604 research outputs found

    Ωcγ→Ωc∗\Omega_c \gamma \rightarrow\Omega_c^\ast transition in lattice QCD

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    We study the electromagnetic Ωcγ→Ωc∗\Omega_c \gamma \rightarrow\Omega_c^\ast transition in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD, which gives access to the dominant decay mode of Ωc∗\Omega_c^\ast baryon. The magnetic dipole and the electric quadrupole transition form factors are computed. The magnetic dipole form factor is found to be mainly determined by the strange quark and the electric quadrupole form factor to be negligibly small, in consistency with the quark model. We also evaluate the helicity amplitudes and the decay rate.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Added references and discussio

    Closed timelike curves and geodesics of Godel-type metrics

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    it is shown explicitly that when the characteristic vector field that defines a Godel-type metric is also a Killing vector, there always exist closed timelike or null curves in spacetimes described by such a metric. For these geometries, the geodesic curves are also shown to be characterized by a lower-dimensional Lorentz force equation for a charged point particle in the relevant Riemannian background. Moreover, two explicit examples are given for which timelike and null geodesics can never be closed

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Minat Pembelian Produk Smartphone yang di Mediasi oleh Gaya Hidup Hedonis

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social media on smartphone purchase interest through the hedonic lifestyle as an intervening variable. The population in this study were iPhone smartphone users in the city of Surakarta and surrounding areas. The sampling technique in this study uses non propability sampling by using Accidential Sampling or providing a link to fill out a questionnaire using Google Form. The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents. Analysis of the data in this study is to use the Path Analysis test with SPSS version 20. Where the variables used in this research are social media, purchase interest, and hedonic lifestyle. The results showed that social media had a significant positive effect on buying interest, Social Media had a significant positive effect on hedonic lifestyles, hedonic lifestyles had a significant positive effect on buying interest, social media had a significant positive effect on buying interest mediated by hedonic lifestyles. It can be concluded that the results of the study prove that the hedonic lifestyle has a role as an intervening variable between social media and buying interest

    Kajian Program Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) di DKI Jakarta

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    The slaughterhouse is responsible for the Occupational Safety and Health of the workers and other people related to the activities. The purpose of the study was to examine the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety program at abattoir in DKI Jakarta. This study uses the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control (HIRARC) method as a guideline for identifying potential hazards and health problems in slaughterhouses. The results of the hazard severity assessment (Severity) based on risk analysis and risk evaluation show that the percentage of the impact of very light risk is 7%, light risk is 34% the impact of currently risk is 34%, the impact of heavy risk is 21% and the impact of fatal risk is 3%. The probability of an accident (likelihood) in the three abattoirs shows that abattoir C is less likely to have an accident with a percentage of 53%. The smaller of production capacity of an abattoir, the less likely an accident will occur. Risk control can be carried out by elimination, substitution, technicalcontrol, administrative control, and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Innate lymphoid cell characterization in the rat and their correlation to gut commensal microbes.

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are important for tissue immune homeostasis, and are thoroughly characterized in mice and humans. Here, we have performed in-depth characterization of rat ILCs. Rat ILCs were identified based on differential expression of transcription factors and lack of lineage markers. ILC3s represented the major ILC population of the small intestine, while ILC2s were infrequent but most prominent in liver and adipose tissue. Two major subsets of group 1 ILCs were defined. Lineage- T-bet+ Eomes+ cells were identified as conventional NK cells, while lineage- T-bet+ Eomes- cells were identified as the probable rat counterpart of ILC1s based on their selective expression of the ILC marker CD200R. Rat ILC1s were particularly abundant in liver and intestinal tissues, and were functionally similar to NK cells. Single-cell transcriptomics of spleen and liver cells confirmed the main division of NK cells and ILC1-like cells, and demonstrated Granzyme A as an additional ILC1 marker. We further report differential distributions of NK cells and ILCs along the small and large intestines, and the association of certain bacterial taxa to frequencies of ILCs. In conclusion, we provide a framework for future studies of ILCs in diverse rat experimental models, and novel data on the potential interplay between commensals and intestinal ILCs

    Radiative transitions of doubly charmed baryons in lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the spin-3/2→spin-1/2 electromagnetic transitions of the doubly charmed baryons on 2+1 flavor, 323×64 PACS-CS lattices with a pion mass of 156(9) MeV/c2. A relativistic heavy quark action is employed to minimize the associated systematic errors on charm-quark observables. We extract the magnetic dipole, M1, and the electric quadrupole, E2, transition form factors. In order to make a reliable estimate of the M1 form factor, we carry out an analysis by including the effect of excited-state contributions. We find that the M1 transition is dominant and light degrees of freedom (u/d- or s-quark) play the leading role. E2 form factors, on the other hand, are found to be negligibly small, which in turn, have a minimal effect on the helicity and transition amplitudes. We predict the decay widths and lifetimes of Ξcc∗+,++ and Ωcc∗+ based on our results. Finite size effects on these ensembles are expected to be around 1%. Differences in kinematical and dynamical factors with respect to the Nγ→Δ transition are discussed and compared to nonlattice determinations while keeping possible systematic artifacts in mind. A comparison to Ωcγ→Ωc∗ transition and a discussion on systematic errors related to the choice of heavy quark action are also given. Results we present here are particularly suggestive for experimental facilities such as LHCb, PANDA, Belle II, and BESIII to search for further states.TÜBİTAK ; KAKENHIPublisher versio

    Muc2-dependent microbial colonization of the jejunal mucus layer is diet sensitive and confers local resistance to enteric pathogen infection.

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    Intestinal mucus barriers normally prevent microbial infections but are sensitive to diet-dependent changes in the luminal environment. Here we demonstrate that mice fed a Western-style diet (WSD) suffer regiospecific failure of the mucus barrier in the small intestinal jejunum caused by diet-induced mucus aggregation. Mucus barrier disruption due to either WSD exposure or chromosomal Muc2 deletion results in collapse of the commensal jejunal microbiota, which in turn sensitizes mice to atypical jejunal colonization by the enteric pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. We illustrate the jejunal mucus layer as a microbial habitat, and link the regiospecific mucus dependency of the microbiota to distinctive properties of the jejunal niche. Together, our data demonstrate a symbiotic mucus-microbiota relationship that normally prevents jejunal pathogen colonization, but is highly sensitive to disruption by exposure to a WSD
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