21 research outputs found

    Dob početka treninga hrvanja, hrvačko iskustvo i dob vrhunskih sportskih postignuća ā€“ trendovi u periodu 2002-2012

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    The aim of this study was to establish the trend of beginning age, years of experience and peak performance age of wrestlers who won their first European Championshipsā€™ (ECh) medal in the period from 2002 to 2012, and to determine probable differences in those parameters between the weight categories. The study was conducted on a sample of 180 wrestlers. Winners of ECh medals began with wrestling at the age of 10.27Ā±2.79 years, they had had 14.61Ā±4.02 years of wrestling experience before they won a medal and they won the medal at the age of 24.86Ā±3.29 years. The obtained statistical differences (p2007, 2011, and age 2004>2006, 2007, 2010, 2011. Differences between weight categories are: beginning: 120>60, 66, 74, 84, 96; age of experience 55<74, 84, 96; peak performance 55<66, 96; 60<66, 96, 120. The findings suggest one should begin with wrestling approximately at the age of 10 years. Years of experience and peak performance age are significantly correlated variables. In the lightest and the heaviest weight categories the wrestlers began with wrestling at a later age and the period of wrestling before winning the first medal is shorter. In heavier categories it was necessary to reach mature wrestling age. This study offers wrestling coaches a precise set of information on when to begin with wrestling and at which age one can expect a wrestler to win the first major competition in accordance with his weight category.Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi sljedeće trendove: dob (u godinama) u kojoj se počinje s hrvanjem, iskustvo (u godinama) i dob vrhunskih sportskih postignuća hrvača koji su osvojili svoju prvu medalju na europskim prvenstvima u periodu od 2002. do 2012. godine te utvrditi moguće razlike u tim parametrima među težinskim kategorijama. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 180 hrvača. Osvajači europskih medalja počeli su se baviti hrvanjem u dobi od 10,27Ā±2,79 godina; imali su 14,61Ā±4,02 godina hrvačkog iskustva prije osvajanja svoga prvoga europskog odličja, a medalju su osvojili u dobi od 24,86Ā±3,29 godina. Dobivene su statistički značajne razlike (p2007, 2011; dobi 2004>2006, 2007, 2010, 2011. Značajne razlike među težinskim kategorijama dobivene su u: dobi početka bavljenja hrvanjem 120>60, 66, 74, 84, 96; godinama iskustva 55<74, 84, 96; zrelosti za postizanje najboljih rezultata 55<66, 96; 60<66, 96, 120. Istraživanje je pokazalo da bi se hrvanjem trebalo početi baviti u dobi od 10 godina. Postoji značajna korelacija između iskustva i zrelosti kada se postižu najbolji rezultati. U najlakÅ”oj se i najtežoj težinskoj kategoriji hrvači počinju baviti hrvanjem kasnije i imaju manje iskustva u trenutku osvajanja prve europske medalje. U najtežoj težinskoj kategoriji hrvači trebaju imati viÅ”e godina da bi ostvarili najbolje rezultate. Ovo istraživanje nudi trenerima precizne informacije o tome kada početi hrvati te kada od hrvača očekivati da će osvojiti svoje prvo značajno natjecanje sukladno svojoj težinskoj kategoriji

    Razlike u kondicijskoj pripremljenosti između hrvača klasičnim i slobodnim načinom borenja

