5,270 research outputs found

    Nodeless superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric Mo3_3Rh2_2N superconductor: a μ\muSR study

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    The noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mo3_3Rh2_2N, with Tc=4.6T_c = 4.6 K, adopts a β\beta-Mn-type structure (space group PP41_132), similar to that of Mo3_3Al2_2C. Its bulk superconductivity was characterized by magnetization and heat-capacity measurements, while its microscopic electronic properties were investigated by means of muon-spin rotation and relaxation (μ\muSR). The low-temperature superfluid density, measured via transverse-field (TF)-μ\muSR, evidences a fully-gapped superconducting state with Δ0=1.73kBTc\Delta_0 = 1.73 k_\mathrm{B}T_c, very close to 1.76 kBTck_\mathrm{B}T_c - the BCS gap value for the weak coupling case, and a magnetic penetration depth λ0=586\lambda_0 = 586 nm. The absence of spontaneous magnetic fields below the onset of superconductivity, as determined by zero-field (ZF)-μ\muSR measurements, hints at a preserved time-reversal symmetry in the superconducting state. Both TF-and ZF-μ\muSR results evidence a spin-singlet pairing in Mo3_3Rh2_2N.Comment: 5 figures and 5 pages. Accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic order in the quasi-one-dimensional spin 1/2 chain, copper pyrazine dinitrate

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    We present the first evidence of magnetic order in the quasi-one-dimensional spin 1/2 molecular chain compound, copper pyrazine dinitrate Cu(C4H4N2)(NO3)2}. Zero field muon-spin relaxation measurements made at dilution refrigerator temperatures show oscillations in the measured asymmetry, characteristic of a quasistatic magnetic field at the muon sites. Our measurements provide convincing evidence for long range magnetic order below a temperature T_N=107(1) mK. This leads to an estimate of the interchain coupling constant of |J'|/k_B=0.046 K and to a ratio |J'/J| = 4.4 x 10^-3.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil

    A tail-like assembly at the portal vertex in intact herpes simplex type-1 virions

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    Herpes viruses are prevalent and well characterized human pathogens. Despite extensive study, much remains to be learned about the structure of the genome packaging and release machinery in the capsids of these large and complex double-stranded DNA viruses. However, such machinery is well characterized in tailed bacteriophage, which share a common evolutionary origin with herpesvirus. In tailed bacteriophage, the genome exits from the virus particle through a portal and is transferred into the host cell by a complex apparatus (i.e. the tail) located at the portal vertex. Here we use electron cryo-tomography of human herpes simplex type-1 (HSV-1) virions to reveal a previously unsuspected feature at the portal vertex, which extends across the HSV-1 tegument layer to form a connection between the capsid and the viral membrane. The location of this assembly suggests that it plays a role in genome release into the nucleus and is also important for virion architecture

    Muon-spin-rotation measurements of the penetration depth in Li_2Pd_3B

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    Measurements of the magnetic field penetration depth λ\lambda in the ternary boride superconductor Li2_2Pd3_3B (Tc≃7.3T_c\simeq7.3 K) have been carried out by means of muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR). The absolute values of λ\lambda, the Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ\kappa, and the first Hc1H_{c1} and the second Hc2H_{c2} critical fields at T=0 obtained from μ\muSR were found to be λ(0)=252(2)\lambda(0)=252(2) nm, κ(0)=27(1)\kappa(0)=27(1), μ0Hc1(0)=9.5(1)\mu_0H_{c1}(0)=9.5(1) mT, and μ0Hc2(0)=3.66(8)\mu_0H_{c2}(0)=3.66(8) T, respectively. The zero-temperature value of the superconducting gap Δ0=\Delta_0=1.31(3) meV was found, corresponding to the ratio 2Δ0/kBTc=4.0(1)2\Delta_0/k_BT_c=4.0(1). At low temperatures λ(T)\lambda(T) saturates and becomes constant below T≃0.2TcT\simeq 0.2T_c, in agreement with what is expected for s-wave BCS superconductors. Our results suggest that Li2_2Pd3_3B is a s-wave BCS superconductor with the only one isotropic energy gap.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point: Unusual short-range ordered state in CeFePO

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    Cerium 4f electronic spin dynamics in single crystals of the heavy-fermion system CeFePO is studied by means of ac-susceptibility, specific heat and muon-spin relaxation (μ\muSR). Short-range static magnetism occurs below the freezing temperature Tg ~ 0.7 K, which prevents the system from accessing the putative ferromagnetic quantum critical point. In the μ\muSR, the sample-averaged muon asymmetry function is dominated by strongly inhomogeneous spin fluctuations below 10 K and exhibits a characteristic time-field scaling relation expected from glassy spin dynamics, strongly evidencing cooperative and critical spin fluctuations. The overall behavior can be ascribed neither to canonical spin glasses nor other disorder-driven mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters, Link: http://prl.aps.org/accepted/6207bYdaGef1483c419928305372ce2d4419eb96

    Quenched crystal field disorder and magnetic liquid ground states in Tb2Sn2-xTixO7

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    Solid-solutions of the "soft" quantum spin ice pyrochlore magnets Tb2B2O7 with B=Ti and Sn display a novel magnetic ground state in the presence of strong B-site disorder, characterized by a low susceptibility and strong spin fluctuations to temperatures below 0.1 K. These materials have been studied using ac-susceptibility and muSR techniques to very low temperatures, and time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering techniques to 1.5 K. Remarkably, neutron spectroscopy of the Tb3+ crystal field levels appropriate to at high B-site mixing (0.5 < x < 1.5 in Tb2Sn2-xTixO7) reveal that the doublet ground and first excited states present as continua in energy, while transitions to singlet excited states at higher energies simply interpolate between those of the end members of the solid solution. The resulting ground state suggests an extreme version of a random-anisotropy magnet, with many local moments and anisotropies, depending on the precise local configuration of the six B sites neighboring each magnetic Tb3+ ion.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    On the Hα\alpha emission from the β\beta Cephei system

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    Be stars, which are characterised by intermittent emission in their hydrogen lines, are known to be fast rotators. This fast rotation is a requirement for the formation of a Keplerian disk, which in turn gives rise to the emission. However, the pulsating, magnetic B1IV star β\beta Cephei is a very slow rotator that still shows Hα\alpha emission episodes like in other Be stars, contradicting current theories. We investigate the hypothesis that the Hα\alpha emission stems from the spectroscopically unresolved companion of β\beta Cep. Spectra of the two unresolved components have been separated in the 6350-6850\AA range with spectro-astrometric techniques, using 11 longslit spectra obtained with ALFOSC at the Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma. We find that the Hα\alpha emission is not related to the primary in β\beta Cep, but is due to its 3.4 magnitudes fainter companion. This companion has been resolved by speckle techniques, but it remains unresolved by traditional spectroscopy. The emission extends from about −-400 to +400 km s−1^{-1}. The companion star in its 90-year orbit is likely to be a classical Be star with a spectral type around B6-8. By identifying its Be-star companion as the origin of the Hα\alpha emission behaviour, the enigma behind the Be status of the slow rotator β\beta Cep has been resolved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by A&A Letter
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