368 research outputs found


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    Terminology associated with the conservation and restoration of painting

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    In Portugal, three terms are used to define the final phase of an intervention of conservation and restoration: reintegration or integration, pictorial or chromatic, and retouching. This article is a survey of some bibliographic reference sources, national and international, in order to understand which of the three terms is the most used

    Proposta para descrever a mistura de cores durante o processo de reintegração cromática

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    When writing the final report, conservators-restorers are often faced with a lot of indecision on how to describe the colour mixing used in retouching process. The reports may sound somewhat incomplete, especially if the technical data is completely left out. The recorded information are usually restricted to the type of paint with indication of the brand and the type of binder and pigments used. Thus, the aim of this paper is to propose a measurable system that could help the students and the professionals to describe the use of colour mixtures during the chromatic reintegration treatment.Al escribir el informe final, los conservadores-restauradores pueden estar indecisos sobre cómo describir la mezcla de colores utilizada en el proceso de reintegración cromática. Los informes pueden parecer un poco incompletos, especialmente si faltan los datos técnicos. La información registrada generalmente está restringida al tipo de pintura con indicación de la marca y el tipo de aglutinante y pigmentos utilizados. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este artículo es proponer un sistema medible que pueda ayudar a los estudiantes y profesionales de conservación y restauración a describir el uso de mezclas de colores durante el tratamiento de la reintegración cromática.Ao escrever o relatório final, os conservadores-restauradores podem ficar indecisos sobre como descrever a mistura de cores usada no processo de reintegração cromática. Os relatórios podem parecer um pouco incompletos, especialmente se os dados técnicos estiverem em falta. As informações registradas são geralmente restritas ao tipo de tinta com indicação da marca e do tipo de aglutinante e pigmentos utilizados. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é propor um sistema mensurável que possa ajudar os estudantes e os profissionais de conservação e restauro a descrever o uso de misturas de cores durante o tratamento de reintegração cromática.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A model to improve the Evaluation and Selection of Public Contest´s Candidates (Police Officers) based on AI technologies

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsThe number of candidates applying to Public Contests is increasing compared to the number of Human Resources employees required for selecting them for Police Forces. This work intends to perceive how those Public Institutions can evaluate and select their candidates efficiently during the different phases of the recruitment process, and for achieving this purpose AI approaches will be studied. This paper presents two research questions and introduces a corresponding systematic literature review, focusing on AI technologies, so the reader is able to understand which are most used and more appropriate to be applied to Police Forces as a complementary recruitment strategy of the National Criminal Investigation Police agency of Portugal – Polícia Judiciária. Design Science Research (DSR) was the methodological approach chosen. The suggestion of a theoretical framework is the main contribution of this study in pair with the segmentation of the candidates (future Criminal Inspectors). It also helped to comprehend the most important facts facing Public Institutions regarding the usage of AI technologies, to make decisions about evaluating and selecting candidates. Following the PRISMA methodology guidelines, a systematic literature review and meta-analyses method was adopted to identify how can the usage and exploitation of transparent AI have a positive impact on the recruitment process of a Public Institution, resulting in an analysis of 34 papers published between 2017 and 2021. The AI-based theoretical framework, applicable within the analysis of literature papers, solves the problem of how the Institutions can gain insights about their candidates while profiling them; how to obtain more accurate information from the interview phase; and how to reach a more rigorous assessment of their emotional intelligence providing a better alignment of moral values. This way, this work aims to advise the improvement of the decision making to be taken by a recruiter of a Police Force Institution, turning it into a more automated and evidence-based decision when it comes to recruiting the adequate candidate for the place

    O acerto de cores na reintegração cromática: a influência dos três atributos da cor e dos fenómenos óticos de distorção visual