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    Increasing the physical fitness level is the basic goal of all types of sport preparation. The importance of certain physical fitness abilities for success in a wrestling bout varies in wrestlers of various wrestling styles and age. The aim of this research was to identify the differences between the classical style (Greco-Roman) and the free style wrestlers in the variables assessing physical fitness. The research was conducted on the sample comprised of 107 top-level classical style (n=46) and free style (n=61) wrestlers 17 to 20 years of age, all Polish junior national team members. The measuring instrument consisted of 18 tests, most of them being the test battery of Starosta and Trocewski for advanced wrestlers, aimed at assessing the general and the wrestling-specific physical fitness level. The obtained results were processed by the canonical discriminant analysis and by the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). The discriminant factor defined as the strength endurance of the trunk and upper extremities statistically significantly discriminated between the classical and the free style wrestlers. It was found that the group of top-level junior free style wrestlers had statistically significantly more expressed strength endurance of the trunk and upper extremities than the group of top-level junior classical style wrestlers. The authors assumed the obtained results had been induced by the specific features of each wrestling style.Uvod Podizanje razine kondicijskih sposobnosti bazični je dio svih vrsta pripreme hrvača za natjecanje. To je jedan od izuzetno bitnih segmenata trenažnog programa i uvjet adekvatne pripreme za vrhunska sportska dostignuća. Međutim, broj dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja u kojima su se autori bavili razlikama u kondicijskoj pripremi hrvača različitog načina borenja vrlo je malen (Rybalko, 1966; Starosta, 1984; Starosta, 1984, 2006; Rezasoltani i sur., 2005). Uz navedeni problem malog broja dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja, uočena je i tendencija napretka kondicijske pripreme u hrvanju unatrag desetak godina (Dinev i sur., 1991; Starosta i sur., 1998). Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između vrhunskih hrvača slobodnog i klasičnog načina borenja u varijablama za procjenu kondicjske pripremljenosti. Metode Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 107 vrhunskih hrvača klasičnog i slobodnog načina borenja u dobi od 17 do 20 godina. U navedenom uzorku nalazi se 46 hrvača klasičnog načina borenja i 61 hrvač slobodnog načina borenja, a svi su imali isti sportski razred ā€“ bili su članovi poljske reprezentacije. Uzorak mjernih instrumenata činilo je 18 testova opće i specifične kondicijske pripremljenosti, koji najvećim dijelom čine poznati poljski komplet testova za napredne hrvače (Starosta i Tra-cewski, 1981), koji je preveden i na hrvatski (Baić, 2006). Dobiveni rezultati obrađeni su kanoničkom diskriminacijskom analizom i univarijatnom analizom varijance (ANOVA). Mjerenja su provedena u Poljskoj za vrijeme održavanja kampa reprezentacije u 1998. i 2000. godini. Rezultati Rezultati ovoga istraživanja potvrđuju postojanje diskriminacijske funkcije koja statistički značajno razlikuje hrvače juniore klasičnog i slobodnog načina borenja u prostoru primijenjenih varijabli za procjenu kondicijske pripremljenosti. Najveće korelativne veze između varijabli za procjenu kondicijskih sposobnosti i diskriminacijske funkcije izračunate su kod varijabli za procjenu repetitivne snage trupa ā€“ podizanje trupa sa zasucima i opterećenjem, te za procjenu repetitivne snage ruku ā€“ zgibovi na preči i sklekovi na ručama. Na temelju takvih korelativnih veza te saznanja iz prijaÅ”njih istraživanja (Baić, 2006), ta diskriminacijska funkcija definirana je kao repetitivna snaga trupa i gornjih ekstremiteta. Izračunavanjem centroida grupa, utvrđeno je da grupa vrhunskih hrvača slobodnog načina borenja ima statistički značajno viÅ”e izraženu repetitivnu snagu trupa i gornjih ekstremiteta od grupe hrvača klasičnog načina borenja. Nakon Å”to je potvrđena statistička značajnost razlika između grupe hrvača klasičnog i slobodnog načina borenja, testirana je značajnost razlika za svaku pojedinu varijablu. Univarijatnom analizom varijance, utvrđeno je da su varijable: maksimalni okret u skoku, trčanje cik-cak, zgibovi na preči nathvatom, sklekovi na ručama, podizanje maksimalne težine iz ležanja, podizanje trupa sa zasucima i opterećenjem, trzaj maksimalne težine, skok u vis s mjesta, zaklon trupa iz ležanja potrbuÅ”ke, premeti unatrag, most iz stojećeg položaja te sklopka s vrata statistički značajno razlikovale hrvače juniore klasičnog i slobodnog načina borenja. Kao dopunska metoda za detaljniju interpretaciju dobivenih rezultata koriÅ”teno je vrednovanjeprosječnih numeričkih rezultata pomoću 100-bodovne T-skale (Starosta, 1984). Rasprava i zaključci Rezulate dobivene diskriminacijskom analizom autori objaÅ”njavaju specifičnostima svakog načina borenja. Za razliku od hrvača klasičnim načinom hrvači slobodnim načinom borenja ostvarili su bolje rezultate u testovima za procjenu repetitivne snage trupa i ruku. To je moguće objasniti većom kompleksnoŔću toga načina borenja (Marić, 1990; Shahmuradov, 1996). Naime, u slobodnom načinu borenja mogu se koristiti sve tehnike iz klasičnog načina borenja, ali i tehnike koje uključuju hvatove za noge bilo rukama bilo nogama. Posljedica svega toga je i veća važnost dobre kondicijske pripreme trupa i gornjih ekstremiteta kod hrvača slobodnim načinom borenja, koja omogućuje dugotrajno uvježbavanje velikog broja tehničko-taktičkih elemenata za vrijeme treninga te njihovo efikasno i učestalo izvođenje u otežanim uvjetima na natjecanjima. Na temelju analize značajnosti razlika, provedene univarijatnom analizom varijance, s velikom sigurnoŔću se može zaključiti i sljedeće: 1 Hrvači juniori klasičnim načinom imaju bolju specifičnu koordinaciju tipa okretnosti u zraku oko uzdužne osovine, agilnosti tipa promjene smjera kretanja te bolju fleksibilnost lumbalnog dijela kralježnice. 2 Hrvači juniori slobodnim načinom imaju bolju specifičnu koordinaciju tipa okretnost u zraku oko poprečne osovine, repetitivnu snagu ruku i trupa, apsolutnu maksimalnu snagu opružača ruku i trupa, eksplozivnu snagu tipa skočnost i specifičnu brzinu tipa spuÅ”tanja u stražnji most iz stojećeg stava


