114 research outputs found
Una carta plomada inédita de Alfonso XI
This work presents an unpublished document of Alfonso XI of Castile directed to the authorities of Quesada so that they control the fulfillment of these privileges granted to the inhabitants of diverse border castles against those people whom they fraudulently tried to take advantage of the fiscal exemptions and other prerogatives that these privileges tolerated
Aportació a l'estudi de la gènesi documental del nomenament reial: els nomenaments d'oficials reials de Jaume II
During the reign of Jaume II the organization of the Chancellery and the real administration receives an almost definitive push. The series of registries acquire a more complete and definitive diversification, that gave rise to the creation of new series and one more a more coherent distribution of the documentation copied in them. A new series of this reign is the one of the registries "Officialium", in which the appointments of real officials of Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia were copied. The present work contributes data for the study of the elaboration documentary of the appointments of the Catalan real officials
Una carta plomada inédita de Alfonso XI
This work presents an unpublished document of Alfonso XI of Castile directed to the authorities of Quesada so that they control the fulfillment of these privileges granted to the inhabitants of diverse border castles against those people whom they fraudulently tried to take advantage of the fiscal exemptions and other prerogatives that these privileges tolerated
Els manuscrits de la Catedral de Tortosa en un inventari de 1420
This work shows the inventary of the Tortosa Cathedral's Library at the beginning of the 15th century, a great number of manuscripts gathered since the restoration of the episcopacy in 1151. The inventary sets up a division of the books depending on the subjects and gives information about its distribution, preservation, material support and, in same cases, its origin.[fr] Cet travail présente l'inventaire de la Bibliothèque de la Cathédrale de Tortosa du début du XVe siècle, un fonds manuscrit rassemblé depuis la restauration de l'évêché l'année 1151. L'inventaire établi une division des libres par matières et atémoigne de sa distribution, leur état de conservation, leur support material et, en quelque cas, leur provenance
Fluid structure interaction by means of variational multiscale reduced order models
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [ Tello, A, Codina, R, Baiges, J. Fluid structure interaction by means of variational multiscale reduced order models. Int J Numer Methods Eng. 2020; 121: 2601– 2625. https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.6321 ], which has been published in final form at [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/nme.6321]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingA reduced order model designed by means of a variational multiscale stabilized formulation has been applied successfully to fluid-structure interaction problems in a strongly coupled partitioned solution scheme. Details of the formulation and the implementation both for the interaction problem and for the reduced models, for both the off-line and on-line phases, are shown. Results are obtained for cases in which both domains are reduced at the same time. Numerical results are presented for a semistationary and a fully transient case.A.T. wants to acknowledge the doctoral scholarship received from the Colombian Government-Colciencias. R.C. acknowledges the support received from the ICREA Acadèmia Research Program of the Catalan Government. J.B. acknowledges the support of the Spanish Government through the Ramón y Cajal grant RYC-2015-17367. This work is partially funded through the ELASTIC-FLOWproject, Ref. DPI2015-67857-R of the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
The last volumes of Catalunya carolÃngia
Aquesta contribució al Congrés Homenatge a Ramon d’Abadal i Vinyals (1888-1970), presenta els volums de la col·lecció Catalunya carolÃngia publicats després de la mort del seu creador i impulsor, Ramon d’Abadal i de Vinyals, que completen la part del diplomatari de l’obra tal com havia estat planificada. Se centra, doncs, en els volums IV a VIII de la col·lecció.This contribution to the Congress Tribute to Ramon d’Abadal i de Vinyals (1888-1970), presents the volumes of the collection Catalunya carolÃngia published after the death of its creator and promoter, Ramon d’Abadal i de Vinyals, which complete the part of the diplomat of the work as planned. It therefore focuses on volumes IV to VIII of the collection
Fijación hÃbrida de componentes en la artroplastia de revisión de rodilla. Resultados clÃnicos, radiológicos y gammagráficos a medio plazo.
Introducción: La fijación hÃbrida en la artroplastia de revisión de rodilla es uno de los tratamientos más comunes en los aflojamientos protésicos. Material y métodos: Estudiamos una serie de 19 pacientes intervenidos mediante el sistema de revisión P.F.C. TC-3 Sigma (De Puy) desde Enero 2001 a Diciembre de 2004. La edad media fue de 73.4 años. Los pacientes fueron estudiados clÃnica, radiológica y gammagráficamente mediante la escala de la Sociedad Americana de la Rodilla (KSS), la escala radiológica de la Sociedad Americana de la Rodilla modificada por Fehring y el Ãndice de salud SF-36. El tiempo de seguimiento medio fue de dos años. Resultados: La escala clÃnica de la rodilla aumentó de 27,8 puntos a 58,4 (11-95) y la funcional de 37,4 a 59,8 (25-100). Según el estudio radiográfico 17 de los 19 implantes femorales no cementados fueron definidos estables, dos se catalogaron de posible aflojamiento que requerÃan seguimiento estrecho, ningún caso se definió como movilizado. En el implante tibial sólo un caso se consideró posiblemente aflojado, el resto eran estables. Respecto al estudio gammagráfico la prueba resultó positiva en 12 tibias y 8 fémures. Se obtuvo inferencia significativa entre el Ãndice SF-36 y la escala de la KSS. Conclusiones: El sistema PFC TC 3 Sigma ha demostrado unos buenos resultados a medio plazo. Mediante la exploración y el sistema de escalas KSS hemos podido obtener conclusiones reales sobre la estabilidad radiológica y los resultados a largo plazo de los estudios de imagen y su posible relación en el aflojamiento aséptico.Background: The revision total knee arthroplasty
using hybrid stem fixation is one of the most common methods
in the prosthesis loosening treatment.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 19 patients who under-
went revision total knee PFC TC-3 Sigma performed between
January 2001 to December 2004. The averaged age was 73.4
years at the time of operation. Patients were evaluated clini-
cally, radiographic and scintygraphic using the American Knee
society score, the Knee Society total knee arthroplasty roent-
genographic evaluation modified by Fehring and the SF-36. The
average follow-up was two years. Results: The average knee
score improved from 27,8 points to 58,4 (11-95). The average
functional score improved from 37,4 points to 59,8 (25-100).
According to the radiographic study 17 of the 19 femoral
implants with cementless stems were considered stable, 2
were categorized as possibly loose requiring close follow up,
and none were loose. In the tibial implants only one case
were considered possibly loose, the rest was stable. With
respect to scintygraphic evaluation the bone scan was posi-
tive in 12 cases in tibia and 8 in femur. A estatistical signifi-
cance was found between the SF-36 and the KSS score.
Conclusion: The PFC TC-3 Sigma system has demonstrated a
good midterm results. By means the exploration and the KSS
score we have obtained real conclusions on radiographic sta-
bility and scintigraphic scan. It will be necessary to consider
the long term results of the images studies and the possible
relation with the aseptic loosening
Colección diplomática del Monasterio de San Matias de religiosas Jerónimas de Barcelona : 1426-1789
Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenció del Grau d'Història. Facultat de Geografia i Història. Universitat de Barcelona. Directora: Josefina Mateu Ibars. 1978
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