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    Our visual perception is strongly influenced by the anatomical structure of the eye and bylighting conditions. While looking at the painting, we perceive existing colour attributes,using retinal photoreceptors – cones – that serve our vision at higher luminance levels. Lighting, on the other hand, affects our colour discrimination as well as our perception ofthree dimensions of colour. During the retouching process our visual system can be affected by multiple optical impressionsthat many painting conservators are not fully aware of. Colour distortion phenomena canimpact our observation stealthily, while producing simultaneous contrasts and after images that interfere with our colour discrimination as well as our decisions in pigment mixing.The aim of this paper is to analyse these optical properties and to provide practical guidelines that will minimize colour distortion. One of the proposals is the use of 18% reflective grey card to cover adjacent colours around the paint loss. This method can be adopted as a helpful implement for tuning our colour perception.Nuestra percepción visual está fuertemente influenciada por la estructura anatómica del ojo y por las condiciones de iluminación. Visualizamos los atributos de color existentes en una pintura a través de las células fotorreceptores de la retina – conos – que utilizan nuestra visión en niveles elevados de iluminación. La iluminación, por otro lado, afecta a nuestra discriminación de color, así como la percepción de las tres dimensiones de color. Durante el proceso de reintegración cromática nuestro sistema visual puede verse afectado por varios fenómenos de distorsión de los colores, de los que muchos conservadores - restauradores de pintura no son plenamente conscientes. Son fenómenos que pueden influir en nuestra observación furtivamente, como el contraste simultáneo y el contraste sucesivo, y que interfieren en nuestras decisiones durante el proceso de identificación y mezcla de pigmentos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar esos efectos ópticos y ofrecer algunas orientaciones prácticas para minimizar las distorsiones visuales del color. Una de las principales propuestas es el uso de un cartón gris con un 18% de reflectividad. Este método puede ayudar a la percepción de los colores circundantes de una laguna, evitando alguno de esos fenómenos.A nossa percepção visual é fortemente influenciada pela estrutura anatómica do olho e pelas condições de iluminação. Visualizamos os atributos de cor existentes na pintura através das células fotorreceptoras da retina – cones – que servem a nossa visão em níveis elevados de iluminação. A iluminação, por outro lado, afecta a nossa discriminação de cor, bem como a percepção das três dimensões da cor. Durante o processo de reintegração cromática o nosso sistema visual pode ser afectado por vários fenómenos de distorção das cores que muitos conservadores de pintura não estão totalmente conscientes. São fenómenos que podem influenciar a nossa observação furtivamente, como o contraste simultâneo e o contrate sucessivo, e que interferem nas nossas decisões durante o processo de identificação e mistura de pigmentos. O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar estes efeitos ópticos e fornecer algumas orientações práticas para minimização destas distorções visuais da cor. Uma das principais propostas é o uso de um cartão com 18% de reflectividade. Este método pode ajudar na percepção das cores circundantes de uma dada lacuna, evitando alguns destes fenómenos

    Tear feature extraction with spatial analysis: a thangka case study

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    This paper on Conservation of Cultural Heritage explores the use of spatial analysis functions for feature extraction. The study evaluates the performance of neighbourhood functions for the delimitation of a tear in a thangka painting. The pathology area was documented with a non-conventional technique in painting conservation.Este estudio en Conservación de Patrimonio Cultural explora el uso de las funciones del análisis espacial para la identificación de características de la superficie. El artículo evalúa el comportamiento de las funciones de proximidad en la delimitación de un desgarro en una pintura thangka. La zona de la patología ha sido documentada con una técnica no convencional de diagnóstico en conservación de pintura.Este artigo em Conservação de Património Cultural explora a utilização de funções de análise espacial para extracção de características da superfície. O estudo avalia o comportamento das funções de vizinhança na determinação de um rasgão numa pintura thangka. A patologia foi documentada por intermédio de uma técnica de diagnóstico em conservação de pintura não convencional

    Hydroxamate production as a high affinity iron acquisition mechanism in Paracoccidioides Spp.

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    Iron is a micronutrient required by almost all living organisms, including fungi. Although this metal is abundant, its bioavailability is low either in aerobic environments or within mammalian hosts. As a consequence, pathogenic microorganisms evolved high affinity iron acquisition mechanisms which include the production and uptake of siderophores. Here we investigated the utilization of these molecules by species of the Paracoccidioides genus, the causative agents of a systemic mycosis. It was demonstrated that iron starvation induces the expression of Paracoccidioides ortholog genes for siderophore biosynthesis and transport. Reversed-phase HPLC analysis revealed that the fungus produces and secretes coprogen B, which generates dimerumic acid as a breakdown product. Ferricrocin and ferrichrome C were detected in Paracoccidioides as the intracellular produced siderophores. Moreover, the fungus is also able to grow in presence of siderophores as the only iron sources, demonstrating that beyond producing, Paracoccidioides is also able to utilize siderophores for growth, including the xenosiderophore ferrioxamine. Exposure to exogenous ferrioxamine and dimerumic acid increased fungus survival during co-cultivation with macrophages indicating that these molecules play a role during host-pathogen interaction. Furthermore, cross-feeding experiments revealed that Paracoccidioides siderophores promotes growth of Aspergillus nidulans strain unable to produce these iron chelators. Together, these data denote that synthesis and utilization of siderophores is a mechanism used by Paracoccidioides to surpass iron limitation. As iron paucity is found within the host, siderophore production may be related to fungus pathogenicity

    6th International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage, RECH6

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    RECH Biennial Meeting is one of the largest educational and scientific events in Retouching field, an ideal venue for conservators and scientists to present their research results about retouching. The main focus will be to promote the exchange of ideas, concepts, terminology, methods, techniques and materials applied during the retouching process in different areas of conservation: mural painting, easel painting, sculpture, graphic documentation, architecture, plasterwork, photography, contemporary art, among others. This Meeting aims to address retouching by encouraging papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of this final task of the conservation and restoration intervention. The main theme embraces the concepts of retouching, the criteria and limits in the retouching process, the bad retouching impact on heritage and their technical and scientific developments.This Meeting will discuss real-life approaches on retouching, focusing on practical solutions and on sharing experiencesColomina Subiela, A.; Doménech García, B.; Bailão, A. (2023). 6th International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage, RECH6. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/RECH6.2021.1601

    II Colóquio “Investigações em Conservação do Património”

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