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ustanoviti postoje li značajne razlike između hrvača i kickboksača u izmjerenim vrijednostima laktata prije, tijekom i nakon borbe. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 28 boraca (14 hrvača i 14 kickboksača). Natjecateljima su uzimani uzorci krvi iz kojih su očitane laktatne vrijednosti u četiri točke: prije početka prve runde (nakon zagrijavanja), nakon prve, druge i treće runde. U drugom, trećem i četvrtom mjerenju hrvači su imali statistički značajno viÅ”e vrijednosti laktata nego kickboksači: nakon zagrijavanja kod hrvača je izmjerena prosječna vrijednost laktata 2,57 mml/L a kod kickboksača 1,98 mml/L, nakon prve runde kod hrvača je izmjereno 9,29 mml/l a kod kickboksača 6,71 mml/L Å”to se statistički značajno razlikuje (na razini p<0,00), iza druge runde hrvačima je izmjereno 12,06 mml/L a kickboksačima 9,20 mml/L Å”to se statistički značajno razlikuje (na razini p<0,00), a nakon treće runde prosječna vrijednost laktata je kod hrvača iznosila 13,03 mml/L a kod kickboksača 10,02 mml/L Å”to se statistički značajno razlikuje (na razini p<0,00). Rezultati pokazuju da je znatno veći udio energije dobivane anaerobnim izvorima u hrvanju. Ovaj rad može dati smjernice trenerima u planiranju trenažnog procesa. Udio anaerobnog treninga u pripremi hrvača trebao bi biti mnogo viÅ”i nego u kickboksačaThe aim of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences between wrestlers and kickboxers in the measured lactate values before, during and after the fight. The study was conducted on a sample of 28 contestants (14 wrestlers and 14 kickboxers). Competitors were taken blood samples from which lactate values were read in four points: before the first bout (after warm up), after the first, second and third bouts. In second, third and fourth measurement wrestlers had significantly higher levels of lactate than kickboxers: wrestlers were measured approximate lactate value of 2,57 mml/L and kickboxers 1,98mmlL after warm up. After the first bout wrestlers had 9,29 mml/L and kickboxers 6,71 mml/L, i.e. there are significant differences between groups (p <0,05). After the second bout wrestlers had 12,06 mml/L and kickboxers 9,20 mml/L, i.e. there are significant differences between groups (p <0,05). After the third bout wrestlers had 13,03 mml/L and kickboxers 10,02 mml/L, i.e. there are significant differences between groups (p <0,01). The results have shown that a significantly higher amount of energy was obtained by anaerobic sources in wrestling. The study can provide guidance to trainers in training process. The amount of anaerobic training in preparation of wrestlers should be much higher than in in preparation of kickboxers

    The Effects of Basic Fitness Parameters on the Implementation of Specific Military Activities

