole, l'industrie des moyens de production pour l'agriculture, et l'industrie agro-alimentaire.

    Poland’s food security in 2007–2016

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    The morphological types of galaxies in the Local Supercluster

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    Progenitors of Supernovae Type Ia

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