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether basic fitness parameters have the impact on the specific military activity such as walking 18km with 25kg of load. The members of Croatian Armed Forces (30 soldiers) were tested before the beginning of the training program. The study has included variables for the assessment of muscular endurance: push- -ups in 2 minutes, sit-ups in 2 minutes, maximum number of pull-ups before dropping from the bar, bench press with 70% of body weight-max number of repetitions, max number of squats for 60 seconds, then the variables for the assessment of aerobic capacity: the 3200m run and relative oxygen uptake using the direct method of measurement on a treadmill as well as the variable for the assessment of body fat (body fat %). As the criterion variable, it was used the 18 km walking with 25 kg of load. The results of the regression analysis have shown statistically significant relation of predictor variables with the criterion variable. The two variables, 3200m run and RVO2 had a significant Beta coefficient. Based on the obtained results it could be concluded that great cardio-respiratory endurance has a much larger impact on the walking length of 18 km with a load of 25kg than other fitness parameters

    Effects of two Different 5 Weeks Training Programs on the Physical Fitness of Military Recruits

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of programmed continuous endurance and relative strength training (CERS) with the basic military physical readiness training (BMPR) on the physical readiness. Croatian military recruits (21.3Ā±1.9 years) were divided in the CERS (N=48) and BMPR (N=76) groups. Training sessions were conducted three times a week for a total of 5 weeks. The t-test determined positive training effects for both training programs. Significant positive changes in BMPR group were measured in almost all measured variables. In CERS group, besides the 20 m dash run, statistically significant positive changes were not determined in standing horizontal jump, pull-ups and sit and reach test. The positive training effects in both training groups were achieved because of the low initial physical readiness level of the recruits and a short training period in which the statistically significant differences between programs could not be achieved

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Are Sedentary Behaviors Associated with Sleep Duration? A Cross-Sectional Case from Croatia

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    Although both sedentary behavior and sleep duration are risk factors for obesity, little evidence is provided regarding their mutual associations in young adults, who are at extreme risk of spending more time sitting and having irregular sleeping hygiene. Thus, the main purpose of the present study was to explore the associations between different sedentary behaviors and sleep duration. In this cross-sectional study, we recruited 2100 university students from the city of Zagreb. To assess sedentary behaviors and sleep duration, we used validated questionnaires. The associations between sedentary behaviors and sleep duration were analyzed using logistic regression analyses and were adjusted for sex, body-mass index, self-rated health, socioeconomic status, smoking status, binge drinking, psychological distress and chronic disease/s. Participants being in the third (OR = 1.45; 95% CI 1.05 to 2.01) and fourth (OR = 1.82; 95% CI 1.26 to 2.61) quartile of the screen-time, in the third (OR = 1.49; 95% CI 1.05 to 2.13) and fourth (OR = 1.72; 95% CI 1.22 to 2.42) quartile of the leisure-time sedentary behavior and in the fourth (OR = 1.45; 95% CI 1.04 to 2.02) quartile of the total sedentary behavior were more likely to be &lsquo;short&rsquo; sleepers (&lt;7 h). Also, participants being in the third (OR = 1.63; 95% CI 1.16 to 2.30) and fourth (OR = 1.93; 95% CI 1.33 to 2.81) quartile of the screen-time and in the fourth (OR = 1.45; 95% CI 1.05 to 2.00) quartile of the total sedentary behavior were more likely to be &lsquo;long&rsquo; sleepers (&gt;9 h). Our study shows that sedentary behavior in screen-time and total sedentary behavior are associated with both &lsquo;short&rsquo; and &lsquo;long&rsquo; sleep duration

    Mood aspects of rapid weight loss in adolescent wrestlers

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    The aims of this paper were: a) to present weight reduction habits of adolescent wrestlers; b) to establish differences in mood states between weight groups; and c) to determine relations between weight loss and indicators of hydration with mood states. Adolescent wrestlers do resort to rapid weight loss (RWL) regimens in their training process and competition ā€“ 70.1% of the subjects reduced their body mass and the reduction regime usually lasted one week. Similar habits have been reported in other studies despite the well evidenced detrimental effects of RWL. Urine specific gravity (USG) values suggest that all the subjects were in the state of dehydration ranging from a mild to a high one. The groups of low weight (LW) and middle weight (MW) wrestlers reduced their body mass significantly more than others (BM; p<.05) and their sensation of fatigue was significantly higher (p<.05). The variables body mass reduction and %BM reduction were correlated with negative mood states, whereas the indicators of hydration in one of the groups (MW) established ambiguous relations with dehydration and positive mood states